I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 483 A lot of fun

When Kazuma went out, he saw a good guy, an old lady in a black kimono, pulling a kid in black, sitting in front of his house.

When Kazuma saw this scene, one of them was as big as the other two.

If the other side drags in dozens of strong young men to seek revenge and say, "I want you to bury my old man with him," it will be too late for Kazuma to be happy - provided that among the strong young men there are not those who are above level 40 and are not human beings.

Even if there are a lot of people coming from the other side, Kazuma can still use the terrain and props at home to deal with it.

Anyway, there are more solutions than problems.

It's better now. They pulled your little grandson to sit in front of your house and just cried. He Ma's force was completely unable to help.

When the old lady saw Kazuma coming out, she didn't speak. She just cried, leaving Kazuma without a chance to refute.

For a moment, Kazuma was at a loss and could only look at each other in confusion with the kid dressed in black.

The child looked confused and had no idea what was going on. Judging from the way he occasionally glanced at the game that was not running in Hema's yard, he now wanted to escape from grandma's clutches and go to Play in the yard.

While Kazuma was observing each other's group, photographers gathered around and took pictures of Kazuma as if they had caught a big fish.

Some reporters might not be able to wait for the old lady to speak, and shouted directly to Kazuma: "Kiryu-san, how do you comment on the fact that your apprentice made Professor Chie so angry?"

Kazuma thought to himself, reporter, you did a great job. I was worried that I had no reason to speak. If I really want this old lady to cry and not speak, I can only go up to comfort her first. That would be too passive.

Kazuma suppressed his gratitude to the reporter and looked at the reporter seriously: "You are making rumors. Professor Qianjiang is old and in poor health. This is a regrettable coincidence. My apprentice is just a normal academic disagreement. "

After hearing what Kazuma said, the old lady couldn't just cry anymore. She stood up, held the child with one hand, and pointed at Kazuma with the other: "You are talking nonsense! That woman clearly knew that my wife had a heart problem, so she deliberately angered him. Yes! You just want to piss him off!"

"Calm down," Kazuma put on a sad expression, "It will not do us any good to make Professor Qianjiang angry. We have no motive for doing this. This is just a regrettable accident."

"You have a motive! Because my old man said he won't let that woman graduate! So you want to piss him off to death!"

Kazuma: "Calm down. I believe that with Professor Qianjie's character, if it turns out that my apprentice Mikako Fujii's judgment of the international situation is correct, Professor Qianjiang will happily retract his words and apologize to my apprentice." of."

This is a lie. As far as Hema knows about Qianjiang, he will not apologize, and he will keep talking until the end, stumbling on Mikako at every turn.

However, Mrs. Qianjiang in front of her now would never admit that her husband was a narrow-minded person who would seek revenge.

The old lady probably knew her old man's character. After being attacked by Kazuma with such a rainbow fart, she started to stutter: "You..."

Kazuma saw that this trick was effective and quickly continued: "I know that there have been various rumors about Professor Qianjiang's personal ethics."

This is a warm-up for Weekly Fangchun’s big bomb later.

"However, I don't believe those rumors at all! Because for a professor with a lot of talents all over the world, even if there are certain flaws in academics and misjudgments in international affairs, his character is absolutely unquestionable." He Ma said this. It's called a high-sounding one.

At this moment, Kazuma keenly noticed that someone in the group of people who came with the old lady smiled.

That man was also dressed for a funeral in a black suit with white flowers. He looked to be in his late thirties or almost forty, and his facial lines were very clear, highlighting his ability.

The overall impression of this person is that of a young bureaucrat with a successful career.

Kazuma noticed his watch - it was a silver watch, but it didn't look cheap either.

It seems that there is no gold watch group within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs system, but a silver watch group.

Why did this guy laugh after hearing me praise the professor's character?

But Kazuma can be sure that this guy probably doesn't think Professor Qianjie is a guy with good character.

Kazuma watched this guy carefully while continuing to boast: "I was also there when Professor Qianjiang vomited blood. I think the professor just couldn't accept that his prediction was refuted by a young student and a young lady. When he calms down and thinks deeply, he will find that he has met a rare genius in the field of international relations.

