I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 496 Noise

Chie Kazuo's target is something like sulfuric acid.

He knew that Mikako Fujii was good at kendo and could use swordsmanship, and according to his youngest brother, Mikako Fujii once used the hem of her kimono to block her spit when her mother was looking for trouble, and even tore it to pieces. Got a kimono.

So Chie Kazuo wants to take something unstoppable.

Concentrated sulfuric acid is very suitable. If you use clothes to block it, as long as the clothes are not very thick, they will corrode quickly and injure the back of the clothes.

Of course, if there are other more powerful things in the chemistry laboratory, Chie Kazuo wouldn't mind using them.

As for the consequences of doing this, Chie Kazuo no longer wants to think about it.

French sociologist Durkheim proposed a theory of anomie, which roughly means that when people are unable to achieve their goals within the existing framework, they will begin to ignore the existing rules of society.

Everything Chie Kazuo owned was destroyed.

The professorship that Dad left behind, the research laboratory that Dad obtained through his connections, and the academic reputation that Dad left behind are all gone.

From now on, Qianjiang Kazuo will be an ordinary associate professor.

Many associate professors may work until they are about to retire before they get the chance to be promoted to professors.

Professors in science and engineering can also achieve overtaking in the corner by publishing major research results with their first signature.

Liberal arts professors don't say this. Academic prestige is all built up bit by bit over time.

In the past, Qianjiang Kazuo relied on his father's help to gain academic prestige far beyond his age. Now even if there is a little bit of it left, it will all be gone after this weekend's show.

No one will look down on a professor who eats noodles with his nose on the show.

But if he does not go, he will become an irresponsible villain in the eyes of the public, and his academic prestige will also be greatly reduced.

Thinking about it this way, Mikako Fujii is really vicious.

Chie Kazuo recalled Mikako Fujii's boastful talk on TV just now, and what came to his mind was the image of an evil bitch.


Just by looking at her breasts, you can tell that she must be a bad woman. With those breasts and evil wisdom, she was born to harm men!

Qianjiang Kazuo's inner thoughts gradually turned into conviction, and he was completely unaware that he was paranoid.

The image of Mikako in his mind further evolved, turning into a terrifying witch who spit out snakes and had an evil smile on her face.

Chie Kazuo now felt a sense of mission. He felt that he had to get rid of this witch for the sake of all the male compatriots in the world.

If she doesn't get rid of it, I don't know how many men will be seduced by her breast muscles and fall into a point of no return.

When people are paranoid to a certain extent, they can even deceive themselves.

If you are paranoid, you are crazy.

Chie Kazuo has gone crazy, but he still looks like the polite associate professor on the outside.

He entered the building of the Chemistry Department, planning to steal the key to the laboratory medicine library first.

At this time, he met Fumio Chisato, an associate professor in the Department of Chemistry.

Associate Professor Qianli was stunned for a moment when he saw Qianjiang Kazuo, and then said with a smile: "Hey, what kind of wind brought you here."

"Uh, no, I was passing by," Kazuo Qianjiang made an excuse in embarrassment - he didn't know anyone particularly well in the chemistry department, so he couldn't say he was here to see his friends. "I suddenly had an urgent need to urinate, so I came in to find the toilet."

Associate Professor Qianli raised his eyebrows: "That's right, but there is a toilet in the direction you came from. Just leave directly after using the toilet."

"Really?" Qianjiang Kazuo looked embarrassed, "I didn't see it, oh, people get old and their eyes don't work anymore, presbyopia."

Associate Professor Qianli stared at Qianjiang Kazuo and said, "Associate Professor Qianjiang, are you going to pour the chemicals on that girl?"

Qianjiang Kazuo's movements visibly stiffened.

Associate Professor Qianli was shocked: "It's true! This is absolutely impossible. It's okay if you don't succeed in this way, but once you succeed, you will be completely ruined."

Qianjiang Kazuo said in a deep voice: "Is there any difference between me now and my death? My research laboratory will be taken back, and all my academic achievements will be despised now. The academic prestige left by my father has been completely destroyed, and my personal network has also been destroyed. Completely paralyzed, everyone started cutting with me!

"My life is over, but at least I can stop that woman! That woman is a witch! She will destroy more men!"

Associate Professor Qianli stared dumbfoundedly at Qianjiang Kazuo, who suddenly burst into emotion.

"Don't stop me!" Qianjiang Kazuo said, stepping forward and clenching his hands into fists.

