I take the earth to wander

Chapter 157 Human beings are nothing more than mere mortals

Following behind Lin Xu and his party, Domoore was always a little nervous.

He didn't know if the church had discovered what he had escaped.

Now about his arrest warrant, has he arrived at the police station?

No, in the eyes of the church, he is still a potential monster infected with madness and may lose control at any time, so it will not be the police station that is tracking him, but the ascetic monks of the church.

Thinking of those ascetic monks who dedicated themselves to God Durr, took the initiative to be infected with madness, suppressed madness through penance, and then used the power of madness to hunt madness, Domoore couldn't help but shudder.

Compared with his previous self, in the eyes of Domoore, those ascetic monks are the real lunatics.

In addition to ascetic monks, there are actually many mysterious people in this world who actively infect madness, then suppress madness with will, and gain strength with the help of madness.

In Domoore's eyes, Lin Xu and others are obviously such mysterious people.

Otherwise it is impossible to explain their abilities that are clearly beyond common sense.

Just like now, Lin Xu and the others led him swaggeringly opened the door of the library and walked in.

However, the alarm device at the gate did not respond at all, and even the guards guarding the gate, as if they hadn't seen a few people, watched them walk in from under the guard's nose.

But think about it, except for some scholars and mysterious existences in this world, who would know such an existence like human beings so well.

"The materials about human beings are all in the basement of the library. Only those with sufficient authority can enter there, but generally those with authority are not interested in these things, so few people usually read them." Entered the library , Dormer is like coming home.

Familiar with the road, he led Lin Xu and his party to the basement.

He picked up the key hanging on the wall, opened the door to the basement, and walked in with Lin Xu and the others.

The dim light bulbs were lit, and the large basement appeared before Lin Xu and others.

"I remember a book that once recorded that humans left for some reason ten thousand years ago, and they left behind servants and creations to guard the universe together. But later, because our ancestors were jealous of what the servants had, they came from The power of human beings, so they launched a rebellion." Domoore was rummaging through rows of books while talking.

However, his efficiency is too slow after all.

"Are you sure that book is here?" Lin Xu asked.

"Of course, I haven't finished that book yet. It's just that I wanted to study why humans left, and that book records the rebellion of the ancestors. You know, intelligent creatures always like to escape reality, I don't I like to study why my ancestors rebelled, so I put the book down at that time." Domoore explained.

But before he could continue talking, the rummaging hand stopped.

Because he saw an unbelievable scene, the books in the entire basement seemed to be controlled by countless hands, one by one flew out of the bookshelf, and were quickly flipped through in mid-air, as if there was something that was being read at the same time Reading so many books quickly is average.

Domoore looked at Lin Xu and the others, as if wanting to confirm.

"You guys did this?"

"Look at it faster." Lin Xu nodded.

While talking, Yinghuo had already controlled the nano-robot and finished reading all the books in the entire basement.

"Master, I have found that book, and at the same time found books with related records, which can be used as evidence for mutual confirmation." Yinghuo's voice sounded, and at the same time one book returned to the shelf, but several books were floating. In front of Lin Xu.

"Can you confirm what happened that year?" Lin Xu didn't read those books, but asked directly.

"According to records, when humans left ten thousand years ago, they gave their servants an artifact." Yinghuo replied.

"Sacred weapon?" Lin Xu was a little surprised.

"Yes, it is an artifact. That artifact has unparalleled power and can even change the laws. Our ancestors once launched a rebellion because they were jealous of the power of that artifact." Domoore recalled what he had seen. The content, followed by talking.

"According to the description in the records, I think it should be a high-dimensional item." Yinghuo gave a more accurate answer.

"High-dimensional items? Those rebellious races launched a rebellion because they were jealous of the power of high-dimensional items? But how did they rebel?" This is something Lin Xu has always been puzzled about.

As the defenders of human servants, together with the purgers, their strength must be far greater than those of the higher civilizations that launched the rebellion. How did their rebellion succeed?

"The ancestors released the disaster." Domoore said with a sigh.

"Yes, the ethnic group where Mr. Dormer's ancestors belonged to opened the blockade of disorder and filth. At that time, the defenders of the human servant race were using the high-dimensional items left by humans to purify the disorder and filth in the blockade. Disorder and filth have degenerated into inert filth." Yingzhuo replied.