"He would be as excited as Bole finally discovered the Chollima, at least that's what I believed at the time. So he vomited blood and died. The most regrettable and heartbreaking thing is us, because if the professor is still alive, he will definitely have a crush on Miss Fujii Mikako's role in the diplomatic world. Promotion provides strong support.

"This help is crucial, because everyone knows that Japan has no female diplomats, and the diplomatic world is completely dominated by men. Even if a girl has great talent in international relations, she will still struggle in the diplomatic world.

"Mrs. Qianjiang, please believe me, if I can exchange my life for Professor Qianjiang's life, I will do it without hesitation! I am heartbroken over his death!"

He Ma's performance almost failed at the end - he almost laughed out loud, but luckily he caught himself temporarily.

He also squeezed out tears. In terms of acting skills, Mikako was much better than Mikako.

Mrs. Chie stared at Kazuma, her eyes almost burning.

It seems that this old lady also knows very well what kind of urine her old man is.

If she could spend her whole life with that old man, she probably wouldn't be a good bird.

However, during the phone call with Hema, all kinds of rainbow farts made Professor Qianjiang highly praised. If the old lady wanted to refute, she had to refute Kazuma's rainbow farts that praised her old man.

As a result, the old lady was speechless for a long time and could only point at Kazuma with trembling fingers.

The child she was holding was unhappy: "Grandma, you pinched me so much!"

The old lady lowered her head and glared at the child, who was frightened and cried.

This child didn't care if he cried, but after crying, he shouted: "I want grandpa~"

I guess grandpa usually loves him, but now he shouted like this subconsciously.

The old lady was in great luck. She said loudly to Kazuma: "Did you hear that? Look at this kid! Doesn't your conscience hurt? I know you studied law and you are a future lawyer. I can't say that. You, as a lawyer, you can’t be unconscionable!”

Okay, this is totally illogical. But this kind of guy who clearly wants to mess around cannot be expected to be logical in the first place.

The old lady pulled the child up, and knelt down in front of Kazuma: "You should do some human work, the future lawyer of Dongda University!"

Kazuma was not polite, his plan was very simple, he knelt directly in front of the old lady, and then said: "I told you, I am the one who hopes that Professor Qianjiang is alive the most! If I die, I can be resurrected. Professor, then kill me! Kill me!"

Isn't it just cheating? Who is afraid of whom?

If you really do it, I will act in self-defense. Anyway, there are so many cameras around, and the evidence is conclusive. There is no need to hire the exclusive lawyer of the Nanjo family. Ordinary lawyers can handle it.

If that doesn't work, He Ma has a killer move, which is to just go straight to the ground and come at me if you want to kill him!

If you really do it, I'll defend myself. If you don't believe that I can't kill you, you old woman, if you don't do it, I'll just wait.

In theory, this response is similar to opening Invincible. The side effect is that it will leave a dark history that is unbearable to look back on, and it will definitely be ridiculed by girls in the future.

Just when Hema Heng was determined to cheat, Mikako rushed out.

She slid from the entrance, and when she stopped in front of Mrs. Qianjiang, she happened to be in a standard kneeling position.

This is the legendary "sliding kneeling".

But Mikako’s crying scene is not good. I’m afraid if she comes out at this time, she will suffer——

Kazuma looked up worriedly and saw Mikako's eyes filled with tears.

This is at least half a bottle of sodium hyaluronate!

Judging from Mikako's grinning expression, it must be caused by the sodium hyaluronate in her eyes - anyone who has ever dropped it knows that when this thing is dropped into the eyes, it feels almost like spreading wind oil essence into the eyes, it is cool and spicy.

"I'm sorry, it was my fault!" Mikako said.

Kazuma thought that this was going to happen, and at the same time, the old lady Qianjiang smiled happily——

But the next moment, Mikako said: "My mistake was that I should not have been admitted to the English Department of Chihiro University!"

Old Mrs. Qianjiang felt that something was wrong, and half of her smile froze on her face.

"My mistake was that I shouldn't have studied international relations! Professor Qianjiang is right, girls just need to think about marrying like that, why should they study such nonsense!"

Kazuma had a hard time holding back his laughter. Mikako would say this at this time, definitely because she really felt that it was too troublesome for her to do so many things, so she might as well just focus on getting married from the beginning.

