I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 446 Showdown

After finishing the midnight snack, Honami looked at her watch and said to Kazuma: "It's so late. It's too far to go back to the hotel where the Tokyo University Kendo Club is staying. It's already three in the morning and you can't sleep at all. Come directly to us. Just spend the night in the presidential suite, which is right next to it."

Kazuma looked at Honami: "So you thought about it when you chose the restaurant for late night snacks?"

Honami just laughed.

Seiryu raised his right hand, as if he wanted to speak, so Kazuma put on a teacher's airs: "Seiryuu-san... No, Shiramine-san, do you have anything to say?"

Qingliu asked loudly: "Can you spar with me tonight? I haven't sparred with the master for several days."

Before Kazuma could speak, Honami sighed and said, "The presidential suite doesn't come with a dojo. Let's wait until we get back."

"Seiryu just wants to spend more time with Kazuma." Mikako teased from the side, "After all, we left her behind and came to Kyushu."

Qingliu glared at Mikako: "Senior sister, speaking of which, I haven't competed with you for a long time."

"I'm sorry, I was wrong." Mikako gave in very simply.

Qingliu became proud: "Oh, senior sister, please teach me. After all, the master is a male. There are many problems that women encounter when practicing swordsmanship. The master cannot explain to me."

Mikako rolled her eyes and suddenly smiled: "So that's it, I told you earlier. Qingliu Liu is also old. There are a few days every month where she feels extremely uncomfortable and can't practice swordsmanship at all. Don't be afraid, I'll teach you. How to use **cotton.”

Tamamo suddenly intervened: "Kazuma is still here, don't say this."

He Ma was about to say that our warm men in New China are best at boiling brown sugar and providing unlimited hot water when girls feel uncomfortable every month, but he immediately realized what he was doing.

This is Japan.

Faced with Tamamo's stop, Mikako pointed at Haruyu: "She said it! She started it! You scolded the wrong person!"

Qingliu blushed: "What are you talking about!"

"I'm talking about the inconvenience for girls to practice swordsmanship. Isn't that what it's about?"

"That's not what I meant! I mean, the focus when practicing swordsmanship is different from that of men!"

Mikako burst into laughter and looked at Qingliu's steel plate: "Is it different? Ah, I understand. Kazuma's chest muscles are bigger than yours, so it's really different."

Seiryu looked like she was about to explode, and Kazuma held her head down: "Okay, Mikako, that's it, don't take it too seriously."

Seiryu glanced at Kazuma, rolled his eyes at Mikako from the corners of his eyes, crossed his arms and said nothing.

Mikako shook her head: "Is it my imagination? Ever since we arrived, Seiryu's arrogance has only been towards me. You obviously had a fight with Kazuma when you first appeared."

"I want you to take care of it." Qingliu curled his lips, "Kazuma told me not to be serious with you."

"Oh, after all, we are also good sisters who are here at the same time. We still have to have a good relationship. By the way, if you want to take the pitch test, you must also learn English. After all, the vocal music class in the music high school has to teach a lot of Western things, sister. I’m a talented girl from the English Department of Sophia University, and I’ll teach you!”

Seiryu flatly refused: "No, Kazuma's pronunciation is much better than yours."

Mikako looked like her self-confidence was hurt: "As a student of the English Department of Sophia University, I was despised for my pronunciation..."

Kazuma thought to himself, it’s not your fault. Japan’s English education itself has problems, and it has taught a lot of Japanese English speakers.

Kiryu and Marco had practiced English in serious foreign trade companies for many years, so that was of course different.

At this time, the Nanjo family's car finally arrived. Honami called to everyone: "Get in the car. Don't stand at the door. The wind is quite cold."

Kazuma nodded, then took Seiryu's hand and walked to the car.


At this time, Tosaiko was listening to the report from his subordinate Konishi.

“The police did not find any evidence that Kazuma Kiryu harmed Sasawara, nor did they find any evidence that Mineo’s disappearance was related to him.

"The police are now searching several mountains, including the mountain behind the shrine, but the lighting effect is not good at night. The real search will wait until dawn tomorrow."

