I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 435 Mikako is still winning

An hour after Mikako's passionate kiss ended, the two took a bus and arrived near the Fukuoka office of Welfare Technology that they had seen from the promotional car.

Then they entered a cafe and sat down in the outdoor area.

It's common sense to check out the area before diving in. If you sit in the outdoor area

"That building doesn't look like a devil's cave at all." Mikako sipped the iced coffee that had just been served and looked at the office across the street. "There are no armored doors and no combatants disguised as guards. I don't want to Admit that Shuka would be hidden in a place like that."

Shuka is the evil organization in Kamen Rider.

Kazuma patted Mikako's hand: "Pay attention to the phone booth at the door."

"Phone booth? Are you saying that phone booth is actually an elevator?"

"Yes, just like Doctor Who and Detective Gakitri!"

"Doctor Who is that British TV series, right? Our teacher showed it to us to cultivate our interest in English. It was great. What is Detective Gadget?"

Kazuma then realized that Detective Gajeel hadn't aired yet.

"Hey, why did I suddenly remember this show? I don't know. Maybe my brain suddenly became quantum entangled with me in another timeline..."

"Okay, you don't need to explain, I don't understand." Mikako stared at the phone booth with squinted eyes for a few seconds, then looked back at Kazuma, "You must be fooling me, no matter how you think, the phone booth can't really be an elevator. Bar."

Kazuma showed an expression of admiration: "You actually found out that I was cheating on you. I'm glad that I'm making progress."

"You don't really think that my stupid behavior before was true, do you? No, right?"

Kazuma sighed: "I can still tell when you are pretending to be stupid."

"Really?" Mikako pushed the teacup further away, and lay down on the table in the free space, holding her cheek and looking at Kazuma, "Then let me test you. See if you can tell the difference between what I say next. Which one is sincere and which one is just pretending to be stupid."

Kazuma was noncommittal and continued to focus on the door of the office across the street.

This is an open-air area, so Kazuma can even hear the conversations between people coming in and out of the office - of course, the effect is sometimes good or bad due to the influence of the cars whizzing by on the road.

Mikako looked at Kazuma like this and said, "Although your attention is not on me, I still have to ask the question."

"Well, come on out." Kazuma responded casually.

Mikako stared at Kazuma and hesitated to speak.

Kazuma was a little strange, so he looked away and glanced at her: "You talk."

"Forget it. I, Mikako Fujii, will not talk about personal emotional issues while doing business."

Kazuma: "Really?"

"Yes, I can carry out my business and private affairs very well. So in the devil's cave opposite, do you see any clues?"

Kazuma: "No at the moment, it looks like an ordinary office."

Today's Kazuma can clearly see the entries above people's heads even across a two-way four-lane road and public spaces such as footpaths and flower beds on the roadside.

Among the people who came in and out of the office, only two had level 10 karate entries, and they were probably security personnel employed by the office.

However, a tenth-level karate master can still play as a little boss in the Yakuza. Although he is a little boss with only four or five subordinates, a company that sells physical therapy equipment uses such people as security...

While Kazuma was thinking, the waiter came over and placed a huge sundae on the table: "Your Cyclone Invincible Super Giant Sundae is here."

"Wait a minute," Kazuma raised his voice, "We didn't order this..."

"I just ordered it!" Mikako raised her hand.

Kazuma looked at her: "Why don't you agree to do business without getting involved in personal desires?"

"I'm doing business!" Mikako glanced at the waiter who had turned and walked away, and said in a low voice, "You and a beautiful girl like me come out and only drink coffee. I can tell at a glance that you are here to monitor me. .”

Kazuma frowned.

I always feel that Mikako is arrogant, but there seems to be some truth to it.

When Mikako is not jumping up and down like a monkey, she is indeed a very eye-catching beautiful girl. If you take this kind of beautiful girl out just to drink coffee, people can't help but think, "Your job is just decoration"?

Mikako had already picked up the spoon, shoveled a spoonful of sundae and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Oh, this tastes great, with the taste of chocolate and strawberry. Try it Kazuma!" Mikako said and shoveled another spoonful into Kazuma's mouth.

The cold feeling and the taste of chocolate spread in the mouth, and there was also a bit of blood smell coming from the gums.

