I take the earth to wander

Chapter 137 Caught You

The smell of rust and engine oil filled the nostrils.

Severe coughing sounded from time to time all around.

You don't need to look to know that they are all the poorest people who have not undergone respiratory modification.

Lin Xu has now suspended normal lung breathing, and instead uses nano-robots to transport oxygen into the body and participate in blood oxygenation activities in the body.

Ms. Qiu, Nan Zhu, Mu Xiyue, and Lu Yao were also like this, thus avoiding the harmful air and continuous damage to the body.

"Flesh and blood are so fragile. You have just come here and don't understand the greatness of machinery. Believe me, it won't take long before you will gradually start to dislike your own flesh and blood." For Lin Xu and the others The bald man who led the way said to several people in a low voice.

The bald man is a black intermediary that Lin Xu met in the black market for renting out houses.

Although there are also high-end hotels on Capital Star, Lin Xu and others who sneaked in with special methods are naturally unable to stay in hotels, and black intermediaries in the black market are the best choice.

The most important thing is that they don't care about your status, as long as they give you money, they can find you a place to live.

The bald man is also a cyborg, one arm and thigh have been remodeled, it is a complete mechanical body, and the lower part of his face is also completely mechanical.

Looking at the appearances of Lin Xu and the others, one can understand that they should be outsiders who have just arrived in Capital Star.

After all, whoever has money in his hands has undergone too many transformations? If he is not an outsider who just came to the capital planet, what kind of person can he be?

Lin Xu and the others were noncommittal, followed behind the bald man, turned around the corridors connecting high-rise buildings, and passed through the narrow dark alleys full of dancing girls and special service industries with flashing neon lights.

Soon came to an equally narrow stairwell.

Walking up the stairwell a few floors, along the way up the stairwell, from time to time, you can see a figure lying on the ground with numb eyes.

Some of them salivated at the corners of their mouths, some twitched all over their bodies, and they didn't know if they had taken any medicine.

"What's going on with them?" Lin Xu asked curiously.

"Oh, they tried the bliss potion in the mechanical heaven, and it turned out like this." The bald man said with a malicious smile.

"Can taking potions in Mechanical Paradise affect reality?" Lu Yao was puzzled.

This time, Nan Zhu knew without the bald man explaining.

"Of course it can. Some bad drugs rely on drugs to stimulate the brain. Since drugs can stimulate, then the electric current can also be stimulated. The addiction is not worse than real drugs."

"It's still this young lady who understands that bliss potion is usually only prepared for big shots who have completed uploading their consciousness. After all, big shot have no body, no matter how stimulating it is, it will only act on consciousness. But some people who don't People who have uploaded their consciousness have to try it, but the side effect is on the body where the consciousness resides! What else can I say except that they deserve it.” The bald man shrugged and said gloatingly.

In this way, under the leadership of the bald-headed man, a few people soon came to the door of a room on the first floor of a similarly narrow corridor.

When the bald man opened the door, he could still see an unknown person lying on the ground not far away.

The bald man seemed to be afraid that Lin Xu and the others would mind, which would cause the business to fail, so he walked over and kicked him to drive them away.

"Okay, let's take a look, this is the room, the five of you squeezed together, you can still sleep." The bald man said and showed Lin Xu a smile that any man could understand.

However, Lin Xu went in and took a look, only to find that what the bald man had said before was Shangfengshui, a noble residence with a large square meter and fine decoration.

But Lin Xu didn't care, it wasn't for living in the first place, he just needed a place to log in to the Mechanical Heaven Consciousness Internet.

In the high-dimensional, Lin Xu has already seen that the high-dimensional item is hidden in the network of the mechanical heaven, hiding its huge high-dimensional information in the network.

Even Lin Xu couldn't capture it accurately in this huge network.

You can only dig deep into the Internet to find it.

This is also the main reason why Lin Xu wants to log into the Consciousness Network.

"Yes." Lin Xu nodded.

The bald man was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't expect Lin Xu to be so straightforward.

But he was also very happy to be able to make a deal so smoothly.

"Fresh, since you are so straightforward, let me also remind you. From the looks of you, you should be the capital star who smuggled in! Then you can go to the boss of Dupont in this area, he can help you get your identity, that's it." The price, haha." After saying that, the bald man left after collecting the money.

Lin Xu didn't care either. After closing the door, he consciously connected to the nano-robots around him.

Through the transfer of nano-robots, it is connected to the mechanical heaven and the Internet of Consciousness all over the capital star.

As early as in the black market, as soon as Lin Xu got the chip, Lin Xu had already sent the chip to the earth in the portable space. Zhenxing quickly disassembled and analyzed it, and found the frequency band for the chip to connect to the Capital Star Consciousness Internet, as well as the network connection. format of the protocol.

