I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 448 Tsukuba University Kendo Club

Entering the venue, Kazuma quickly found everyone in the Tokyo University Kendo Club.

Senior Huacheng came up to him directly, put his arm around Kazuma's shoulders, and asked mysteriously: "Did you kill the police chief's son last night?"

Kazuma was shocked: "What? Why would I do such a thing?"

"You didn't do it?" Senior Huacheng was also shocked. "Early this morning, the gang from Japan Sports University rushed to our room and asked us where we hid their boss. I asked Senior Toda for a long time before I found out that they The minister got off Inaba and went back to the house as usual, but no one was seen this morning."

Kazuma: "What does that have to do with me? I have been with my apprentices from yesterday afternoon to now."

"Really or not? Are you okay? Will you lose the game due to kidney failure?" Senior Huacheng immediately began to worry about other problems, "Those disciples of yours, tsk."

As he spoke, Senior Huacheng turned his head and looked behind Kazuma.

"Hey," he said in surprise, "the little guy is here too?"

Senior Hua Cheng also lives in Kiryu Dojo now and is considered Seiryu's neighbor. He always calls Seiryu the little guy.

As soon as Senior Toda heard "little guy" over there, he immediately looked over nervously: "Amanaka is here too?"

Before Kazuma could speak, senior Huacheng responded directly: "I will never call my senior a little guy, even though she is indeed very small."

Qingliu suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Wait a minute, wouldn't you call middle school sister Gan a little guy, but you would call me a little guy who is bigger than her? Is there something wrong with this?"

"Senior sister, you look young, but you are old, and you have the brains to get into Dongda University. Bai Feng, you are young, and as far as I know, you can barely even take the pitch test, right?"

Qingliu immediately fell into a state of shortness of breath due to the direct hit, and could only roll her eyes in recognition.

Of course, Mikako would not miss this detail, and immediately whispered: "Little guy~ Hee hee hee~ Ouch, it hurts, it hurts!"

Haruyu stepped on Mikako's toes as hard as she wanted to.

Kazuma calmly watched Mikako deflate. To be honest, he couldn't tell whether Mikako was restraining Haru, or Haru was restraining Mikako.

Senior Huacheng squeezed Kazuma's shoulder hard: "With such a beautiful girl, you are really unlikely to find trouble with the third young master. Alas, I originally thought you were going to put the possibility of being with him from now on. Those who are vying for the position of Police Director will be eliminated."

"No, no, I'm still a law-abiding citizen." Kazuma said.

Senior Huacheng: "For now..."

In fact, some of Kazuma's current actions can no longer be said to be legal. He himself is playing the role of judge, imposing sanctions on people without going through legal procedures and justice.

But don’t worry about this kind of detail.

Senior Huacheng let go of Kazuma's shoulders and shrugged: "Forget it, if Inaba is missing or something, don't worry about him. Maybe the young master had insomnia yesterday and went out to get drunk."

Immediately another senior brother said: "Maybe it's not just for getting drunk. After all, this is Fukuoka, and the women in Hakata are so passionate."

At this moment, Kazuma remembered the entry that appeared in his head yesterday after Shimo Inaba was given a foul mouth by Kamizumi Masaru.

Is it related to the entry?

Where did Inaba Akira really go to practice and achieve breakthroughs?

——If I, Kiryu and Kazuma, were the villains of a novel about cultivating immortals, and Mr. Inaba took a useless script, I am afraid that if he had not disappeared, he would have been able to kill me the next time he appeared.

--No way?

But this is not the world of cultivating immortals after all, and it is not that simple to improve one's strength. It will basically not be effective within a year and a half.

After thinking about it, Kazuma turned his attention to today's opponent.

Tsukuba University Kendo Club.

If the University of Tokyo is the pinnacle of Japanese liberal arts, then the University of Tsukuba is the pinnacle of Japanese science and engineering.

Of course, this does not mean that the science department of the University of Tokyo is weak, but it is just a comparison.

The University of Tsukuba not only has a specialized physical education department, but also a sports science department. The former mainly trains athletes and sparring partners, while the latter mass-produces coaches, nutritionists, sports equipment designers and other professionals.

In addition, the University of Tsukuba also has disciplines including medicine, brain science, physical and structural engineering, etc., which can provide the strongest support and assistance to the club.

Because of this, the sports club of the University of Tsukuba is also very strong. If you only look at the technological content of daily training, the sports club of the University of Tsukuba is even more powerful than the Japanese sports club.

