After the evening activities, Kazuma had to call home to find someone to drive because he was drunk.

Chiyoko volunteered to come over, but Kazuma refused, fearing that it would be unsafe for her to come alone.

Finally, I asked Tamamo.

Then Kazuma and Hinami sat in the GTR and waited for Tamamo to come over, while they opened the window to let in the air and sober up.

"In the end, apart from understanding that it is difficult to defeat them through normal legal procedures, I gained nothing." Hinami sighed.

Kazuma: "It cannot be said that there is no gain. At least we understand that the people of Hyuga Co., Ltd. still have concerns about the law and cannot do whatever they want."

"What's the use? They definitely have a way to brainwash people and stamp their minds."

"What the big monster can't do with magic, can it be done with modern psychology..."

If he hadn't seen the Soviet Union's masterpieces, Kazuma would definitely not believe it.

Hinami suddenly thought of something. He looked at Kazuma affectionately and said, "Master, are you familiar with psychology? Why don't you try hypnotizing me too? Hypnotize me and make me stronger!"

Kazuma: "If I could do that, I would have done it a long time ago."

"You succeeded in making me think that one of the two glasses of water had salt added to it!"

"That's just a little trick, on the same level as quackery." Kazuma waved his hand, "You can't brainwash with that."

"Why not? Look, those who trick the elderly into buying health care products are also using charlatanism, but the final effect is almost the same as brainwashing!"

Kazuma smiled bitterly. Direct sales targeting the elderly had also suffered in Kazuma's previous life. His grandparents looked at such shrewd people and still believed in the words of those scammers when they got older, buying health products one after another.

Kazuma doesn't know whether this is because people start to cherish their lives as they get older, or because their thinking ability has indeed decreased as they get older.

Hinami looked at Kazuma's side face: "Master, when you get old, you might become like that. You will believe whatever those direct selling 'experts' say."

"First of all, the age difference between you and me is only one year, even though I am your master. Secondly, you are beside the point."

Rinan stretched her waist, not knowing whether it was intentional or not, the stretching movement highlighted the curves of her chest muscles: "It's boring to wait like this, just talk about something. Oh, what will we do in the future? If they can kidnap me once, they can do it a second time. If Master, you are too late to save me, I will be brainwashed."

"No, there is a key piece of information that you didn't notice? The detective at the police station revealed that the ex-girlfriend of the karate champion was arrested for three days and dumped after being rescued.

"I paid careful attention while looking through the files. I'm afraid it will take at least three days for those people to be brainwashed. Look at those who ran out in a day or two and sued them backhand. But those who took more than three days will be punished. Very satisfied with their service.”

Hinami Rina nodded thoughtfully: "That seems to be the case."

"I also asked Enjoji-senpai about the prefectural councillor." Kazuma continued, "After all, Senator-san did not file a complaint against Hyuga Company, so the police did not have a file. According to Enjoji-senpai, Councilor-san should be I bought a two-week package. Damn, why do congressmen have such a long vacation!"

Nichinan smiled and said: "I am not a civil servant, I am a politician. Master, do you want to switch from a civil servant to a politician? During the day, you will fight with people in the office, and at night, you will take your favorite knife and become an extrajudicial sanctioner."

Kazuma: "That would be duplication of duties with Honami."

"Honami is a woman, but politics is still too difficult for Japanese women."

Kazuma: "It can't be said that there is no hope at all. It's much easier for her to run for the Tokyo 23rd Ward than elsewhere. After all, Tokyo is a modern metropolis.

Hinami: "Indeed, Honami's appearance is a natural bonus for young people. Why don't Honami just try to become an idol herself? Vote for me, I love you, what do you think?"

"As expected of a former idol candidate." Kazuma gave a thumbs up, "But marketing like this is equivalent to pushing the more traditional people to the opponent's side. In this kind of election, Honami and her team must be free and measured, no need We worry about it. After she is elected as a member of the parliament, the next step is the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly. Ten years or so should be enough for her to accumulate enough political capital to enter the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly."

Hinami let out a long sigh: "Ten years, Honami's youth has just slipped away."

