I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 480 006 takes a turn for the worse

Mikako's performance in this round is very problematic if you look closely.

Starting from the issue of hair dyeing, she was misled by Qian Jiangyang, and her subsequent remarks were actually beside the point.

In a debate competition, it might even become a point deduction.

But she just relied on that random punch to beat Qian Jiang to death.

Literally beaten to death.

In fact, Mikako had already digressed from the topic since the introduction of the Sophia University Contempt Chain, but it could not be considered completely irrelevant at that time.

It can be said that in the first half of the episode with Mikako, she showed a certain degree of advance and retreat, and was very general-like.

After breaking away from what Kazuma taught her, it gradually turned into random fighting.

It turned into a very Mikako-style head-banging.

Then he just knocked his opponent to death.

Mikako was completely panicked now and turned to look at Kazuma: "What should I do?"

Kazuma strode forward and first pulled Mikako back. At this time, the German professor who had been watching stood up and took charge of the situation loudly: "Go and call the school doctor! Go and call the professor's assistant. They should know Where is the quick-acting Jiuxin Pill on the professor’s body!”

Immediately some students ran out of the classroom.

Kazuma looked at the professor who was lying on the ground and still twitching, and thought, is this a matter of quick-acting Jiuxin Pills now?

Mikako was so panicked at this time. She was just as crazy as she was now. She tried her best to pull Kazuma's clothes: "Can I at least go up and help him? Is it really okay to just watch like this?"

"You can't help." Kazuma said, "This matter has nothing to do with us now. Remember, you are just expressing your own opinion. You don't know why the professor fell."

Mikako nodded repeatedly, looking a little calmer.

Kazuma sighed.

Originally he thought Mikako had grown up, but it turned out that she was just showing her true colors.

Originally thought that after transforming, he took the entry to show off his skills. Zhuge Mikazi scolded Qianjiang Wanglang to death, but it turned out that Mikako was still the same Mikazi, with only a low level of swordsmanship, and he pissed Qianjiang to death purely by slapping his head.

From another perspective, this is quite impressive.

At this time, another person who looked like a teacher appeared. The German professor who was presiding over the order saluted the visitor: "Dean."

"I have just arranged a car for the school. Please carry Mr. Qianjiang downstairs and take him to the hospital in a car!"

Immediately, a arrogant boy volunteered: "I will carry the professor down."

"Okay, you squat down, and a few people will come and move the professor behind him." The German professor immediately directed other students to take action.

After a while, everyone gathered around the boy who was carrying him and left the classroom.

About a quarter of the teachers and students who originally filled the lecture hall were gone, and the rest were looking at the podium.

The dean turned around and looked at Mikako: "Fujii-kun, right? You are so awesome. You scolded our most respected professor until he vomited blood."

Mikako looked weak, but he didn't know where the courage came from to fight back: "I didn't scold him. I was just explaining my point of view. I don't know why Professor Qianjiang vomited blood."

Kazuma didn't expect that what he just taught Mikako would come in handy so quickly.

The dean of the college glanced at Kazuma: "Is this a suggestion from the Law Department of Tokyo University? He is indeed the future legal jackal."

Kazuma smiled slightly: "Thank you."

"But the school's handling does not follow the law. Mikako Fujii, you should suspend school to reflect and wait for the handling. As for whether to prosecute you, the school has no control. It is a matter between you and Professor Qianjie's family. Maybe there is also Matters with the Tokyo Metropolitan Prosecutor.”

Mikako: "I just expressed my opinion, why did you stop me from studying?"

"Don't ask," the dean said seriously with a straight face, "Because of this mess today, the school administration department and the publicity department are all going to have to work overtime, so please don't cause trouble for us and get out of here before the reporters come. .”

He and Malamikako left the classroom directly.


Kazuma took Mikako back to the dojo in front of him, and the reporters arrived in the back.

Still an old acquaintance.

