I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 405 Life Talk and Digression

Looking at Hinami Rina's shining eyes, Kazuma was about to agree to the introduction, but Tamamo suddenly said: "Do you know how to contact Okada Anri?"

Kazuma was momentarily speechless.

In 1981, there was no QQ, no WeChat, and not even mobile phones. Phone calls could only be made to landlines.

The key and Kazuma still don’t know Okada’s home number.

As for going to school, Kazuma didn't remember which university Okada was admitted to. He just accidentally heard Okada say before graduating from high school that he would be admitted to a mid-range university.

Each school in Japan recruits its own admissions. When the candidates go to take the exam, the high school graduation ceremony is over. Their high school classmates have long been scattered. They are not friends with whom they have personal contact. They don’t know which school they are applying for, let alone what exam they will take. Didn't pass the exam.

Kazuma scratched the back of his head: "Uh... how about we get the Yellow Pages and call every family named Okada?"

Tamamo sighed: "I knew it. Don't worry, I have written down Okada-san's contact information."

Kazuma scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

"I know where the theater troupe Okada-san joins is." Honami suddenly said, "I also went to see their performance of Macbeth, but at that time Okada-san had just joined the troupe and could only be a helper."

Kazuma: "You know so well?"

Honami looked at Kazuma, speechless: "I told you that Okada-san is running a theater troupe."

"Eh? Did you say that?"

Kazuma looked at Tamamo, but the latter took out a tea cup from nowhere and drank tea.

"No, why do you have tea?" Kazuma asked doubtfully.

"I made it while you were putting your luggage, using tea bags from the kitchen."

Amao: "The ones in the kitchen... are the tea bags that I brought back from working in a convenience store that were about to expire. I originally thought that I might not be able to finish them all before they expire."

Tamamo drank tea.

Thinking about it carefully, she doesn't seem to be overly particular about tea or anything else, so she just pretends to be in front of outsiders.

Honami clapped her hands: "Then, I'll call Okada. Let me borrow the phone at the entrance."

In 1981, even the eldest daughter of a chaebol could only borrow a phone from the poor master of the dojo.

Just as Honami was about to get up, the phone rang from the entrance.

Chiyoko sighed: "Isn't something going to happen again? We have encountered Yakuza, terrorists, and plagues. This time it's time for aliens?"

"Maybe my mother called to ask if I had won the bid," Mikako said.

Kazuma stood up: "As the head of the family, I'm going to answer the phone."

Amao also stood up: "Do you want me to get a knife?"

"What are you doing? I'm just taking a call. Sit down, Tamamo, get everyone some tea to drink and relax."

Kazuma said as he left the dojo and came to the entrance to answer the phone.

"Hello? I'm Kiryu Kazuma, who are you?"

The voice of Toda, the head of the Kendo Department of Dongda University, came over the phone: "Kiryu? You..."

"Are you looking for Miss Gan?"

"I'm looking for you! Ganzhong is actually at your place later? She told her family that she was interning in a big company!"

Only then did Kazuma realize that he seemed to have accidentally sold Miss Ganzhong.

Probably Ganzhong-chan used the excuse of interning in a large company to explain to her family why she didn't go home during the summer vacation. She didn't tell her family that she went to the hot springs with Kiryu Dojo.

Kazuma hurriedly reconciled: "Today I came back from a trip to the hot springs. I brought souvenirs, hot spring steamed buns and other things, so I called her over to share the hot spring steamed buns."

"Specially called to your house to eat hot spring steamed buns?" Senior Toda asked doubtfully.

"Yeah, her internship ends today anyway."

"That's it. That's great. It's just a good time to invite her to participate in our kendo club's activities."

Kazuma frowned: "What kendo club activities?"

"Ah, you've been lying in bed so you didn't know, we are going to participate in this year's West Japan Kendo Tournament."

Kazuma raised his eyebrows: "You mean the Jade Dragon Flag?"

"Yes, we also participated in the competition in previous years, but we were tortured by the strong kendo school, so we could only fight against the stragglers who participated individually, and we might not be able to win. With you in our department this year, maybe we can A historic breakthrough has been achieved!”

The competition system of Yulong Banner is the so-called KOF competition system. As long as there is a very strong player, he can perform a series of five and achieve a shocking comeback.

The overall strength of the Tokyo University Kendo Club is mediocre, and in formal team battles such as Nippon University Kendo Federation competitions, they may lose due to a losing score.

But as long as Yulongqi and Ma knock down everyone on the other side, they can take the Yulongqi home.

No wonder Toda-senpai is so excited that he can even temporarily ignore the reason why his childhood sweetheart is at Kiryu Dojo.