"Then they really deserve to die." Lin Xu frowned and sighed.

"Yeah, our ancestors really deserve to die." Domoore smiled wryly.

It can be said that so much madness in this world was caused by his ancestors. Duo Moore did not yell at him, which is already a great deal of face to his ancestors.

But Yinghuo continued.

"At that time, the traitors formed by the higher civilization deliberately opened the gap in the blockage of disorder and pollution because they were spying on the high-dimensional objects left by human beings, causing the disorder and pollution that had been suppressed to spread to the universe again. Therefore, the defenders could only detonate That high-dimensional object instantly purified all disordered filth into inert filth, and the consequence was that the group of defenders themselves was almost wiped out in that disaster."

"Afterwards, the inert filth that was supposed to be gradually eliminated after the purification became inert filth, but because of the almost complete annihilation of the group of defenders, they lost the ability to eliminate the inert filth, and began to spread naturally, and finally spread to the entire area The star field has affected hundreds of light years."

"Where are the cleaners? What are they doing?" Lin Xu asked.

"According to the records, in addition to high-dimensional items, what humans leave behind are servants and creations. The maintainers are servants, so the cleaners are naturally only creations. Although they still don't understand the operation mechanism of the cleaners, it is obvious that they can only It mechanically executes a fixed program, and has no ability to modify the program." Yinghuo continued to explain.

"So, the reason why the defenders are called defenders should also mean to protect the cleaners." Lin Xu finally figured out what happened ten thousand years ago in this star field.

Although there are still many details to be added, the general direction should be like this without accident.

"Maintainers and purgers should have complemented each other, but because of the lack of the link of maintainers, the purgers began to lose control. This is why there is a purging every thousand years. This is the current speculation." Yinghuo is just guessing road.

"So, everything that this river system has encountered for tens of thousands of years is in the final analysis the sins of those traitors?" Nan Zhu directly threw the blame on the high civilization that had rebelled.

"Traitors, defenders, and cleansers." Lin Xu felt a little bit emotional, everything just came from the jealousy of thousands of years ago.

Several people were lost in thought for a while, only Mr. Domoore next to him could understand what they were talking about at first, but gradually became a little confused later.

"I know the purgers, but what is the once-in-a-thousand-year cleansing? Also, aren't all the purgers who left this world swallowed by the outer god Yugosas?" Duo Moore asked puzzled.

"The purger who left this world? Are there purgers in this world?" Lin Xu was taken aback, but he didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains.

"Of course, about every few decades, a group of warships will rise from the sea and rush into the universe, but every time they will be swallowed up by Yugosas and become the food of Yugosas. It is said that there are The battleship production base of the Cleaners, various countries have tried the idea of ​​that warship production base countless times. Unfortunately, with the degradation of civilization, countries have become more and more powerless to do anything with the Cleaners' bases, and can only watch helplessly. So, every few decades, a batch of battleships rush to the universe to die." Domoore sighed.

"The cleaner's warship production base is actually here?" Lu Yao was surprised for a moment.

Although I guessed that there should be a battleship production base in this star field shrouded in inertia and pollution, but I didn't expect such a coincidence, so I bumped into it directly.

"The battleship we encountered before should not be produced here." Nan Zhu shook his head and said.

"That's right, because all the warships produced here have been swallowed up by Yugosas. It seems that there is another production base." Lu Yao nodded and realized.

"Actually, in addition to the Cleaners, there are also descendants of the Protectors in our world." Domoore said tentatively after thinking for a while.

"You found out?" Lin Xu looked at Domoore and laughed, he is a smart man.

"Yeah, you are the existence of the mysterious side, but you don't know that the Cleaners will try to rush to the universe every few decades. This is a big event on the mysterious side every time, and you always say, This world, not our world." Domoore is not stupid to become a university professor. If he still can't see anything with so many problems, it can only mean that the collective IQ of people in this world is not good enough.

"So, are you?" Domoore said, pointing to the sky with anticipation in his eyes.

"Yes." Lin Xu nodded without denying it.

At the beginning, he didn't take the initiative to reveal his identity, because he was afraid that the other party would not believe him, and Lin Xu was too lazy to do such boring things as self-identification.

But now that someone has guessed it, Lin Xu is also too lazy to deny it.

"So, you are human servants? Like those defenders ten thousand years ago?" Domoore's voice trembled, but he could only guess that they were servants.

