I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 622 Connected

While he was talking, the elevator that had just gone up came down again. No one in the group of people who came down the elevator recognized Kazuma.

Maybe it’s because this is Shibuya, where people are all trendy men and women, and these people don’t pay much attention to current political news.

Even if you look at it, these guys who usually carry tape recorders and play high-pitched music should pay more attention to the gangsters. They probably think the rebellious gangsters are cooler.

Asano jumped on the elevator and pressed the door button.

Kazuma felt that it was not good to let the people waiting for the elevator upstairs wait, so he said goodbye to the two patients: "Thank you for your cooperation, I'm going up."

"You're not going to take Dr. Daping away, are you? You're taking him away. My new course of treatment has just started. What should I do?"

"Don't worry, I'm just here to understand the situation. The doctor has not committed any crime." Kazuma smiled at the girl, turned around and got into the elevator, "Goodbye."

Asano released the door button.

The elevator door seemed to have been waiting for this moment for a long time and was closed immediately.

As the elevator began to rise, Asano asked, "It sounds like this doctor is a good man."

"Usually bad guys will pretend to be good guys. We will talk about the actual situation after meeting them. There should be no preconceived impressions."

At this time, the elevator made a ding, then trembled and sank, and then the door opened.

People waiting for the elevator outside filed in, and Asano closed his mouth.

After all, in such a small confined space, everyone is so close together that it is inevitable that they will be heard.

When Kazuma got out of the elevator on the clinic floor, the first thing he saw was a huge arrow, indicating "Please come this way to the clinic."

Asano commented on the vulgarly decorated arrow: "Is this really the aesthetics of Meiji University students? Isn't that the aristocracy of the university?"

"I don't want to hear what you are saying. If we really want to be considered a noble, it's our Toda University. What kind of aristocrat is Meiji University?"

"Isn't it founded by Emperor Meiji? It's still called Meiji."

"Our Tokyo University was once called Imperial University, representing the whole of Japan."

"Why do the police department blame you for being so competitive with me? I'm not from Meiji University. I can't get into the exam at all, okay?"

Kazuma: "I can't afford to go to school if I can pass the exam."

While they were talking, the two entered the clinic's door. Kazuma was a little surprised when he saw Kazuma at the front desk: "The rest of today has been taken care of by a lady. You don't have an appointment, right? I'm very sorry. We have an appointment system here." , you can register an appointment with me, and then..."

Kazuma didn't waste any time and showed his police badge.

The receptionist showed a surprised expression for a moment, and then said: "Please let me ask the doctor."

Kazuma nodded.

He didn't have a search warrant, so he couldn't force his way in. There was nothing he could do if others really wanted to disappear.

The front desk picked up the phone: "Doctor, this is the front desk, it's like this, there are two policemen here at the front desk... They didn't say anything... Okay."

After hanging up the phone, the receptionist walked out of her seat and led the way with a smile: "The doctor will see you now, please follow me."

Kazuma nodded, and the two followed the front desk lady into the clinic.

Kazuma: "There are very few people in this clinic."

"Our clinic only has one doctor as the director. In addition to me at the front desk, our staff also has a cleaning staff. Our clinic charges very low fees, so we can only afford so many people."

Kazuma pouted: "You can open a clinic in a building on the street in Shibuya with very low fees. I'm afraid the personnel cost is less than one-tenth of the rent of this building, right?"

"You misunderstood. The owner of this building is the doctor, but it is only rented to other shops. On the 10th of every month, the accountant from the doctor's house will come to our place to work, and the tenants of the building will come to us to pay the rent."

The front desk obviously didn't have any sense of confidentiality. He said whatever he wanted, which made Kazuma want to talk to her more. However, they had already opened the door to the treatment room.

"Please come in."

Kazuma walked in with a square step and a posture.

The first thing I saw when I entered the door was a young girl, and this girl and Ma knew each other.

"Senior Takamizawa? You... hugged a psychiatrist for the rest of the afternoon?"

The senior Takamizawa in Kazuma's memory was not that rich. When she lived in Kazuma's dojo, she had to work for the dojo in order to save money on rent, and was ordered around by Chiyoko.

Senior Sister Takamizawa was a little surprised when she saw Kazuma: "It's you. I really don't have much money, but..."

