I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 473 Talking about Liu Bang

The next day, Shimo Inaba Masataka was woken up by a phone call.

"what happened?"

He was a little angry and asked directly without saying "Moxi Moxi" when he answered the phone.

This is very rude in Japan, but Shimo Inaba was getting excited.

"The director of the Kyushu Branch of Welfare Technology is missing."

Shimo Inaba suddenly woke up and sat up from the bed: "Tosai Akira? When did it happen?"

"Early this morning, his car was found parked in the middle of the Kanmon Channel Tunnel, and he was nowhere to be seen."

"Is this still missing? There should be CCTV in the tunnel, adjust it!"

Even in Japan, there are very few CCTV cameras and they are only installed in some large facilities.

The Channel Tunnel was one of the first large public facilities to be installed.

The secretary on the other end of the phone said: "The Fukuoka Police Headquarters has retrieved camera data and conducted investigations overnight, but only captured footage of Akira Tosai entering the tunnel."

"Could he have escaped through the staff passage?" Shimo Inaba thought of the first possibility.

This kind of undersea tunnel generally has space for pipelines such as telephone lines next to the main tunnel, and then supporting maintenance channels and so on are set up.

"It was midnight, and the tunnel management had locked all employee passages. Both on-duty officers reported that no one was seen entering or leaving the employee entrance."

Shimo Inaba: "That means at least one of these two people lied. People will not disappear out of thin air. If you want to see someone alive, you will see the corpse if you die."

"Understood. But...the Fukuoka Prefectural Police's police headquarters may not be willing to cooperate."

Shimo Inaba pursed his lips. He knew why the Fukuoka Prefectural Police was unwilling to cooperate without the secretary having to tell him.

It was Masataka Inaba who exiled the head of the Fukuoka Prefectural Police from Tokyo back then. Of course, people will not follow his instructions honestly now.

After all, the Police Chief is the head of the Metropolitan Police Department and has no control over the Fukuoka Prefectural Police.

Not only that, if I, the police chief, give advice to the Fukuoka Prefectural Police, they may also give advice to the Commissioner of the Police Department.

Shimo Inaba: "Didn't we hire a detective company? Let them investigate!"

"The scene is now blocked and the detective company cannot enter."

"They can't continue to block it. The Kanmon Channel Tunnel is going to be opened to traffic. The traffic department's phone number will be flooded with calls."

"Understood. Any other instructions?" the secretary asked.

Shimo Inaba thought for a while, and suddenly a clever idea came to his mind: "Where is Aramaki? Has he gone to Fukuoka?"

"Probably not, at least I haven't heard of him appearing."

"Then where is he now? He should have set off from Tokyo yesterday!"

The secretary's voice was a little helpless: "Maybe in Kagoshima. I will contact him when he arrives and urge him to investigate."

"No need to urge, he is already keeping an eye on welfare technology. You just need to follow him and report to me what he finds. That's it."

"Understood. I wish you a pleasant breakfast."

"Yes." Shitomi Inaba Masataka hung up the phone, then stood up from the bed, walked to the bed and opened the curtains, looking out the window at Kagoshima Bay.

"Aikawa Horataka," Shimo Inaba muttered, "you're so quick."


On Kazuma's side, as a martial arts practitioner in this life, he had the habit of getting up early. He got up early in the morning and went to the yard for morning exercises.

Also early on were Honami and Seiryu. The three of them practiced swinging their swords while watching Kagoshima Bay under the morning sun. This scene was quite harmonious.

Suddenly, Kazuma heard the phone ringing loudly in the house.

"The phone was repaired?" he muttered.

There was no electricity or phone calls in old Kamiizumi's small house all day yesterday. Kazuma suddenly thought of Japan's garbage power in rebuilding after the Fukushima incident in his previous life, and he couldn't help but worry that the electricity would not come for ten days and a half.

Now it seems that Japan in this era is still relatively Showa era. At least the phone calls are connected in one day - wait, it seems to be the Showa era now.

There are still eight years left before it becomes Heisei waste.

The phone rang a few times and then stopped, and then Kazuma heard Tamamo's voice: "Moses Moses? Yes, this is it. Mr. Aramaki? Yes, he sleeps here, okay, okay."

Then Kazuma heard the sound of Aramaki's footsteps going downstairs. The footsteps were as heavy as Mikako's. In other words, Mikako's footsteps were already as heavy as a grown man's.

Mikako, is it going to start developing like a heavy tank?