The club activities of Japanese universities are very helpful for future employment. In prestigious schools like Tokyo University, the OBs of the clubs often occupy various high positions in society.

When the time comes, Toda will tell the OBs, "The Kendo Club won the Jade Dragon Flag during my term of office." If they steadily increase their favorability, the entire career path will be much easier.

In contrast, societies like the New Ghost Story Research Association, unless Ms. Gan Zhongzhong graduates and becomes a folklorist, probably won't be able to help much.

Maybe being a folklorist won't help, because Kazuma is now sure that there is a mysterious side to this world. Although he is very weak, it probably won't be a problem to kill a folklorist who accidentally enters the restricted area.

After Kazuma understood what Senior Toda was thinking, he responded: "When does the Jade Dragon Flag start? Can we still catch up now?"

"Of course I can catch up. The competition time of the college group must match the competition time of the high school group, and you know the high school side."

There are various national competitions in Japanese high schools, which are all scheduled between the end of July and August, leaving time for each county to hold county conferences.

It seems that Yulong Banner has also put its time here - although Yulong Banner does not have a selection competition, you can go if you sign up, and you have to bear the travel expenses.

By the way, the East-West Japan Kendo Federation seems to be at odds with each other in this time and space, so East Japan's Kuixing Banner is also put on summer vacation to compete with West Japan.

Hema's Beigao only participated in Kuixing Banner.

The Kuixing Banner individual competition championship banner he got is still hanging in the dojo.

The Kuixing Flag logo is also painted on the sign at the entrance of the dojo - if someone in the dojo takes the Kuixing Flag once, a logo can be placed on it.

Kiryu Dojo currently only has this Kuixing flag logo.

It seems good to add a Jade Dragon Flag logo.

So Kazuma said to Toda-senpai: "Okay, I will participate. So when will we leave?"

"In these few days, don't expect any formal training.

“Although we are a kendo club and carry out kendo activities, in the final analysis we are just a group of amateurs.

"If a strong man like you wants to become a professional kendo master, he should compete in the All Japan Kendo Championship hosted by the All Sword Federation."

Toda's words were a bit self-deprecating at the end. It seems that he has clearly recognized the gap between himself as an amateur kendo enthusiast and Kazuma.

Most of the people in the Kendo Club will later have jobs that have nothing to do with Kendo.

If Kazuma remembers correctly this kendo championship held by the All-Kennis Federation, the champion for decades has been an active police officer.

After all, police officers need force, and kendo is a professional skill that can be used to save lives at critical moments.

Kazuma: "So, we just sign up directly and then go there to fight and that's it?"

"Yes, there should be some social activities after the fight, but Kiryu, you probably have no interest in socializing."

Kazuma raised an eyebrow.

At this time, Mikako opened the door of the dojo, stuck her head out and shouted: "Kazuma, what on earth is going on?"

"Toda-senpai called."

"Who is Toda-senpai?" Mikako asked loudly.

"This is the one who had a drinking contest with Middle School Sister Gan when we had a banquet here before."

"Ah, that big guy, why does he want to date Sister Gan?"

Kazuma: "No, he came to ask me if I wanted to join the Jade Dragon Banner with the Kendo Club."

"Oh...Eh? Didn't you just fight the Jade Dragon Flag in high school?"

Kazuma was about to answer, and then his ears heard Honami speak first in the dojo: "Yade Dragon Flag also has university competitions, but because the strong men in the kendo club at the university are focusing on the All Japan Kendo Championship, it is not too big. famous."

Mikako still said in a loud voice: "Well, then why are you participating in this competition? Just go directly to the All-Japan Championship. Kazuma should be able to do it with his strength."

"You should be able to make some splash in the youth group." Tamamo said, "The current Kazuma in the higher-level group probably can't do it."

Mikako: "Isn't this enough? Both my family and my horse have slashed at the gunships with their swords. Are those old swordsmen better than the gunships?"

Kazuma thought to himself, just wait a minute. When did I slash the helicopter?

Qingliu spoke over there: "That's what you said..."

Kazuma thought that he was right, so Haru Liu scolded the monkey so that she would stop talking nonsense in the future.

Qingliu: "When did Master become your Kazuma?"

Yes, when did I become your family! No, it’s a helicopter! Talk about the helicopter, Haruru!

"Oh, don't worry about such details. After all, Kazuma is so strong, but he can only fight a dozen youth groups? What kind of monsters are there in the entire sword alliance?"

Honami: "In terms of pure kendo strength, if Kazuma participates in the East-West Kendo competition now, he will probably be able to fight in the vanguard of the East Japan representative team?"