Now the Tsukuba Dai Kendo Club is in place on the other side of the competition venue. The main players are warming up, and there is a circle of support staff around them. It feels like the team's maintenance staff are surrounding the hot F1 car in an F1 event. Turning scene.

Kazuma couldn't help but frown.

As a person who traveled back in time from 2020 and has a materialistic view of history, he has a very objective view of the Olympic movement: What the Olympic movement actually competes is the comprehensive national strength of each country.

Countries with strong overall national strength can provide athletes with better technical support, such as better training conditions, better equipment, and even doping that is harder to detect.

Especially for doping, powerful countries often rely on their own scientific research capabilities to come up with new doping substances that are not currently on the anti-doping organization's banned list, or that are temporarily undetectable by current testing methods.

There are even some powerful countries that can rely on their "right to speak" in the field of mainstream public opinion to make anti-doping organizations selectively blind.

Because of this understanding, Kazuma couldn't help but wonder when he saw a group of guys who looked professional at first glance surrounding the people from the Tsukuba University Kendo Club: "They don't know how to use medicine, right?"

Just as he was thinking about it, a man suddenly came out from Tsukuba University. The man walked directly towards Kazuma wearing a kendo uniform. The skirt of the kendo uniform had "Abe" written on it, which should be his last name.

"Tokyo University Kendo Club," Abe-san announced loudly, "We have all conducted urine tests and submitted the urine test results to the competition organizing committee. We hope that you will also undergo urine tests after the competition."

Mr. Toda replied on behalf of everyone at the University of Tokyo: "No problem, we are extremely happy."

Abe-san bowed to Kazuma and the others, and then retreated to his club's contestant seat.

At this time, Mikako came close to Kazuma, looked at Tsukuba University and muttered: "They have more people than Japan!"

"This is a wealthy family." Kazuma commented briefly.

Senior Huacheng said: "Most of the graduates of our school's kendo department have entered the police system. Even if they become rich, they will only become rich after retiring and entering the revolving door. It's a pity that such big shots generally don't know how to do it." I’m back to care about the club I spent time in when I was young.”

He paused and then added quickly: "But because of Toda-senpai's good lobbying skills, our funds are actually quite sufficient now. After all, we can stay in such a high-end hotel. The Japanese Sports University also booked the same hotel, but the room are of a lower grade than us.”

"Oh, that's right." Mikako responded completely uninterested.

Senior Huacheng was asking for trouble, so he changed the subject: "Let's warm up too. Are you going to stretch with a bunch of us old men, or will you let your apprentices do it for you?"

Kazuma didn't even think about it: "Let my apprentices do it for me."

Senior Huacheng hit him hard on the shoulder: "Gan, I knew it!"


Shimo Inaba Police Chief received a call at this time, it was from his housekeeper.

"The third young master seems to have been missing since last night." The housekeeper reported in a calm tone.

"Hmph, it's probably because I can't stand the blow, so I'm going to fool around again." Director Shimo Inaba said coldly, "Don't worry about him. Wait for another 48 hours and he doesn't show up, then bother me with this matter again."

"I understand." The butler replied briefly, "I won't interrupt your day's work."

After saying that, the butler hung up the phone.

Police Chief Shimo Inaba shook his head.

But that's all.

The police chief is very busy and has more things to worry about.


After finishing the warm-up, Hema pretended to meditate on the ground.

Mikako, who had just finished helping He Mara warm up, looked at the high school group curiously: "It's so lively over there. With the cheers just now, it seems like someone got too many, right? It's great, it's so passionate. , why do we always participate in the Kuixing Banner in high school but not the Jade Dragon Banner?"

Kazuma shrugged: "Of course it's because traveling to Fukuoka is expensive."

"I don't want to listen to such realistic arguments!"

At this time, the referee on Kazuma's side took his place and loudly issued an order: "Players on both sides are in position."

Kazuma shrugged, put on his mask and stood up, walking to the starting line.

Mikako shouted: "Come on!"

The pioneer from the University of Tsukuba arrived a little late. It was Abe who had just come to explain the urine test to the Kendo Club of the University of Tokyo.

Kazuma took a look at this guy's level. Level 24 was not bad. He was an opponent worth fighting.

But based on Kazuma's feelings when he was single-handedly playing Japanese sports yesterday, he improved a lot after the battle with senior Dansulou.

Guys of this level shouldn't pose a threat to him.