"I'm Aramaki," the voice continued from inside the room, "What? When did it happen? Got it, I'll leave right away."

He Ma was speechless.

He guessed that Tosai Akira might be dead, or Genji Kawahito might be dead.

Considering that Genji Kawahito has such a high level of swordsmanship, his life should be relatively hard, so Tosai Akira probably died.

Kazuma was waving his sword while listening to what was going on in the house. He heard Aramaki hurriedly going upstairs and downstairs. He was delayed at the entrance for a while, probably putting on his shoes, and then the policeman opened the house with rough movements. The front door broke out.

When Kazuma looked at him, he found that he didn't even have a tie on, it was just hanging around his neck.

He looks like an office worker who is almost late.

Kazuma: "Tosai Akira is dead, right?"

"Yes." Aramaki stopped, looking at Kazuma while tying his tie, "It seems that we all have a premonition of the worst case scenario. It's a pity that we are the police, not the special high-tech department, otherwise I would have arrested Akira in Fukuoka yesterday."

Kazuma: "If you are Tekko, you will come to arrest me one day, so it's better not to give up."

Aramaki stopped and stared at Kazuma for several seconds: "Yes, it means it is better now than before the war, much better."

Kazuma: "It could be better."

Aramaki smiled and changed the subject: "I'm going to Fukuoka. Do you have any suggestions?"

"What advice can I give? Even if Holmes solves the case, he must first see the crime scene."

Aramaki pursed his lips, thought seriously for a few seconds, and shook his head: "No, it's very difficult for a serious criminal police officer to bring people who are not involved in the case into the scene. I'm not a criminal police officer yet. I'll tell you in detail after I see the scene." Bar.

"By the way, what you just said was actually wrong. Tosaiko is not technically dead, he is just missing."

Hema suddenly raised his eyebrows: "He's missing..."

He had a vague hunch that this might have something to do with Shenyin.

So he said, "Let me guess, the last place he was seen before he disappeared was near the Kanmon Channel Tunnel?"

Aramaki originally put his hands on the low door in the yard, but suddenly stopped and turned to look at Kazuma: "How did you guess that?"

"Because I almost disappeared right there." Kazuma replied.

As if he had calculated it well, Tamamo opened the door and came out at this time, standing in the rising sun.

She said: "There are scientific explanations for all the gods. I think it would be better to find out if there are any secret facilities under the Kanmon Strait. That tunnel was built by the old Japanese Empire in 1942. If it is connected to any facilities for the end of the world, , I wouldn’t be surprised at all.”

Kazuma frowned at her, trying to figure out what she meant.

While staring at Tamamo, Kazuma suddenly remembered something. He visited the Kanmon Channel Tunnel in his previous life.

The tunnel built in 1942 is very narrow, and only one car can pass through it. So when Kazuma went there, the tunnel was completely operated as an attraction and was not open to traffic at all. Tourists could walk several kilometers across the Kanmon Strait.

As for the tunnel where Kazuma almost disappeared, there were at least two lanes in both directions.

It seems that the engineering capabilities of old Japan here are historically stronger than those on the other side, and they can build two-way two-way lanes under the sea.

Isn’t it strange that there really is some doomsday battle facility under the sea?

Will Germany really have an Arctic base in this world?

The Soviet Union successfully created super soldiers, and Japan also plans to use bacteria to create super soldiers. Is it normal for Santoku to have Aryan supermen?

So what will happen to China in this world?

If you think about it carefully, Qigong fever should be popular in China at this time...

Kazuma suddenly gasped.

Will China in this world rise early?

"Kazuma?" Tamamo suddenly spoke, reminding Kazuma that he was distracted.

Kazuma quickly came to his senses, smiled and said: "How can there be undersea facilities? If there is really a way to build undersea facilities, the Shinano will not be destroyed by an American submarine slipping into the Seto Inland Sea. "

Tamamo shrugged: "I'm just saying that. People don't disappear out of thin air anyway. It's just like a magic show. There must be some mechanism."

Aramaki looked at Tamamo and then at Kazuma, hesitating for a moment before patting his thigh: "I remember, I'll leave first."

"You walk slowly." Tamamo waved her hand.

Kazuma also waved his hand: "Be careful yourself. The enemy is ruthless and may not dare to touch you."

Aramaki nodded, then walked away in a hurry with long strides.

Kazuma turned to Tamamo: "Why?"

