“Boss, the roads ahead and behind are blocked by fallen glaciers!!”

“There is someone still alive in the car at the back, hurry up and save him!!”

“Split up, I’ll go move the flint!”

In the glacier crack, after the initial panic, the entire rescue team’s actions became orderly.

Wang Lei activated the exoskeleton and opened the car directly, dragging out the one-meter-square flint.

But at this moment, Han Ziang glared at him, looking at Han Duoduo and Liu Qi beside him, and was emotional for a moment:”What time is it, and you are still dragging a ball!”

They didn’t have to be involved in the first place, and now they don’t know how many people are going to die.

At this moment, the temperature is minus 70 degrees Celsius, the oxygen is thin, and everyone is communicating through the built-in communicator of the exoskeleton.

Wang Lei was calm and looked at him:”Now the life and death of the entire rescue team is uncertain, and this is the only flint that can be sent.”

“In Hangzhou Underground City, 350,000 people are waiting for Firestone’s rescue.”

Han Ziang stared at him with a pair of slightly old and turbid eyes:”I just hope that these two children can leave here safely.”

Wang Lei was silent for a while,”I can only say that I will try my best.”

“Boss, the structure of this building is still intact. There are no roads in front or behind now. We can go to the glacier from here.”Another female rescue team member, Zhou Qian, pointed to the front and reported

“Act now, it’s not safe here!”

Wang Lei looked up and saw the building in the ice nearly 500 meters high.

“Hammer, take your men to the rooftop to install the cables first, and be quick!”


A group of people filed in.

Han Duoduo looked up. The elevator shaft was deep and dark.

After the advance team members installed the motor cable, everyone went up along the elevator shaft.

Although it took some time, fortunately they landed on the top without any danger.

“Save Huoshi first!!”

But until Han Ziang and rescue team member Zhao Zhigang were left.

The long-disrepaired elevator shaft could not bear the weight, the top suddenly broke, and the cable slipped.

Han Ziang, who had not yet reached the top, fell to an unknown floor. When his legs fell, they were pierced by the steel bars on the floor. He pulled them out with great pain.

The biting cold in the air flowed into the wound.

The airtightness of the isolation suit was broken, and oxygen continued to flow out through the holes on the trouser legs.

Han Ziang was not very scared. If the young soldier had not saved him just now, he would have been smashed to pieces by the falling elevator car.

“Grandpa, where are you?……”

“Hang on, old man!”

Han Duoduo and Liu Qi’s voices rang out in a hurried and sad voice over the communicator.

“leave here……”

“Hukou protects Duoduo…you must live well.……”

Han Ziang smiled bitterly as he slowly crawled forward on the ground, giving his final instructions.

The blood from his legs turned into dark red ice chips as soon as it stained the ground.

His consciousness became increasingly blurred, and the calls on the communicator became weaker.

“Beep, beep……”

“Warning, oxygen is running out.”

The oxygen display value on the life support device on his arm soon dropped to 5%.

Han Ziang didn’t care.

He stared ahead and pushed open the door at the end of the corridor with all his strength.

Inside was a hall.

Everything was buried in frost, leaving only a chair standing alone in front.

Just like his life now.

Han Ziang stood up with all his strength, panting, and staggered step by step.

The short distance of more than ten meters seemed as long as a lifetime.

Finally, he sat on it, as if everything had quieted down.

“”Ding… oxygen is exhausted.”

The value of the life support device dropped directly to zero.

Han Ziang took off his helmet, his eyes full of nostalgia, greedily breathing the last air of his hometown.

Although there was no comfort at all, only pain.

The biting cold began to climb his body, and his eyes gradually became distracted and stared at the door in front of him.

At the end of his life, he seemed to see a dazzling golden world.

Two majestic golden figures were silently watching him inside.

“Is it an illusion?”

“I actually saw a golden vortex……”

Han Ziang smiled, and in a trance he recalled a question Han Duoduo had asked before,”Does this world… really have gods?”

“If there is a God, please save the human race.……”

Han Ziang uttered his last prayer and slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, the entire building began to collapse.


“【The Wandering Earth World] can be reached.”

The golden star gate is a hundred meters high and overlaps with the space where the building is located.

Two golden giants stood in the star gate and observed the outside.

After discovering Han Ziang sitting on the chair, the two looked at each other. They took a step out of the golden vortex.

The huge body shrank rapidly and soon turned into a human-sized appearance.

The golden star gate behind them also slowly disappeared.

“It is discovered that the life characteristics of humans in this world are rapidly declining”

“Making first contact”


“”Are we finally here?”


Central Palace.

A huge spaceship was suspended in the sky, quietly waiting for the order from the great man below.

Talos stood in front of the throne.

Through Carter and Archer’s perspective, he could see everything about the Wandering Earth at the same time.

This time point was just right.

Talos slowly clenched his right hand, and muttered:”Let’s begin, the first coming of the kingdom!”……”


(There are three more chapters today, please give me some votes)

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