"You're so angry at my teeth! How can you feed your boyfriend a sundae like this!"

"You're not my boyfriend? You're my master!" Mikako said and took another bite of the shovel for herself, "Huh? Why does it smell like blood?"

"That's the blood from my gums. How is it? Is it delicious?" Kazuma asked angrily.

"Hmm..." Mikako held her cheek and looked up at the sky, "I feel so horny."

"You're a big-headed idiot."

"If I were a vampire, wouldn't this be very sexy? After sucking the blood, I would lick the scarlet on my lips or something."

"That's the strawberry jam on your sundae, okay!"

"It's so verbose, don't worry about details like this..."

Kazuma was about to continue complaining when he suddenly heard the couple at the table not far away laughing and talking: "Is that an incompetent comedian practicing?"

"The meme is so bad. There is no way to become famous like this."

Kazuma suddenly lost the desire to complain. He turned around and found that Mikako's beauty could not be seen at that table, probably because of the huge sundae.

Otherwise, at least the man wouldn't smile so openly.

Mikako asked in confusion: "Why are you looking back suddenly? Is there anything over there?"

As she spoke, she tilted her entire body to the side, bypassing the sundae and Kazuma's obstruction, and looked in the direction Kazuma had just looked at.

Sure enough, the man shut up as soon as he saw Mikako's upper body.

In fact, Mikako's legs are also very beautiful.

Girls who have been practicing martial arts for many years have very stable lower body, and most of them have beautiful legs.

Kazuma also raised his voice at this time: "How is your report on international relations going?"

"That's almost it. As long as the situation between Britain and Argentina doesn't continue to escalate before the report is handed in, it should be fine." Mikako sat up straight again and muttered as she put the sundae in her mouth, "I'm afraid they will suddenly start a fight now."

"Hey, why, your report should refer to my opinions, right?"

"Yes, I wrote 'In summary, the possibility of armed conflict is very high', but think about it, I handed in the report, and if they start fighting again, I have accurately predicted the future situation, and my report has not yet been handed in. They started fighting, and I just looked at the picture based on the current situation. There is a big difference between the two!"

Kazuma looked at Mikako in surprise: "Did you actually make such a calculation? Are you still thinking about getting high marks with this report?"

"I have worked so hard on writing, of course I want to get an A! If I don't get an A, wouldn't I be at a big loss?"

While saying this, Mikako shoveled another spoonful of sundae, but she was too careless and the contents of the spoon suddenly fell onto her chest.

Mikako put down the spoon, scooped up the cream from her breasts with her fingers, and shook it at Kazuma: "Kazuma, do you want to eat?"

"I'm talking about thinking here, what should you do?"

"Humph, I won't give it to you." Mikako said and licked her fingers clean, squeezing them a few times.

Kazuma wanted to take out a handkerchief, but then he remembered that he had given it to Mikako when he asked her to wipe the blood from her mouth.

At that time, Mikako said that she would return it to Kazuma after washing, so she stuffed the handkerchief into her bag.

So Kazuma could only take out a pack of paper towels and throw it to Mikako: "Wipe it well, it's all gone in the ditch."

"Kazuma, please pay attention to this kind of thing."

Kazuma shrugged.

If you really want to complain about Mikako one by one, it will become like talking about cross talk again.

He Ma continued to pay attention to the welfare technology office opposite.

At this moment, a taxi stopped at the door of the office, and a face that had an impression of Kazuma appeared.

Shinya Hayatani, a pioneer at Kyoto University.

Although Shinya Hayatani admitted that he had used stimulants, it was only a violation of the regulations of the All-Jinjian Federation and did not break the law. Moreover, it was later discovered that the bottle was vitamin C.

Therefore, Sogu was not restricted in his freedom of movement. It was normal for him to appear at the door of Welfare Technology.

As the taxi left, Shinya Hayaya angrily walked to the door of the Welfare Technology Office and pushed the door directly in.

Kazuma snapped his fingers.

Mikako hurriedly asked: "What, did you catch a big fish?"

"It just confirmed my suspicions."

"What should we do now? Rush in and arrest the bad guys?" Mikako asked in a low voice.

Kazuma flicked her forehead: "What are you thinking? Neither of us are policemen. I'll go to the back of the building to see if I can get in. You keep an eye on it from the front. The target is Hayatani, the pioneer of Kyoto University."

