I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 486 Professor Meeting

This afternoon, there was a meeting of Sophia University professors.

Japanese universities are completely like military aristocrats. The professor is the "Daimyo", the chairman of the professor association is the shogun, and under the professor there are associate professors and lecturers, who are the daimyo's retainers.

Even for universities that are more left-wing, the only difference is that the professors are easier to talk to. During the Cold War, the Eastern camp advocated democracy and the Western camp advocated freedom, so the leftists were more democratic.

But this is just a way of teaching individual behavior. The entire system is still a complete military aristocratic system.

The right-wing professors, on the other hand, completely implement the order of superiority and inferiority similar to the etiquette of feudal aristocrats - this is a bit of black humor. The left-wing advocates democracy, and the right-wing should theoretically raise the banner of freedom to fight, but in fact the right-wing Freedom was thrown out of the window.

Sophia University itself has close ties with the political and diplomatic circles, and there are some right-wing scholars among its professors.

However, Sophia University, as a university that mainly features foreign language education and is rich in translators, also accommodates a considerable number of left-wing scholars, especially those who teach German, most of whom are left-leaning.

By the way, the Japanese academic community in this era is generally left-leaning. The reason is clearly stated in the famous line in the movie "O Navy": "Smart people are easy to be corrupted."

Now, a group of smart people are meeting around a marble round table that looks like King Arthur's round table.

"Everyone." Professor Guoli Hirozhi, the chairman of the professor association, took the latest sales news and weekly Fang Chun in his hand and showed it to everyone, "This is the topic of our extraordinary emergency meeting today."

Professor Dashan from the Department of Philosophy pushed up his glasses: "Is this the new newspaper and weekly Fang Chun that came out today? Will these really trigger a wave of public opinion that is enough for us to have an emergency meeting? Can't we discuss it at the regular meeting next week? ?”

The national professor put down the news and took the weekly magazine Fang Chun and said: "Just this, this student will probably occupy the front page of the evening newspaper for about three days, and then the social pages of each daily newspaper will probably discuss it for three days. But... …”

The national professor picked up the Maimai News and showed Mikako, who was crying without tears, to everyone: "With this, it will be different. You can listen carefully to the noise outside the window. The reporters have blocked the downstairs. , the Broadcasting Class is dealing with them."

Professor Dashan was speechless. He took off his glasses and said, "Sorry, I'm old and hard of hearing, so I can't hear. I have no problem. Let's continue the meeting."

"Today we are discussing how to respond to this public opinion." The national professor looked around at everyone, "Fujii, the center of the public opinion, is currently suspended from school and is at home. Today we have to decide what to do with her."

Professor Kuniaki Ueshiba from the German Department said: "This Fujii-san is very beautiful. There should be many young people coming here next year who want to see the beautiful senior sister."

"Professor Ueshiba, please be serious. We are discussing matters related to the academic reputation of our school." The national professor said solemnly.

At this time, Professor Kubo Riyuichi of the Department of English and Dean of the School of Foreign Languages ​​took a sip of tea and said slowly: "So the National Professor also feels that Professor Chie's misjudgment of the international situation this time has affected the reputation of the school?"

The national professor frowned.

Yuichi Kubo from the School of Foreign Languages ​​was out of tune with the entire conference just because of his age. The other professors are at least forty years old and have as many wrinkles on their faces as they have published papers.

But Kubo Riyuichi is only thirty-five years old, a typical young man. Generally speaking, it is already remarkable for a person of his age to become an associate professor.

Professors at Japanese universities are a mess. In order for young people to rise to the top, they must not only be strong enough, but also have to wait for a vacancy to appear.

Don’t have too many young professors stuck in the trap of associate professor.

These associate professors may be no different from professors in the eyes of students - they are all called Professor XXX anyway, and no one uses the subtitle.

But in fact, there is a huge difference between associate professors and professors. If nothing else, the fact that professors can vote in professor meetings is enough to explain the problem.

Riyuichi Kubo was the lucky guy who was caught in a trap at a young age, and he became the dean of the School of Foreign Languages ​​directly.

Associate Professor Hai Laoyi, who was only one year older than him, had more achievements, but he could only remain an associate professor honestly.