"Nonsense, she will only be thirty-two years old in ten years, and she will still be young and cute."

"At the age of thirty-two, according to traditional concepts, you are already a mature lady."

"That was in the past. Modern women have better nutrition, and because they are freed from heavy physical labor, there is less wear and tear, so the shelf life of youth is also longer." He Ma paused and added, "Of course. Credit to cosmetics.”

Kazuma has known him all his life. There is a teacher who teaches Japanese culture who is almost forty. He is still young and cute, and has no faults except being a little fat.

Hinami smiled bitterly: "Honami and I are both the type who don't need much makeup to go out on the street. I usually just put on foundation makeup and go out. Later, we were reduced to relying on cosmetics. This itself reflects the passage of time." Ruthless."

Kazuma smiled, ignored the question, and continued: "Go to the Metropolitan Assembly and spend about ten years accumulating contacts and political resources. When she is forty, she can become the governor of Tokyo."

"Do you have to be the governor of Tokyo when you are forty years old...Politics is really the grave of youth. Master, you have to take responsibility. It was you who led Honami down this road. You are responsible for marrying her to a half-aged and mature lady. go home!"

"No, wait a minute," Kazuma looked at Hinami, "I marry her, what will you do?"

"Ouch, someone feels good about themselves! Why, do you really think we can't be happy without you? Just be pretty, Master." Hinami smiled and patted Kazuma on the shoulder.

Kazuma stared at her for several seconds, and then asked tentatively: "Then I will... marry her. Are you sure you have no objection?"

“No comment, no comment.

Kazuma: "The hot girl who stayed clean for three years in college?"

The key point is that these girls themselves think it is normal to do this kind of thing.

There are also things like social intercourse, sometimes these girls think that I am already a hot girl, and if I don't do something "professional", it seems that hot girls are not qualified.

Of course, there must be girls who just look hot and behave well, but they are relatively rare - that is, they are more common in anime works.

Hinami seems to be such a person.

"Can't I be obsessed with studying?" Rinan curled his lips and looked down at his nails.

Her nails were manicured and painted in very bright colors - a standard hot girl look.

However, at the moment, Hinami was wearing a white-collar business attire, which looked at odds with her gorgeous manicure.

Kazuma asked: "Didn't anyone say that your manicure doesn't match your professional attire?"

"There are many, and there are many. I was even scolded by the uncle who was the director of choreography. My female colleague, that is, Oshiba Mieko, also suggested that I change to a simpler one." Hinami spread his fingers and looked at his own with reluctance. Nail art, "When you become a social person, you have to say goodbye to dressing up as a hot girl."

Just as Hema was about to say something, it suddenly started raining outside the car.

The rain was quite heavy, pouring in from the car window, so Kazuma could only roll up the window, then start the car and turn on the air conditioner.

Hinami: "I have my back to the wind and no rain is coming in. It would be better if I rely on my side for ventilation."

Kazuma: "The wind will change and it will rain all over you."

As soon as she finished speaking, the wind direction changed, and a strong wind came in from Hinan's side, soaking her clothes all of a sudden.

Hinami closed the window, then tore off the paper towels in the car and gently wiped his clothes.

"Master, master, look at it! Welfare pictures!" She said to Kazuma with a smile.

"Okay, I saw it." Kazuma said perfunctorily.

——A little bit of rain makes you look good. Are you looking down on me or someone else? No, are you looking down on me, Kiryu?

Rinan curled her lips and suddenly laughed again. She started to take off her shirt directly: "Oh, my clothes are wet. It feels uncomfortable to wear them. I also catch a cold easily, so I have to..."

Kazuma pulled a large towel from the supplies box in the back seat and threw it on Hinami.

Hinami: "Why do you have everything in your car?"

"Ask Xiaoqian, she prepared it for me."

"Why would someone bring such a big towel in the car!"

"Chiyoko told me the reason. She said it was for me to sleep on when I was guarding the prisoners. I wrapped it around me as a quilt, lowered the chair and slept."

Hinan curled his lips: "Xiaoqian is really nosy."