Tosai Akira slammed the table so hard that the water glasses on the table jumped.

"You can't even get the police to detain Kiryu? What are the Legal Department doing?"

The Minister of Justice, who had been standing nearby, wiped his sweat and said: "The police have found no evidence, and we have absolutely nothing to do."

"He must have done something to Sasawara!" Tosaiko knocked on the table again, "Do you still have to think about such a thing?"

"But the doctor's examination report showed that Miss Sasawara only had a small amount of bruises in addition to the injury on her arm, and all witnesses testified that the knife wound on her arm was caused by the missing Mineo."

Tosaiko let out a long sigh: "He just got rid of everything like that? Damn it, who can tell me what happened? Speak up, adults of the Third Development Department!"

The scientist from the Third Development Department calmly pushed up his glasses: "This is also the first time we have confirmed this situation. However, we have previously collected reports of supernatural phenomena and urban legends from various places, and there are similar phenomena. .

"Aficionados and folklorists generally refer to this as the disappearance of the gods. This phenomenon also occurs around the world. The most famous one is the Bermuda legend..."

Tosai Akira: "I understand, tell me something useful."

The scientist pushed up his glasses again: "Although we didn't know who turned on the equipment when it happened, and the operator had no relevant memory. However, the recorder that came with the equipment recorded the parameters of that opening, as well as the time.

"If this is the divine concealment caused by our equipment, then we can try again at the same time tomorrow. If successful, we should be able to see the same divine concealment."

Tosaiko stared at the scientist with distrust on his face: "You mean we wait until tomorrow - that's not right."

He glanced at the clock.

"It's today, you mean we do it again tonight?"

"That's right. In order to completely recreate the scene at that time, we need to bring in another werewolf and half-demon."

Tosaiko slammed the table: "Where did there come from so many half-demon! Can't we just use your equipment?"

"If we don't have all the elements ready, we can't guarantee the results of the experiment."

"Then what's the use of you?"

The people from the Third Development Department looked at the furious Tosaiko with a straight face: "The Third Development Department is not a subsidiary of the Kyushu Branch, and we do not need to be responsible to you.

“We have actually compiled today’s report and sent it to the headquarters via fax.

"Headquarters should be very happy. This is an incredible discovery."

The corners of Tosaiko's mouth trembled, but as the people from the Third Development Department said, they are only stationed here to conduct research and usually accept his management. There is no telling when they will be transferred from the headquarters.

He no longer looked at the people in the Third Development Department, but turned to his direct subordinates: "Isn't there anything that can teach that Kiryu a lesson?"

The subordinates looked at each other, and then Secretary Konishi, who had just made a report, spoke on behalf of everyone: "The headquarters' request is that we only do legal actions, at least on the surface. If you ignore the headquarters' requirements, you can ask the local Yakuza in Hakata. Do something."

Tosaiko thought for a moment and shook his head: "The Yakuza are unreliable. That Kiryuu destroyed the Yakuza organization twice. Now the Yakuza call him the Dragon of Kanto. Ordinary Yakuza are frightened when they hear his name." died."

He paused, suddenly remembered something, and asked: "By the way! Wasn't there a guy on the Jade Dragon Flag yesterday who used our method to improve and lost to Kiryu?"

Konishi immediately replied: "Yes, my name is Shinya Sutani."

"How is he? Can you guide him and make him crazy? A madman holding a grudge and suddenly killing him has nothing to do with our welfare technology."

Tosaiko said excitedly: "The headquarters can't be blamed, right?"

"Regarding this, Shinya Hayaya has been to our psychological treatment facility. According to our cooperation agreement with the Fukuoka Prefectural Police, we can even report in advance that he has criminal tendencies. This should be feasible." Konishi paused and jumped in. Tosaiko continued before speaking, "But considering the strength gap between Shinya Hayaya and Kazuma Kiryu, it is unlikely that he could injure Kiryu with just the knives he had at his disposal."

Tosaiko waved his hand: "You don't have to hurt Kiryu, you can also hurt the people around him. As long as Kiryu and Ma pay the price, any price will do!"