So as long as he has these analysis results, Lin Xu does not need to plug in a chip for himself, and can directly use the nanorobot to directly access the Internet of Consciousness.

Later, with the interaction between consciousness and the Internet of Mechanical Heaven, Lin Xu only felt the scene around him change in an instant.

From the dilapidated hut where he was originally, he came to the luxurious villa above the clouds.

Lin Xu reached out and touched the soft sofa sitting under him, everything seemed to be real.

But Lin Xu knows that this is actually the feeling that the Internet of Consciousness feeds back to Lin Xu's sense of touch through electrical signals.

Including what you see now and the fresh air you smell through your nose are all hallucinations produced by electrical signals stimulating vision and smell.

But this illusion is so realistic, when Lin Xu stepped out of the villa, he saw the bustling skyscrapers outside, and the lush forest coexisting extremely harmoniously.

Everything here is so beautiful, like a fairyland.

Especially for those who live in the hell-like world on Capital Planet, such a fairyland is full of temptations.

Lin Xu suddenly had a feeling that the reason why the capital star of the Mechanical Empire was so dilapidated might be the result of the Mechanical Emperor's deliberate indulgence.

The purpose is to make the reality miserable and make people yearn for the mechanical heaven even more?

"Lord Lin Xu, what's going on inside?" Nan Zhu's inquiry came from beside his ear.

At this time, Miss Qiu, Mu Xiyue, Nan Zhu, and Lu Yao have not yet connected to the Mechanical Heaven, and Lin Xu was the first to enter.

Normally, when the consciousness is connected to the mechanical heaven, all senses in reality will be blocked.

People can't hear the voice coming from reality.

But Lin Xu is naturally different. He was originally connected to the Mechanical Paradise through nano-robots instead of using a chip. Naturally, the chip will not block the senses in reality.

"It feels good, you can come in and take a look." Lin Xu replied.

So after a while, Miss Qiu, Mu Xiyue, Nan Zhu, and Lu Yao entered the Mechanical Paradise one by one, and appeared beside Lin Xu.

"Is this really virtual here? It feels so real." Lu Yao, who tried this experience for the first time, reached out and touched the clouds under her feet.

She often drinks while lying on the cloud, so the touch is familiar to her.

It's just that when she did this in the past, she always relied on the anti-gravity force formed by the nano-robots in her body to place herself above the clouds.

But here, the clouds inexplicably have enough power to lift everything above the clouds.

Of course, this is just a virtual network, so it doesn't need to follow the physical rules of reality, no matter what strange scenes there are, it is also reasonable.

"We seem to be able to control everything here." Lin Xu observed the skyscrapers in the distance, and noticed something based on the data fed back from the Mechanical Heaven Network.

So he stretched out his hand to point at the skyscrapers in the distance, and as Lin Xu's palm moved, those skyscrapers also moved.

Lin Xu can place those skyscrapers at will, even if he wants to place them in the void.

This scene reminded Lin Xu of the game Minecraft he had played, and he could build his own world at will.

It's just that that game is just made up of cubes, but this is a virtual reality that is almost the same as the real one.

"Come on, let's go there and have a look." Lin Xu said, a speeding car approached not far away.

After several people boarded the car, the speeding car quickly drove towards the skyscrapers not far away.

Soon the flying car arrived among the skyscrapers.

It was only when I was in it that I realized that this is an extremely modern metropolis. There are many people walking on the street, and all kinds of fashionable women who echo Lin Xu's aesthetics and are dressed in beautiful clothes are constantly flowing on the street.

At the same time, the feedback data is constantly telling Lin Xu that these are just NPCs, and Lin Xu can do anything to them at will.

He is the master of this city, he controls everything here.

If it weren't for Lin Xu, he would have experienced a scene countless times bigger than this in reality.

An ordinary low-level person suddenly became the master of a city. Even though he knew that all of this was just a virtual reality, the sense of touch was real, the vision was real, and all senses were real.

What is the difference between virtual and real? Who can resist this temptation.

"No wonder everyone on Capital Planet is so obsessed with Mechanical Paradise." Lin Xu sighed.

"If the virtual reality on the fairy ship dared to be so tempting and depraved, the person in charge would be thrown directly into prison." Mu Xiyue commented.

Every person who enters the virtual reality of Mechanical Paradise for the first time will be assigned to a cloud city of their own. The NPCs in this cloud city are all set according to the aesthetics of the person's race.

Therefore, Miss Qiu, Mu Xiyue, Nan Zhu and Lu Yao also have their own cloud city at this time, but they didn't even go to their own cloud city, but came directly to Lin Xu.