Associate Professor Qianli felt the danger, so he subconsciously began to retreat. While retreating, he tried his best to comfort Qianjiang: "Calm down!"

Qianjiang Kazuo continued to move forward. He glanced at the fire cabinet next to the fire hydrant. The fire ax inside looked very easy to use.

So he turned towards the fire cabinet and smashed the glass on the surface of the fire cabinet with one punch.

The glass scratched his skin and blood soaked his fists.

He took out the fire ax and looked at Associate Professor Qianli with a crazy smile: "Don't stop me! I'm going to make that witch pay the price!"

At this time, Associate Professor Qianli said: "Wait a moment! I know a place that can fulfill your wish!"

As he spoke, he rummaged around in his pocket and pulled out a handwritten business card. He held it with both hands and handed it to Qian Jiang respectfully.

"This is the psychology clinic of Welfare Technology..."

"I'm not crazy!" Qianjiang Kazuo roared!

Associate Professor Qianli raised his voice: "Trust me! People here can help you realize your wish! Including yours, it's that... that wish!"

At this time, many students rushed out from various laboratories when they heard the sound and were stunned when they saw this situation.

However, there are many boys in the chemistry department. Some boys have already taken out "polar weapons" such as mops and brooms from the utility room used by the school custodian to protect themselves, and surrounded Qianjiang Kazuo.

Qianjiang Kazuo looked around, gritted his teeth, threw down the fire ax in his hand, and took the handwritten business card handed over by Associate Professor Qianli.

He stared at the business card for a few seconds and commented: "The handwriting is quite beautiful."

After saying that, he stuffed the blood-stained business card into his pocket, turned around and walked outside.

Several students tried to stop him, but Associate Professor Qianli quickly signaled to them not to act rashly.

Chie Kazuo just left the laboratory building of the Chemistry Department.

That afternoon, the school's emergency professor meeting voted to expel Qianjiang Yinan from teaching.


The next day, Kiryu and Ma saw the news in the newspaper that Chie Kazuo was preparing to break into the chemistry laboratory with a fire ax in hand, and they felt bad.

"Are you so fierce, Associate Professor Qianjiang?" he whispered softly.

Mikako stretched her head behind him and read the newspaper, and said guiltily: "Wow, what's going on in this university? After all this, they actually decided not to prosecute Qianjiang, but just expelled him. If he is allowed to run around like this, will I learn how to go to school? It's dangerous, Heima, you go to school with me these days and be my bodyguard!"

"I have to go to class too..." Kazuma scratched his head.

"Then I'll go to your Tokyo University to take classes!" Mikako said immediately.

Kazuma felt that the professors at Tokyo University would not mind having one more student who was now a celebrity. They had taught so many celebrities.

But it is not a problem for a Sophia University student to come to Tokyo University all day long to attend classes.

Kazuma: "No matter how many lectures you take at Tokyo University, they won't be converted into credits for Shangzhi!"

Mikako: "What does it matter? I just drop out of school. From now on, I will go to Tokyo University with you every day, and you will become a book boy. Most men will be secretly happy to have a book boy like me."

As Mikako spoke, she stretched her hands from Kazuma's shoulders, hugged Kazuma's neck, and hung her whole body on Kazuma's body.

If it were summer, Ma and Ma would have been very hot, but in this winter, it was quite warm.

The saying that a daughter is her mother's little cotton-padded jacket probably refers to this.

Kazuma glanced at Seiryu, who was frowning and typing with his vocabulary book across the table and stove, thinking that there was also a difference in thickness and quality among small cotton-padded jackets.

"Kazuma!" Mikako exclaimed, swaying Kazuma while saying, "I'm scared! I don't want to go to school!"

Kazuma sighed.

He was also worried about a sudden attack by this Qianjiang Kazuo. Although Mikako also has a swordsmanship level, theoretically speaking, he would not be taught by a middle-aged man who has never practiced martial arts.

But this is Mikako, who knows where she might fall off.

After all, she had been kidnapped once.

The gangsters who kidnapped her at that time may not be able to beat Mikako who was practicing kendo if they fought seriously, but they still successfully kidnapped Mikako.

Moreover, Kazuma also saw Mikako lose his chain with his own eyes - that was when he was beating up the Tsuda group's gang of fish in front of the sweets shop not long ago.

When Mikako got carried away, Zayu hit the back of the head with a bat and fainted.

But on the other hand, at that time, the back of Mikako's head was already strong enough to withstand a direct hit from a metal bat, and she continued to be alive and kicking when she woke up a few minutes later.

