I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 465 Dawn Arrives

That night, after Kazuma finished taking a bath, the group of people were ready to rest.

Originally, Kazuma and the others planned to lay a floor in the dojo, but now there are two corpses in the dojo - if they only have rice leaves, they can just find a small room and throw them away, but Izumi Hito is just lying in his dojo. , who dares to move?

So Kazuma and the others could only put the table up next to them in the dining room and spread five quilts.

Today Kazuma was fighting with people with apples on his head again. In the evening, he was sparring with Kamizumi Masago. Then at night, he was slaying demons in the heavy rain with thunder and lightning. He was so tired that he lay down and wanted to sleep.

Mikako shouted: "Kazuma, let's have a pillow fight!"

Kazuma frowned: "No, I'm tired!"

"Wow, there are so many beautiful girls in the same room with you, and you actually want to lie down and sleep? Are you a man?" Mikako exclaimed.

Kazuma ignored him because he was really tired now, and his body seemed to be glued to the quilt when he lay down.

He simply closed his eyes and turned over, ignoring Mikako.

You should know that the work and rest schedules of several buddies in the dormitory are different from when I was about to go to college. There are people awake and making noise in their dormitory almost all day long. If you don't have some ability to resist interference, you can't even think about sleeping well.

It is said that a certain great man once read and studied in the market in order to exercise his concentration. He Ma did not have that ability, but he developed the ability to sleep in a noisy dormitory.

Just as Kazuma turned over, a pillow hit Kazuma's back.

To be honest, it's a bit unpleasant.

Just when Kazuma was about to get up and give Mikako a hard repair, Tamamo spoke up: "Stop making trouble, he fought almost all day today, and he only slept for a few dozen minutes during the plane ride. Let him sleep."

"Oh." Mikako responded obediently.

Although she responded obediently, she still muttered: "Oh, He Ma is so harmless to humans and animals. If it were someone else, we could have let him go."

For a moment, Kazuma's mind wanted to jump to let Mikako know what it means to let go, but his body said "no, you don't want to".

Kazuma closed his eyes and adjusted to a comfortable position.

There was a leak in the dining room. Old lady Shangquan got a bucket and put it there to catch the water. You could hear the regular dripping sound.

This sound is actually quite helpful for sleeping, offsetting the impact of the howling wind and rain outside the house.

Soon Hema fell asleep and became a dead horse.


The next day, when Kazuma opened his eyes, his first reaction was that he had trouble breathing.

His chest was heavy, as if a fat man weighing a hundred pounds was sitting on his chest.

He bent his neck and glanced at his chest, and found that Mikako was sleeping on his back.

Mikako lay face down on his chest, her mouth wide open, and her saliva soaked Kazuma's clothes.

Kazuma's brain hadn't fully recovered yet, so he subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to push Mikako away, and then found that his right hand was being pressed by Mikako's belly.

Her body was tilted over Kazuma's body.

Kazuma stared at Mikako's sleeping face for a moment, not knowing what he was thinking, and scratched Mikako's belly with his right hand.

Well, it's smooth and ice cold.

Can this guy sleep with his belly exposed?

Kazuma continued to tickle her, and finally she moved, turned over and got off Kazuma.

Kazuma, who finally regained his breathing smoothly, sat up and looked to the side. Mikako was lying on her back, making a big font.

Kazuma was speechless, thinking that he would have to remind Mikako in the future not to wear such kimono-style pajamas, otherwise the nutrition of his cohabitants would not be able to keep up.

Kazuma pulled the towel on Mikako, stood up and stretched.

Then he heard movement outside the house.

When he turned around again, he found that Tamamo and Honami Mito were not there.

The little Qingliu rolled into a corner and slept soundly against the wall.

Kazuma looked down at the sweat on his body.

He understood Qingliu's choice very well. Although it was windy and rainy yesterday, it was summer after all, and there was a power outage and there was no way to use the fan. To be honest, it was still quite hot.

It's cooler to sleep against the wall.

In his previous life, before air conditioning was installed in his home, he liked to sleep against the wall in the summer.

Kazuma straightened his clothes to avoid being in an unseemly situation like Mikako, and then strode along the corridor to the entrance and went out.

Tamamo was cleaning the door outside.

"Morning." Seeing Kazuma coming out, she stopped cleaning and smiled at Kazuma, "Did you sleep well last night?"

"You guys, if you want me to sleep well, keep Mikako away from me."

"Hey, I thought this would improve your sleep quality."

"Brother, I was almost suffocated by her. That guy weighs dozens of kilograms just for half his body."

Tamamo smiled and said: "Ah, aren't you very happy talking about this kind of thing?"

Kazuma thought about it and seemed to be quite happy.

