I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 460 Dragon of Late Autumn

Kazuma was pushed to the ground by Izumi Masago just now, and then he couldn't get up because his joints were numb.

He wanted to hand the Bizen Nagafune Ichimonzon Masamune to Uizumi Masato who was only holding the broken blade, but the muscles of his arms were exhausted just by grasping the handle.

Mikako and Tamamo came up together and dragged him back.

Kazuma pointed at Qingliu: "Take her with you!"

As soon as Mikako saw it, she rushed over, picked up Haruyu and ran away.

Honami moved old Mrs. Kamizumi back under the eaves as early as possible, and then went into the house to get the medicine kit.

Kazuma glanced at Ueizumi Masato who was confronting the enemy again. After making sure that he didn't have to worry for a while, he asked Tamamo in a low voice: "What's going on? Isn't it a mysterious decline? Why did I eat so much lightning magic?"

"What are you thinking? It's just a little bit of mystery plus scientific rules. Most of the power of the lightning drawn down is absorbed by the surrounding lightning rods, otherwise you would have been scorched."

Kazuma was speechless: "Senior Shangquan is in danger, this thunder is coming..."

"Don't worry, the possessed thing will consume a lot of lightning if it continuously triggers lightning. It won't be possible for another lightning strike for a while." Tamamo paused, with a serious expression, "But I'm worried that the old man can't beat it."

Kazuma turned to look at Masago Kamizumi. With the light from the side, he could barely see the old man's figure clearly.

The lower rice leaves further away were completely hidden in the heavy rain, with only a vague outline.

Although the old man stood in the heavy rain as if nothing happened, the word "Laying Breath" above his head became larger and had a dark red special effect, filling it with an ominous atmosphere.

Tamamo couldn't see the entry, but she should be able to feel the aura of death lingering on the old man.

Kamizumi Masato was still confronting Shimo Inaba and did not act rashly. He probably knew that he was not in good condition, so he hoped to use his momentum to calm the enemy.

Shimo Inaba didn't know the details of the sword master, and felt like he was facing a formidable enemy.

Kazuma told Mikako: "Use the phone in the room to call the police."

Mikako threw Seiryu to the ground, and Sayako ran into the room, almost bumping into Honami who ran out with a medical kit.

"Slow down!" Honami complained, quickly rushed to the old lady Uizumi and started bandaging.

Mikako ran through the door.

Kazuma's numb body was forced to stand up, and at this moment, Kamizumi made his move.

The two of them fought at an alarming speed and quickly left the range of the electric light on the edge.

The heavy rain and pitch-black environment made it impossible for Kazuma to see the Juggernaut's movements clearly - his superb eyesight could only partially offset the impact of the environment.

In the darkness and heavy rain, only the sound of swords clashing and sparks flashing from time to time can reflect the intensity of the battle.

Mikako rushed out of the room and shouted nervously: "The phone can't be connected at all!"

Kazuma muttered softly: "Maybe it was the impact of the lightning strike."

As the words fell, lightning flashed across the sky and thunder exploded.

The lights above and behind the horse were extinguished at the same time, along with the light of the street lights that had no presence in the first place.

The lights of Kagoshima City in the distance seemed as far away as a mirage.

In the complete darkness, only when the lightning flashed, the two figures still fighting with their swords could be seen.

Kazuma could barely judge the situation by relying on the figures that appeared in the lightning from time to time. Kamizumi Masako now had the upper hand.

It was clear that the sword that Kamizumi had just held was a broken sword, but he was still able to crush an end of Inaba. It can only be said that he was worthy of being a swordsman.

But it's just one end.

It seemed that the sword master had been sparring with Kazuma for such a long time, which had consumed a lot of energy, and his strength was no longer what it used to be.

It's not good to delay it any longer. Kamizumi Masago will become weaker and weaker.

Kazuma moved his body to speed up the recovery of his paralyzed joints, and at the same time asked Honami next to him: "Where is your bodyguard?"

"Theoretically, they should be in a nearby car." Honami glanced at the dark rain, "But since they haven't come here yet, I think they have encountered something unexpected."

"Damn it." Kazuma cursed, "They must be carrying firearms, Seiryu, have your legs and feet recovered? Go over and take a look."

Qingliu nodded immediately and got into the rain with Qingyu on his back.

"You might as well just ask Seiryu to call the police." Honami said.

Mikako volunteered: "I'm going to call the police!"

"No. I don't know if they came alone. You are too weak."

