I take the earth to wander

Chapter 139 Planetary Express Train (seeking monthly pass)

Lin Xu still agrees with the contribution of the Galaxy Alliance to this river system.

At least because of the existence of the Galaxy Alliance, the disorder and pollution of the entire river system have been well controlled over the years.

After the high-dimensional weak point at the center of the river collects the chaotic energy, it does not use it, and directly discards the resulting residue, that is, disorder and pollution, at the center of the river at will.

This is much better than what the Milky Way has done.

Because of the existence of the Galaxy Alliance, the disorder and filth of the entire galaxy has always been controlled within a certain range, and there has never been a large-scale outbreak.

This is the greatest contribution of the Galaxy Alliance to this river system.

But thinking about it again, the Galaxy Alliance was originally established by humans ten thousand years ago.

According to the information that has been obtained from human remains.

Tens of thousands of years ago, humans formed the Galaxy Alliance to control disorder and pollution, so that everything in the Milky Way would not repeat itself here.

And for ten thousand years, the Galaxy Alliance has done pretty well.

Even after the issue of the God-Blesser happened, Lin Xu still held a positive view of the Galaxy Alliance.

Internal fighting is internal fighting, at least the Galaxy Alliance has not forgotten its original mission, which is a good thing.

And now, according to the information in the database of the Mechanical Empire, Lin Xu finally knows what happened back then.

It turns out that since humans left, several major forces within the Galaxy Alliance have never given up on finding the bases that humans once established in the river system.

The location of the base was only known to humans and their families back then, and the various cosmic forces that assisted humans in establishing the Galaxy Alliance also did not know the location of the base.

But they know that there are secrets related to high dimensions in the human base.

It's a pity that no one knows that the human base is built in the subspace, and adding a whole river system is really too big.

Even now, the Galaxy Alliance dare not say that they have traveled to every corner of the river system.

So the relic planet has never been discovered.

Until thousands of years ago, the Galaxy Alliance accidentally discovered two high-dimensional objects on a smuggling ship.

This incident immediately caused a sensation among the high-level members of the Galaxy Alliance.

Because these two high-dimensional items are not disposable high-dimensional items, or disposable high-dimensional weapons.

Instead, they can be reused, and even generate intelligence themselves, truly high-dimensional objects.

Such high-dimensional items must come from civilizations with a high degree of understanding of high-dimensionality.

Rather than the one-off high-dimensional items that can only be used once, which are produced by chance by relying on the energy of chaos.

Among the known civilizations of the Galaxy Alliance, only human beings can be related to high dimensions.

Therefore, these two high-dimensional items must be made by humans.

Later interrogation of two high-dimensional objects that had produced self-awareness also proved this point, and they were indeed made by humans.

But just when the Galaxy Alliance thought they had finally found the human base, an accident happened.

The smuggling ship, because of the smuggling, did not record all the voyage information in the database at all, so the crew of the entire spaceship did not know which planet these two high-dimensional objects were brought out by accident up.

So the clue that made the Galaxy Alliance ecstatic was cut off again.

Then there was the Mechanical Emperor, who used his ability to escape while the Galaxy Alliance was transporting two high-dimensional items.

Afterwards, the Machine Empire was established and has been fighting against the Galaxy Alliance.

Another high-dimensional item has been kept by the Galaxy Alliance for a limited time.

But it is precisely because of the magical high-dimensional capabilities of these two high-dimensional objects that the Galaxy Alliance has become more and more obsessed with the bases left by humans, or heritage.

The power of high-dimensional is so magical, who can not be obsessed with it.

It was this kind of obsession that eventually led to the purge against the god-givers.

The scientists of the Galaxy Alliance believe that the god-given particles are not man-made, but a gift from a higher dimension, and they are truly created by God.

But the high-level of the alliance is very clear that the god-given particles do not come from high dimensions at all, but from human beings.

It is the forbidden particles sown by humans who have mastered high-dimensional power.

What's even worse is that this forbidden particle can only be used by a limited number of people.

Among them, humans and human families are the best to use.

Secondly, there are very few people who are born with talents.

Obviously, the top management of the alliance did not know that those who were so-called born with talents actually had the blood of human creation.

In short, the god-givers, who can use god-given particles and are obviously favored by human beings, do they have a way to find human bases?

It's just that they hide it and refuse to tell the alliance?

It is impossible for any group to be monolithic, and the same is true for the god-givers.

Finally, the alliance found a breakthrough within the god bestower, and learned a secret from a certain god bestower's elder.

The Godsend does have a way to find human remains.