The words of Yuichi Kubo made the national professor very unhappy: "The international situation is not like shogi. People always make misjudgments. There are too many accidental factors that affect the international situation, such as World War I, Feidi If Grand Duke Nan is not dead..."

Professor Kuniaki Ueshiba from the German Department interrupted the National Professor: "It is true that human history is full of various seemingly accidental events, but the overall history of human beings is predictable, and there is inevitability hidden behind accidental events. Archduke Ferdinand If you don't die, there will still be other reasons to trigger a war.

"Even if all accidents do not happen, according to the historical data of Tsarist Russia, the Tsar was originally planning to attack Prussia after completing all war preparations. According to Russia's timetable, the First World War will break out in 1920 at the latest."

The national professor retorted: "Humph, that's what mechanical history is all about!"

"It's materialist history!"

"All the same, this historiography completely ignores that human beings are creatures that often behave irrationally!"

"For you to say that, it shows that you don't understand materialist history at all, and you make rash comments about something you don't understand. This behavior is a typical academic blind move!"

"Stop!" Professor Dashan from the Department of Philosophy interrupted the argument between the two, "Now is not the time to argue about academic issues, now is the time to discuss the school's course of action."

Professor Dashan is the oldest. Although his students in the philosophy department have all entered useless industries, and the influence of the students can be said to be the weakest among the professors here, but when you are the oldest, your words have weight.

And because the Department of Philosophy involves the least conflicts of interest, Professor Dashan often plays the role of mediator and peacemaker.

After the two professors died down, Professor Kubo Riyuichi continued: "On the day Professor Chie traveled westward, many professors and students were present, including me and Associate Professor Ebiichi from the German Department."

As he spoke, Professor Kubo Riyuichi glanced at Professor Ueshiba, who nodded: "Indeed, Kazuo told me about this."

"So we all heard that Professor Chie did insult Fujii-san first by calling him a prostitute." Riyuichi Kubo shrugged, "Oh my God, it's just selling news, but what Weekly Fang Chun told is actually the truth!"

The expression of the national professor was very ugly: "Professor Kuboli, this kind of thing has a very serious impact on the reputation of our entire university. You should..."

"National Professor, Kiryu Kazuma was also present at the scene. Don't you think it's strange why a student from Tokyo University is here?" Professor Yuichi Kubo looked at him.

The national professor looked livid: "What do you mean..."

"Kazuma Kiryu is an acquaintance of Weekly Haru. In a sense, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the reason why Weekly Haru is popular. He was at the scene. Weekly Haru published a special issue a week later. Considering the writing And the time for typesetting and printing, this may even have been arranged from the beginning, how can you guarantee that he does not have a tape in his hand?”

After Kubo Risuke finished talking on the phone one by one, the national professor's brows furrowed into a Sichuan shape.

"This was a conspiracy from the beginning? But why? Why would Kiryu Kazuma be involved in this matter? He has no relevant interests at all."

Kubo Riyu spread his hands and said: "Kizuma Kiryu is just an eighteen-year-old young man. If you think of him in a simple way, maybe he is just a beauty in anger?"

"You mean, he took action just because Mikako Fujii was threatened by Professor Chie and refused to let her graduate?"

Riyu Kubo nodded.

The national professor shook his head: "No, no, it's too risky to kill a university professor just for this..."

"I didn't say that Kazuma Kiryu killed Professor Chie," Professor Kubo Riyuichi said quickly. "As far as I saw at the scene, Professor Chie vomited blood and died. It was his own fault. I really can't blame Fujii-san for this. "

After the words fell, Professor Ueshiba sneered: "In the final analysis, his academic level is too poor. A few years ago, he judged that the United States would continue to target China. According to his judgment at that time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs came up with proposals to trick China. We went to find the Yankees. As a result, as soon as we proposed the proposal, the gay man visited China, and he also packed up and left several international relations think tanks, and now he is embarrassed again."

"Professor Ueshiba, be more reserved, everyone is already dead." Professor Oyama advised, "But Chie-kun's academic level is a bit inferior to our superiors."

Professor Dashan has said so, and it’s hard for the national professor to say anything. He is the chairman, but Professor Dashan has higher seniority, so he still has to give him face.