"I can walk on the roof. My ninja skills are about the same level as Kazuma's!" Mikako said, patting her chest, "Let me go. If there are other enemies, it wouldn't be safe for me to stay here, and Honami would have to distract me to protect me. "

Kazuma shook his head: "No, apart from the enemy, in this thunderstorm and darkness, it is also easy to encounter danger when climbing over the wall. You are the last line of defense, guard the old lady with a wooden stick!"

At this time, the old lady Shangquan woke up. She opened her eyes and said, "There is an air-raid shelter underneath this house. It was built by my old man in the 1960s to prevent the Soviet Union from dropping nuclear bombs.

"We go down and lock the door. Unless the other party uses explosives, it can't be opened. There are food, water, medicine and a radio connected to the ground through wires."

Kazuma patted Mikako on the shoulder: "Help the old lady down."

Mikako agreed, immediately picked up the old lady and princess, and Sayazi ran into the house.

Honami closed the door and stood in front of it.

"Why don't you just go empty-handed?" He Ma said.

"I also learned some karate from Grandpa Suzuki. It's somewhat useful." Honami said, showing a fearless smile.

Just as Kazuma was about to ask Tamamo what he could do, Seiryu rushed back from the rain.

"The three people in the car are dead," she said, her expression looking very calm. "I only found a gun, and the rest were batons and daggers."

Kazuma threw the baton to Honami, picked up the pistol himself, and checked the ammunition.

Through the observation window next to the magazine, it can be confirmed that the magazine is full, indicating that the bodyguard has no chance to draw his gun.

Kazuma loaded the gun skillfully and turned to check the status of the girls.

He saw Tamamo holding a fire extinguisher he found somewhere.

"I'll help," she said.

Qingliu looked at her in surprise: "I thought you could use magic to solve problems."

"That is something that can equal the human sword master. If I want to solve it, I will probably have to sacrifice my life." Tamamo suddenly smiled, "Now, I don't want to give up this life so easily."

Kazuma noticed Tamamo's choice of words, "my current self."

"No problem, leave it to me." He said, "The problem now is that it's not bright enough. We don't have the vision of Senior Shangquan, so the visibility will suffer."

Honami pulled out a drawer from under the medical box: "Here are two bundles of fluorescent sticks for lighting."

"It helped a lot."

Kazuma said as he took a handful of glow sticks and bent the entire handful with force, crushing the inner pot.

The two chemical liquids in the stick are mixed together and immediately emit a rather intense light.

Kazuma gave all the lit ones to Seiryu: "Throw them around the battlefield later."

After Seiryu took the glow stick, Kazuma broke off another handful and held it in his hand.

"Let's go! While Senior Kamiizumi can still put pressure on his opponent, surround him and solve the problem in one go!"

After saying that to Ma, he strode into the rain.

Qingliu glanced at the direction of his movement and ran to the other side. The two of them surrounded the two who were still fighting from two directions, throwing light sticks as they ran.

However, the effect of the fluorescent sticks was greatly reduced in the heavy rain. Kazuma threw four of them before he could barely see the figures of the two people who were fighting swords.

Qingliu also threw several fluorescent sticks on the other side, but in the pouring rain, the fluorescent sticks in the distance looked like blurry spots of light, not lighting up the surroundings at all.

This kind of light was impossible to aim at, so Kazuma could only give up the plan of shooting and continue to approach.

At this moment, thick lightning crossed the sky, dispelling the darkness at once, illuminating everything around him as if it were daytime.

Kazuma narrowed his eyes and saw that the two people who were fighting with their swords just now stopped their movements, like two stone statues.

Then the beardless stone statue crashed to the ground.

It seems that Masago Ueizumi won this battle in the end.

The old man shook off the broken blade in his hand and threw the blood into the rain. Then he turned around with the knife and walked towards Kazuma.

He showed a relaxed and carefree smile, as if it was just a trivial after-dinner exercise.

Even though he hasn't eaten a bite of food since he came back from the hospital.

Kazuma was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but the next moment Kamizumi fell to his knees on the ground, and the broken blade in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

Kazuma stepped forward and supported the sword master who was about to fall.

"It seems," Kamizumi looked at Kazuma and said with a smile, "this is the end of me."

"I'll bandage it right away..."

"Asshole! Do I look like someone who will be hurt by an opponent of that level?" Ueizumi just cursed, and then sighed, "My destiny is over, it's time to go see my old buddy. "

Kazuma knew that the old sword master was talking about his favorite sword.

