Absolut Square, where many citizens gathered to discuss

“Have you heard? The kingdom is going to be restructured… and it was initiated by Lord Tartarus!”

“This is not important. What is important is the information released by the Ministry of Science… The crisis of the Kingdom’s Spark Tower has not been completely resolved. It has only continued for a hundred years. After a hundred years, the Spark Tower will still be out of control.……”

“This may be the reason why Lord Tartarus wants to start the reform.……”

“In any case, since the Spark Tower went out of control tens of thousands of years ago, the only one who has brought hope back to the kingdom is… this person, so I believe in Lord Tartarus!”

“That’s right, the kingdom has been in decline for who knows how many years, and has long forgotten its former glory. Now… it also needs a true leader to lead the people forward.”

“But… where is the king?” someone asked hesitantly.


King Absolut…

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and then someone in the square slowly spoke,”I don’t know how many years it has been, the king has passed away”

“Lord Tartarus……”

“Now I am the successor of the king’s will.”

Archet watched silently from a high place, and the communicator beside his ear kept receiving information feedback from outside the capital.

At this moment, all the observers of the kingdom have been dispatched to observe the attitude of the people.

Hearing the report, Archer’s eyes flickered, revealing a touch of faith and fanaticism.

King of Absolut?

No, Lord Tartarus… Only you are the only leader of the kingdom now!

Two days later.

Central Palace

“Lord Tartarus.”

Archer walked in from the palace gate, looked at the figure in front of the throne, bowed his head and saluted.

The thoughtful Talos turned around, his platinum eyes calm:”How is it?”

“Under your instructions, we have announced the true situation of the current part of the Kingdom Spark Tower and the relevant reform news.”

“The citizens of the kingdom all support it.”

Talos nodded.

After conquering Diablo, he began to push forward the reform plan.

To be sure of success, Talos prepared in advance and confirmed the citizens’ attitudes again.

Now we can finally start.

“Summon all the current middle and senior personnel of the kingdom to hold a meeting in the central hall of the palace”

“No absence”



Central Palace.

This is the most sacred place in the whole kingdom, the closest place of light to the Spark Tower of Edurawa

【【Kingdom】All the middle and high-level cadres have gathered here at this moment, lined up in an orderly manner.

In the past ten thousand years, except for major meetings of the kingdom, few of them have set foot here.

Staring silently ahead.

Talos stood with his hands behind his back, standing in front of the throne, his aura calm and vast.

Diablo has a mighty and upright figure, and Titan holds a golden sword with solemn eyes.

Both of them are located on the next step, waiting on the left and right sides of Talos respectively.

Seeing the meaning revealed in this position, many people were surprised.

Especially the cadres of the swordsman and warrior lineages were even more surprised.

In the past, Diablo and Titan, as the leaders of the two lineages, would never be inferior to Lord Tartarus, especially when Lord Diablo often contradicted them in person.

Could it be?

At this moment, everyone on the field was looking forward to it.

“Lord Tartarus, all the personnel from various departments have arrived.”Arche stepped forward to report.

Talos slowly raised his head and looked around at the people in the audience.

In the past, the kingdom’s power was complex and the situation was severe.

The [King’s Guard] alone was divided into three parts.

The Palace Guard was a direct guard under the full control of the little golden man, and each guard was an elite among elites.

In the original world line, it was the main force that went to war with the [Kingdom of Light].

The rest were the swordsman corps and the warrior corps, because of the conflict between Titan and Diablo.

The guards under their jurisdiction were also incompatible, and conflicts often broke out in an environment where the kingdom was on the verge of collapse.

As a result, the kingdom’s military power was very scattered.

The chief scientific officers of the science department also gave up their studies in despair after discovering that they could not reverse the Spark Tower no matter what. The kingdom has been engaged in scientific research, so the level of science has not developed in nearly ten thousand years.

Even among the citizens, there is a division between first-rate, second-rate, and third-rate Absolut people. The previous honor and pride are gone, and the cohesion between each other has gradually dissipated because of the imminent collapse of the kingdom.

The rest of the departments have also lost their functions in the decline and despair day after day for more than 100,000 years.

To revive the [kingdom], all of this must be changed.

And wanting to change is also very simple.

That is to let everyone see the hope that can be touched, and then reorganize the system of the entire kingdom.

Talos looked directly at everyone, his eyes burning.

A breath of the legendary realm unfolded with powerful words, echoing throughout the central palace.

Everyone was shocked.

“I believe you have guessed the reason why I called you together.”

“Today I have only one purpose……”

“That is the kingdom reform.”

Here it comes!

Hearing this, all the middle and high-level cadres looked at Tartarus in front of the throne with nervous and excited expressions.

Tartarus looked resolute and said in a deep voice:

“In just one week, we have experienced the fear and despair of the Kingdom’s impending destruction.”

“I experienced the joy and hope of the Spark Tower’s revival again.”

“However, the disaster has never passed, and the crisis has never disappeared.”