Xiaoxi looked at his boss, hesitated for a moment and then said: "Is this necessary? Although Kiryu and Ma interfered, causing us to lose the crucial half-demon and C-position miko, the experiment has exceeded the target... "

Someone from the Third Development Department helped: "Indeed, the miraculous phenomenon confirmed today is enough for us to study for a long time. It will definitely play a vital role when competing for resources with the newly established Fourth Development Department."

Tosaiko snorted: "You don't understand. If you don't fight back after suffering a loss, others will think you are easy to bully. Other branches must be waiting to see my joke, and the head office will not promote a loser in the future. I We must make Kiryu Kazuma pay the price! At least pay the price in form, let me have an explanation."

Everyone present said nothing.

At this time, a younger brother behind the leader of the Third Development Department suddenly came forward and whispered a few words in the leader's ear.

Tosaiko said loudly: "Speak out if you have any ideas, don't hide them!"

The head of the Third Development Department pushed up his glasses: "We noticed that the third son of Police Director Inaba now holds a grudge against Kiryu Kazuma. Although no formal psychological scale test has been conducted on him, my subordinates Thought maybe I could try to get him possessed by something unclean.”

Tosaiko looked at these guys in white coats and said, "Aren't you scientists? At this moment, you have been talking about a lot of unscientific things like ghosts and possessions, just like folklorists."

"It is precisely because we are scientists that we can say these things with such a calm attitude. Science will eventually explain everything, and the premise of explanation is to admit its existence."

Tosaiko curled his lips: "I really admire you guys in white coats. So what is the success rate of this plan to get dirty things on your body?"

"To be honest, the success rate is not high. First of all, we don't know which of the urban legends we have are true and which are rumors. We can only guess one based on the number of missing people. Then we have to find a way to bring Mr. Inaba there. Go nearby..."

Tosaiko interrupted the head of the Third Development Department: "No need to tell me the details. There's no harm in giving it a try - provided we can deceive the Third Young Master in a more reasonable way."

Xiaoxi said: "It shouldn't be a big problem to give him a note in the name of the Sword Master and ask him to meet there. The note can be faked as a prank for the students of Japan Sports University. According to our investigation, among the students of Japan Sports University There are quite a few people who are privately dissatisfied with Akira Inaba."

"Very good, very good." Tosai Akira smiled, "But Inaba Akira has also fought Kiryu Kazuma, right? How was the battle?"

Konishi looked embarrassed: "Well, I was crushed. It's not even as good as Hayaya's performance. Hayaya at least had some back-and-forth with Kiryu and Kazuma."

Tosai Akira turned to look at the people in white coats: "Can't we let unclean things get on this Saya's body?"

"According to our latest psychological testing of Su Gu, he does not meet the relevant conditions."

"What's the meaning?"

"Su Gu's hatred is very superficial and superficial. In short, he is a waste."

Tosaiko curled his lips and said, "Forget it. Just follow this plan and be careful not to leave any loopholes. If it doesn't succeed, forget it. Let it be Third Young Master Sang who has experienced the dangers of the human heart."

The head of the third development department in white coat nodded: "Understood, I will sort out the places in Bodo that are most likely to attract that kind of existence."

Xiaoxi took over the conversation: "I'm going to find a handwriting expert to familiarize myself with the handwriting of Japanese sports students."

"Go." Tosai Akira waved his hand.

After all his subordinates were ordered to leave, he turned the boss's chair, faced the window, and looked at the bright moon outside the window: "Humph, Kiryu Kazuma, our sacrifice must be repaid."

He paused, then sneered: "You still can't find evidence that I took action! You would never have imagined that there is such a side to this world!"


Jinguji Tamamo sneezed as soon as he entered the presidential suite.

"You also catch a cold?" Kazuma said in surprise.

"I'm becoming more and more like a human being. Naturally, I will get human diseases one day." Tamamo whispered, "I'm really looking forward to that day. But this sneeze is probably not a cold."

Kazuma raised his eyebrows, but Mikako looked over at this time, so he didn't continue.