"It's a pity that I couldn't pass on my unique skill to my apprentice in the end. It's obviously such a powerful move..." After saying this, the old sword master gently closed his eyes.

The sword master Kamiizumi Masagoro passed away on August 6, 1981.

Kazuma gently placed the old man's upper body on the ground, drew his pistol and pointed it at the guy who had just been chopped down by the sword master, and fired continuously.

Qingliu, who rushed over, reminded loudly: "Wait a minute! If the old man didn't die with that sword just now, you were the one who killed him! No matter what, he must have over-defended him!"

Kazuma's empty pistol was still on the ground, and he was about to take old Mr. Masago Shangizumi back to his room.

In an instant, the thing on the ground moved.

Kazuma was shocked.

As the thing stood up, lightning flashed in the sky. The whole scene was reminiscent of the scene in the famous science fiction novel "Frankenstein" where the weirdo is resurrected.

Standing up again, Akira Inaba opened his clothes, pulled out the body armor that had been cut into two sections from under his clothes, and threw it on the ground.

He laughed hysterically: "I won! I defeated Masato Ueizumi!"

Qingliu arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye, and the Qingyu stopped at such a fast speed that it seemed as if the rain curtain and the space were cut off together.

He is worthy of being the former ultimate daughter and the gold medal killer of Bai Fengfeng!

Rather than talking, it’s more important to strike first!

But this fatal blow was easily deflected by the opponent!

"Kamiizumi Masago is dead! I am the person who has surpassed Kamizumi Masago, the youngest sword master! You will all die here!"

After saying that, Inaba Akira flew up and kicked Seiryu.

Qingliu had sharp eyes and quick hands, and used a knife to block the kick - Duanshi Qingyu was an ancient sword with a sharp edge. If the kick happened to hit the sharp point, there would be no need to use his feet.

However, when he stepped down, the sound of metal colliding with metal came.

The shoes that hold rice leaves are made of iron!

Because of Qingliu's light weight, she flew out with her sword.

However, Kazuma had already arrived.

As a person who just knew how to shoot eight times at a person who fell to the ground, he did not talk about martial ethics with the enemy.

Bizen Nagafune Ichimonji Masamune chopped directly on the opponent's shoulder.

The power of this blow can theoretically cut the enemy in half diagonally.

However, when Kazuma struck with his sword, there was only a string of sparks, and then he was forcefully held by his opponent's shoulder.

At this moment, Kazuma understood.

This guy is not only wearing a body armor, he is also wearing a protective suit for electricians!

And it’s the kind with copper wire inside!

The iron shoes on his feet are grounded!

That’s what happened when the thunder struck just now!

This is too scientific!

Kazuma's sigh did not prevent him from rolling backwards.

The enemy's sword grazed the horse's back and passed by.

If it were just a little bit later, the people of Kazuma would be in two halves.

Akira Inaba laughed like a lunatic: "See! This is my new power! You must not know, there are many things in this world that you don't know!"

Kazuma stood up and complained: "You said it's something I don't know, so of course I won't know it. It seems that your intelligence is not very high!"

"Baga!" Akira Inaba scolded, "You! Aren't you just lucky enough to get admitted to Tokyo University? What's so great! You are all like this, and you all look down on me! I will kill you first today ! Then go back and kill my brother and father who look down on me! Hahahaha!"

After the words fell, Kazuma saw that in addition to jealousy, arrogance and anger emerged from the top of Inaba's head.

All three entries burned with black flames.

Behind this strip is a mass of "dirt" that Kazuma cannot describe, which probably represents something attached to him.

"Go to hell!" Akira Inaba roared angrily, attacking Kazuma.

His movements looked like a series of slides amid lightning and thunder.

Kazuma immediately judged that the risk of cutting was too great - the vision was too bad.

So he blocked the knife.

I have to think of a way——

The next moment, in the gap between the two lightning flashes, Shimo Inaba had moved to the side of Kazuma——


However, Kazuma had already rolled away.

Swinging in the air again, Inaba roared like a wounded beast.

"Damn it, you just know how to run! Where is your glory as a swordsman! Where is your warrior soul!"

Shimo Inaba roared and chased after him!

Kazuma threw the glow stick at his face.

With a flash of cold light, the fluorescent stick broke into two pieces in the air.

However, this caused the liquid in the fluorescent rod to spill out, covering Inaba's face under the action of inertia.

Kazuma smiled.

Now you can see your grandson!

