I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 413 Things are changing

Kazuma leaned against the police car, calmed down a little, and then looked up at the Dongdu Police Station in front of him.

"Is this the police station that will be bombed this time..." he said.

Inspector Sato immediately panicked and said with a Kyushu accent: "Don't explode!"

"You're kidding." Kazuma waved his hand, "By the way, I want to call my... uh, family, is that okay?"

"It's not a criminal detention, no problem. Come to the office and use our phone."

Kazuma: "Wait a minute, isn't this against the rules? Shouldn't there be a dedicated phone for outsiders?"

"This may be true in Tokyo, but look at our police station building. This is a remnant of the building from pre-war to now. We have been using it like this. Do you think there will be a single room in it specifically for making phone calls to prisoners? "

Kazuma looked up at the police station again, and indeed the traces of time could be seen with the naked eye.

"Okay, as long as you can make a phone call." He Ma said.

"Don't worry, we have no interest in the content of your call."

Kazuma shrugged. In fact, he didn't have anything secret to say. He just wanted to make a call to see if Honami could come over and get him out.

Tomorrow the battle will begin at Yulong Banner, but he stayed at the police station the night before, which will definitely have an impact on the situation tomorrow.

Now Kazuma has seen at least two threatening strong men. Gosho Noo Keijiro's kendo level is higher than him, and he also has a special entry. Although Shimo Inaba does not have a special entry, his kendo level is also real.

After all, Shimo Inaba was from a police family, so it was normal for him to have strong swordsmanship.

However, he did not go to Tokyo University after leaving Inaba, which meant that he could not enter the Metropolitan Police Department and join the gold watch team to succeed his father.

Of course, generally speaking, the eldest son or second son should take over, and the third son can play more wildly.

But Shimo Inaba is so concerned about the internal affairs of the Metropolitan Police Department, maybe he also wants to enter the Metropolitan Police Department and inherit his father's legacy.

Theoretically, it is possible. If you can search the section chief of the first section and then go directly to the criminal director, there is still a slight chance of being promoted from the police department to the police.

With Shimo Inaba relying on his father, his chances of success are slightly higher.

An eternal police officer like Detective Shiratori can only wait for his retirement to be promoted to one level. On the day of promotion, he packs up and goes home to his wife and children.

This Shimo Inaba is probably very eager to defeat Kazuma, who has been in a lot of limelight in front of the police in the past year, at the Jade Dragon Flag. This is somewhat of a qualification, and he will probably be able to show off to his father and brothers when he takes it home.

Apart from these two people, who knows how many powerful people there will be on the Jade Dragon Banner tomorrow.

You have to maintain a perfect competitive condition.

Kazuma made up his mind and strode towards the police station. As he walked, he turned back and asked, "If you want to go to the office, which way should you go after entering?"

Inspection Chief Sato followed Kazuma, pointed to the corridor on the right side of the door, and then joked: "You are so familiar with the road, you really treat entering the police station as a trip."

He Ma spread his hands and said, "I didn't come here on my own. This is called taking care of yourself as you come. By the way, I'm a little hungry after the fight. Does your police station provide midnight snacks?"

"Yes, yes, but the logistics section of our police station only provides ramen at night." Inspector Sato touched his stomach, "I'm a little hungry too, can I order more for you?"

"Okay." Kazuma nodded.

At this time, Sato's partner, a young policeman who had only been in the industry for three years, asked curiously: "They say that the police stations in Tokyo are so rich that they give meat to prisoners. Is this true?"

Kazuma nodded: "Really, but it also depends on which police station it is. The police station in Kanda River that was bombed before was relatively poor and could only provide pork chop rice. Like the police station in Setagaya Ward, I’m giving Matsusaka steak to the prisoner.”

Although Setagaya Ward is on the edge of Tokyo, it is close to Kanagawa Prefecture - the same Kanagawa Prefecture that is the main stage of "Slam Dunk".

But Setagaya is not an "urban-rural fringe area", but a famous wealthy area in Tokyo.

The young policeman's eyes widened: "Matsusaka steak? I can count the number of times I've eaten Matsusaka beef on one hand, okay!"

"He must be talking nonsense. You are not good at it. When you reach my age in the police station, you will be able to tell at a glance whether the person in front of you is talking nonsense." Inspector Sato paused and looked at Kazuma. "Even the police station in Setagaya is not rich enough to entertain people with Matsusaka steak. At most, they can just use ordinary Wagyu steak!"