At this time, the professor of the French Department, Nagatomi Kukuma, who had not spoken yet, asked: "I read the report by Weekly Fangchun. Is this female student Fujii Mikako really as talented as Weekly Fangchun said? According to my impression, Such good-looking girls usually have big breasts and no brains, right?"

"Professor Nagatomi, you can't say this at this juncture." Riyuichi Kubo reminded, "It would be terrible if word gets out."

"Don't worry about it until word spreads. You can be at the scene and tell us your first-hand experience at the scene."

Riyu Kubo nodded: "I was at the scene, and I discussed it with Associate Professor Ebiichi from the German Department afterwards. The first half of Mikako Fujii's discussion is indeed very talented, and she has an obvious academic foundation of historical materialism. I like it. Justify the whole thing on economic grounds.”

Professor Changfu was stunned: "Is she really a talented woman?"

"But!" Riyuichi Kubo raised his voice, "After Professor Chie attacked her highlighted hair, she obviously got confused, and then completely followed Professor Chie."

"Are you the type who has talent but can't do it on the spot?" Professor Nagatomi nodded repeatedly.

The national professor looked at Professor Changfu and frowned: "Professor Changfu, what do you want to say?"

"Ah, that's it. Now it is certain that our school has become the laughing stock of the international relations academic community. It can be foreseen that after this incident, the work of our school graduates in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and various think tanks will be affected, and it may even be affected. to where new graduates are employed. I think we should prioritize eliminating these effects.”

As if he had found a treasure, the national professor immediately agreed: "Yes, yes, that's what I want to say, so we should refute the rumors as soon as possible from the school's standpoint..."

"I think if this Mikako is really talented, we can support her."

The national professor opened his mouth: "What?"

"I mean, we support classmate Mikako Fujii. Anyway, Professor Qianjie is dead. The dead person doesn't even need to apologize, just take the blame. We can say generously that this time we actually found such an outstanding talent. support.”

"This..." The national professor wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Professor Nagatomi.

"If Mikako Fujii cannot be helped up afterward, and she is wrong in judging the international situation afterwards, then it means that she is a waste, and Professor Chie is not wrong in her judgment, and public opinion will naturally reverse.

"If Mikako Fujii continues to show her talent afterwards, then you see we have a new star in international relations, and the impact of Professor Chie's misjudgment on our school will naturally be eliminated."

The professors in the room all said "oh" in unison.

Professor Kubo Riyuichi added: "This girl is so good-looking, I suggest that she be used as the cover of this issue of the school magazine. The beauty economy is the latest trend now."

The national professor said angrily: "Kubori, please pay attention to the occasion. This is one of the highest universities. It's too embarrassing to talk about the beauty economy."

"Okay, mine." Riyuichi Kubo shrugged.

National Professor: "So, does anyone else have any ideas? No, let's start voting on the main issues. The first is the treatment of Fujii-san. If you agree to expel her, please raise your hands."

No one raised their hands.

"If you agree to lift her suspension, please raise your hands."

A group of professors all raised their hands.

"Okay, this issue has been settled now. The second issue, please raise your hands if you agree to deny that Professor Qianjiang has ever insulted female students."

This time no one raised their hands.

"Then those who agree to establish Mikako Fujii as a model for the school, please raise your hands."

Except for Professor Dashan, everyone raised their hands.

Professor National looked at Professor Dashan.

Professor Dashan: “I abstain so that the minutes of the meeting look more fair.”

"Very good, then who will write the speech?" The national professor looked at everyone.

"I'll do it," said Professor Yuichi Kubo.

"Okay, I will inform Professor Qianjiang's widow." Professor Guoli said and sighed, "Damn it, how should I tell the old lady about this? Don't let her vomit out a mouthful of blood and die. ?”

"It's not that bad." Professor Dashan comforted her, "How about I come and tell her? Professor Qianjiang and I had a good personal relationship during my lifetime, and the wreath I sent during the ceremony was also the largest."

The national professor looked at Professor Dashan speechlessly. To be honest, it was hard to see what this philosophy professor was thinking sometimes.

The wreath is the biggest... Is this something worth mentioning?

That’s all, the national professor shook his head repeatedly. If Professor Qianjiang had a spirit in heaven, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood again.

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