I Taught Martial Dao In The City, With Thirty Million Disciples!

Chapter 86 Ten-centimeter-thick steel plate, stamped with one palm! If you point it, you can pierce

Half an hour passed by.

The effect of the booze wine surprised Liu Yuanji and the two.

After a while after wiping, the soreness subsided a lot.

Only half an hour later, the two of them were alive again, and Yao Xue and the two daughters were surprised.

"Master Lu's physical fitness is abnormal, and the physical fitness of the two apprentices is also abnormal."

Lu Yuan smashed the slate into pieces with one palm, and the scene of the two being shot flying is still clearly remembered in my mind.

But they seemed to be alive and well.


Lu Yuan broke out from the waterfall, and came to the shore with a dragonfly.

Glancing at the two people who were sitting cross-legged practicing Xuanwu Ding, they said softly, "Wake up!"

The two of them opened their eyes leisurely, and Lu Yuan said, "It's almost time to rest, let's continue practicing."

"I feel sorry for Junior Brother Haoran."

"Master Lu is gentle. This slap can really kill someone."

"It doesn't work if you tap it lightly. I guess Master Lu hasn't completely opened the Eight Trigrams Serial Palm until now."

"It must not have been opened, and it took only 40% of the force to smash the slate. If they were full, the two of them would be sent directly to the crematorium in a while."

The two got up and touched the steel plate. Liu Yuanji said, "This thing will definitely not be broken."

Wu Haoran reminded: "Master Lu just used 40% of his strength."

"Yes..." Liu Yuanji scratched his head and looked at Lu Yuan again: "Master Lu, how much effort did you use this time?"

"Four percent."

He wanted to go all out, but the problem was that if he really went all out, the steel plate might not be able to withstand it.

Taking a step back, the steel plate can hold it, but the two people behind the steel plate definitely can't carry it.

"That should be fine."

Liu Yuanji was full of confidence and shrank behind the steel plate: "Junior brother, come here quickly."


The two of them squatted behind the steel plate, with their shoulders against the ground and one foot on the ground. This position allowed them to do the greatest resistance with the least effort.

"Ready, Master Lu!"


Lu Yuan stood three meters away, looking at the same scene, wishing they could last longer this time.

Although it is a drill, once the boxing technique is unfolded and half of the hand is closed, it feels like a punch on cotton, which makes people feel very depressed.

Yao Xue and the two women withdrew for a few meters, and netizens also held their breaths and watched nervously.


Lu Yuan took one step at a time, his steps were agile, and he arrived in an instant. He slapped the steel plate with his palm like a heavy hammer.


The thick and hard steel plate, under this palm, was slapped with a buzzing sound, like the sound of a copper bell hitting Dalu, and it was endless.

The huge force was very condensed. Liu Yuanji and the two felt that their shoulders were about to break, and their shoes were touching the ground. Under this unstoppable force, they crossed the ground and left deep marks, and they retreated more than half a meter.


Lu Yuan stepped forward, followed by the second palm.


This palm was even stronger than that. The two of them felt that they almost didn't come up with one breath, but they still clenched their teeth and held it back, but they still retreated nearly one meter.



Four palms in a row, Lu Yuan suddenly closed his fists and stood up, not continuing to use them.

Can't fight anymore, fight again, no one will carry water to cook tomorrow.

"Get up."

Lu Yuan said.


Until then, Yao Xue and the two women dared to let go of their breath, and their chests rose and fell.

Liu Yuanji and the two stood up from behind the steel plate, and the bones in their shoulders almost seemed to be split.

This means that they practice hard every day, and their physical fitness surpasses that of ordinary people.

As an ordinary person, the first palm was shocked and passed out.

And when they stood up, they were shocked to see that where Lu Yuan had passed, there was a deep ravine four or five meters long.

This ravine is in stark contrast to the land in other places.

Liu Yuanji's mouth twitched.

Master Lu is going to fuck me to death!

I was under pressure that I shouldn't be under at my age.

"I, hold the grass!"

"This is so scary!"

"Xiaoji is still alive?"

"It's terrifying, the power of Bagua Zhang is so terrifying!"

"Grass, look at the steel plate!"

"What happened to the steel plate?"

"I'm blazing, is that a palm print?"? "It's really a palm print, it's a palm print!"

"I'm holding the grass, my horse is split open, and a palm prints on the steel plate?"

The barrage suddenly exploded, and they saw a faint palm print on the steel plate!

Although the palm print is shallow, it is extremely clear!

"Huh? What is this?"

Liu Yuanji looked down and found something on the steel plate, which he couldn't see clearly from this angle.

Turning around to see, it's clear, it's a palm print!

"Palmprint... I'm Nima! Master Lu really wants to kill me!"

Liu Yuanji's mouth twitched wildly, and his heart was twitching.


Wu Haoran also saw the palm print on the steel plate, and took a breath. Only then did he understand how much power the two of them had just endured.

This is the two of them resisting together.

To be replaced by Liu Yuanji alone, Wu Haoran should choose the shape of the urn for him at this time.

Seeing the two of them staring at the steel plate without saying a word, Yao Xue walked up curiously.

Just wanted to ask if they were injured and if I wanted to call an ambulance for them.

Subconsciously following their gaze, he saw the palm print on the steel plate.

Yao Xue's mouth opened little by little, and the expression on her face changed rapidly in a very dramatic way.