"Hey!" Hanabusa Takashi didn't go through the main entrance at all, but went directly around the courtyard and entered the dojo, "I'm here to grab the headlines!"

"Get out!" Hema replied instantly.

"Don't be so ruthless. What I wrote must be beneficial to you." Hanabusa Takashi said with a playful smile. Not only did he have no intention of leaving, he walked directly into the dojo and sat down in front of Kazuma.

His partner, photographer Daisuke Wakamiya, took a camera and started taking pictures of Mikako.

Mikako is also big-hearted, and now she has completely returned to her usual monkey self, as if nothing happened at school, and she is naturally posing for the camera.

The way Kazuma looked at her, he felt a little resentful: Sister, my reputation as a rising star is about to fall on you. How can you get the entry like this?

Hanabusa Takashi obviously understood the expression on Kazuma's face to mean something else, and he took the opportunity to say: "Miss Fujii is not optimistic now, but our weekly Fang Chun may be able to create a public opinion situation that is beneficial to her."

Kazuma also needed information at this time and asked: "How pessimistic is the situation?"

"Chie Yoji was pronounced dead immediately when he arrived at the hospital. He was a well-known scholar in international relations, and many officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were his students. Sophia University did not let Miss Fujii drop out because she was afraid that she would not be able to explain."

Mikako frowned: "It's none of my business, I just refuted his wrong views..."

Kazuma made a loud voice: "Mikako, there are no other women at home now, please bring some tea."

Mikako said "Oh" and got up to pour tea.

Kazuma said to Hanabusa Takashi: "Mikako just explained her views on international relations. She didn't even know that Professor Chie was in poor health."

Hanabusa Takashi: "As expected of the Faculty of Law of Tokyo University. I have a feeling that you will not be a criminal police officer in the future, but you will also be a good lawyer."

Hanabusa Takashi brings a bit of a yin and yang tone to the word "good lawyer".

"However, the purpose of our weekly magazine Fang Chun is to never stop talking without shocking. If I just write a report that is indifferent, the editor will not give it space at all. If you want me to help you, you have to be careful. Fierce news.”

Kazuma scratched his head. At this time, Mikako came over with tea and happened to hear the next sentence, so she asked casually: "What's the shocking news? Professor Chie sexually harassed me?"

Hanabusa Takashi clapped his hands: "This is okay! This is very good!"

Kazuma: "No, you can't do this! If you let this go, your reputation will be ruined. Then it's really impossible to be the Foreign Secretary!"

"It doesn't matter to me." Mikako pouted, "I think I can do anything in the future, and being the boss of a dojo is not bad. If you say you don't want to marry me and want to keep Nami, I will go wandering, like Torajiro."

Daisuke Wakamiya, who was playing with the camera, was shocked: "Did Ms. Fujii become someone like Torajiro? Isn't this too inappropriate? First of all, it's not appropriate for you to have such a glamorous appearance. I'm afraid you won't be picked up by bad guys at the beginning of your wandering." Targeted."

"I may have been beaten." Mikako made a posture like a bodybuilder showing off his biceps. "Look, the little mouse on my shoulder is so big!"

Kazuma looked at it and saw that it was indeed very big.

"You have to sleep or something, no, it's too unsafe. Torajiro sleeps on the street casually, and others won't even care about his money, because he has no money at a glance." Daisuke Wakamiya shook his head repeatedly.

At this time, Hanabusa Takashi looked thoughtful and asked softly: "You just said, what does Miss Fujii want to be?"

"Secretary of Foreign Affairs." Mikako answered first, "Don't worry about that. I don't know what happened, but I fell into their provocation method, so I took this as my target. Now that I think about it..."

"No, no, no!" Hanafusa Takashi interrupted Mikako, "Hello, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, he is very good, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs! Then let me ask another question. During the conflict between you and Chie..."

Kazuma: "There is no contradiction, just academic differences..."