Mikako might be more resistant now.

After thinking about it with Ma Yitong, he didn't know whether he should worry about Mikako or not.

Megatron is always in a fuzzy state of reliability and unreliability. This is the first law of uncertainty of Megatron.

You never know when she's going to pull something off or when she's going to overachieve.

Kazuma sighed: "Well, in this situation, you can apply to Sophia University and study at home for the time being. I believe Sophia University doesn't want its high-profile talented girl to be bloodied at school."

Qingliu raised her head when she heard blood splattered three feet away and glanced worriedly.

But Mikako was already fascinated by the words "high-profile talented woman" and didn't pay attention to the words that followed.

Mikako: "Ehehehe, Kazuma, you also admit that I am a talented woman!"

"I didn't! I'm saying this from the perspective of Sophia University! Don't get carried away, you monkey!"

Mikako responded with a smile: "Oh, the monkey will turn into Guan Bai one day, I feel like I am almost there."

When Kazuma was speechless, Qingliu asked: "So, Mikako will be at home every day from now on? Then can I ask her to teach me English?"

Mikako looked at Qingliu and was stunned.

Kazuma poked her back with his elbow, just hitting her stomach: "Don't be stunned. You are a talented girl from Sophia University. Let's talk."

"Uh, um, of course. But Qingliu, aren't you taking the music subject?"

"Yes, but my target school has high requirements for subjects other than vocal music. I need at least 50 points in English. And the school is said to have British foreign teachers who teach piano and English. It doesn't matter if your English is not good. Qingliu frowned, the boss looked reluctant, "If I hadn't been helpless, I wouldn't have come to beg you!"

Mikako immediately became arrogant: "Hahaha, Qingliu Liu, are you asking for help? First call me Mikako sister and let me listen!"

Seiryu's temples suddenly bulged. She glared at Mikako and turned to Kazuma: "Kazuma, teach me English!"

"Okay." Hema replied instantly.

"Hey! Don't be like this. Come play with me! I have nothing to do at home and it's boring!"

Kazuma: "You usually follow me to Dongda University. Seiryu will pick you up at the gate of Dongda University after class. You can tutor her in English while I go to work to make money. It should be safer with Seiryu here."

In fact, it can't be considered safe, because even if Seiryu still masters the mind skill, she is still weaker than when she and Kazuma are fighting.

Her kendo level has improved a bit compared to what it was in the spring, but Kazuma's recent sparring with her clearly feels that she has become weaker.

Probably because I have a new home and a new destination, my willpower is not as strong as it was at the end of April and the beginning of May.

This is also reflected visually. Except for the one related to horses, all of Seiryu's entries are obviously dim.

In other words, when Kazuma is present, Seiryu can be considered to have strong combat power, but when Kazuma is not present, Seiryu may not be able to provide independent combat power.

Qingliu's situation very directly reflects the teachings of our ancestors: be born in sorrow and die in happiness.

However, there is nothing wrong with this. Qingliu has since become an ordinary girl pursuing her music dream, which may also be a good thing for her.

When it comes to fighting and killing, let Kazuma do it.

Kazuma thought so.

But at this time, you still have to count on Qingliu's strength.

Qingliu had no objection to Kazuma's arrangement: "That's it."

Mikako raised her hands and temporarily stepped away from Kazuma's back: "Okay!"

Because she left temporarily, Kazuma immediately felt a chill on his back.

Kazuma: "Don't leave suddenly, it's very cold!"

"Oh, okay, I'll put it on for you." Mikako hurriedly hung it around Kazuma's neck.

She smiled and whispered, "Will I be the first to get the moon if I'm near the water tower?"

Tamamo, who was peeling oranges next to him, said at this time: "Have you forgotten that Dongda still has me?"

"Then at least I've gone one step further than Honami." Mikako said, "Just beat Honami!"

Tamamo put a piece of orange into her mouth: "Speaking of which, Honami, the Nanjo Consortium seems to be splitting off part of its business and listing it on the market. Previously, under the initiative of Honami's father, the consumer electronics part of the Nanjo Consortium has been listed, but The stock price has never been high.”

Many large consortiums in Japan are not listed because they have to publish financial reports after listing, and large family consortiums do not like to make this public.

However, it is not uncommon for consortiums to split some of the following businesses into separate companies for listing.

Mikako asked doubtfully: "Why go public? Isn't going public equivalent to giving up part of the management rights of the company that originally belonged to you to others?"