Shimo Inaba only regarded the fluorescent liquid that covered his face as an insult. He let out an angry roar and swung his sword at Kazuma.

However, relying on the fluorescent markers, Kazuma confidently used Cutoff.

Before the enemy hit him, Bizen Nagafune Ichimonji Masamune's blade accurately hit the enemy's sword-wielding hand.

Then there was a string of sparks.

The cutting speed is fast and the strength is terrible. There is nothing you can do with the copper wire in the opponent's hand.

Fortunately, Kazuma reacted quickly and turned sideways to avoid the sword.

He didn't wait for the knife to be retracted and started to take off.

Shimo Inaba was kicked and staggered. Upon seeing this, Kazuma immediately used his knife to hold Shimo Inaba's knife and push him to the ground.

It was so late and so fast that Hema felt a chill on the back of his head.

He gave up and rolled backwards.

A thunderbolt fell from the sky.

The electric light followed the opponent's protective clothing all the way to the ground, and the scattered electric light jumped around.

Kazuma had rolled far away, but he still felt a little numb in the joint of his left hand.

He understood that the power of thunder and lightning was not removed by the surrounding lightning rods, but mainly directed to the ground by the enemy itself.

He was just affected and then paralyzed all over.

Can you still play like this?

He would rather the other party use a real spell like the Five Thunder Method, so that he might be able to perform a wave of Sharingan on the spot.

Now the other party is playing the Lardy Cage, but I can’t play without the hardware!

It would be easy if you could use your golden fingers a little harder, use some kind of wolf system, and learn a thunderous return on the spot.

How to deal with this now?

Kazuma used all his brains to think of countermeasures.

Akiko Inaba may have lit up the arrogance entry and was showing off during this time.

"Have you seen my power?" He opened his hands. "This is the power to control thunder and lightning! As long as I am in the storm, I am invincible! I am the chosen one!"

He pointed at Kazuma: "And you! You said the Dragon of Guandong, huh, it's just a name! The next thunder will turn you into ashes!"

Kazuma sneered and said: "Don't think I can't see it. When you and senior Shangquan fought, you didn't draw the thunder. You can't just let the thunder strike down as you like!"

"Then try again!"

Kazuma pursed his lips.

Even if the enemy really has a cooldown time, he doesn't know how long the cooldown is.

More importantly, Kazuma remembered that just before Kamiizumi took action, the opponent triggered two thunders in succession.

Now there is one on the opposite side.

It's very possible that he still has the energy to trigger another thunder.

As long as you attack at close range, you may get this bite.

But on the other hand, as long as the next thunder is tricked out, there will be a long period of time where you can fight with swords.

Kazuma gritted his teeth.

I had actually been struck by lightning just now. It was not fatal, it was just paralysis all over my body.

Most of the energy is directed to the ground.

In other words, Qingliu can be forced to do this, and when she is unable to act, she can step forward to decide the winner——

However, this most reasonable plan was abandoned by Kazuma.

How could he let a girl block this for him?

What if Qingliu's body is too petite to withstand the electric shock?

What if Qingliu was paralyzed by the electric shock and the other party stabbed him?

Am I going to have to live with the guilt of killing a lovely girl who was like my sister?

No, never!

Let me, who is sure I can withstand a direct hit, bear it!

While taking the electric shock, hug the enemy to restrict his movement and let Seiryu attack!

Kazuma made up his mind.

This life has been back and forth so many times. The Lord of Hell doesn’t want me!

He Ma raised his sword and shouted: "The heart is the same, and this iron bow has no chance of a prosperous country!"

The moment Tachibana Michyuki's death words were spoken, thunder and lightning broke out in the sky, and streaks of lightning were like dragons flying across the clouds.

Akira Inaba laughed loudly: "What nonsense are you talking about! A poem about your death? It's a pity that I will kill all your concubines in the future, and no one will spread your poems to the world!"

Kazuma ignored him at all and shouted angrily: "The last disciple of Sword Master Kamiizumi Masago!

"Kizuma Kiryu

"See you!"

After saying that, he raised his long sword high and assumed the upper position!

In fact, this was an illusion. He was going to make a feint, then throw away the knife and hug the opponent, creating an opportunity for Qingliu to attack. Now Qingliu had silently walked around behind the opponent, but he was afraid that the opponent would draw thunder, so he did not attack.

Soon after, thunder and lightning fell from the sky.

The thunder and lightning was terrifyingly thick, as if a dragon of light descended from the sky.

It hit Kazuma's blade.

Akihiko Inaba:?

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