Mikako asked: "The one who took drugs? Did he go in? OK, I'll watch at the door. But how can I contact you when he comes out?"

He holds his forehead with the horse.

In this era without mobile phones, everything is inconvenient.

He suddenly wanted a badge from the Young Detective Team in Conan. After all, that thing could be used as a walkie-talkie.

While Kazuma was worried, Shinya Sunya came out of the office again.

Mikako also saw him: "Ah, it's really that guy."

"Let's go." Kazuma said, raising his hand and calling the waiter, "Check out here."

Shinya Sutani looked like he wanted to take a taxi. He stood on the side of the road and stretched his neck to look in the direction of the oncoming car. He didn't notice Kazuma just across the road at all.

After Kazuma settled the bill, Sugu didn't wait for the taxi.

So he took steps and walked towards the bus stop.

Kazuma relied on his excellent eyesight to monitor him from across the street and follow his footsteps.

Mikako directly hugged Kazuma's arm, making the two of them look like a couple stuck together on the road.

"Thank you for being able to follow him across the busy street." Mikako muttered.

"I have very good eyesight." Kazuma responded, "But there is still nothing I can do about the car's obstruction. It would be better if I could go to a higher place."

"Then let's climb to the top of the house and track him?"

Faced with Mikako's suggestion, Kazuma shook his head: "No, the other party seems to be coming over via the overpass. He wants to take the bus on this side of the road. We can just wait for him at the bus stop."

"Get on the same bus? Will it be too conspicuous?"

Kazuma curled his lips: "I didn't bring you here, but I could sit on the back of the bus and learn about Indians."

"Do you think I'm a burden?"

"Roughly the same."

"That's too much."

While Kazuma was talking to Mikako, Sutani had already crossed the pedestrian bridge and arrived at the bus stop on this side of the road.

Then Kazuma saw him stop in front of the bus stop sign and mutter something to a piece of paper.

Kazuma's ears easily caught the words coming from the wind: "The address is ****... Damn it, I can't figure out which bus to take."

Kazuma pulled Mikako and changed his position so that he could see the paper in Hayatani's hand more clearly.

It looks like a sticky note.

Su Gu entered the office and asked for an address?

Just at this time, Kazuma saw a taxi approaching from the direction of the car from the corner of his eye.

Without saying a word, he stretched out his hand to stop the car.

Sugu was still scratching his head at the stop sign and didn't notice the taxi at all.

Kazuma pulled Mikako into the car, and then reported the address he just overheard from Suya.

Mikako looked surprised: "What's going on with this address? Where's Sugu? Are you ignoring him?"

"This is the address of where Sutani is going," Kazuma said.

Mikako looked suspicious: "How did you know?"

"I heard him murmuring."

"Liar, it's so far away! Are you a follower?"

Sorry, I really am.

After confirming the address, the driver in the front seat pressed the meter button and started the car.

Kazuma turned to look out the window and found that Sugu finally noticed the taxi and showed an annoyed expression.

But through the taxi's brown window, Su Gu couldn't see clearly the faces in the car and the horse.

At this time, the taxi driver suddenly said: "Uncle, I'm not too talkative. Why are young lovers going to this place? It's mainly a fish market and company location, as well as a warehouse area."

——Warehouse area.

That's right, Welfare Technology is probably renting a warehouse and doing something.

Mikako: "In the eyes of uncle, are we a couple?"

"If they hug each other so tightly, they can only be lovers, right?" The driver's uncle smiled, "If it's a date, the man's age is wrong."

Mikako chuckled and said, "In other words, in the eyes of the uncle, I am still a female high school student."

"Is not it?"

"Of course not, I am a real female college student! We are cheating on each other right now!" Mikako proudly announced, "I cheated on my bestie!"

"Hey, you talk nonsense to me if I'm not paying attention!"

Kazuma said and hit Mikako on the forehead with a knife.

Mikako, on the other hand, laughed like those heroes in sword and halberd movies.

The uncle driver, while looking at the two people in the back seat through the rearview mirror, sighed: "You are so young."

The taxi engine roared, carrying Kazuma towards the address that might be the secret facility of Welfare Technology.

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