Mikako continued: "What Princess Sissi, what is there to admire!"

Yes, here Mikako used the words that Kazuma asked her to memorize for the subsequent interview.

But the mention of Princess Sissi was a bit confusing, and the reporters all showed puzzled expressions.

While Kazuma was thinking about how to interrupt and explain, Mikako said loudly: "There is also Thatcher in the UK. She is also at fault! She is a woman and does not look like a woman. She suddenly launched an attack, which made Professor Qianjiang embarrassed. Shame on you! She deserves to die too! She deserves to die just like me!"

At this time, the reporters all showed expressions as if they had seen Jesus coming.

He Ma couldn't hold himself any longer. He just wanted to go home and beat the ground and laugh.

As expected of Mikako, there is no logic and no rules. Thinking of where it is, a random hammer is surprisingly effective.

Mikako grabbed Mrs. Chie's hand: "Mrs. Chie, Wife! Let's go to the British Embassy to protest together! Protest that Mrs. Thatcher did not act according to Professor Chie's prediction! It was Thatcher who killed Professor Chie! She didn't say 'Her Majesty the Queen requires the Royal Navy to fulfill its duties', the professor is still boasting on TV!"

Kazuma had a hunch that Mikako's words would be on the front page tomorrow.

No, she doesn’t need to do it tomorrow, she will be on the front page of today’s evening newspaper!

The old lady Qianjiang broke her guard: "You are crazy! What does the British Prime Minister have to do with this!"

The old lady wanted to get rid of Mikako's hand, but Mikako's hand strength was gained from climbing trees. She was not light, but she could climb the eaves of the house with one hand and could even swing up.

Mikako's iron claws are not something an old lady can easily break free from.

Mrs. Qianjiang shook her off, but she didn't shake it off, causing Mikako to grab her arm with both hands.

"If Thatcher hadn't launched the attack, no, if Thatcher hadn't been a woman, maybe Professor Qianjie would have made the correct judgment that Britain would attack!" Mikako continued, "It's all because Thatcher was a woman. , which made the professor so angry! It’s all her fault!”

Kazuma thought to himself that when you just slipped and fell to your knees, you said it was all your fault. Is this becoming ridiculous?

But Mikako has always been shameless.

While shedding tears, she continued to make an impassioned speech: "Professor Qianjiang has always looked down on women. He even said in front of countless people that I had a good figure and looked like a prostitute. So it must be because Thatcher is a woman. It affected the professor's judgment. Although the professor also made a misjudgment when Nixon visited China in 1971, he is after all a leading figure in the academic field of international relations!

"It's all Thatcher's fault as a woman! If she had been a man, Mr. Thatcher, there would have been no problem. Professor Qianjiang would have given me high marks as soon as he saw my summer thesis, and there would have been no subsequent series. It’s something!”

"That's enough!" Mrs. Qianjiang shouted angrily, interrupting Mikako, "You bunch of wolf-hearted guys! Just wait!"

Kazuma: "You can sue us."

"Bah! I know that half of the entire legal profession belongs to you, Dongda University!"

"The other half belongs to Meiji. If they don't deal with us, they should be happy to take over." Kazuma reminded kindly.

The old woman roared: "No! There are so many reporters here watching, so let everyone comment and deal with it! Today's matter will be published in newspapers across the country, and tomorrow the whole country will know about you couple!"

After speaking, the old woman glared at Mikako, who was still in tears: "You bitch, you still want to join the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and become the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs? What a dream!"

After saying that, the old woman spat at Mikako.

Mikako lifted up the hem of the old woman's skirt and blocked the phlegm.

"You!" The old woman was about to have a fit and raised her hand to hit Mikako. In the end, she gave up because she was worried about the reporters around her who were already in a wolf-like state. She grabbed the hem of her skirt back, dragged the child away and left.

Half of the reporters followed and took pictures wildly around the old woman, while the other half surrounded Kazuma.

"Excuse me, what do you mean it's Thatcher's fault?" a reporter asked loudly.

Mikako answered without thinking: "Professor Qianjie said in class that Thatcher is a woman and does not have the courage to launch an attack."

"Really? Did Professor Qianjiang really say that?"

"Does he look down on Mrs Thatcher?"

