I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 605 On the consciousness of the atmosphere group

After Hinami Rina agreed to go to the cocktail party, she immediately went into the toilet under the pretext of touching up her makeup and checked the self-defense equipment she had brought.

After going to college, Hinami Rina learned a lot of boxing and kicking skills from Kazuma, which was enough to deal with the kind of wild wolves that you usually encounter on the street.

But after all, it was just a little better than an amateur, so she brought anti-wolf spray for safety.

Originally, she wanted to bring a stun device, but Kazuma thought that if it was not used properly, it might endanger herself. Even if the anti-wolf spray was sprayed, it would actually be fine. She might be able to shout louder and be more likely to attract patrols. Police, if the stun device is taken away by bad guys, it will be over.

After checking the equipment, Hinami Rina felt a little relieved, checked her makeup in the mirror, touched up a little casually, then put away the makeup box and left the toilet.

At this time, she had already put on a fighting stance, much like her when she attended the budget meeting of the school's student union and prepared to verbally engage in a verbal battle with the heads of various fan clubs.

As she walked out of the TV station, a car immediately stopped in front of her.

The director of the choreography rolled down the window and said: "Take my car, there is a lot of firewood behind."

Oshiba Mihoko is Hinami Rina's senior, and she has always wanted to get Hinami Rina to socialize with her.

Seeing that Oshiba Mihoko was there, Hinami opened the back seat door and got in the car.

As soon as Oshiba Mihoko saw her coming up, she immediately said: "Oh, our Ichika is finally willing to participate in social activities. If you don't participate, you will be coldly beaten by your colleagues."

The director of choreography turned around and asked, "Has Hinami been cold-blooded?"

"It's going to start if she doesn't come back. When I was making coffee for myself in the tea room at noon today, I heard some male colleagues in the smoking room next to me saying that she looks pure and cold, but she must not know how *she* is in private.

"You, let these male colleagues at least have an eye-opening experience. They usually attend drinking parties and drink until they blush, and then naturally unbutton the first two buttons of their collars, just like this. You have nothing to lose, but you will soon The relationship between colleagues will be much harmonious immediately.”

Nichinan Rina looked embarrassed: "I..."

"You have someone you love, right?" Oshiba Mihoko asked, "You girls who went to college are innocent, but love cannot be a living thing, nor can it make your career smooth."

At this time, the choreographer who was driving suddenly said: "The person she longs for is probably that Kiryu Kazuma."

"Really?" Oshiba Mihoko was shocked, "Is that Kiryu Kazuma who is playing with flowers among a bunch of female apprentices? Wow, I heard my colleagues at the entertainment news say that he is engaged in concubine selection. This kind of playfulness What’s there to like about radishes?”

Hinami Rina smiled and said: "There is no such thing, he...well, I'm not sure if he has crossed the line, but he usually gets along well with us apprentices."

Talking about cross talk together every day is really harmonious.

It's a pity that the one who looks most like a Kansai native is now in the UK.

Oshiba Mihoko: "Look! This is your expression of love! Oh, a girl in love has no IQ, so be careful and suffer a loss."

At this time, the director of the choreography in front said with a smile: "If you can really win over Kazuma Kiryu and become Mrs. Kiryu, that will also be good news for us. I have a hunch that Kazuma Kiryu will often be in the news in the future. By then we will I can get a lot of exclusives with you."

Hinami Rina smiled: "I'll try my best."

"The way I see it, you drink a little more tonight, and then we'll help you call Kiryu and Ma to pick you up, and then you take the opportunity to confirm the relationship." Mihoko Oshiba encouraged.

"This... is probably useless."

"Why is it useless? You have such a good figure!"

"The senior sisters are also in good shape." Hinami Rina said with a smile, "Even Master's sister has a good figure. Master is probably tired of seeing her."

Oshiba Mihoko was shocked: "He is still having an affair with his sister?"

"No, that's not what I meant." Hinami Rina quickly denied it. To be honest, she was not good at dealing with nagging "old women" like Oshiba Mihoko.

Oshiba Mihoko once again said, emphasizing the necessity of cooking raw rice and cooked rice, as if she would not stop until Nichinari food was delivered to Kazuma's bed.