“The out-of-control situation of the Spark Tower continued for a hundred years……”

“”Do you want to see the people a hundred years from now repeat the sufferings of the past? Do you want to see the kingdom a hundred years from now completely reduced to dust?”

Talos looked around at the crowd.

There was a power in his words that went straight to the depths of their hearts.


All the cadres of the kingdom shouted in unison, expressing their own thoughts.

For tens of thousands of years, countless talented elites have sacrificed their lives to save the Spark Tower and the kingdom, but it is still irreversible.

Now they finally feel the new light in the Spark Tower, which is a warmth they have never seen before. They are no longer willing to give it up, and no one can take it away from them.

Talos’ eyes sparkled, and he waved his arm.

“Then the crisis of the kingdom’s destruction… the pain that has lasted for tens of thousands of years, will be completely cut off here!”

Titan’s eyes were eager, and he raised his sword in his right hand and struck it heavily on his breastplate, offering the highest etiquette.、

“For the kingdom!”

Diablo did the same, his voice as heavy as thunder

“For the kingdom!”

At this point, all the middle and senior cadres below knelt on one knee and responded in unison.

After witnessing the resurgence of the Edurawa Spark Tower and its renewed vitality, many people were already loyal to Tartarus, but they were only concerned about Titan and Diablo…

They longed for a strong leader to stand up and break the darkness… break all the diseases and shackles of the kingdom before.

Now they have finally waited!

“From now on, the kingdom will be completely restructured”

“There will no longer be any so-called second- and third-class Absoluts.”

“There are only warriors fighting for the revival of the kingdom!”

“Edurawa links our wills, and my noble people will raise their heads……”

“I swear by Absolut Tartarus!”

“Will lead the kingdom to greatness again! Let the light of the Spark Tower never go out!”

The silver-white skirt armor fluttered, as the ultimate life form that entered the realm of legend, every word and action represented the power of the great cosmic order.

This moment triggered a resonance of thoughts, and Talos’s declaration was completely engraved into their souls.

Everyone could feel the firmness and faith in that will.

That was the determination to give everything for the kingdom!

“The light will last forever!”

All the cadres responded loudly.

Archer and Mitt looked at the figure in front of the throne, and the fanaticism and admiration in their eyes had reached the extreme. In the current kingdom, only Lord Tartarus has the prestige and ability to change everything!

The resolution was passed.

After Titan and Diablo were completely loyal, the rest of the cadres had no worries and returned to Talos.

The kingdom reform was smoothly implemented.

Talos had already formulated various detailed rules and quickly issued them.

【The Kingdom was originally led by three leaders, Talos, Diablo and Titan, who were meant to check and balance each other, but by the end of the Kingdom, they had only dispersed and consumed the little remaining national strength. The leadership system is now abolished.

Talos is the only supreme archon, in charge of all appointments and commands.

Diablo and Titan are listed as generals, in charge of the Kingdom’s military dispatch.

At the same time, the previous level division is eliminated and the promotion mechanism is improved.

Under the general, the ranks of corps commander, staff officer, lieutenant, sergeant major, and private are established. All promotion standards are based on ability and contribution to the Kingdom.

At the same time, the [Kingdom Guard] is reorganized.

It is mainly responsible for the homeland defense of the Kingdom’s mother planet.

The original single warrior department and swordsman department are abolished and integrated.

Each member of the guard must have at least the strength of an elite warrior.

Reorganize the [Kingdom Science Bureau]

Mitt is appointed as the chief scientist of the Science Bureau, aiming to promote the development of science and technology in the Kingdom and help the conquered dimensional world.”

Establish the [Kingdom Intelligence Bureau] with intelligence officer Archer as the director, responsible for the collection and publicity of intelligence information during the kingdom’s revival.

Establish [Kingdom Nebula Branches] in the star fields belonging to the kingdom, and carry out regular garrisons to maintain peace in the region and the kingdom’s ruling power.

Establish the [Kingdom Rescue Team]

, which can also be said to be a special force. The number of people is not large, but elite. Its mission is to save civilizations and lives on the verge of destruction and spread the kingdom’s civilization and order.

Finally, establish the [Imperial Legion] with Talos as the supreme marshal of the legion, directly led by Titan and Diablo.

The candidate for the legion leader is tentative.

Every soldier who joins the legion must be a senior warrior or above, responsible for following Talos on expeditions to various worlds and dealing with unknown dangers in the universe.


Talos now has a very high prestige among the people of the kingdom. The moment he announced it, it was unanimously recognized by all citizens.

There was no resistance at all.

The entire kingdom quickly changed.

So far, the initial reform was completed.

Now, Talos has truly become the kingdom’s legal orthodoxy… the only archon!


【Congratulations to the host for completing the side quest (2): The Only Archon】

【Reward: Kingdom Will】

【When the other party submits to you and the kingdom, you can actively engrave the kingdom’s will】

【My loyalty to you will be perfected and I will never betray you.】



(One big chapter, all finished, there will be another chapter later, thank you very much for the flowers and monthly tickets! OVO)

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