He changed the subject: "Where's Honami?"

"I went out with Mrs. Kamiizumi to make phone calls."

Kazuma nodded.

Shangquanzhenggang's villa is on a mountain, which is considered an urban-rural fringe. There is no phone booth nearby, so he has to go down the mountain.

Kazuma raised his head. After a night of storm, the sky was completely clear. The view was very good, and the entire Kagoshima Bay was in sight.

The Sakurajima volcano in the distance is still smoking, but the smoke plume is much smaller than yesterday.

Tamamo also looked at the volcano and said, "The radio said this morning that the volcanic ash warning level has been lowered."

"Is that so?" Kazuma was stunned. "In the end, does Sakurajima Volcano have anything to do with old man Kamizumi?"

"Definitely not. It happened to explode when you were fighting swords yesterday. It was just a coincidence." Tamamo said firmly.

At this time, Mikako opened the door and came out: "Kazuma!"

Kazuma looked back and immediately said loudly: "Go back and put your clothes on before you come out!"

"Huh?" Mikako looked confused, looked down, exclaimed, and went back into the room.

Kazuma shook his head: "At this time, she is acting like a girl."

"Isn't that pretty good?" Tamamo smiled.

At this time, Honami appeared on the uphill road supporting the old lady Kamiizumi.

Kazuma hurried forward to greet him: "How is the situation?"

"I've made a lot of calls. I guess a large group of people will come over at noon." The old lady said, "Did you bring a black suit?"

Kazuma looked embarrassed.

It's not a matter of whether he brings a suit or not. All he has at home is his dead father's old suit.

Honami: "There are companies affiliated with the Nanjo Foundation nearby. I asked them to send clothes over."

Kazuma nodded: "Okay, you did a good job."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of police sirens came from a distance.

Kazuma stretched his neck to look down the slope and saw several police cars lining up and driving over.

Honami: "That's what we call it."


"So, when the typhoon just came, this man suddenly came out and attacked you, and then Mr. Masago Kamizumi started fighting with him with a knife?" Kagoshima Prefectural Police Anya Police Department asked with a serious look. .

Kazuma nodded: "Yes."

The police officer looked down at the corpse on the ground: "He was wearing this kind of clothes when he came to attack?"

Kazuma nodded: "Yes, maybe he used this electrician's protective clothing as armor."

After finishing speaking, he remembered a detail and quickly added: "He also wore a body armor, which he put on over the clothes, and then a raincoat on top."

"Where's the body armor?"

As soon as the police department finished speaking, the forensic examiner from the forensics department next to him replied: "The remains of the body armor were recovered in the garbage dump on the roadside outside. It seems that they were pushed to the roadside as ordinary garbage by the municipal road sweeper."

The police department raised an eyebrow: "Wreckage?"

"Yes, the body armor was split in two by a metal sharp object, and there were eight bullet marks."

Kazuma: "I was the one who shot the gun. I want to help Mr. Masago Kamiizumi."

"Where did you get the gun?"

"My apprentice Shiramine Haruru recovered it from the SP of the Nanjo family who was killed nearby."

Anwu Police Department frowned: "You mean, four people died in this area last night, and it has nothing to do with you?"

Kazuma: "Yes. After defeating Akiko Shimo Inaba, Mr. Kamizumi fell down due to overwork. We were busy rescuing him, but Shimo Inaba stood up again. I picked up the knife to fight with him. He didn’t fight for a moment, but at that moment, thunder fell from the sky and struck him to death.”

Police Anya and his subordinates all looked at Kazuma with expressions of "Do you think we will believe your lies?"

At this moment, the inspection director responsible for questioning the old lady Kamizumi hurried into the dojo and whispered in the ear of the Anwu Police Department.

Usually this kind of whisper can only be heard by the Anwu Police Department.

But Kazuma is a good listener, so he heard the inspection chief whisper: "The old lady's testimony was favorable to him. She claimed that the stab wounds on her body were caused by the knife that cut the rice leaves. The forensic department has detected blood residue on the knife and has sent it to Tested."

The corners of Kazuma's mouth raised slightly.

Although they didn't get the body armor back yesterday, Tamamo picked up the knife that was the murder weapon.

Uizumi Masago was not injured when he was fighting with Shimo Inaba, and neither was Kazuma.

So the knife should only be able to detect the old lady’s blood type.

The current technological level does not allow for DNA testing, otherwise the old lady’s DNA could still be detected.

Anwu Police Department pursed his lips and looked Kazuma up and down: "I have heard of you. You have been involved in major criminal cases many times. In the end, not only do you have no criminal record, you don't even have a record of being prosecuted."