At the end, she suddenly changed the topic: "Oh, I can see it. You have actually acquiesced that you are in the loser group and have no fighting spirit. In this case, change it as soon as possible. A woman's youth has a shelf life. Wait until you arrive. At my age, no one wants to fall in love.

"Now I want to go home and be a worry-free cook. I'll do housework every day and then watch lunch dramas to pass the time. How nice. However, after organizing so many social gatherings, no one likes me. It's all left to you young people. The beautiful little girl picked peaches.”

Hinami Rina could only smile bitterly.

Mihoko Oshiba added: "You can laugh now. After all, you are young and beautiful. You have graduated from college and you are a former photography model. Marrying into a rich family is not a dream. Take my advice and make a decision early."

"I heard, I will consider it seriously." Rina Hinami said perfunctorily.

"Oh, you're just perfunctory with me. It's too difficult for you little girls to be sensible."

Oshiba Mihoko shook her head repeatedly.

The director of choreography intervened at this time: "Today's venue is in front, and we have booked half of it."

Hinami Rina glanced at the izakaya pointed by the director, and looked at the lanterns first.

Hinami Rina's family is just an ordinary family, and there is no money left to support her through college. If this is a famous store with customized lanterns like that, she will bleed heavily when she goes to AA, and she might not be able to even There is no rent left.

After seeing the lanterns in this store, Hinami Rina's face turned pale. At that time, she began to consider whether to live in her master's house. Although Chiyoko was a tough guy and couldn't pay a penny less for the rent, Chiyoko's original rent was already a bit out of touch. This is the current era.

Nowadays, land in Tokyo is at a premium, and housing prices and rents in most places have skyrocketed, forcing some white-collar workers who come to Tokyo to make a living to start living in shipping containers. However, Chiyoko did not follow the general environment and did not increase the rent. However, the house on the second floor of the dojo was usually only rented to people she knew well.

Oshiba Mihoko could see Hinami Rina's worries and said: "Of course Taili is paying the bill today. There is still a large amount of entertainment funds for this quarter that has not been used up. When the end of the quarter, if you see that the funds have not been used up, you will be scolded. We might as well eat it.”

Hinami Rina breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a unique sight in this era. Various Japanese companies highlight a wealthy person who spends money as if risking his life.

If there is a surplus after the end of the financial quarter, such as entertainment expenses, if you cannot spend them all, the company's senior management will think that you have neglected the company's guests, making the company look down upon.

However, this was still 1985, and the bubble era was far from its peak.

After all, the Plaza Accord has not been signed yet.

Many people actually misunderstand the United States and think that the United States' ability to deceive Japan into signing the Plaza Accord is a strategic deception.

Actually no, Japan itself wanted to sign the Plaza Accord because it seemed to be good for Japan at the time. When the Plaza Accord was first signed, Japanese public opinion reported it as a major victory against the United States. Some newspapers even said: "Japanese entrepreneurs did what the Combined Fleet failed to do back then."

When the Plaza Accord was first signed, Japan's economy seemed to be soaring. It was also at this time that the bubble era reached its peak.

Today, Nichinan Rina is grateful from the bottom of his heart for the era of eating and drinking with company money.

After all, she is living a tight life just like Kazuma.

Oshiba Mihoko was still talking: "Look at you, just a lantern scared you to death. You could have lived well in this condition, holding Hermès and Louis Vuitton, and being driven to and from get off work every day by a Mercedes-Benz Ferrari. What are you planning on?"

Hinami Rina just smiled, opened the door and got out of the car, escaping from the chatter.

She didn't see that after getting out of the car, the director of choreography and Mihoko Oshiba exchanged glances through the rearview mirror.

Hinami Rina raised his head and glanced at the lantern at the restaurant, then turned his mind to the food he was going to enjoy later.


After three rounds of drinking at the reception, Hinami's face was already slightly red from drinking, and beads of sweat were forming on his forehead.

Mihoko Oshiba sat across the table and kept winking at Hinami.

Hinami knew that Oshiba Mihoko wanted to implement the advice in the car herself.

She touched the buttons on her collar and hesitated.

It is true that there is no missing piece of flesh, and Hinami usually wears low-cut clothes. Just unbuttoning two buttons will reveal no more than those low-cut clothes.

And if you undo the buttons, you can breathe a lot easier - her chest muscles are exaggerated, so she always feels tight in her chest when she wears this business attire.

But after a brief hesitation, Hinami put down his hand without touching the button.