It is the self-discipline mechanical aggregate that Lin Xu found on Storm Star.

It's just that the god-bestower can't read the database of the self-discipline mechanical aggregate, he can only have the key, and he doesn't know how to use the key.

But the top executives of the Galaxy Alliance, who are already crazy about high-dimensional power, don't care about these at all.

Then comes the big purge.

The God Bestower became the Devourer, and was wanted everywhere in the Galaxy Alliance, and everyone shouted and beat him.

However, the Galaxy Alliance has never obtained that self-discipline mechanical aggregate.

Even because of the self-discipline mechanical aggregate, he was always timid about attacking Storm Star, fearing that the god-givers would choose to destroy that autonomous mechanical aggregate at the last moment.

Not long ago, the Galaxy Alliance and the Machine Empire accidentally discovered the existence of the relic planet.

Only then did the general attack on Storm Star be launched.

It is because the god bestower is useless.

Otherwise, even if it is hiding in the chaotic star field, it is impossible for the god bestower to persist for so long under the continuous attack of the Galaxy Alliance.

As for the Galaxy Alliance and the Machine Empire that discovered the relic planet, although the Machine Emperor still harbors extreme malice towards the Galaxy Alliance, the human ruins also have a lot of temptation for the Machine Emperor.

The Mechanical Emperor back then didn't understand, but now he already understands.

Therefore, interests dictate that, even feuds such as the Galaxy Alliance and the Machine Empire do not mind temporarily joining forces for greater interests.

According to the information in the database, Zhenxing sorted out the ins and outs of the matter for Lin Xu.

Lin Xu was speechless for a long time after listening.

"High-dimensional power is really tempting."

Lin Xu sighed, then asked.

"Then, can the specific location of the high-dimensional item in the hands of the alliance be found?"

"This is the top secret of the Galaxy Alliance. Even the spies of the Mechanical Empire cannot detect this information, but there is evidence that the Galaxy Alliance has also stored high-dimensional items on their capital star." Zhen Xing replied road.

"So our next destination is the capital of the Galaxy Alliance, right?" Nan Zhu said first.

"Congratulations, you will answer quickly." Lu Yao praised.

"Hey, do you think I don't know where this stalk comes from?" Nan Zhu immediately dissatisfied.

The small bickering between the two did not affect Lin Xu's thinking.

The matter of the capital star of the mechanical empire has come to an end.

The next step is to go to the capital star of the Galaxy Alliance.

Just before leaving, the mess of the machine empire still needs to be dealt with.

Otherwise, once he leaves and the machine emperor played by Zhen Xing disappears, the entire machine empire will definitely implode.

As the saying goes, no order is better than disorder.

Although Lin Xu said that no matter how bad the machine empire is, it should not be worse than this.

But that means in an orderly situation.

In the case of order, any order is definitely better than the current hellish order.

But complete disorder is definitely not enough.

So before leaving, Lin Xu must leave some order here.

Not only the capital star, but also the huge star region including the entire mechanical empire must establish a new order.

"Zhen Xing, does the database of the Mechanical Empire record the information of all the owners of the entire Mechanical Empire?" Lin Xu asked.

"Yes master." Zhen Xing replied.

"Very well, now you are comparing the big data to find out all the intelligent beings that tend to be kind and law-abiding in the entire machine empire, and then accept these people as the chief executives of various planets." Lin Xu explained.

"Obey, Master." Zhen Xing immediately began to handle the matter in the name of the Mechanical Emperor.

Thanks to the way the Mechanical Emperor has governed over the years, the people below are full of incomprehension of the orders from the Mechanical Emperor.

For example, why should a marginalized small official be suddenly promoted to be the chief executive of a planet.

But no one dared to have any objections.

In this way, the order was carried out smoothly.

After a few days of running-in, bureaucrats who were accustomed to the old way of ruling were purged by the Mechanical Emperor.

One by one, newcomers full of vigor stepped onto the stage and filled the entire governing body.

So far, the blood exchange plan presided over by Lin Xu has been initially successful.

It is still due to the consistent rule of the mechanical emperor, coupled with the large number of unmanned warships and armed robots in the mechanical empire, which cooperate to execute orders.

Even with some manned warships, the officers had different opinions, and under the double deterrence of the mechanical emperor's order and the muzzle of the unmanned warships, they did not dare to say anything.

Until the chiefs of these fleets were also replaced in turn.

In short, after one month, Lin Xu only felt that he had captured the high-dimensional item of the Mechanical Emperor before, and he was not as tired as he had to deal with various government affairs this month.