Kazuma shook his head: "Don't you understand? As long as the equity sold does not exceed a certain amount when going public, there is actually no change in management rights. You still have the final say.

"But after the stocks that are publicly offered are bought by others, the money raised goes into your pocket."

Tamamo added on the side: "Going public is equivalent to a blank slate. This is a magic trick used by financiers to make money."

Mikako blinked: "Is that so? Wouldn't it be great to go public? Why don't all consortiums go public?"

"Because listed companies have to disclose financial reports, many financial groups are unwilling to disclose financial reports. This is a trade-off. Of course, if you don't want to disclose financial reports and want to make money empty-handed, you can split the listing and separate part of the business." He Ma Dutifully explained to Mikako.

Mikako still looked puzzled: "Well... I see, I'm still confused."

"It's normal. Finance is a mystery to most people." Kazuma almost wanted to say Rothschild's famous quote made up in a certain book.

Think about it and forget it.

Mikako asked again: "How much money can the Nanjo Consortium make after it is split and listed?"

Tamamo looked at the ceiling, recalled for a moment and replied: "As long as you multiply the total share capital of this issuance by the price per share approved by the supervision department, you can roughly estimate it, um, about 10 billion yen?"

"What? Just made 10 billion yen directly? Isn't this just like money falling from the sky?" Mikako was shocked.

Qingliu also widened his eyes: "Is that much? In the past, Bai Feng would break his head for more than one billion! Wow, I suddenly feel that Bai Feng was so low before."

Kazuma nodded: "You are very low. How can you make money as good as the capitalists? Unfortunately, I still have to work hard to earn 20,000 yen a day. They went public and got 10 billion."

Mikako patted Kazuma on the back hard: "Your job is no different than money falling from the sky, isn't it?"

Kazuma: "I still have a job. I guide them all day long on how to depict a cyberpunk world! But since Tsurumaki and Go came back from Kowloon, the places where they really need my guidance have visibly reduced."

People like Akito Anno really have a strong desire to create. Often a senior manager such as a painting supervisor or an art director does all the work of original painters and animators.

Under the leadership of this group of people, the original animators often drew the middle frames smoothly.

Now their entire company looks like a sweatshop, but everyone is voluntarily working hard with the support of the burst of creative desire, which can be said to be very showy.

Okada Koji also typed out the slogans of Moon, Moon, Fire, Water, Wood, Gold and Gold. People who didn’t know better thought that these people were going to drive a warship.

The most ironic thing is that many of these people have left-wing ideas.

After all, they are members of the Wang Li Space Army. The Wang Li Space Army is not the weaklings who only resisted the defeat of the war later on. It really opposes the war.

In short, this group of people is now working enthusiastically, and one person can serve as five or six people. Under such circumstances, it is incredible that they can still exceed their budget.

Kazuma shook his head, not thinking about things in the workplace, and changed the topic back: "Anyway, you should be careful lately. This Qiane Kazuo might have gone crazy. Based on past experience, maybe welfare technology will get involved."

Mikako: "Will he also become someone who can summon thunder and lightning?"

Kazuma looked at Tamamo.

Tamamo shook his head: "This is Tokyo. Modern science has almost driven away the mystery. Just look at me. There is no such strong mystery in a place where even I have started to grow old. As long as you don't leave Tokyo, Don’t worry about non-human beings coming to trouble you.”

In other words, in Tokyo, humans are always a greater threat than non-humans.

Mikako pouted and said in a regretful tone: "I can't control thunder and lightning, it's boring."

No, do you want Rachel too?

Tamamo continued: "However, in Chie Kazuo's current state, welfare technology may be able to artificially improve his combat effectiveness. He shouldn't know martial arts, right?"

Tamamo looked at Kazuma.

Kazuma nodded: "He didn't practice martial arts."

On the surface, this is a conclusion drawn by a martial artist by observing the movements of hands and feet. In fact, this is the result of Kazuma directly cheating to see the level.

Tamamo nodded: "That's okay. Unless Welfare Technology finds some way to quickly achieve martial arts, Qianjiang Kazuo will not turn into a martial arts master who suddenly mastered the mind and body."

Mikako was speechless: "What? You don't have to worry about it at all. Then I'd better not stop studying. I've been having a good time at school recently, and people praise me everywhere."

Kazuma shook his head firmly: "No! It's because of your carefree personality that we have to guard against you."