"Don't treat me like a legal wolf. I'm an ally and I want to ask you about business. Didn't Professor Qianjie feel sorry for Miss Fujii?"

Mikako immediately showed an extremely aggrieved expression: "That's too much! He laughed at me in public, causing me to be bullied, and refused to let me attend his class, threatening that I would never graduate."

Daisuke Wakamiya took a camera and took pictures of Mikako who said this.

Hanabusa Takashi's eyes shone and he took out a pen and paper: "Great, please elaborate."

Kazuma: "Wait a minute, what do you want to do?"

"Mikako Fujii, a modern woman with a dream to enter Sophia University to study English, was persecuted for no reason by the reactionary academic circles just because she is a woman. I think this can work!"

Kazuma: "Your weekly magazine Fang Chun is really not afraid of causing trouble."

"That's right. Because of the revelations about Ken Takakura, our editor-in-chief was invited to tea by Kanto United."

Kazuma thought to himself, wouldn't you be timid after drinking tea? Wouldn't this be inappropriate to use to prove that you are not afraid of causing trouble?

At this time, Mikako continued: "Professor Qianjiang is not targeting me because I am a woman. It is mainly because I predicted that Britain will go to war this time. He originally praised me for writing the first half of the paper well. Oh, by the way, at the beginning He also said that because I wrote the first half of the paper well, I would definitely pass the course, and that he was unhappy with me later because I insisted that Britain would go to war."

When Kazuma heard what Mikako said, he thought that our Mikako was indeed a kind and pure child, and Tamamo and Honami would never say such words at a time like this.

When Mikako spoke, she showed a guilty expression: "I... wasn't it a bit too much? If you think about it carefully, Professor Qianjiang doesn't seem that bad."

Daisuke Wakamiya excitedly circled Mikako with his camera. In order to take the best photos, he pressed his whole body to the ground. He wiped the floor around Mikako clean with his face.

Hanabusa Takashi: "Ms. Fujii, please tell me the detailed process, and don't worry about the rest. Remember, when other reporters come to interview, you insist on two things. First, you are not hostile to the professor because you made You made correct predictions, so you were targeted by the professor everywhere. Secondly, you had no idea that the professor was in such poor health. Anyway, your jackal...your master was right."

Mikako blinked, looked at Hanafusa Takashi, and suddenly became wiser: "Anyway, you have made up your mind to mold me into a modern woman who dreams of becoming the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs?"

"That's right, this way you can get space, and it will also be good for the situation you are facing!"

"But, I was admitted to Chichi University simply because Kazuma and the others were going to a very powerful university, and I was afraid of being left behind!"

"It doesn't matter. From now on, you have been admiring diplomats since childhood... Are there any powerful female diplomats in foreign countries?"

Kazuma interrupted: "Princess Sissi."

"Princess Sissi... I seem to have an impression, a British princess?" Hanabusa Takashi said with a frown.

"That one is called Diana. Princess Sissi was a legendary woman who relied on her personal charm to stop Italians from resisting the Austro-Hungarian Empire during the Austro-Hungarian Empire."

I always feel that the Italians who will temporarily stop resisting the Austro-Hungarian Empire because they bow to the personal charm of Princess Sissi are worthy of being Italians.

Hanabusa Takashi agreed: "Okay! It's Princess Sissi. Because she admires Princess Sissi, Mikako Fujii has had a dream since she was a child..."

"But I just heard the name of this princess today!" Mikako shouted.

"Then you'd better remember her name firmly, and read her biography by the way, so that you know it by heart." Hanabusa Takashi said seriously.

Kazuma patted Mikako on the back: "If you don't want to be kicked out of school, then I suggest you follow Hanabusa-san's words. If you think it doesn't matter, then I will support you. You can stay in my dojo from now on until you find a new one." The way to go."

Mikako became seriously worried: "Well... If you stay in the dojo, you don't have to study or go to class. It feels good."

"But the dojo is usually empty during the day, so you have to look after the house alone." He Ma said.