"You just said that Professor Qianjiang would not have misjudged Thatcher if he were a man. Does that mean that Professor Qianjiang would attack if he thought a male ruler?"

Kazuma grabbed Mikako, who wanted to continue answering reporters' questions, and forced her back into the room.

This doesn't allow her big mouth to be used as she pleases, there's no telling what she's going to do.

While stuffing Mikako into the room, Kazuma told reporters: "My apprentice is crying so sadly. She is already very tired. Please let her rest!"

After locking Mikako out, Kazuma just breathed a sigh of relief when reporters began to besiege him again.

"Did you teach Ms. Fujii what she just said?"

"No!" Kazuma denied, "My apprentice Mikako is an outstanding student who was admitted to the English Department of Sophia University. Moreover, she was admitted as a special sports student before entering her third year of high school. She achieved such results with just one year of hard work. She’s smart and doesn’t need anyone else’s opinions being hammered into her.”

He Ma said that the reporter was writing down notes below.

Kazuma suddenly felt guilty, what if everyone really regarded Mikako as a genius?

But then he thought about it, isn't Mr. Satan very well mixed in Dragon Ball? Yamcha and Kobayashi, whose combat capabilities were much higher than Mr. Satan's, all died, but Mr. Satan survived all the way to Dragon Ball GT and was still alive and kicking.

So Mikako's behavior might be quite good.

However, in Dragon Ball, Mr. Satan is apparently the strongest on Earth and is admired by thousands of people. When he uses the energy bomb to beat Buu, without Mr. Satan, he may not be able to collect the energy that can explode every cell of the skinny puppet. Woolen cloth.

Could it be that Mikako has also become the most influential person in Kiryu's group... How is that possible? After all, Haruyu, the future national singer, has more potential.

After this incident, no matter how lucky Mikako is, she will be a civil servant of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Kazuma thought while making peace with the reporters.

He found that his and Xini's skills had improved a lot compared to the spring. After taking the first-class civil servant examination and being admitted to the Metropolitan Police Department, they might not let him and Ma go to the Criminal Department, but to the Publicity Department. .

It took Kazuma half an hour to finally send the reporters away.

He returned to the house and saw Mikako sitting in the dojo, crying.

Kazuma was shocked: "What's wrong with you?"

Mikako turned her head and looked at Kazuma with tears in her eyes: "I dripped too much sodium hyaluronate and I can't stop crying..."

Kazuma: "How much did you drip? It's been half an hour!"

"Yes, I cried for half an hour. When I asked Tamamo, she only said that I should pay attention to hydrating."

As he spoke, Mikako picked up the cup and drank water, crying while drinking.

He Ma supported his forehead: "I was worried about you, but I was overthinking it."

"I'm so happy that you worry about me, but can you think of a way to stop my tears first?"

"There is no other way, drink more hot water." He Ma waved his hand.

"Kazuma, so heartless!"


That afternoon, Hanabusa Takashi called: "Kazuma, let me tell you some good news. Our editor-in-chief felt that what happened this morning would dilute our exclusive power, so he went to the printing factory and lost his temper. , the new issue will be loaded on the truck this afternoon, and will probably be on the newsstands together with tomorrow's morning paper.

"The one close to the distribution center may be put up this afternoon. Are you happy?"

Kazuma: "Oh. So now, what is the situation in the press in general?"

Hanabusa Takashi smiled and said: "It's amazing. Many reporters even called the British Embassy in Japan and asked them what they thought.

"If I were you, I would pick up a pen right now, write an open letter to Mrs. Thatcher in Fujii's tone, and then send it to the Asahi Shimbun."

He Ma was amused: "In terms of loss, it's still you who loses."

"That's right. I'm a professional at making trouble for people. Anyway, I'm just a stinky paparazzi. I'm just hot enough to pat my butt and leave. I don't care about the flood behind me."

"You will suffer retribution sooner or later." Kazuma said.

"Anyway, it's not today, and it's not tomorrow. Today is just an appetizer. Look, the public opinion bomb I prepared is coming."

Kazuma smiled and said, "I know, I still owe Wakamiya-san a Pulitzer Prize."

There is also a golden rain.

Hanabusa Takashi laughed.

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