However, with the experience of almost overturning in the battle with Kazuma yesterday, Kazuma did not dare to neglect at all and kept his spirits up.

"Ceremony!" the referee announced loudly.

Kazuma made a holding motion with the bamboo sword in his hand, then took out the sword and crossed it with his opponent.

After completing a set of salutes, the referee issued a flag: "Pioneer of the University of Tsukuba Kendo Club, yes, pioneer of the University of Tokyo Kendo Club, the first trial, let's begin!"

Kazuma stepped forward and drew his sword directly.

With a very confident blow, accompanied by the roar of "face", Kazuma's sword hit the opponent's mask accurately.

The three referees raised their flags together and awarded Kazuma without any doubt.

Kazuma lowered his gaze and glanced at the bamboo sword in his hand, thinking that the University of Tsukuba was not that strong.

To be honest, Kazuma was a little looking forward to it after seeing the over-abundance of manpower at the University of Tsukuba.

Just like the swordsmen of the past and present, he began to look forward to and enjoy the feeling of facing off against a powerful opponent.

After harmonizing the horse, return to the starting line and set up the bamboo knife.

He heard his opponent Abe mutter under the mask: "What the hell, is this faster than my teacher? You can't see the trajectory of the attack at all! How do you block this?"

The referee gave the order at this time: "Second trial, start!"

Kazuma heard his opponent mutter: "Then there's nothing we can do."

Then the opponent put on a cheating stance exclusive to competitive kendo: guarding three positions.

Kazuma let out a long sigh.

To be honest, he really didn't like his opponent's posture. But this is the posture allowed by competitive kendo.

Although Kazuma could find a way to break this stance, he would be unhappy if someone used this stance to cheat.

Kazuma took a deep breath, and then stepped forward, heading towards his opponent who was in a ruthless posture.

The opponent immediately blocked key parts with his hands and counterattacked with his sword.

However, Kazuma quickly turned sideways to avoid the counterattack, and then hit Abe-san firmly on the stomach with his bamboo sword.

The three referees raised their flags in unison again.

There was a sound of admiration all around, and some people started to applaud.

I don’t know why someone blew the festive trumpet.

The referee announced loudly: "Tokyo University Kendo Club, Vanguard, Kiryu Kazuma, two straight losses! Tokyo University Kendo Club, do you want to make a substitution?"

Kazuma looked back at Toda and shook his head.

So Toda straightened his body, raised his hands above his head, and crossed himself.

The customs in Japan are different from those in China. Drawing a circle means that the answer is correct, unlike Chinese teachers who usually draw circles where they made mistakes.

However, crossover represents "mistake" in the cultural circles of both countries.

Seeing Senior Toda's gesture, the referee immediately nodded: "Then please invite the second leader of the Tsukuba University Kendo Club to come on stage and face Kiryu Kazuma!"

The secondary forward of the University of Tsukuba came on immediately. When he passed by the forward of the same school, he raised his right hand and seemed to be intending to give a high five.

But the retreating vanguard ignored him.

Kazuma saw the helpless smile on his face through the grille of his mask.

Kazuma couldn't help but encourage his opponent: "Come on, if you can beat me, maybe that kid will give you a high-five."

The opponent smiled bitterly and said: "You misunderstood. We had a quarrel about other things and he ignored me. It has nothing to do with you."

The referee shouted a warning: "Stop talking! Salute when you are ready!"

Kazuma quickly took back the bamboo sword and made a very standard sword-holding action.

"Start!" the referee roared.

Kazuma stepped forward with his opponent. At this moment, Kazuma judged that the bamboo sword would definitely enter the state of cross.

He immediately decided to pull away. After all, apart from comparing strength and weight, Jiao E could hardly display any other skills.

Unexpectedly, the other party also decided to pull away, and the result was that both sides retreated at the same time.

Kazuma glanced at the expression of the referee from the corner of his eye. He seemed to be considering judging Kazuma and the second forward Sang for a negative game.

After all, the two of them pulled apart without even touching their swords. They were indeed quite passive and avoiding the fight.

Kazuma immediately changed his pace.

In fact, such frequent changes of advance and retreat require a lot of basic skills in the lower body. Once the footsteps and body movements are not coordinated well, flaws will appear.

But Ma Xingyun smoothly completed the switch, stepping forward while maintaining distance while swinging his sword.

Because the distance was a bit large, Kazuma had to stretch his arms to let the bamboo sword hit the target first.

With a snap, the referee raised the flag: "Tokyo University, one book!"

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