"Wait a minute," Hema said, holding his forehead. "If you want to deny it, just deny it all at once. Don't lose half of it."

Inspector Sato spread his hands and said: "I don't know what kind of life the rich people in Setagaya, Tokyo, have, and what about the police in Setagaya. I'm not afraid of you saying that I have been a policeman for so many years and have never left Kyushu Island. My son has been living all day long. He’s clamoring to go to Tokyo to see the world.”

While talking, the three of them walked through the long corridor and arrived at the office.

Through the office window, you can see that a minibus carrying people from the Japanese Sports University Kendo Club has just arrived.

"Stop reading, make a phone call quickly, and then write down what needs to be written. After you finish, have a late-night snack, and I'll give you a clean bed." Inspector Sato urged.

Kazuma nodded, and then started to dig into his pocket. He searched for a long time but couldn't find the note in his memory.

On the note was written the front desk phone number of the hotel where Tamamo and Honami stayed today, as well as the number of the room they booked.

As long as you call the front desk and ask the front desk to transfer you to the room, you can contact the girls.

In these days without mobile phones, this is already very convenient.

In another two years, pagers will become popular - and in my immediate life, everyone called pagers BP machines. At that time, the symbol of a big boss was a briefcase in his hand, a BP machine and car keys on his waist.

But the time hasn't come yet, so Kazuma can only continue to use notepaper to write down phone numbers.

Then he searched all his pockets now and couldn't find the piece of paper.

——It’s broken. There’s no way to contact Honami to protect her.

It seems that I can only sleep at the police station tonight.

Kazuma couldn't help complaining in his heart that the police in Fukuoka didn't know how to do things. You see, in Tokyo, even if I shot down all the US military planes, I wouldn't be left at the police station overnight. It's great to be here. If I fight, I have to stay at the police station. Get a night's sleep.

Fortunately, Tamamo would come over and fall into a dream at night, and then in the dream, it would be nice to have her and Honami come over early in the morning to protect her.

However, Tamamo and the others should sleep in the same room tonight and have a good night's sleep. Early tomorrow morning, Tamamo will get Honami up and go to the police station to guaranty her, and no one will call or anything in between. I don't know how Tamamo will explain to Honami.

Inspector Sato watched from the side and stood motionless in front of the phone like Ma Muren, and asked in confusion: "What? Have you forgotten your home phone number?"

Kazuma had an idea - he could call the Kiryu Dojo. Tamamo had no choice but to leave the hotel's phone number and room number at home for Chiyoko to look for.

Kazuma started dialing, pressing the Tokyo area code first, but the phone immediately started to be busy.

"What's going on? I just pressed..."

Kazuma turned around and looked at Sato suspiciously.

Sato pressed his forehead hard: "Damn it, forget it. Recently, someone here secretly made long-distance calls to Tokyo to request songs from the radio station, which caused the phone bill to explode this month, so the boss stopped the long-distance function..."

What the hell?

"Why do you need to call Radio Tokyo to request a song?"

Kazuma asked.

"Eh? Is there any problem with this?" The young policeman, whose name Kazuma still didn't know, looked puzzled. "When I listen to those radio stations, I often say, 'This is a call from a reader in Sapporo.' People from Sapporo can call, but people from Fukuoka can call. Isn’t it weird to request songs on the phone?”

He Ma was stunned. He had just finished cooperating with Sony Music. He lived with a group of Sony Music musicians in Hot Spring Street for three weeks and listened to a lot of inside stories about the music industry.

After the release of his new single, the marketing department will go to some radio stations with wide coverage and large audiences to place advertisements.

Those who call to request songs from such remote places are mostly "product placement" placed by the tape distributor.

Looks like one guy took this seriously.

If he is born a few decades later, he will probably take those UP owners’ casual advertisements seriously, thinking that these UPs are really playing the mobile games they publish videos for.

While Kazuma was thinking this, the old policeman sitting at the desk next to the water dispenser turned around with a water glass in hand.

"There is a new development in this matter. The prisoner seemed to be inspired by the deeds of Kazuma Kiryu and wanted to write a song. Then he asked a friend to release the tape, thinking that it would be a big hit.

“But things went against expectations, the tapes couldn’t be sold at all, and my friend almost lost his money trying to pursue his dream.

“So he came up with a way to call the radio station and request songs.

"Our radio station in Fukuoka is fine. It doesn't cost much to make a few phone calls. However, the station in Fukuoka can only cover Fukuoka and some surrounding areas. He feels that the effect is not good.