But fortunately, because the former rule of the Mechanical Emperor was cruel, after Lin Xu changed it a little, the current rule of the Mechanical Empire is infinitely better than before.

It's not because of Lin Xu's actions this time that hundreds of millions of people have become miserable. This is what Lin Xu is grateful for.

But if you switch to the Galaxy Alliance, the rule over there has never been cruel.

Lin Xu is not sure, if he also takes over the high-level of the Galaxy Alliance and personally ends the governance of the Galaxy Alliance, it will be so smooth.

At that time, don't really let hundreds of millions of people live in poverty.

Not to mention that the Galaxy Alliance is an alliance, not an empire here. Many things are simply not ordered by the above, so it will just work.

It is not so easy to change the captain of the fleet.

If it doesn't work out, the entire Galaxy Alliance will really be in flames.

At that time, the constraints of the Galaxy Alliance will be lost, and if the various small forces are like the Milky Way, throwing away disorder and filth at will, it will be troublesome.

From this point of view, the next action in the Galaxy Alliance will not be the same as it is now.

At least you can't put the high-level in one pot.

In terms of controlling disorder and pollution, the Galaxy Alliance has done a good job.

That being the case, Lin Xu also hopes that they can continue to do it.

His purpose is just to take away high-dimensional items.

As long as the Galaxy Alliance can understand a little bit, everyone will be happy.

In the name of the Machine Emperor, the machine empire has been exchanged blood.

Even in just one month, it still had a major impact.

First of all, the capital star's original environment full of various pollutants has made great progress after a month of treatment.

Mechanical Paradise is still in use, but many functions have been turned off.

The air in reality gradually cleared up, without the smell of rust and pollution.

What falls from the sky is no longer acid rain.

It can only be said that if a huge interstellar empire like the Mechanical Empire spans the star field, if it is serious, it has enough ability to manage the environment of a mere planet.

The former mechanical empire completely deliberately let the capital star become what it was.

A month later, in the name of the Mechanical Emperor, Lin Xu once again promoted a large number of cabinet members from among the officials who had performed the best in the past month to replace the Mechanical Emperor and continue to govern the country.

The Mechanical Emperor is indefinitely reclusive.

At this time, these officials had already vaguely guessed something.

But they won't say it because that's the best possible outcome.

In this way, after a busy month, Lin Xu finally escaped and boarded the Skylark. Accompanied by Ms. Qiu, Mu Xiyue, Nan Zhu, Lu Yao and others, he embarked on a journey to the capital star of the Galaxy Alliance again.

At the same time, Lin Xu secretly vowed that he would never end up personally managing a huge country again.

Even if he only uses big data to appoint and remove officials, he still has a headache to death.

"Master Lin Xu, I recently had the robot make two new cosplay suits, one for me and Mu Xiyue, do you want to see it?" Nan Zhu lay on the back of the chair next to Lin Xu, facing Lin Xu Invited Road.

"Cosplay costume? What character?" Lin Xu was refreshed, and suddenly felt that a little half of his fatigue had disappeared.

"Wait a minute, why do you still have mine?" Mu Xiyue became anxious immediately.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to participate? Then, Master Lin Xu and I can play together." Nan Zhu acted as if it would be better if you didn't participate.

"Who, who said no, I won't participate." Mu Xiyue's face flushed red, but she was still unwilling to give up.

"Hey, can you stop discussing this in public, it's so dirty." Lu Yao said with a look of disgust.

"Student Lu Yao, what are you thinking about in your head? We just play games with Master Lin Xu to relax. Please don't think about it wrongly." Nan Zhu said confidently.

"Oh, what are you playing then? How do you play? Tell me in detail." Lu Yao looked at Nan Zhu with the expression that you treat me like a three-year-old child.

"Well, of course it's fun, what's the matter? Do you want to get involved too? It's not impossible, I just have a spare set of cosplay clothes here, you should be able to wear them too." Nan Zhu sized Lu Yao up and down.

"Come on, I'd better go do my quiz, I won't get involved in your affairs." Lu Yao curled her lips, turned around and walked into the entrance of Lin Xu's portable space, returned to the Earth's library, and continued I worked hard.

Lin Xu was dragged by the elated Nan Zhu and returned to the earth.

Behind her was Miss Qiu who remained expressionless as usual, and Mu Xiyue who was still flushed but insisted on following.

After all, Master Lin Xu is so tired, playing games with him and relaxing is the duty of a maid! right.

The sailing calendar is 11410, and one year passes quickly.

During this year, the Skylark continued to make space transitions.