"We can be regarded as servants, but Lord Lin Xu is not." Nan Zhu stretched out a finger and shook it.

So Duomoer's feet went limp and he almost sat on the ground.

But he reacted immediately, supported the back of the chair next to him, and stood up straight.

"You, you, please forgive my impoliteness, Mr. Lin Xu." Domoore said to Lin Xu with a salute.

"Okay, don't be so polite, and you don't need to worry, we are not here to destroy the world." Lin Xu waved his hand at Domoore and said.

"Phew, that's great, that's great." Domoore suppressed his excitement, and suddenly he felt that he had saved the world.

I don't know if all countries in the world should jointly give themselves a big medal.

"However, I still have some questions. It would be even better if you could help answer them." Lin Xu continued.

"Of course, I know everything." Duo Moore immediately corrected his attitude.

"You just said that the descendants of the defenders are still there?" Lin Xu asked.

"Yes, the floating continent in the north is operated by the descendants of the defenders. They are less affected by madness than us, so the rate of civilization degradation is slower, and they still retain some higher technologies." Dormer replied immediately.

"Does the degradation of your civilization have anything to do with madness?" Lin Xu asked in surprise.

He only knows that the many civilizations on this planet have all degenerated.

But I really didn't expect that the degradation of these civilizations was also related to inertia and pollution.

"Yes, the more you think, the closer you will be to madness, so everyone is less afraid to think, and civilization is getting weaker and weaker. This may be the punishment of the universe for the betrayal of our ancestors ten thousand years ago. , let us gradually degenerate, and watch the civilization decline little by little." Domoore said bitterly.

At the same time, this can be regarded as a silent prayer.

We have been tortured for 10,000 years, and this is our own fault, so please don't give us any more punishment.

Lin Xu was noncommittal and didn't say anything about it.

Compared with the descendants of the traitors, he now wants to see the descendants of the defenders.

I don't know if the descendants of the defenders have more detailed records of their ancestors.

Although I have roughly guessed something that happened ten thousand years ago.

But Lin Xu still wants to know more details, such as when humans left defenders ten thousand years ago, what specific tasks were given to them.

Also, will the maintainers have any clues about human remains.

"Lord Lin Xu, where are we going next? The production base of the Cleaner battleship in the sea, or the floating continent in the north?" Nan Zhu asked.

"Let's go to the north first!" Lin Xu decided.

"But before that, we seem to be surrounded." Nan Zhu frowned.

At this time, her tail and ears were no longer concealed, and her tail flicked and her ears flicked as well, making Domoore think that Nan Zhu was going to become a monster too.

But compared to the weird monsters, the tail and ears are pretty good-looking, it doesn't seem like a crazy prelude.

Wait a minute, now is not the time to focus on this.

"Surrounded? Could it be that I escaped and was discovered? Is it someone from the police station, or an ascetic monk?" Duo Moore asked forcefully.

"It's a group of people in white robes." Lin Xu replied.

"It's over, it's an ascetic monk." Domoore's face turned pale in an instant.

"Do you want to stay or go with us?" Lin Xu asked after thinking about it.

"I, can I go with you?" Duo Moore was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

"I didn't intend to take you with me, but you will be wanted by the church because of us. We can't leave you alone. As for completely eradicating the church, it would be too troublesome. Why don't we take you along?" Lin Xu Said lightly.

"Then please take me with you, please." Duo Moore seemed to have walked a circle from hell, almost crying bitterly on his face.

Just like that, Duo Moore followed Lin Xu and the others out of the library.

As soon as he walked out of the gate, he was blocked by several ascetic monks in white robes.

"Dormer, God Durr is merciful. He is willing to rescue those lambs who have committed mistakes on their own, but you have betrayed the mercy of the gods and escaped from the church. Since you are unwilling to accept the rescue, you can only I have accepted the trial." The ascetic monk in charge had neither sadness nor joy in his voice, as if he was a person who had already eliminated all emotions.

"I didn't betray God Dur, I just, I just." Domoore smiled wryly, but didn't know what to say.

Could it be that he is accompanying mankind to investigate the history of thousands of years ago?

Don't say that these ascetic monks won't believe it anymore, even the former self won't believe it.

He now understands why Lin Xu didn't reveal his identity at the beginning, because it was too incredible.

