I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 419 Opening

Arriving at the venue, Kazuma got out of the car and saw Kenichi Konma standing on the lowest step leading to the Fukuoka Prefectural Stadium, looking around.

The moment he saw Kazuma, he ran down the steps and arrived in front of Kazuma.

"Kiryu-kun," I don't know why Konma Kenichi used the tone of the swordsman in the swordsman film, "You show up hugging me from both sides again. Women will make your sword dull."

Kazuma looked to his left and right, and all he could see were either shoulders or chest muscles, as well as a little bit of his neck and collarbone.

"Don't talk about me first," He Ma simply stopped arguing, "Don't you also have a flying prop? She didn't come?"

Komori Shanrei is in the karate club and has to participate in the national competition, so she really doesn’t necessarily come.

Kenichi Chima shrugged: "She is here, but she doesn't seem to want to waste our department's funds, so she temporarily served as the club manager and is very busy."

Kazuma looked back at Hanashiro-senpai.

The senior was carrying a huge bag on his back, and he was also carrying a packed travel bag in each hand - the kind of bags used by robbers to hold money when they rob banks in Hollywood police movies.

The contents of this bag should have been packed by the club manager and assigned to the boys to carry. Now Senior Huacheng wants to save trouble and brings it all with him.

Kenichi Chima also glanced at senior Hana Cheng and understood immediately: "Your club manager didn't come with you? Are the university clubs so loose?"

"Yeah, very free."

He Ma spread his hands.

Kinma Kenichi shook his head: "Let's not talk about it anymore. Why should we have a fight? I want to make a request to the organizing committee to let the high school winners and the university winners compete. You won't be killed halfway, right?"

"Of course not." Kazuma said confidently.

Next to him, Mikako interjected: "He already had a group fight with his biggest opponent last night and sent the enemy's second striker to the hospital."

Konma Kenichi raised his eyebrows and looked at Kazuma: "An off-board move? In my impression, you wouldn't use this method..."

Kazuma knocked Mikako on the head: "What nonsense are you talking about? Then it was me who sent me to the hospital. It was clearly him who pole-vaulted over the bathroom wall and rushed into the women's bath, and then was beaten wildly by the ladies. .”

Kenichi Chima showed a doubtful expression on his ears: "Pole vault?"

"Yeah, pole vaulting, the moves are pretty standard." Kazuma responded seriously.

Kenichi Konma's mouth was slightly open, looking completely speechless.

Kazuma: "I am a member of Nippon Sports University and a serious pole vaulter. I can count on using my expertise."

"Oh, okay." Kenichi Konma rubbed his nose, "I won't go into what happened here. In short, I will apply for a competition with the winner of the university department and have an exhibition battle or something. I think I will pass. The possibility is not small. Don’t capsize halfway! I’ll wait for you at the top!”

Kazuma: "You are the one, don't let other high schools mess you up."

Konma Kenichi smiled and said: "Don't worry, I don't know why, after the last bomb demon incident, I feel that my body skills have become faster, and my sword is more powerful. Even though the bomb demon incident happened, I didn't do anything... …”

"You were hit by a flying prop." He Ma Qianbai said.

"Yes, I was hit a bit, but I feel that my overall strength has become stronger since then. I thought it was my illusion at first, but recently, whether it is the practice battle in high school or the Muwai Flow Gym, In swordsmanship and Jigu, I win more than I lose."

Kazuma thought to himself that your actual combat level had been improved.

However, with the Hema plug-in, you can only see your own actual combat level, but not the actual combat level of others.

Don't know why.

Therefore, he is not sure how much Kenichi Konma has risen in actual combat.

It stands to reason that he just caught the flying item and then laid his body on the ground. The increase could not be compared to Kazuma who had a solid fight with the Bomb Demon.

Just as Kazuma was about to say something, Komori Yamarei appeared at the top of the steps and shouted to Kenichi Konma who was still at the bottom of the steps: "Kenichi! What are you doing! We are about to enter!"

"Just come!" Kenma Chika gave Kazuma a thumbs up, then turned around and rushed up the steps.

Honami looked at Kenichi Konma's back, then at Rei Komori waiting at the top of the steps, and sighed: "You are so young."

"Don't talk like you are very old, we are just eighteen years old." Kazuma said, "Our youth is also in the present tense."

Tamamo raised her right hand high: "Then let us run up the steps in front of us with youthful and energetic steps!"

Kazuma immediately looked at her with a look like "What are you making fun of, you old woman?"

However, Mikako had already rushed out.

"The winner can have a private tryst with Kazuma tonight!" she shouted as she rushed.