After crossing a distance of 12,000 light years, they arrived at a position not far from the capital star of the Galaxy Alliance.

So far, the space jump of the Skylark has stopped temporarily.

Then it changed to curvature navigation and headed for the capital star.

At this time, after a year of rest, Lin Xu, who had completely recovered from the exhaustion of governing the country, returned to the Skylark from Earth, reading books and watching dramas every day, and playing games accompanied by Nan Zhu and Mu Xiyue.

Looking at the galaxy rapidly approaching outside the porthole during the curvature voyage.

The capital star of the Galaxy Alliance is not so much the capital star, it is more appropriate to call it the capital galaxy.

Because the Galaxy Alliance has already transformed the entire galaxy where the capital star is located into a huge capital galaxy.

In the entire galaxy, the planets are all connected by special planetary express trains.

Just like the subway connecting various areas in a big city in the 21st century.

The planetary express train is the subway on each planet in the galaxy.

You get up on this planet in the morning, and then take the planetary express train to go to work on another planet. The whole journey will take no more than half an hour, and you will be able to arrive at the place of work.

Then after getting off work at night, take the planetary express train and return to the living planet to rest.

Still far away, Lin Xu has already seen the orbits of planetary express trains all over the capital galaxy, all over the starry sky.

There are rows of trains running on it, this is the first time even Lin Xu has seen such a spectacle.

I can only feel that compared to the painting style of the capital star of the mechanical empire, this place is more like the capital of an interstellar country.

And as the Skylark got closer and closer to the capital galaxy, various spaceships around it gradually increased.

They are all heading to the capital galaxy.

Lin Xu and the others also quietly left the Skylark, and took the Skylark into the portable space.

Then boarded a passing passenger spaceship.

Just like the reason why it quietly sneaked into the capital star of the Mechanical Empire, the Skylark was not only wanted in the Mechanical Empire, but also in the Galaxy Alliance.

The so-called is also in order not to startle the snake, since Lin Xu chose to sneak in quietly.

"Passengers, please pay attention. Passengers, please pay attention. The spaceship is about to arrive at the capital star range. Please bring your salute and prepare to disembark. Please bring your salute and prepare to disembark."

The radio on the spaceship routinely played the reminders from the flight attendants.

The passengers on the spaceship also began to gather towards their respective cabins and began to prepare to salute.

Some people passed by Lin Xu and his party, and they were a little curious about why they hadn't seen these people during the month-long voyage.

But I'm just curious. Although the spaceship is not big, the people on the entire spaceship have long been familiar with each other during the one-month voyage, but no one would have thought that there would be people who would quietly board the ship from space. It's just that I didn't remember it.

Just like that, the spacecraft slowly docked at the spaceport on the outermost gaseous planet in the capital galaxy.

Although this place also belongs to the capital galaxy, strictly speaking, it is still a little far away from the capital star, but it is still called the capital star range. After all, where the scope of Yanjing has expanded, this is almost the same.

There is no too strict inspection when disembarking the spaceship. After all, the strict inspection has already been carried out when boarding the ship.

Just check your ID when you disembark.

But Lin Xu and the others easily passed the inspection post, and entered the spaceport without even checking.

As soon as you leave the spaceport, not far away is the station of the planetary express train.

Lin Xu looked at the space orbits of various planets in space. Lin Xu, who was already curious about this, bought tickets directly with a few people and boarded the so-called planetary express train.

Just a few minutes later, the Ordinary Planet Express departed.

Travel through the galaxy at breakneck speed.

Between the planets in the galaxy, there are one station after another.

In just a few stops, the planetary express train arrived at the real capital star.

Or to put it another way, it is like the inner ring area of ​​Yanjing City.

Strictly speaking, only the inner ring area can be regarded as the scope of the ancient Yanjing City.

Just as strictly speaking, the planet that Lin Xu is stepping on at this time is the real capital star.

And this capital star has long been decorated with various towering buildings and has become a huge bustling area where thousands of races gather in the galaxy.

Although the entire planet has not been transformed into a metal battle star.

But on this planet, from the surface to space, there are countless layers of three-dimensional buildings, which can hold more people than metal battle stars.

In short, standing on the ground of the capital star and looking up, you can see all kinds of weird buildings that fill the sky layer by layer, and there are architectural styles of various races in the entire galaxy.

has been extended into space.

It is also raised layer by layer until it rises to the streets in space. All kinds of races walk around on the transparent streets, living a happy and prosperous life.

It can be said that it is completely two extremes with the capital star of the mechanical empire.

PS: Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket, thank you for your support, thank you.

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