"But I'm cheap." The gentle man in the white coat said, "Since we know Miss Gao Jize, please introduce her to us."

When Takamizawa stood up, Kazuma was checking the top of the white coat's head.

Zuo Du Zhi Eryan

It is also an entry without explanation.

And it seems a bit confusing, but He Ma has been a fan of the Touhou series of barrage games all his life, and even wrote about fandom in a magazine run by the leader of the domestic Touhou circle, Ji Xian, so this is not a problem for him.

Zuodu: Eryan is the character song of Eryan Yuzang in the Touhou series of games. The prototype of this character is a tanuki monster.

Moreover, Kazuma vaguely remembered that this was not the first time he had seen this entry, but he could not remember when he had seen it before.

According to Kazuma's previous conjecture, because people are definitely different, the entries should not be the same.

Do we want to overturn this inference?

Senior Sister Takamizawa introduced the white coat to Kazuma: "This is Dr. Yasuki Ohira."

Kazuma stretched out his hand: "Hello."

"This is Kazuma Kiryu whom I told you about, my junior brother at Todai."

Dr. Ohira held Kazuma's hand: "I have heard of your name when I was at Meiji University. You may be the only Tohoku student with a positive reputation among us Meiji University students."

Kazuma smiled and continued: "I often think that our Tokyo University should hold a rowing competition with Meiji University once a year, just like Oxford and Cambridge."

"What a good idea." Dr. Daping smiled. "This saves us from fighting with each other about this and that. Whoever wins every year will be the best. I will mention it to the chairman of the alumni meeting this year."

Kazuma: "But the biggest problem with rowing is that Tokyo Bay is too dirty. You may have health problems after the rowing."

"We can go to Kamakura to compete. The sea in Kamakura is much cleaner. Anyway, Tokyo University and Meiji University both have money."

Saying this, Ohira finally let go of Kazuma's hand.

Kazuma went straight to the topic: "We are here to investigate some things. Could you please ask Senior Sister Gao Mizawa to wait outside for a while?"

Dr. Ohira shook his head: "Ms. Gao Mizawa has paid for the rest of my time today. She has the right to stay here. I have nothing to do with any crime. You should not be here to investigate the case."

Kazuma looked at Dahei with a half-smile but not a smile, thinking that this guy is a master who hides his sword in his smile. On the surface, he smiles and is kind and calm, but he makes his move quietly.

This directly qualifies "you are not here to investigate the case" and also takes "I have nothing to do with any crime" as the default premise.

Before Kazuma came in, he had doubts about how involved this doctor was, thinking that maybe he was just being used. Now he is very sure that this guy is an accomplice.

Kazuma: "If you want Takamizawa to listen together, that's fine. Anyway, it's not anything related to the case. The main reason I came here is to ask the doctor, do you know Masaaki Koza?"

"Of course we know each other, we are college classmates."

"Department of psychology?"

Dahei nodded: "That's right. But the clubs Kosa joins are different. He loves fantasy and joined a club called the Fantasy Creatures Research Society. I even had a dispute with him at the time, saying that this kind of OB connections were almost zero. It’s okay not to go to a research conference that will bring almost no benefit in the future.”

He Ma frowned suddenly.

Meiji University Fantasy Creature Research Society, this club sounds a bit familiar.

He thought about it for a while, and finally remembered that this club was the same club he met when he went to the hot springs in the mountains near Sendai in the summer of his freshman year.

At that time, they went to pay homage to their classmates who died in the mountains in the first year.

Kazuma: "Is that Fantasy Creature Research Association busy looking for hammer snakes all day long?"

"That's right! Do you know them too? It's so whimsical. The whole Japan has been looking for the Hammer Snake for so many years, but no one has come up with reliable evidence, and they are still looking for it.

"The Department of Biological Sciences at our university often goes to the door of their phantom graduate school to publicize that hammer snakes don't exist, and they even got into fights over this."

Listening to Ohira recalling the past, Kazuma couldn't help but laugh. Japanese scientific workers had actually been popularizing the science about the existence of the hammer snake for a long time, but they could not withstand the right-wing propaganda offensive that turned the hammer snake into a totem.

Today's Japanese right wing does not dare to blatantly call for ghosts from things like kamikazes. They can only rely on so-called unique Japanese species such as hammer snakes to save the country and encourage nationalism.