Suddenly she thought of something again and smiled: "Since there is such a big towel, it's okay if I take off my shirt to dry it for a while."

Kazuma glanced at Hinami squirming under the towel, shook his head and said nothing.

Hinami saw Kazuma's reaction and sighed: "It's boring, I won't do it anymore."

"Don't do it, let me see what other tricks you can come up with. Anyway, there is such a big gear lever and a handbrake between us, so I don't believe you can still cross the Maginot Line."

Hinami glanced at the car parts blocking him and Kazuma.

Then she grasped the gear lever with a very suggestive gesture and leaned close to it.

Hinami: "Salty."

"Nonsense, it would be a big problem if it were sweet."

"Master, look at the way I hold the gear lever, right?"

Kazuma: "No, I don't know how to add a gear lever. I don't have that habit."

Hinami was speechless and straightened up.

Kazuma: "Besides, I'm used to doing this while holding the big top."

Rinan burst into laughter and said, "I'm kidding you! If you want to see me take the big top, just say so. It's really boring. I just want to give you some benefits, so don't pull me down."

"You licking the gear lever of my car is not considered a benefit. You have to use your breast muscles to hold the gear lever. I barely consider it a benefit from you."

"You said so!" Rinan became more energetic and eager to give it a try.

Then she discovered that because the two of them were sitting side by side in the car, as long as she clamped the gear lever, Kazuma's view would be blocked by the back of her head and back, making him basically invisible.

Unless she could squeeze herself into the small space under the dashboard of the car and wrap her breasts around the gear lever.

So Hinami forced himself to stuff himself under the dashboard, but because Japanese cars are relatively narrow, he got stuck.

Kazuma laughed.

Hinan punched the chair hard: "Don't just laugh, pull me out!"

"No, I think this performance is very novel. I want to see more."

Hinami Rina gritted her teeth and tried to pull herself out, but she couldn't use her strength in this position.

"What decent man would just laugh when he sees a lady in trouble!"

"You! Damn it, how could I fall in love with such a bad guy like you, Master!"

Kazuma finally had enough laughter at this time and reached out to pull Hinami out.

Hinami Rina slumped in her seat and rubbed her waist: "Oh my God, I guess I strained my waist. What am I trying to do?"

"Your skirt is still torn." Kazuma reminded.

"Ah! My skirt! Ah, but that doesn't matter. Let me go home and let Xiao Qian sew it up."

"You don't know how to sew yourself?"

"I have all my home economics classes done with the help of my attendants."

Home economics classes in Japanese high schools not only include cooking, but also sewing-related content. Home economics classrooms in Japanese schools even have sewing machines.

Hinami sighed: "Oh, why hasn't Tamamo come yet? I originally thought that the period before Tamamo came was the time for me to show off my performance, and maybe I could greatly advance the relationship through drinking, but it turned out that In the end, I lost my skirt and lost my troops."

Kazuma was about to answer when he suddenly saw someone driving a small electric donkey approaching him through the rain curtain.

Kazuma: "I guess Tamamo is here."

Rinan also saw the electric donkey passing through the rain curtain: "Why did she drive an electric donkey here?"

"She doesn't have a motorcycle license." Kazuma replied.

"Can't she drive over?"

"Maybe we won't be able to adjust the car for a while?" Kazuma shrugged, opened the door and got out of the car, and looked at Tamamo approaching in the rain.

"Oops," Tamamo stopped in front of Kazuma, "it started raining on the way. I made a complete mistake. Now I'm a drowned fox."

Kazuma looked at her completely soaked clothes and said, "Come in quickly, there is a big towel prepared by Chiyoko, wipe it well."

"It helped a lot."

While he was talking, Hinami in the car had already climbed over the front seat and stayed in the back seat.

Tamamo handed the battery car to Kazuma and got into the cab.

Kazuma hesitated for a moment while holding the battery car, then finally picked it up, put it on the roof, and tied it with rope from the trunk.

When he returned to the car, Ninan asked from the back seat: "You... tied the battery car to the top of the GTR?"

"Ah, what's wrong?"

"Sports car lovers will cry!"

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