Yuncheng is floating in the boundless sea of ​​clouds, and from time to time, you will encounter other people's Yuncheng.

In addition, everyone can also choose to continue to float the cloud city until they reach the realm above the clouds.

It is where the cities of countless masters gather.

You can choose to dock your own city in the world on the cloud, communicate with other people in the world on the cloud, or enjoy some fun that you cannot enjoy in your own cloud city.

For example, various Colosseums, casinos, and many weird ways to play.

And above the realm above the clouds is the starry sky.

There is no place where these beings who still have the constraints of the physical body can climb up.

That is the place where only the great figures who have been favored by the mechanical emperor, who have left their physical bodies, uploaded their consciousness, and achieved immortality, live.

Of course, these great figures occasionally come to the world above the clouds to have fun with the people.

These big shots spend a lot of money every time, and are sought after by countless people.

And these news were all exchanged by Lin Xu at the cost of half of his own city with the other master of Yuncheng whom he just met.

"Are you finished?"

On the boundary where the two Yunchengs were temporarily handed over, the ruler of Yuncheng on the opposite side looked at Lin Xu impatiently.

"It's over." Lin Xu nodded.

"Then half of your city will belong to me." The master of Yuncheng, whose appearance was semi-mechanical and whose face was almost shrouded in machinery, said with indescribable joy in his tone.

Can you be unhappy, as soon as I went out today, I met someone who took advantage of me.

Just some information, and half of the opponent's basic cloud city was exchanged.

Although the size of his current cloud city is already several times that of the basic cloud city, the addition of half of the basic cloud city is not without a small benefit.

It's just a lot of money.

"As long as the cloud city is floated up, you can reach the realm above the clouds." Lin Xu confirmed.

"That's right, that's right." The cyborg who had taken away half of Lin Xu's Cloud City, even the few remaining faces covered by the machinery, could still be seen to be very excited.

"Is there any great person with eternal life there now?" Lin Xu finally asked.

"There will always be big people with eternal life looking for fun. I know what you're thinking. You just want to climb up to big people. In fact, I was like you before, but reality has taught me that that kind of big people are not something we can climb up to. It’s on, so I advise you to give up this unrealistic idea.” The cyborg who took Lin Xu’s half of the basic cloud city said kindly.

"It's fine, I'll take my leave." Lin Xu smiled noncommittally.

Immediately, Yuncheng began to float up.

The cyborg looked at the girls who always followed Lin Xu. He knew that these were not NPCs, but he didn't understand the relationship between them, especially when he saw that the interaction between the girls and Lin Xu was still very intimate.

So I couldn't understand it even more. A rookie who obviously entered Yuncheng for the first time and didn't understand anything, how could there be so many girls around him?

And these girls didn't stay in their own cloud city, they ran to his cloud city.

Could it be that he is actually a rich man who just came to Capital Star from an alien planet?

No wonder he was so generous, half of the basic Yuncheng, if he said he would give it away, he would give it away without blinking an eye.

If it is a rich man, as long as he is willing to spend money, Yuncheng can still buy it!

Maybe it's possible to cling to a big shot whose consciousness is uploaded by throwing money at it.

Thinking about it this way, the cyborg looked at the half of the basic cloud city that was still slowly rising, and immediately began to rise, and directly chased after it.

"Why are you here again?" Lin Xu looked puzzled at the cyborg who was chasing up.

"Looking at you, it should be the first time you have entered the Mechanical Heaven network, right? I just received half of the cloud city from you, and I feel that I received too much. Make it up." The expression on the half of the cyborg's face softened.

It was in stark contrast to Lin Xu's indifferent look when he asked the question just now.

"Okay, I just want to find someone who has achieved immortality. I don't know where to find it. Why don't you take me there." Lin Xu didn't mind, someone offered to help.

"No problem, it's a trivial matter, leave it to me!" the cyborg assured, patting his chest.

Then he took the opportunity to introduce himself, named Kaili.

This is also the first time he introduced himself in front of Lin Xu.

I paid him half of Yuncheng just now, but I didn't see him tell Lin Xu his name.

"I remember right. Recently there was a big shot in the East Eleventh District. He has lived there for a long time, so let's go there! You don't know, although there are often big shots who stay in the realm of the clouds to find Fun, but the world above the clouds is really too big, if you don’t have a special person to take it with you, it will take you a long time to find it.” Carey began to take the opportunity to express his gratitude to Lin Xu.

"Really, it's really thanks to you." Lin Xu didn't mind saying a few nice words, so he smiled cooperatively.

"It's okay, it's fine, as long as you can remember what we did, it's fine." Carey was very happy, as if he had already fallen in love with Lin Xu, a rich man in his imagination.