The East-West Kendo Tournament is a regular competition between the East Japan Kendo Federation and the West Japan Kendo Federation. Both sides will arrange a series of players to compete in team battles.

Generally, those who play the vanguard are young players and rookies.

Mikako continued to be surprised: "Can Kazuma only be the vanguard?"

"Kazuma is not yet 20 years old, so he is good as a pioneer." Honami said.

"Obviously even the helicopter was chopped down!"

Just say that it has not been chopped down. Can you personally refute the idea of ​​cutting down helicopters?

Kazuma was so anxious with the microphone that he almost ignored the words of Toda-senpai on the microphone: "It seems that you are very busy over there, so I won't disturb you. I will send you the tickets after booking the Shinkansen and hotel." It will be sent to your dojo together with the hotel address. If you want to bring your family members, you have to pay for the bus tickets and book the hotel."

"Okay, senior."

After talking to Kazuma, he hung up the phone and returned to the dojo.

"I didn't chop down the helicopter!" He said to Mikako solemnly.

"Huh? But there is a legend that you killed an American helicopter."

"That's false. Think about it, it's a helicopter with armor protection. How can a knife cut it down? It's still flying in the sky. I have to reach it first."

Mikako: "You can use ninjutsu, swap a piece of wood with a helicopter in the sky, and then before the helicopter takes off... don't flick my forehead! I'm just imagining it, don't be so serious, just have a laugh. Ouch!"

Mikako squatted down holding her forehead that was hit by Kazuma. On the surface, she looked aggrieved, but in fact, she just said "I'll do it next time."

After cleaning up Mikako who was talking about trains, Kazuma looked at the disciples - no, there was also Miss Ami, who was not a disciple but was sitting in the dojo as a matter of course.

"Anyway, I want to participate in the Yulong Banner held in Fukuoka - together with the seniors of the Kendo Club. The Kendo Club only provides my travel expenses and accommodation. If you want to go, you have to find your own tickets and hotel."

Mikako immediately turned to look at Honami.

Honami tilted her head and thought for a while before saying: "Fukuoka... The Yulong Flag should also be in Fukuoka this year? My family also has a villa in Fukuoka. The villa in Fukuoka is similar to the villa on the island, both have the sea."

"How many villas do you have?" He Ma asked.

"About ten. The main reason is that my grandfather doesn't like Hawaii and doesn't want to build vacation villas in Hawaii like other consortiums do, so he just took money to buy villas all over Japan."

Just when Kazuma was about to give a few compliments and hug the rich woman's thigh, Sister Gan said: "Actually, if you are on vacation, my horse farm is not bad. You can ride a retired champion horse and chase the sunset."

Stop it, just use the retired champion racehorse for breeding, you wasteful bastard lady!

Honami naturally took over what Miss Ami said: "It's also nice to watch the sunset in a Cessna."

Kazuma heard Mikako ask Haru in a low voice: "Do you know what a Cessna is?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because you were once a eldest lady, and now you have fallen into disrepute and joined the common people's side, so it is less burdensome to ask."

Qingliu rolled his eyes and said: "Cessna is the world's most famous private small aircraft manufacturer. They usually use the manufacturer's name to refer to their products, which are small aircraft. I also flew in it when I went to Hawaii. once."

Mikako made an "oh" sound: "That's great, that's great."

Honami looked at Mikako: "Do you want to sit down? This trip to Fukuoka will allow you to sit as much as you want."

"Okay." Mikako raised her hands in the air and cheered.

Chiyoko glanced at Amao and said to Kazuma: "Brother, I won't go this time..."

"Why?" Amao said in surprise, "You should also strive for the Jade Dragon Flag in the future, right? It's good to gain some experience now."

"Our family has no money." Chiyoko said.

Amao turned to look at Honami: "Sister Nanjo, aren't you going to take Xiaoqian with you?"

Honami looked at Chiyoko and said with a bad smile: "How is that possible? Chiyoko, just come."

"I..." Chiyoko held it in for a long time and shouted, "I want to review! In order to take the college entrance examination, I will start reviewing now!"

Amao looked at Chiyoko in surprise: "You are only a freshman in high school, and you are starting to prepare for the exam now? Could it be that your grades are actually very poor, Qian?"

Chiyoko was internally injured by Amao's words and looked like she was about to vomit blood.

"I..." Suddenly Chiyoko's expression lit up and she pointed at Seiryu, "I want to supervise Seiryu's preparation for the exam!"

Qingliu: "Eh?"

"Seiryu, you want to pass the music high school, right? The best pitch in Tokyo also has very high requirements for cultural courses. You may not be able to pass the exam if you don't review well, Seiryu!"

Many of the music high schools in Japan are actually normal high schools with a music department, and they also recruit students from general subjects.