Business attire is formal wear, so it should be neat and formal at all times - she thought.

At this moment, someone sat down next to Hinami Rina with a drink.

In Japan, it is very impolite to sit down like this without asking for permission, so Hinami Rina raised her eyebrows and glanced at the visitor.

The visitor immediately smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, can I sit here?"

Hinami Rina immediately realized that she was being accosted.

She is not a real purdah lady. She was full of social skills during her college days. After entering the workplace, she was so reserved only because she was almost forced to work in the business in the past.

This is a very common pick-up technique. Girls will generally not have too many objections as long as they are handsome enough.

Hinami Rina judged the appearance of the person he was chatting with, thinking that he had the same style as Kazuma Jiucheng.

It's the style. When it comes to appearance, it's just average, but it's the spirit that makes it better.

In other words, a person's soul entry has a positive effect on his appearance.

Even a black man, as long as he has the light of ideals and a red beret with a gold star, he can become a shining hero, handsome and handsome.

It was not easy for Hinami Rina to force people away. She originally wanted to look for the colleague who was originally sitting in this seat, but after looking at a group of people, she couldn't find anyone.

She understood that this was probably a deliberate attempt to make way for the newcomer. It was impossible to rely on colleagues to come back and drive him away.

So she smiled at the person she was chatting with and said, "I've never seen you on stage."

"Ah, I invited him here." Oshiba Mihoko across the table said holding a large glass of beer.

He struck up a conversation and smiled: "I met Mihoko at a social gathering. I just met Mihoko outside the corridor and we came together. The party over there has already ended."

"That's it." Hinami Rina raised her hand, palm up, and looked at the women's watch on her wrist. Many girls look at their watches like this, but Hinami Rina looks very charming when doing this action. It can only be said that some people are just charming.

"It's already this time, I have to say goodbye." Hinami Rina stood up.

When the director saw this, he immediately said, "So early?"

"It's late, Mr. Anonymous has already left." Rina Hinami smiled, "I'm sorry, I'll leave first."

The man who accosted him stood up immediately: "I'll take you back."

Hinami Rina bowed slightly: "Sorry, I can't let a man I don't know send me home. It's not that I don't trust you. I also have my concerns."

These words were said in a flawless and appropriate manner, expressing the intention of rejection without causing the other party to lose face.

However, Oshiba Mihoko said: "This is the police department of the Metropolitan Police Department, a colleague of your master."

The man who struck up a conversation took the opportunity to introduce himself: "My name is Takada, and I'm from the police department."

Hinami Rina immediately thought of what she learned from others about Kiryu and Uma's situation at the Metropolitan Police Department while chatting at her master's house.

She immediately became wary.

"Hello, Takata Police Department, I see that you are also drunk, are you not good at driving?" Hinami Rina said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm a police officer from the Metropolitan Police Department, and the traffic police won't come to check me for drunk driving. If that doesn't work, I'll put on my police lights and drive over with my lights whining all the way to take you home. You didn't sit down Pass the police car with the siren blaring, right?"

Hinami Rina smiled and said: "I have been in it. The police car that came to rescue me kept blaring its siren when it took me to the hospital."

In fact, Hinami Rina was not involved in the incidents caused by Kazuma. After all, she was one grade younger than Kazuma and was not in the kendo club, so she did not catch up on many group activities.

She didn't study at the University of Tokyo. She usually works as an atmosphere team and vase in the dojo. Her job is to create atmosphere and look as beautiful as a flower.

Takata Police Department smiled and said: "My police car is a BMW sports car."

"I thought the official cars of the Japanese police were all made in China. Won't driving foreign cars cause public outrage?" Rina Hinami asked, pretending to be surprised.

"No, BMW is a German car after all. It was our ally back then." Police Department Takata said with a smile.

At this point, Hinami Rina was absolutely sure that this Takata Police Department couldn't be Kiryu Kazuma's friend.

Combining what Mihoko Oshiba said in the car before, she came up with a bold speculation that Takada was here for her, and Mihoko Oshiba's words were paving the way for his appearance.

His appearance was definitely not accidental. He might have been targeted by Kiryu's enemies.

Hinami Rina was not afraid, but was very happy - because she was finally involved in Kiryu Kazuma's story, and was no longer part of the vase and atmosphere group.

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