When Japan's entire society turns to the right in the future, and the right wing can openly make shit like "Eternal Zero" and "I Will Die for You" that summon the souls of kamikaze agents, the popularity of Hammer Snakes will decrease, and looking for Hammer Snakes will become The behavior of folk enthusiasts to entertain themselves.

Therefore, the hammer snake is different from the water monkey spread in China. The water monkey is spread spontaneously among the people, and its root is the people's curiosity.

With the continued efforts of science popularizers like Xiao Liang who have mastered the principles of modern communication, the legend of water monkeys in China will probably become less and less common.

At this time, Daping stopped and recalled his student days: "Sorry, I talked a bit too much when I thought about the past. What happened to Brother Zhengzhang?"

Kazuma: "You know he's often sued, right?"

"I know, the psychological thriller business he runs deserves to be sued all day long. But there are also many people who like the services he provides. I often have people he refers to me here, and they all agree with Zhengzhang's arrangements." The show was raved about.”

Kazuma repeated the key words in the sentence just now: "Psychological thriller?"

"Yes, the contract he gave was very colorful, about a ninja cultural experience, and he even cited the popularity of the game Shadow Legend as an example. In fact, it was a psychological thriller experience. Someone in the United States has been doing this for a long time."

Kazuma: "Someone is doing it in the United States?"

"Yeah, you don't know? The most famous one is the surprise party held by a company in New York in 1983. All the people in a huge hospital suddenly disappeared, which scared the client. Later, the client also sued the company, saying that he was scared out of his heart. sick."

Kazuma frowned, everyone in a hospital disappeared, it was a psychological thriller. Isn't this really a scene from the movie "Mind Games"?

But this movie should be made after 1994.

Kazuma knew this because there were too many masterpieces in the world of cinema in 1994. That year was the 100th anniversary of the birth of cinema, and everyone rushed to have their favorite works released in this year.

Dr. Daping asked with a smile: "So, he is accused again? But the accused is usually a civil case, so why would a criminal police come to investigate?"

Civil cases are generally investigated by detectives hired by lawyers, or by the lawyers themselves.

Criminal police generally do not care about civil cases.

Kazuma: "Because this time it has something to do with me. The victim is my apprentice."

Dr. Daping said "Oh": "So, you are using public power to do private things? I am not studying law, so I would like to ask Miss Gao Mize, what regulations did this violate when the police showed their badges when doing private things? Or the law?”

Gao Jianze: "There are indeed violations, but no one cares about it. Even if you ask a lawyer, they will only advise you not to prosecute."

"That's it." Doctor Daping didn't hide his regret at all.

Kazuma: "Doctor Ohira seems to be very hostile to me."

"Nothing, I'm just asking if this is against the rules, don't think too much about it. As for your apprentice's matter, otherwise, you can send your apprentice to me, and I will help you guide her, and I guarantee that it will be smoothed out soon. The trauma left behind by Zhengzhang’s psychological thriller.”

Kazuma sneered: "Then I'm afraid she would kick me, the master."

"No. Outsiders have many misunderstandings about psychology. For example, they think that we can hypnotize others and implant non-existent thoughts into others. That is wrong. In fact, we can only guide patients to discover their true inner thoughts. . If your apprentice has never thought about leaving you, we certainly can’t let her do so."

Daping said with a smile.

Kazuma felt that the subtext of his words was: If Hinami left, it meant that she wanted to leave in the first place.

The key and Ma have no way to refute, because he also knows a little bit about psychology, and Daping's words are also consistent with his understanding of psychology.

He Ma is not a three-legged cat in psychology. He actually attended a professional course in psychology in college.

Because he came all day long and answered questions and participated in class activities like students from the psychology department. Later, the professor was shocked when he learned that he was actually a student from the computer department.

If it weren't for the difficulty of changing majors at the university where Hema went to, and the employment prospects in psychology at that time were not very good, far less good than the job prospects in the computer science department, Hema would have changed.

Hema actually regrets it now. After all, Hema's job later had nothing to do with computers, and it all depended on his good spoken English.

Ohira looked at Kazuma with a smile, as if waiting for Kazuma to refute.

But Kazuma just smiled and changed the subject: "Can you continue to tell me about Kosa Masaaki's activities in school?"

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