"The Lieyang God was killed!!!"

This news immediately spread among the human Spirit Master groups in the God Realm, and everyone was shocked and angry except for a small number of Lien Sun God opponents.

You must know that Lieyang Tianshen has been the chief law enforcement deity for more than 100,000 years.

In these more than 100,000 years, his prestige has accumulated very high.

Even in the eyes of many people, Lieyang Tianshen is the leader of the human Spirit Master in the God Realm.

Now that their leader is killed, can they not be outraged?

For the elders of the elders who were above the seventh level of the gods, the Lieyang god was their chosen spokesperson and their face.

Now that his face has been killed by someone, it would be strange if these old guys were not angry.

"Check! We must find out who did it!"

"This is provoking our majesty, and this matter must be investigated!"

"The murderer must be severely punished, otherwise everyone thinks that I am kind and can be bullied. 55

"That's right! After checking it out, you must kill the murderer with thunder, or else how can you justify the power of my human Spirit Master?

In a stern voice, dozens of figures with powerful breath appeared in a gorgeous palace "Two Five Zero"


In the center of the palace is a huge round table with 47 chairs around it.

But the chairs come in black, silver, gold, and the most noble purple.

There are only three purple chairs, and the rest are of various colors.

From the lowest black to the highest purple, these chairs correspond to the strength of the seventh heaven and tenth heaven respectively.

At this moment, a figure shrouded in black mist appeared on the purple chair in the north.


The dark shadow snorted heavily, blasting like thunder in everyone's ears, and then only heard him coldly say: "Every one of them is chatting here, what kind of decency!? There is also a little elder's. like?"

"Master Mirage! 9

Seeing the figures shrouded in the black mist, everyone hurriedly stopped to discuss, and all stood up respectfully and bowed their hands.

Shadow god.

One of the pinnacle gods among the human Spirit Masters, and one of the three giants of the elders.

This person is one of the core rulers of the Spirit Master of the human beings in the divine world, and the Lieyang Tianshen is just a puppet that they have pushed out.

If the Shadow God nods his head, the Lieyang God can be removed completely.


The Shadow God nodded, then looked at the two purple chairs that were still under control, and slowly closed his eyes.

"When the other two adults come, let's start the supreme meeting." Someone whispered.

The other two giants have not come, and the Supreme Council cannot proceed.

shuh~ shuh~

In less than a minute, two figures appeared on the remaining two purple chairs.

One was shrouded in hazy white rays of light, and he couldn't see his appearance clearly, but according to his body shape, it could be seen that the other party was a woman.

The other did not cover up his appearance, it was an old man with gray hair.

Wrinkled face.

"Meet the Phoenix/Master Xuantian!

Many gods present hurriedly stood up to salute the two, and even the demon gods nodded to them.

Phoenix God!

Xuan Tian God!

The peak gods born in the tenth heaven, the two giants in the Spirit Master of the human beings in the divine world.

"Okay, since the two have already arrived, let's start the highest meeting." The Demon Shadow God said lightly.

Xuan Tiantian nodded and asked: "We already know the matter, that little guy Lieyang was killed, do you know who did it?"

"Three adults, after investigation, this is the case... 35

A purple-clothed powerhouse of the seventh heaven of the gods stood up, and he was another of the three law enforcement gods.

Although it was a good thing for him that Lieyang Tianshen died, after all, the other party kept pressing him, but this kind of thing can be secretly entertained in his heart. Now, how Lieyang Tianshen died must be investigated clearly.

Otherwise, he and another law enforcement god would be the biggest suspect.

"The Demon Bull King, who was sealed by the Lieyang God 80,000 years ago, broke through the seal more than two months ago, but at the time of the war between our clan and the Demon Clan and the Demon Wolf Clan, the Lieyang God, out of selfishness, took this Postponing the matter.""

"After the war ended a few days ago, he brought the Thunder Fire God and the Frost God to the Wuhun Continent, preparing to seal the Demon Bull King again.

"But I don't know what happened during the period? Lieyang Tianshen died in the Martial Soul Continent, and all the Frost Ice and Thunder Fire Gods who went with him were also killed."

Ziyi Tianshen made things clear in a few words.

Although Lieyang Tianshen concealed the fact that the Demon Bull King escaped from the seal, there is no impermeable wall in the world, and the incident has been happening for more than two months. Naturally, someone has investigated this matter.

"According to what you mean, could it be that the Demon Bull King who broke through the seal killed Lie Yang!?" The clear voice of the Phoenix Heavenly God sounded.