He Ma spread his hands and said: "Because I have indeed not done any criminal behavior, and I have always upheld justice."

Anwu Police Department curled his lips: "Okay, anyway, I didn't catch your fox tail. However, you illegally held a gun and shot. I have to mark this on you."

"This is self-defense..."

"Maybe!" Anwu Police Department raised his voice, "You did act in self-defense. Maybe the prosecutor decided not to prosecute you as soon as he saw the lawyer sent by your girlfriend, but I want to put this on your record. "

At this moment, the old lady Shangquan came out: "Anwu! Your swordsmanship teacher is my husband's apprentice, so you are also my husband's apprentice in name, right?"

Shangquan Zhenggang has not had any internal disciples in the past few decades, but he still has a lot of outside disciples.

Many people even claimed to be the old man's apprentice just after being mentored by Masago Kamiizumi.

This situation is very common and is also a reflection of the old man's influence.

"Of course." Anwu Police Department immediately put on a respectful look, "Hello."

"This young man was the last disciple that my husband accepted before his death! Do you want to say that my husband made a mistake and accepted a disciple with flaws in his martial ethics?"

Anwu Police Department narrowed his eyes and looked at Kazuma, unable to hold back the surprise on his face: "The disciple who broke into the house?"

"Yes," Kanako Kamiizumi said loudly, "My husband knew that he didn't have much time left, so he was going to teach his life-long secrets to everyone. Who would have thought that Shimo Inaba was jealous and resentful, and came to take revenge! If he hadn't come in here , I wouldn’t have had this stab wound on my shoulder, and my husband wouldn’t have left Hexi so early!”

Anwu Police Department raised his eyebrows and looked at the body on the ground: "This...but, he is the third son of the current police chief."

The old lady's eyebrows almost stood up: "Humph, so what? Don't talk about his son, even when Shimo Inaba comes to me, he must respect me as a master wife. I have already sent him a telegram, saying that his son was killed. My old man, I’ll see what he does.”

After speaking, the old lady snorted, looked sideways, and crossed her arms.

There was obviously a stab wound on her shoulder, and it was probably quite painful to cross her chest with her hands, but the old lady only had anger on her face, and there was no trace of pain at all.

Anwu Police Department touched his cheek, then suddenly turned to the young policeman beside him and shouted: "Don't remember what you want to remember! Tear it up, tear it up, and it's not our police's responsibility to kill people killed by lightning. Our mission is Find out who killed the two bodies in the car outside."

Just then, someone came in from the door leading to the courtyard from the dojo.

Because the sunlight coming from outside was blocked when entering the door, Anwu Police Department noticed the person coming, turned around and glanced, and his eyes widened in surprise: "Police Officer Dezhu Zhengzheng, why are you here?"

"Come to say goodbye to your mentor, do you have any objections?"

"No!" Anwu Police Department said loudly.

Kazuma looked at the new people coming in, convinced that he had never seen them before. The person who came was much younger than the Anwu Police Department, and he was obviously a professional who graduated from a serious university.

Inspector Dezhu looked at Kazuma and said, "I heard outside that you are the master's last disciple who broke into the house?"

Kazuma nodded: "It seems so. But you see, this happened in such a hurry. Before I even had time to hang my name on the disciple column on the wall, the master flew westward."

Detective Dezhu looked at the list of disciples on the wall of the dojo.

Kazuma also turned his head and looked over. There were only a few names in the column of disciples who entered the house, and the last name was "Kawahito Shinji".

In the row of "outer disciples" below, Kazuma saw the name Tokutake Yuuji.

Dezhu Jingzheng sighed: "It's a pity that none of the master's secret skills seems to have been learned by any of the disciples. Now this line of secret skills has been lost."

Hema said nothing.

Inspector Tokutake waved his hand: "There is no need to investigate anymore. The case will be closed based on the testimony of Mrs. Uizumi and Kiryu-kun. Clean up this place quickly and move this stinking corpse away. All the famous names in the Japanese kendo world will come here soon." , do you want to stink them to death?"

Kazuma raised his eyebrows. He always felt that it was not good to close the case so hastily.

But when I think about this being Japan, I don’t think it’s strange that they do this.

Maybe it’s because he watched too many “Japanese-style Soviet jokes” in 2020.

Inspector Dezhu was finishing his instructions and looked at Kazuma again: "Do you have a black suit? You are the only disciple of the old man who is still alive, so you have to be responsible for the reception."

Kazuma nodded: "My apprentice has already been sent here."

"A young lady from the Nanjo family?" Tokutake looked at with an "I understand" expression.

But Kazuma's attention was still on the four words "the only one alive".

It sounds like old man Shangquan's disciple is a profession with a high death rate?

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