“So he targeted the big radio stations with nationwide coverage.”

The old policeman said this with great interest. Finally, his mouth became dry and he picked up the tea cup and took a big sip.

Inspector Sato took advantage of this opportunity to comment: "Is there such a thing? I don't know whether to call this person stupid or praise him for having a dream."

The old policeman shook his head: "If he hadn't come up with the bad idea of ​​using the police station's phone number to make long-distance calls to Tokyo to request songs, I would have given him a thumbs up for his courage to pursue his dream."

Kazuma suddenly remembered that he was going to eat ramen today, and Huacheng had made a reservation by telegraph one day in advance.

Long distance phone charges are very exorbitant in this day and age.

It seems that the Dongdu Police Department was screwed over by this dream-chasing young man, otherwise the long-distance service would not have been stopped.

Kazuma: "But if you stop the long distance, won't it affect the handling of the case?"

"It still has an impact. If you need to call a case outside Fukuoka, you can only go outside and call a public phone." The old policeman sighed, "You said that if you call a public phone and there is no receipt, you can't be reimbursed at all. . It just so happened that I took on a case that had to be sent to Saga this month, and I used up my entire coin bag just for making phone calls."

When the old policeman said these words, he exuded the aura of a receptionist that Kazuma was familiar with.

When I and Ma still lived in the compound of the work unit, I felt that the man in the reception room looked very amiable and approachable.

No matter how much conflict there is with the local children, as long as they break through the Maginot Line of Defense guarded by the receptionist, the local children will not dare to take another step further.

Kazuma looked at the old policeman again, and then confirmed that the old man was only a tea vat with "Self-Defense Counterattack against Vietnam" written in red paint before he was the receptionist in his impression.

The old policeman also looked at Kazuma: "What did this guy do? I wasn't here when you just sent out the police. Look at the tendons, are you a fitness trainer? Are you having sex with the wife of a rich family who hires a trainer?" "

Kazuma was immediately in awe of the old policeman's association ability: Good guy, there is no connection at all.

Sato pointed at Kazuma: "This is 'that Kiryu'."

Kazuma: "I am the guardian of Osaka, the nemesis of the Bomb Demon..."

"Ah, it's that Kiryu!" The old policeman interrupted Kazuma's name, "What a coincidence! What day is July now? Let me see..."

The old policeman put on his glasses and turned to look at the calendar on the wall.

"Huh? Is this date wrong?" He stood up and walked to the calendar, "How do I remember that yesterday was the date? Really, no one except me tears up the calendar?"

The old policeman tore off the page from the calendar with the day before yesterday's date written on it and threw it into the wastebasket next to it.

"This is the time," he looked at the correct date, "So Kiryu came to participate in the Jade Dragon Banner, right? Did he cause trouble before the Jade Dragon Banner and get into trouble? This is too careless!"

Kazuma: "Why do you feel like everyone in Fukuoka knows that the Yulong Flag will start tomorrow?"

"Please, we are the police. When large-scale events are held, we will be wary." The old policeman turned and looked at Kazuma, "Especially after the hostage-taking incident at the Osaka SF Convention last year, the police will be more careful when there are large-scale events in the area."

Kazuma: "Then you must be very lucky that the Jade Dragon Flag is a kendo competition, and everyone present is very capable of fighting."

"Spanking is useless. Aren't all those terrorists in Osaka armed with guns? Kendo is a competitive sport after all. It can't be compared to guns." The old policeman said.

Just as Kazuma was about to say something pretentious about "a knife can be sharp in seven steps", there was a knock on the door of the office.

There were not many people in the office at night, so I, my partner Ma, Sato, and the four old policemen turned to the door with eight eyes.

Nanjo Honami was standing at the door wearing a white-collar suit and a pair of glasses.

"Excuse me, are Kiryu and Ma here? I'm here to help him get out."

Honami had already seen Kazuma and met her eyes, but she still said this as if she was not the eldest lady at this moment, but a lawyer hired to rescue him. She just met Kazuma for the first time today.

Kazuma raised his hand: "I am Kiryu Kazuma, who are you?"

Honami originally wanted to be serious, but she still laughed: "Forget it, I won't act. I'm not a lawyer, the person behind me is."

The gentle young man wearing glasses walked out from behind Honami and pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "I am the agent of the Nanjo Consortium in Fukuoka. Kenji Furumi is my senior brother."

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