Mikako immediately raised her eyebrows: "It's too boring to look after the house alone! Then I'd better continue going to school."

Kazuma feels really hard to explain at this time.

Just now, Mikako seriously thought that being a salt fish in the dojo was better than going to school. Then she decided to continue going to school because she didn't want to look after the house alone.

To be able to carry out a duckweed-like attitude towards life to this extent, honestly speaking, Kazuma felt that she should be given an entry.

Kazuma glanced at the top of Mikako's head, and sure enough, there was still no entry.

Entries are the embodiment of spiritual traits such as courage and obsession. It is really difficult for Mikako, who has no persistence, to form an entry.

At this time, Hanabusa Takashi said: "I always feel that Ms. Fujii is an anomaly among Kiryu's group."

Mikako: "I also feel like it was a mistake for me to hang out with them. But it's already like this, whatever. What about Kiryu's group? It feels so bad."

"This is a nickname that I just thought of temporarily. It doesn't matter. I guess other reporters are already on their way. They may go to Fujii's house first, so they will come a little slower, but we should hurry up. Come on, take you with us Tell me all of Professor Qianjiang’s conflicts.”

Mikako looked at Kazuma, and after Kazuma nodded, she started in earnest.


When Mikako finished speaking, someone opened the door and came in at the entrance.

Mikako became nervous: "Other reporters are here!"

"Don't panic, it's obvious that the person with the key opened the door and came in." Kazuma patted Mikako on the shoulder and asked loudly, "Who is back?"

The door to the corridor of the dojo opened, and Senior Sister Takamizawa stood in the corridor: "I'm back. Chiyoko asked me to buy the ingredients for dinner, and I put them in the kitchen with the receipt."

Kazuma nodded, and then asked casually: "Is there any interesting news from the university?"

Senior Sister Gao Mize tilted her head and thought for a while: "No. By the way, a professor asked me if you were hospitalized again recently, and asked you to fight less and attend more classes."

Kazuma nodded: "I understand. Just go and do your thing."

Takamizawa-senpai bowed to Kazuma and closed the sliding door.

Kazuma: "The news hasn't reached Tokyo University yet."

"But all of Tokyo will know tomorrow." Hanabusa Takashi closed the interview notes and stood up. "I'd better sneak away before my colleagues arrive. I can't let them know that I have grabbed the exclusive."

Kazuma: "Please."

Hanabusa Takashi smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't mess up such good eye-catching material! I am a journalist with professional ethics!"

Kazuma: "What you said makes sense. I don't even know if you are trying to shame yourself or the journalistic industry."

"Hahahaha!" Hanabusa Takashi laughed happily, and walked out with Daisuke Wakamiya. When he walked outside, he turned around and came back. "Damn, here comes someone with a camera. It must be NHK. Let me climb over the wall through the back door. Let’s go.”

"Over there, Mikako will lead him."

"Follow me!" Mikako stood up energetically as soon as she heard that she could climb over the wall.

Kazuma also stood up and decided to look familiar in front of the front camera.


That night, Mikako's mother called the dojo.

The call ended quickly, and Kazuma asked Mikako: "What did your mother say?"

"She said that there are a bunch of reporters squatting outside her house now. She speculated that these are guys who think they can interview powerful information without you being around me, so she asked me to stay in the dojo temporarily."

Kazuma: "That's it?"

Mikako hesitated for a moment, then continued: "Mom also said that it's okay not to use a condom now. I won't be able to go to college anyway, so it would be good to get married early and let her have grandchildren."

Kazuma sighed: "As expected of your mother."

Mikako blushed: "I don't know why she is so eager to marry me off."

"Maybe she thinks that with your personality, if you don't get married soon, you will become a single mother in a daze." He Ma said.

"Even I wouldn't be so confused!" After speaking, Mikako fell back and placed a large font in the center of the dojo. "Speaking of which, all the reporters have left. Let Amao and Chiyoko come to the dojo to study. It’s cooler here.”