"Then what if Chie Kazuo doesn't take action, then I won't go to school?" Mikako pouted, "That's not an option. How about Kazuma kill him with the Bizen Nagafune Ichimonji Masamune?" , anyway, when you use this knife, it doesn’t matter if someone dies.”

Kazuma: "Don't be stupid. Even if Chie Kazuo dies unexpectedly in the end, I will be prosecuted if I go there with a knife like this. It may turn out to be my act of coercion that leads to his death. Even if I don't get jailed, I still have to pay compensation." Yes, where the hell do I have the money to compensate?"

"Let Honami come out!" Mikako said nonchalantly, "She can make 10 billion out of thin air! Our thinking is wrong. We can't save face, and we have to grab Honami's wool and work hard! Kazuma, you should Try to eat her soft rice, since the capitalists’ money is ill-gotten gains anyway, as poor people, eating Honami’s soft rice is called robbing the rich and giving to the poor!"

Kazuma was shocked. What Mikako said seemed to make sense.

Kazuma seriously considered the proposal to bring Bizen Nagafune Ichimonji Masamune to the door, but after thinking about it, he calmed down.

If you really do this, the media will go crazy with joy, and then public opinion will probably completely shift to Qianjiang's side, and he might even be expelled from Tokyo University.

No, it can't be like this.

If you are dropped out of Tokyo University, there is really no way to advance - except joining the Nanjo family.

Kazuma didn't really want to become a freeloader.

He wants to climb to the top on his own and become the police chief.

After thinking about it for a long time, he said: "Let's take a break from school. On Sunday, Qianjiang Kazuo is going to comment on this program on the Sun Yao Sun. Let's take a look at the situation first."

Mikako: "Now that this is the case, will Qianjiang still be invited to the show?"

Kazuma smiled: "Don't worry, it will happen. I can see it. The producer of this show, Gong Xiaolu, is a decent TV person. He is eager to let Qianjiang appear on his show under such circumstances. The ratings will definitely exceed other ratings." tower."


Just like that, Sunday arrived.

Just as Kazuma predicted, producer Miyakoji still invited Qianjiang, a former associate professor—yes, a former associate professor.

And Qian Jiang also agreed.

That day, Kazuma and his gang were out in full force, including Honami and his nominal apprentice, Hanayama from Meiji University.

While waiting in the studio, Kazuma and his friends met Qianjiang Kazuo.

That guy actually got a temporary entry: Vajra Wisdom

And this entry has no explanation, not at all! There is only a countdown, and it seems that it will disappear in more than five hundred days.

He Ma was shocked.

According to previous experience, entries without explanation are the most advanced entries. This Qian Jiang Yinan can actually get a most advanced temporary entry?

Where did it come from?

Echoing this entry, he himself seemed to have become enlightened. When he saw Mikako, he showed a kindhearted smile: "Ms. Fujii, I have been disrespectful in the past, please forgive me."

After saying that, he bowed ninety degrees to Mikako.

Mikako jumped back a big step: "What do you mean? You are just a weasel giving New Year greetings to a chicken, you have no good intentions!"

Mikako actually said a Chinese proverb!

He Ma didn't even remember when he said this, but she heard it anyway.

Qianjiang Kazuo was not angry at all and said with a smile: "I understand that you are like this. You don't need to believe me, it's fine. I will fulfill my bet on the show later and eat noodles with my nose in front of the camera."

Mikako blinked: "Oh, ah, okay."

After saying that, she looked back at Kazuma.

Kazuma shrugged and mouthed to Mikako: "Anyway, be careful, it might be a trap."

At this time, the host Onodera came on stage: "Hello everyone! I want to explain here that because some unpleasant things happened this week, the program team also strengthened security and asked former associate professor Qianjiang to undergo a body search before going on the program. He said that he was completely Understood and cooperated with our actions.

"Now his clothes are provided by the program team. In addition, the program team also invited two police officers from the police station affiliated to the TV station, as well as a police dog from the police canine department. There should be no problem with his safety!"

Kazuma had a big question mark in his mind: Will that Chie Kazuo willingly accept a body search?

Onodera continued: "Well, it's almost time, let's ask the guests to take their seats! Please also ask the prop team to bring up the noodles we will use today! In order to prove that these noodles are real, we will invite the entire audience to eat them later. Noodles, totally free!”

While talking, a clerk from the props team came up pushing a cart with a large plate of noodles piled on it.

Kazuma's keen sense of smell immediately smelled it, it was a large plate of Korean turkey noodles.

The loss is still yours, program team!

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