In addition, going to an ordinary high school with a relatively strong chorus or wind section is also a path to music major.

It would be even better if I could win a national award in the chorus or instrumental department.

Because Japanese high schools and universities organize their own recruitment examinations, different schools have different requirements for cultural courses.

Some schools require higher scores in cultural subjects.

Universities like Tokyo University of the Arts have such high requirements for cultural courses that they don't look like an art university.

So when faced with the reason that Chiyoko suddenly pulled out, Haru Liu was completely unable to refute it.

Chiyoko: "I've seen your test papers, Haru, and you only got four points in Chinese, right?"

"Uh..." Qing Liu blushed, "You don't need Chinese to play rock and roll."

"But you are still a bad girl," Mikako would not let go of this opportunity to bully Haru, and jumped out decisively, "You have to write a lot of Chinese characters for a bad girl, right? What if you don't know how to write Chinese characters on the special attack suit? What should I do? Can you write these Chinese characters with a lot of strokes, such as "hustle and bustle"?"

"You bastard, there is a limit to how you look down on people! Of course I can write about it! I can also write about Night Dew and Death Suffering!" When Qingliu retorted, she subconsciously started to snap her tongue.

It should be said that she is worthy of being the eldest lady of the former Ji Dao. Her tongue-picking pronunciation is very authentic.

Kazuma: "So Seiryu, can you write the melancholy Taiwan Turtle?"

Qingliu was stunned.

For Chinese characters in Japanese, many times you can’t determine which character they are after knowing the pronunciation. There are different pronunciations for Chinese characters in Japanese, such as pronunciation, pronunciation, and pronunciation. Kazuma simply throws out a string of pronunciations of Chinese characters, let alone Seiryu, even Honami. He showed a thinking expression.

Tamamo laughed out loud.

Mikako: "What the hell? Kazuma, what are you talking about? Is there a word for this in Japanese?"

Tamamo: "He's using Chinese language to bully you."

"Can students from Dongda University speak Chinese casually? Dongda University is so awesome!" Mikako exclaimed.

Gan Zhongmeiyu shook her head like a rattle: "No, no, no, I don't know Chinese, not at all."

Tamamo: "It's because of my family connections. Less than a hundred years ago, the upper class in Japan were proud to be able to speak Chinese, so many of the books preserved by the Chinese descendants of Gongqing were in Chinese. So I also learned some Chinese.”

Kazuma looked at Tamamo and thought, no, when you were young, the upper class in Japan should have spoken Chinese.

Chiyoko patted the wooden floor of the dojo with her hand: "I'm off topic! In short, Haru Liu is in a very bad situation right now. In order for her to be admitted to the best high school with a music subject, I have to help her review and prepare for the exam!"

"Um...then, thank you? Wait a minute, so I can't go to Fukuoka too?" Qingliu suddenly realized that he had been cheated!

Chiyoko said in an unquestionable tone: "Of course. Unless you don't want to take the music high school exam."

"I don't have to go for the best pitch. I can go for an average one. I can choose the second or third level in college. After all, my voice is in good condition. As long as someone trains me, it will be fine..."

Chiyoko glared at Haru, exuding astonishing courage: "Seiryu, we must strive for excellence in what we do. You just said that you would open a singing show in the martial arts hall and compete in a red and white song. Do you think this kind of thing is too important? Is it possible to just muddle along and do it?”

"Uh... Well, that makes sense. Then I will try my best to get the best pitch, and then go to college..."

"Of course it's Tokyo University of the Arts!" Mikako shouted, "Tokyo University of the Arts Vocal Music Department!"

Kazuma frowned slightly.

——Wait a minute, why did I remember that after graduating from the Vocal Music Department of Tokyo University of the Arts, you didn’t become a pop singer?

This is the route to go to the National Theater Company to sing opera. This route to sing pop songs is equivalent to a singer like Li Guyi singing Two Butterflies!

But... forget it, no one said this wouldn't work.

Kazuma remembered that in his previous life, there was a genuine opera singer from Tokyo University of the Arts who went to work as a VTB (virtual anchor)...

This sister sang "Farewell to Mount Osore" with professional-level singing, overwhelming a lot of singing power at once.

Chiyoko risked her life to stay in the dojo and shouted: "That's right, Haru, let's make this our goal! Going to Tokyo University of Arts and Culture is very demanding, so just review with me during the rest of the summer!"

Qingliu: "Oh, oh! Let's review!"

Kazuma looked at Hinami from the side.

It was originally a life-long conversation between Rina Hinami, but now it has decided Seiruru's future...

Life is indeed like a box of chocolate beans. You never know what the next one will taste like until you eat it.

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