Doubt, thinking, surprise, and then shock.

"This is... a palm print?"

"Master Lu just beat it out? Or is it the original one?"

She wasn't sure, but she was blown away!

"Little Zhao!"

"Sister Yao, what's wrong?"

"Come here."

Zhao Ying ran over, away from Liu Yuanji, the slut, and stood beside Yao Xue.

Yao Xue pointed at the steel plate: "Quick, take a photo!"


Zhao Ying pointed the camera doubtfully, and saw the palm print while filming.

A small mouth opened wide.

"Did you take a picture?"

"It's taken!"

"Let me take a look at the picture you just shot."

"oh oh."

Zhao Ying called up the shot just now, and before Lu Yuan shot, clicked pause to zoom in on the screen.

It is determined that the steel plate at this time is still smooth and there is nothing!

After Lu Yuan took the first palm, she immediately pressed pause and zoomed in again, still smooth.

The second palm, pause, zoom in, there is already a certain mark on the steel plate at this time.

The third palm, the imprint at this time has become more obvious.

The last palm is shot, and the imprint on it has been formed. It can be seen that it is indeed a palm imprint!

Extraordinarily clear!

It's just that none of them noticed this detail at the time.

What are they looking at?

Seeing Liu Yuanji's group surrounding the steel plate, Lu Yuan walked over curiously.

He didn't open his mouth to ask, but looked along their gazes. After seeing the palm print on the steel plate, he was stunned for a moment, and understood why they had such a reaction.

Although he controlled the strength to about 40%, the strength of each palm was extremely condensed without any spread.

With one palm shot, all the strength converges at one point.

It's normal to leave marks on the palm of your hand...  

And this is just a move with the palm. As the saying goes, three punches are not as good as one elbow, and three elbows are not as good as one finger.

In any kung fu and fighting skills, palms are not as good as fists, fists are not as good as elbows, elbows are not as good as fingers!

If he uses the hard body skill to make a move with one finger, the concentration of strength will be even more terrifying, and it is not impossible to pierce the steel plate and leave an eye.

"Take a five-minute break and go down the mountain."

Lu Yuan's voice broke the silence, making the two wake up instantly.

Then they saw Lu Yuan throwing two bottles of water, and the two hurriedly caught them, the shock on their faces turned into surprise.

"And water?"

"Come on, is Master Lu Tiny Ding-dong?"

"Where is the water hiding?"

"I've watched it more than a dozen times, but I still can't see it. How could it be hidden?"

"The main thing is to carry so much water with you, but it doesn't affect your body at all?"

The attention of netizens was also diverted, and they all began to study where Lu Yuan hid the water.

The two drank water, rubbed and beat each other, rested for about five minutes, and felt that their physical strength had fully recovered.

There is still some pain in the shoulder, but it is not a big problem.

"Go down the mountain."

Lu Yuan walked down the mountain, Lao Hei followed, Lu Yuan said, "Go, follow them."

Lao Hei followed behind the two girls, the two girls were too slow, grinding and chirping, getting used to Lao Hei who was running wild, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

Wu Haoran asked, "Master Lu, are the steel plates here?"

"Come down the mountain."

"Okay." Wu Haoran went to carry the steel plate, and Liu Yuanji grabbed it: "Senior brother is here, it's none of your business."

Seeing Liu Yuanji walking down the mountain carrying the steel plate, Wu Haoran said silently, "Is Senior Brother always so strong?"

Liu Yuanji and the two arrived at the foot of the mountain in half an hour, but it took the two women an hour.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain, Lu Yuan glanced at the time, it was almost five o'clock.

Most of the time was spent up and down the mountain.

"It's getting late, I'll be here today, see you tomorrow."

Lu Yuan closed the live broadcast and looked at the two women: "Let's go after dinner."

Yao Xue just wanted to say no, but thinking of the delicious lunch at noon, she nodded hurriedly: "Trouble Master Lu."

After an afternoon of hard training, Liu Yuanji and the two were busy cooking and cooking rabbits.

The hard work this day was much more tiring than the previous two days.

But with the aura water given by Lu Yuan, they drank three bottles in one afternoon, but the two of them were still alive and well.

After dinner, it was already dark.

Yao Xue got up and said, "Master Lu, thank you for your hospitality, it's getting late, we'll go back first."

"Okay, slow down on the road."

Lu Yuan escorted them out of the yard and watched them get into the car and leave.

Back in the yard, looking at the two washing dishes and pots, Lu Yuan also began to think about whether it was time for Liu Yuanji to become a regular.

"Half a month."

"In the past two weeks, let him feel the sinister human heart. If he can get through it, he will turn into a positive one. If he can't get through it..."

Lu Yuan shook his head, and he wasn't sure if the goods would survive.

Subconsciously, he looked between Liu Yuanji's legs and thought that I was practicing martial arts, not cultivating immortality.


On the way back.

Zhao Ying was chattering about what she saw today and was emotional.

"For the first time, I know that Da Xia's kung fu can be so powerful!"

"Sister Yao, you said that our Daxia Kungfu is so good, why don't we have professional competitions?"

"I saw a question on Puhu, saying that people can kill a tiger with their bare hands. Sister Yao, do you think Master Lu can beat a tiger head-on?"

"Sister Yao, when will this interview be broadcast?"

"Yeah, Master Lu is a hot search!".

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