"Impossible! 39

As soon as this remark came out, the shadow god was the first to shake his head: "That cowboy was only the cultivation of the god of the fifth heaven 80,000 years ago, even if he breaks through the seal now, his strength will not be there. What improvement, even because the sealing time is too long, the strength may not be as good as before.

And Lie Yang's cultivation has been improving very fast over the years, and he is already the seventh heaven of the gods.

How could Lieyang be killed by that bully when the two powers were increasing and decreasing?

What's more, Lie Yang also brought two helpers. "

"Could it be that the murderer is someone else? You must know that in the land abandoned by the gods on the Wuhun Continent, without the original soul power, it is impossible for any decent powerhouse to appear. 35 Phoenix God continued to ask.

"Is the murderer the cowboy? I have to ask Xuantian to judge.

The Demon Shadow Heavenly God turned his attention to Xuantian God, who had been silent, and said, "If it wasn't for the Demon Bull King, then someone might be targeting us on purpose.

Others also turned their attention to Xuan Tianshen.

Xuan Tianshen's martial spirit is a celestial disk, so he can calculate and fortune in the future.

His combat power is not the most powerful among the three giants, and his position is indeed the most important.

for countless years.

Under his divination ability, the human Spirit Master of the gods escaped countless crises.

"It wasn't made by the Demon Bull King, I had already done a divination before coming here.

Xuan Tianshen shook his head: "And I also fortuned that the Demon Bull King is... dead!"

All the gods have a shocking news..

"The Demon Bull King is dead!?"

After hearing the news, the people present only felt their scalps go numb.

A look of horror appeared in each of their eyes.

It is even more shocking than the death of Lieyang Tianshen.

"The death of Lie Yang is more a matter of our face, but the death of the Demon Bull King is a matter of our survival crisis. 35 The Demon Shadow God said in a serious tone.

"Yeah! The Demon Bull King couldn't die at all, otherwise he would have been killed 80,000 years ago.

He made enough mistakes to kill him 100 times, and even then we just sealed him because...he really can't die. "Phoenix God's face is also ugly.

The Demon Bull King is related to a big issue, that is, the survival and safety of the Spirit Master, the human beings in the divine world.

"What will happen when the Demon Bull King dies?" Some young gods were at a loss.

I don't know why this Demon Bull King is dead, why is it so important?

"As we all know, there are three tribes of Demons in the Hundred Grounds: Demons, Demons, and Bulls!""

"The most powerful of them is the Demon Cow Clan, the Demon Clan and Demon Wolf Clan combined are not as powerful as the Demon Cow Clan.

Their old patriarch is already a half-step ancient demon, and he is only a little away from stepping into the realm of ancient demons! 99

"If the Demon Cow Clan also dealt with our human Spirit Master and Soul Beast, perhaps we would have wiped out the clan long ago."

"Fortunately, King Dali actually took the princess of the Demon Bull Race by chance and gave birth to the Demon Bull King, so the Demon Bull Race's attitude towards our human race and soul beasts is not that bad."5

"Generally, it is the Demon Clan and Demon Wolf Clan that conflict with us.

"This is also an important reason why the Demon Bull King made such a big mistake back then and only sealed him without killing him."

"His father's great kingship is also second, and the bigger reason is the Demon Cow behind his mother. 39

"If the news of the Demon Bull King's death spreads, then... the Demon Bull Race will probably change their relatively mild attitude towards us immediately. 99

"Once the Demon Cow's attitude towards us becomes the same as that of the Demon Wolf Clan and the Demon Clan, we will have an existential crisis in Spirit Master 1.9.

Phantom God repeated the ins and outs of this incident.

"This is nothing short of a catastrophe! 35

"Once the powerful Demon Bulls attack us, then our human Spirit Master may be wiped out.

"Check! The murderer must be found out and caught, so that the Demon Cow Clan can give an explanation."

After listening to the cause and effect, everyone immediately said with a firm expression that they would find the murderer.

"Xuantian, can you predict who the murderer is?" The Demon Shadow God turned his attention to Xuantian God.


Everyone else's eyes were cast.


Looking at the eyes of everyone, Xuan Tianshen's expression seemed a little strange.

"I really haven't figured out who the murderer is? It seems that there is something hiding the other party's secret, or the other party's strength is higher than mine.

"But for the murderer, I have divination and two very strange results..."

Xuan Tiantian said hesitantly.

It seemed that he himself could not believe these two results.

"Two very strange results!?" Everyone was puzzled after hearing this.

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