Tamamo said in a very small voice: "It is so difficult to replenish demonic power in this era. She just spent a lot of time with me, and she disappeared alone in such a short period of time. It is impossible for her to do it without leaving any trace. At least she must be there." Make some hands and feet in the tunnel to assist her in doing this.”

Kazuma curled his lips and said in a normal voice: "Your explanation seems reasonable, but I think you just don't want to see Aramaki treat urban legends as objective facts."

"Urban legends are legends. Of course they can't be facts." Tamamo also laughed at a normal volume.

Kazuma suddenly approached Tamamo and whispered in her ear: "Take me to see your old friend."

"If it were in the past, just a divination would be enough. But now that the mystery is so diminished, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find her."

"Doesn't she live in a tunnel?"

"Even if I originally lived there, I should have moved away after I found out." Tamamo said with a smile, "We don't have a good relationship because I eat monsters and she eats people. We both think that the other is Evil heretics.”

Tamamo paused and said, "By the way, I also helped humans to suppress her. She has a scar here that I chewed on."

As he spoke, Tamamo made a few strokes from above his abdomen to below the southern hemisphere.

"When I bit it, I injected demonic power into it, so this scar will never disappear."

Kazuma blinked: "I thought you were good friends..."

"It's only when a good bestie is torn apart that the earth falls apart." Tamamo said with a smile, "Kazuma, you still know too little about women."

Kazuma thought, indeed, but I have seen a collection of wonderful fights from my childhood.

That should be the most exciting fight scene that Director Guo has ever filmed.

At this time, Honami coughed, and Kazuma quickly stopped talking and distanced himself from Tamamo.

Old Mrs. Shangquan opened the door and came out at this time, glanced at them both, and said, "It's okay, it's okay. I'm not that stubborn old stubborn. Nowadays, young people like to kiss in the street. I understand. At least you haven't gone out to the street." .”

Kazuma was a little embarrassed: "I was just talking about something."

"Well, I know." The old lady replied perfunctorily, then turned around and said, "I won't bother you from now on. My sons, no matter how unfilial they are, should come back today. You probably You don’t want to watch the drama of brothers fighting each other, right?”

Kazuma shook his head: "I really don't want to."

But as Mr. Shangquan’s last disciple, shouldn’t he leave after the first seven years?

Old Mrs. Shangquan continued: "You can just come back on the day of the funeral. You don't have to live here this week. Besides, I can't live here. My children will definitely stay in this house every step of the way when they come back." , staring at those martial arts books and land deeds."

Kazuma then responded: "Then I will live in the city first."

"Go ahead, go ahead. Of course you can't leave now until my sons come back to take over." The old lady said and sighed, "My old bones are falling apart these days. I can't bear to accept old age."

Kazuma: "You are already amazing. You still have a knife wound on your shoulder and you are running back and forth like this."

"Our generation is used to it. There are endless things to do every day, and we can't stay idle when we are free." The old lady waved her hand, "When you get off the ground, you can rest forever."

Kazuma didn't know how to answer the old lady's sentence for a while.

Tamamo said: "But if you go to the ground, a lot of fun in the world will be gone. You will live a long life."

"You are eighteen years old, and you are still in your prime. There are still many new things for you. I, an old man, have lived enough. Sometimes I wonder why Qin Shi Huang pursues eternal life. Immortality is such a boring thing. It’s a matter.”

Tamamo suddenly showed a sentimental expression: "Yes, but occasionally there are still times when hundreds of years are more interesting."

Kazuma gently kicked Tamamo's heel.

Tamamo continued his words calmly: "For example, in the past hundred years, if Qin Shi Huang had lived to this day, he would definitely feel that these hundred years were more exciting than the previous thousands of years. After all, you see, human technology and productivity have The development in the past hundred years has exceeded the sum of the previous thousands of years!"

Kazuma thought that you were too mellow.

Even a big fox capsizes sometimes.

But the old lady Shangquan didn't pay attention to these details, but laughed loudly: "Speak as if you know Qin Shihuang."

"Of course it's impossible. I'm just imagining it."

Kazuma remained silent beside him.

Tamamo: "Compared to Qin Shihuang, I want to get to know Liu Bang more. Because he is a true hero like my family and Ma."

Old Mrs. Kamizumi smiled even more happily, patting Tamamo on the shoulder while laughing.

Kazuma stood nearby and could only laugh along, a little embarrassed.

Is this considered Liu Bang’s friend officially stamped me as the same as Liu Bang?

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