Mikako shouted: "Okay! We are finally in a place where there are no outsiders! Honami, your bodyguards must have searched for bugs, right?"

Honami nodded: "We searched it, once in the morning, and once before we came back. Moreover, the latest active jammer developed by our Nanjo Consortium is also installed here."

She patted the device next to the telephone.

Kazuma was surprised, "I thought it was a fax machine."

"It does have the function of a fax machine." Honami shrugged, "But at the same time, it can also interfere with all electrical signals from this room. Unless the enemy has installed a bug using a closed loop. But the house we just changed this morning, And we were specifically told not to use room service, so the enemy shouldn’t have time to install such a thing.”

Kazuma raised his eyebrows: "So thoughtful?"

"Of course, this is the VIP process of the reception department of the Nanjo Foundation." Honami crossed her arms, "So you should know that we are not just having a family dinner tonight, right? After listening to what Mikako said about the scene at night, I think we should Let’s talk openly and honestly.”

Mikako suddenly blocked her ears with her hands: "I don't want to listen. I'm super afraid of pain. I will definitely confess if I'm tortured. I'm going to take a shower!"

Then Mikako really ran away.

Kazuma scratched his head. To be honest, since there was a showdown, he felt that it would not be very good to exclude Mikako.

But he also felt that Mikako's self-perception was very accurate. She did seem to be the type who would definitely confess if she was tortured.

As for the remaining two girls... Kazuma looked at Honami and Seiryu. If they were really caught, they would bite their tongues and commit suicide.

Qingliu still looked out of sorts, her eyes wide open with confusion on her face.

Honami continued: "When I came back from the hot spring, I noticed that Tamamo talked to herself more often. I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but gradually I realized that she was not talking to herself, she was talking to you.

"It doesn't look like she's using a communication device, which is weird, because sometimes I can't hear what she's saying when I'm around her, but you can obviously hear it."

Qingliu: "Is there any?"

Kazuma smiled at Haru, thinking about how to speak.

"The same thing happened this time," Honami continued. "Suddenly you disappeared, leaving Mikako still at the scene, and then suddenly appeared at the top of the mountain. It was also strange when Tamamo left my side in the afternoon. My bodyguard No one saw her leave, and I only knew she was looking for you from the note she left."

Seiryu's curiosity was completely aroused at this time. She blinked and looked back and forth at Kazuma and Tamamo.

Tamamo sighed.

"If," she looked at Honami, "I said I was not human, would you believe me?"

There was a loud bang, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound, only to see Mikako hurriedly picking up the basin that fell on the floor: "I, I was picking up the bathing utensils, I just happened to pass by!"

Tamamo looked at her with a smile, and then used a move of parallel drift to approach her.

Mikako was so frightened that she sat on the ground and screamed: "No! Don't kill me!"

Tamamo grabbed Mikako by the collar, picked her up with one hand, and threw her onto the sofa next to Kazuma.

Kazuma hugged Mikako's shoulders and said with a smile: "Since you have listened, let's hear it all."

Looking at Kazuma's expression, Mikako was not very frightened: "Kazuma, you are not human either?"

"For the time being." Kazuma scratched his head, "But after understanding the unity of mind and skills, there is still a question mark as to whether I can still be considered a human being."

By comprehending the integration of mental skills, one can surpass level 30, and few of the guys above level 30 that Hema knows now are like humans.

Can a guy who is physically airborne from a helicopter be considered a human being?

Mikako: "As an ordinary person, I feel that hearing this is enough. Let me go take a shower."

Kazuma grabbed her as she was about to run away and held her tightly in his arms.

"Although you are the only one among the girls here who has not realized the unity of mind and skill, you may not be able to do so in the future." Kazuma said, "And I quite like the feeling of holding you because it is so soft."

"Ahaha, really, that's great..." Mikako laughed dryly.

At this time, Seiryu coughed and interrupted Kazuma and Mikako's intercourse: "So, what's going on?"

"Let me explain it." Tamamo took a step forward, "In this world, there are still some corners that the light of science has not yet illuminated. Although it is only a matter of time before the light of science illuminates them, after all, it is not possible at this stage... …”

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