Kazuma glanced at the two girls beside him: "She shouted like that, why don't you run away?"

Tamamo: "I'm not interested."

That's right, you can come any time you want at night.

Kazuma looks at Honami.

"I just finished being alone yesterday," Honami shrugged, "and my reason tells me that I can't outrun her, especially if she jumps ahead."

Over there, Mikako has already reached the top of the steps: "Haha, I'm going to watch the Thousand Lights Festival with Kazuma tonight! None of you can compete with me!"

"If I don't fight with you, I won't fight with you." Honami shouted to Mikako at the top of the steps, "Okay, come down quickly."


Mikako ran down again, skipping and jumping to stand in front of Kazuma, her fat trembling.

Kazuma: "Okay, let's go up, we're about to enter the venue."

Mikako blinked: "Huh? I just came down! Honami, you are kidding me!"

"You misunderstood. Honami asked you to come down so that the four of us can go up together. Otherwise, it will be as if you have been squeezed out by us." Kazuma said.

Mikako: "That makes sense! Do you think I would say this? You are clearly treating me like a monkey."

"Okay, okay, let's think about where to go tonight." Kazuma patted Mikako on the shoulder, "Let's go."


In the gymnasium, it was the same routine and boring routine again.

After completing the process, the game officially begins.

Most of the entire gymnasium is divided into the high school group, because there are many high school participating schools and there are many people.

The university group was placed in a corner, occupying only a small space.

Kazuma easily spotted the group of Japanese athletes.

The other party was also looking at this side, all showing malicious smiles.

At this time, the referee team in charge here brought over a blackboard with a curtain blocking the blackboard.

"Now, let me announce the results of the grouping to everyone." The referee in charge here is a bald man, only level 28. He seems to be older. He should belong to the category of people with average swordsmanship but seniority.

The bald head turned around and pulled the rope next to the curtain. The curtain rolled up, revealing the grouping list posted on the blackboard.

Kiryu found the Tokyo University Kendo Club in the left half without much effort.

After all, there are only a few participating teams.

It's like the high school where they have to hang a huge lineup from the second floor of the stands.

Kazuma estimated that there might be more than a hundred participating teams at the high school, and the schedule was full.

There are fewer participating teams on the university side, but the corresponding venue for holding competitions is also smaller, and the number of competitions that can be held simultaneously has also become much smaller.

Kazuma visually inspected the venue designated for the university group and estimated that two duels would be held at the same time.

There happens to be one in the left half and one in the right half.

Kazuma looked at his university opponent again, and was surprised to find that it was not Nippon Sports University, but the Kyoto University Kendo Club.

Kazuma's only impression of Kyoto University was that in the police system, the gold watch team who graduated from Tokyo University controlled the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, while Kyoto University graduates controlled the Osaka Prefectural Police and the Kyoto Prefectural Police.

In the police world, the Dongda faction and the Beijing University faction are incompatible with each other.

Kazuma looked for people from the Kyoto University Kendo Club in the crowd, and saw a group of guys wearing the uniforms of the famous Shogunate Hawk Dog Shinsengumi team at the end of the Bakumatsu period.

"COSPLAY?" Kazuma whispered.

Unexpectedly, these "Mibuwolves" who had traveled through time and space were walking straight towards the Tokyo University Kendo Club.

The head shape of the guy in the lead reminded Kazuma of Picassos in the "Yu-Gi-Oh!" anime, and he felt like he would take out his cards and start a duel the next moment.

A large group of Rensheng wolves came struttingly, and their aura was still very strong.

This group of people stood in front of Kiryu and his kendo club. The leader "Picassus" spoke: "Are you the kendo club of the University of Tokyo? Huh, the manager only brought three of them, and they are all beautiful women. Are you here to compete or not? On vacation?”

Kazuma: "You misunderstood, these three are not the managers of our kendo department, they are my... uh..."

Tamamo: "Family."

"Yes, they are my family members... No! They are my apprentices and friends!"

The leader lifted up his long hair that covered half of his eyes, exposing both eyes, and looked at Kazuma: "Humph, you are the Kiryu Kazuma. To be honest, I'm a little disappointed. I also heard that the ghost garden Senior admires you very much, but now it seems that Senior Guiting also made mistakes sometimes."

Kazuma smiled slightly: "Although you didn't introduce yourselves, I guess you are the Kyoto University Kendo Club, right?"

The other party came to him directly and knew Ghost Court, so he obviously had a close relationship with the Kyoto Prefectural Police. A little inference would lead to such a conclusion.

"The first round will be here later. I will appear as the vanguard. Then you will know whether Senior Guiting got it wrong." He Ma said.

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