Although everything was just his imagination, with Lin Xu's style, he felt more and more that Lin Xu should be a rich man.

In this way, Yuncheng continued to rise, and soon entered the place where countless Yuncheng gathered.

The dense and boundless cloud cities gather together to form the realm above the clouds.

Those who come first are closest to the center, and those who come later can only stay on the periphery.

It is said that Yuncheng in the most central area has not moved its location for hundreds of years.

The fear is that someone will occupy the place after it is removed.

It is said that a location close to the central area has already been quarreled with sky-high prices.

Therefore, those who really move Yuncheng at will are basically ordinary people in the fringes and worthless areas.

Just like Lin Xu and Kaili.

"Okay, it's fine for Yuncheng to stop here, and then we have to teleport. However, teleportation is also charged, the farther the distance, the more expensive it is, and it will be even more expensive to teleport directly to the central area of ​​East Eleventh District .” While explaining, Kaili took Lin Xu out of Yuncheng and arrived at the teleportation point.

Then he generously paid the transmission fee for Lin Xu and the others.

Although this made Kaili very painful, but in front of Lin Xu, he could only pretend to be generous.

Lin Xu thought it was a little funny, but let him go.

Soon, several people were directly teleported to the central area of ​​the East Eleventh District. Kaili and Lin Xu quickly found out that the big man who had uploaded his consciousness was playing chess.

So after crossing the distance of several cloud cities to the east, I saw dozens of cities in the clouds, figures in two higher clouds, constantly moving positions under the command.

Whenever a city collides with the enemy's city, the ruler of that city will immediately command his NPCs to fight with the NPCs of the opponent's city. In the end, the loser will lose both his city and the power of the ruler. Qualifications, completely expelled from the Mechanical Paradise.

The winner will swallow everything of the loser, and then continue to fight under the command of the big man on high until the big man wins the game.

The big man who wins the chess will naturally reward the chess pieces when he is happy.

But for the losers who have been expelled from the mechanical heaven forever, no one will sympathize with them.

After all, it is rare to be able to become a pawn of a big shot, but you still lost, you deserve it.

"Look, the two people on the top are all big shots after uploading their consciousness. I suggest that if you want to make friends, you'd better make friends when someone is in a good mood after winning chess." Kelly wrote for Lin Xu Pay attention.

However, Lin Xu was just looking at the two so-called important figures after uploading their consciousness, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Master Lin Xu, have you found it?" Nan Zhu asked from the side.

"Yes, I found it." Lin Xu nodded.

Through nano-robots and a quantum computer that has been upgraded countless times, Lin Xu quickly retrieved the information flow belonging to the two "big men".

Then, by tracking the information of these two great figures, Lin Xu quickly found clues of high-dimensional information from a high-dimensional perspective.

Immediately after following the clues, Zhenxing followed the information flow related to high-dimensional information, and quickly tracked and positioned it toward the depths of the consciousness network.

Finally, it touched the periphery of the huge high-dimensional information entanglement point.

In an instant, the high-dimensional information entanglement point entrenched in the depths of the consciousness network responded immediately.

Directly defeat the information flow tracked by Zhenxing.

Then it seemed as if he knew he was being tracked, and the counterattack came in the blink of an eye.

But all this is meaningless.

Because at this time, the high-dimensional information entanglement point, that is, high-dimensional objects, does not know what is tracking itself, nor does it know what it is resisting.

It's just that those two "big shots" who were still above the clouds just now looked like they despised all living beings and played chess with all living beings as pawns.

At this moment, his expression changed at the same time, and Qi Qi looked towards where Lin Xu was.

Immediately afterwards, they shot.

Both of them stretched out their hands to catch Lin Xu, and in an instant, they saw boundless clouds gathering towards Lin Xu's position.

Including the boundless city in the clouds, it is also collapsing towards Lin Xu's location.

The two "big men" didn't care about the safety of those "masters" who were still playing with them, they just wanted to kill Lin Xu's consciousness here.

It is their mission to survive to destroy all enemies who dare to stand against the Mechanical Emperor.

And with the actions of the two "big shots", Kaili, who was just imagining whether he could climb up to the "big shots" with Lin Xu, suddenly became stiff.

He watched countless cities collapse, watched the collapse converge towards his own location, and watched the two "big men" turn their murderous eyes on Lin Xu beside him.

I just feel that my intestines are going to regret it.

"It's him, it's him who forced me, I'm innocent." Carey wanted to run, but it was too late.

"Just kill him, I'm innocent." Carey cried bitterly.

Lin Xu just glanced at him helplessly, looking at the boundless city collapsing towards him.

Also started.

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