Of course, Domoore was even more afraid that he would reveal Lin Xu's identity as a human being, and the ascetic monks in front of him were saying something insulting to human beings.

After all, for fanatics, nothing is impossible.

At that time, I am afraid that they will not be the only ones who will suffer, if the whole world is involved.

Forget it, Dormer decided not to speak.

But who knows, Duomoer decided not to speak, but the leader of the ascetic monks took the initiative to say something that made him terrified.

"I know that many of you scholars often slander the gods, and even put a mortal race called human beings ten thousand years ago on top of the great God Dur. For you stupid, vain The so-called scholars who compare stupid mortals with gods, my consistent view is that they should all be purified. And now is the time for your purification." When the leader of the ascetic monks said these things, he had no emotion at first, but finally There were some ups and downs, and even the tone became more and more intense.

It seems that some scholars are extremely dissatisfied with studying human behavior.

Just like many religions, they still refuse to recognize the theory of evolution.

What's more, in some countries, the theory of evolution is not even allowed to be taught in school textbooks, which is ridiculous.

"You know the existence of human beings, but do you despise them? Can I know why?" Lin Xu asked curiously.

"It's just mere mortals who dare to try to stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods. Such a stupid existence has long since disappeared into history. Even if it didn't disappear, I will definitely kill this group of deceitful people in the name of gods. Do you think you can fool future generations by just compiling a few books?" The leader of the ascetic monks seemed to be very excited when he mentioned human beings, and the feelings that had been absent for a long time returned.

I don't know why there is so much resentment towards humans.

"Kill all human beings? How dare you think about it." Lin Xu had a strange expression.

That feeling is like hearing a few ants discussing that they want to kill and eat an elephant.

Lin Xu only felt it was amused, and did not feel offended at all.

On the contrary, it was Dormer, who was so frightened that he was about to lose his footing.

All he wanted to do now was to beg this ascetic monk, stop talking.

If you go on talking, what if the person in front of you gets upset and directly destroys the world?

"However, you haven't thought about whether it is possible to compose books casually and deceive future generations, is it your God Durr?" Lin Xu asked curiously.

"You blasphemer, no wonder you hang out with the fugitives and kill them all." The leader of the ascetic monks was furious.

The rest of the ascetic monks also rushed towards Lin Xu and the others with livid faces.

It seems that no matter how weak the feelings are, once their gods are involved, the feelings will all come back, and even become several times stronger.

I saw a group of ascetic monks moving at a fast speed, far exceeding the speed that normal flesh and blood can achieve.

Lin Xu even saw that under the white robe of an ascetic monk, not only his legs were running, but also a few tentacles were assisting the running.

Lin Xu understood immediately.

This is the ascetic monk, using his will to suppress his madness.

And their will is to dedicate everything to God Dur.

Fanatical faith allows them to resist a certain degree of madness.

But it also made the god Durr a taboo for them.

If someone insults the gods, they will never die.

No wonder these ascetic monks started to go crazy when they heard Lin Xu's words.

However, even if they had any reason, Lin Xu did not let them go.

Not to mention, next to Lin Xu is Mu Xiyue, who has been working hard to suppress the fire ever since the leader of the ascetic monks started slandering human beings.

Now, following Lin Xu's signal, it's time to start.

Mu Xiyue finally didn't have to endure it anymore.

Directly cut forward with a sword.

Lin Xu frowned and reminded.

"Be careful, don't hurt ordinary people."

That's why Mu Xiyue noticed that there were many residential houses in the direction where the sword was drawn just now.

Mu Xiyue temporarily changed the posture of the sword slightly, deflecting it slightly to one side.

But it didn't affect them at all. Several white-robed ascetic monks who were close at hand were directly vaporized by Mu Xiyue's sword energy before they came into contact with Lin Xu and others.

However, because of the slight adjustment of Mu Xiyue's sword power, several ascetic monks, including the leader of the ascetic monks, escaped.

At the same time, the sword energy continued to move forward, rumbling and extending directly along the street.

What finally appeared in front of Domoore was a street that was completely turned upside down, like ruins.

Dormer swallowed hard.

At the same time, the leader of the ascetic monks seemed to wake up under the sword, and stood in place with several white-robed ascetic monks.

He looked like he didn't know whether he should continue to do it or not.

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