Kazuma: "I think Chiyoko would prefer being in the cabin."

"Why, there is obviously a big Qingliu light bulb."

"You actually understand." Kazuma said in surprise.

"I'm not stupid!"

Mikako fell silent after speaking, and Kazuma stood next to her, overlooking the large font of her.

It should obviously be a pretty sexy scene, but since it's Mikako, Kazuma doesn't have much thought about it.

Mikako suddenly turned over and looked sideways at Kazuma: "Is it okay to let Hanabusa-san perform freely? I don't admire Princess Sissi at all. I decided to take the Chichi exam on a temporary basis, and you encouraged me to go to the English department. Also, Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs or something like that..."

"Do you want to go to college or watch the dojo alone?" Kazuma asked.

Mikako made a "hmm~" sound and dragged on for a long time.

At the end, she slapped the floor: "Forget it! It doesn't matter! If the sky falls, a tall man will hold it up."

After saying that, she yawned: "Ah, I'm so sleepy. I'm exhausted today. I'm going to sleep."

After saying that, she closed her eyes.

Kazuma stared at her and was about to say something when he heard her snoring slightly.

This ability to fall asleep in seconds is as impressive as Nobita Nobita's!

In this case, you can still fall asleep in seconds. Mikako, you are no longer worried. You have a whole world in your mind.

At this time, Tamamo pushed the door open and came in, looking at Mikako who was paralyzed on the ground: "I originally wanted to prepare some late-night snacks to help her sleep, but it seems that I worried too much. This calmness may be her most powerful thing. arms."

Mikako may have heard Tamamo's words. She scratched her belly and smashed it in her mouth to sleep more soundly.

Tamamo came to Kazuma and whispered: "The situation is not particularly optimistic now. As far as I know, Sophia University held a one-day meeting, and the overall opinion was in favor of expelling Mikako. The few associate professors who objected were not very qualified.

"The final decision should be announced after a plenary vote at the professors' meeting at the end of this month. In addition, there is also a rumor that Professor Qianjiang's wife seems to be planning to sue Mikako. She seems to have heard that Mikako mentioned something during the debate with Professor Qianjiang. It’s about chocolate.”

Kazuma scratched his head: "If you want to sue, it should be no problem to ask Nanjo's legal team."

"The key is the social impact of this matter. If it is not handled properly, Mikako may be bullied by the whole society. Especially about chocolate. Weren't you there at the time? How could you let her say such things? I have a feeling that this word will become a hot topic tomorrow." Tamamo looked worried.

"In the worst case scenario, you may have to marry her, because if you don't marry her, you will never get married, you won't have a job, and your social life will be completely ruined. Maybe there will be extremists who will throw paint in front of her house. Even if No matter how big-hearted she is, she can't handle it. Japanese society is particularly good at this kind of thing."

Kazuma pursed his lips.

To be honest, he didn't have any dissatisfaction with marrying Mikako, but he didn't want Mikako to become just a housewife.

She should have more choices and a broader future.

Kazuma asked Tamamo, "Can't you do something?"

"If Qianjiang hadn't been mad to death, Honami or I would have been able to suppress the matter. Now we have nothing to do. Tomorrow this matter will become the hottest topic and the focus of the whole society. I think we should do Prepare for the worst.”

Kazuma nodded.

Tamamo continued: "Takamizawa-senpai saw Hanabusa Takashi coming in the afternoon. I don't know what you talked about with him, but even he probably couldn't do much. I think you should be prepared in many ways."

"You mean, I have to be prepared to spend the rest of my life with a monkey from now on?" Kazuma asked.

"At least this monkey is pretty, isn't it?" Tamamo shrugged, "Maybe Honami will find it difficult to let go, but I don't care, it would be great if I can die of old age as a human being."

Kazuma curled his lips: "Okay, I'll remember your words. What to do next depends on how bad the situation is."

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