I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 628 Conspiracy

Ten o'clock in the evening, Kiryu Dojo.

Hinami was wearing a shirt and wiping her hair as she entered the dojo. Seeing her appearance, Chiyoko, who was sparring with Kazuma, frowned: "Get dressed properly!"

"I'm wearing it! This is the most popular 'Kill to Die' men's shirt right now!"

Kazuma glanced at Hinami, and then his eyes slid down to her long legs.

Seeing this, Chiyoko stabbed directly towards Kazuma's eyes.

"What the hell!" He Ma immediately started speaking Chinese, "It's very dangerous. What if it pokes my eye and makes me blind?"

"If you can be poked by me, it means you have regressed. Next time you encounter something, I should worry about whether you will die in the hands of bad people." Chiyoko said rudely, "Do Hinami's legs look good? ?”

"As good-looking as yours," Kazuma responded.

"I didn't dress up so shamelessly at home! At least I have a pair of hot pants!"

"Yes, your focus is to show your belly."

Chiyoko is reluctant to throw away those short clothes and often wears them as loungewear at home. Because a certain part of the body is obviously developed, the hems of those old clothes are significantly shorter, achieving the effect of revealing the navel.

Chiyoko continued to attack and shouted at the same time: "That's because the clothes are too short! It's like I have some quirk!"

Kazuma: "I didn't! I was just complimenting you on your beautiful abdominal curve."

Hearing this, Hinami lifted up his shirt and looked at his belly, then pinched the flesh on his belly thoughtfully.

At this time, Tamamo put down the scissors and handed the paper figures he had just cut out to Hinami: "Here you go, these paper figures have my demon power attached to them. As long as you tear them off, I can feel them immediately."

"Oh, thank you." Hinami took the paper figurine and looked at it carefully, "It looks like an ordinary paper figurine."

"You still expect me to cut a hollow pattern on it?" Tamamo asked.

"No. Let me see where to put it. If it's in the bag, I might not have time to tear it off. I have to take it out after all..." Hinami said, looking down at his chest.

Kazuma: "Wouldn't it be soaked with sweat if you hold it between your chest muscles? If the blisters break when the time comes, wouldn't it be a false alarm?"

"Tsk." Hinami curled his lips, then looked at Kazuma, "Master, how do you know there will be a lot of sweat here?"

"Sister, except for the little ones, my family is all running around. I'm tired of seeing them wiping sweat from their chests with depressed expressions on their faces."

Chiyoko: "Okay, I should be avoiding you every time I wipe it! Tell me how you saw it! Brother!"

"It's Mikako! It's Mikako! She doesn't care about this at all, she just wipes it with a sweat towel in front of me, okay?"

At this time, Tamamo cut out another paper figurine that was different from Hinami just now, and said to Chiyoko: "Chiyoko, take one with you too. I think you are actually more dangerous than Hinami."

Chiyoko nodded: "Okay. Later Hinan will tell me how you can fight against brainwashing."

Hinan gave a thumbs up: "Okay!"

Kazuma: "Maybe other people think that Xiaoqian is my sister, and she has a good reputation, so she must be a master of both mind and body. Their tricks are useless to her."

Chiyoko: "Brother, are you trying another way to ridicule me for not mastering the mental skills?"

"See you, sir."

Chiyoko let out a long sigh: "I don't know what's going on. I've obviously sparred with you and Haru Liu so many times, and I've seen how you usually spar. I can even feel the difference between you and me. There’s a difference, but I just can’t get past that difference.”

Kazuma: "This thing is not that simple, you have to have experience..."

"I have also experienced hardships, and I even got shit thrown at me!" Chiyoko said angrily, "It must be because you shouldered everything, brother, so I didn't have the ability to integrate my mind and skills. It's all your fault! You could have just called me and come with you!"

"Is it my fault?" Kazuma exclaimed, while guarding against Chiyoko's furious attack, he also commented, "You are not good at this. You have more speed than strength, and you are too rigid and have no imagination."

Chiyoko continued to attack for more than ten moves before she stopped to take a breath and complained angrily: "If you think about it carefully, the physical difference between me, my brother, and Haruru is that I have two burdens on my chest! Haruru doesn't have any So the movements are cleaner and more efficient than mine!"

Hinami laughed loudly: "Don't let Qingliu hear it, she will hate you to death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingliu appeared on Yuanbei's side, slipping on his shoes and saying, "I'm back."

Hinami shut his mouth and pretended to look at the scenery.

Chiyoko was obviously a little guilty. She looked at Seiryu and said something else: "Seiryu! Why are you putting paint on your body again!"

Qingliu looked down at the star-shaped pattern on her exposed belly: "This is a rock concert, so I have to rock a little bit, right? But don't worry, the water-soluble paint I used will come off as soon as it's washed."

"That's pretty much it. Then hurry up and wash up. Hinami just finished washing, and the bathroom is empty now." Chiyoko said, putting down her bamboo sword, "I've practiced enough tonight, why don't we just stay here, I'm still doing laundry. .”

As she spoke, she picked up the towel placed on the sidelines, lifted her top and began to wipe her breasts.

Kazuma: "Who just said that you avoid me when you wipe yourself?"

Chiyoko froze.

In fact, she usually doesn't pay attention to these at all. She just wipes them when she feels uncomfortable.

Rinan teased from the side: "Okay, it turns out that Xiaoqian is the one who stole it!"

Chiyoko rolled her eyes at Hinami, then gave up covering up and started wiping generously: "We, two brothers and sisters, used to take baths together when we were young."

Hinami: "Hey, so Xiaoqian has met Master..."

Chiyoko glared at her: "It's none of your business, just find a way to see her!"

After saying that, Chiyoko saw Seiryu about to run away and called her directly: "Seiryu! Go and wash up quickly! What are you running away for?"

"I'll put things upstairs!"

"Then hurry up!"

In a noisy environment, Tamamo sat there, cutting paper figures as if it had nothing to do with herself.


the next day.

During breakfast, Hinami entered the restaurant triumphantly and showed Kazuma his handmade gadgets: "Look, I folded Tamamo's paper figurine into a bracelet and put it on my wrist. If anything happens, I'll just tear it up, and After being folded into a bracelet, it is much thicker and is less likely to break due to sweat and cause false alarms. Isn't it very smart?"

Kazuma: "It's okay. But if you wear a paper bracelet, won't others think it's strange when they see it?"

"No, just say this is the latest fashion in Shibuya. Nowadays a new fashion pops up every day and no one will think there is a problem."

"That's it."

Chiyoko put Hinami's rice in front of her: "Eat quickly, go out early to avoid traffic jams."

"Yes, yes." Hinami Ricai responded.


Kiryu Kazuma sent Hinami Rina to the TV station and went straight to the Sakurada Gate. Asano was already waiting at the door.

He parked the car in the visitor's parking space, got on the elevator with Asano, and went straight to the police station.

As a result, he met Inspector Tanjing at the entrance of the Inspection Section.

Tanjing seemed to be waiting at the door on purpose. When he saw Kazuma, he immediately poured out two pills and threw them into his mouth, and then started chewing them.

"Do you have to chew pills in such a public place?" Kazuma couldn't help but complain, "Everyone calls you a 'pill chewer'."

"This kind of rumor is good for my job. The average detective will be nervous knowing that I'm here to monitor." Tanjing paused, "I don't think you are nervous at all."

Asano: "I'm nervous."

"Oh, oh, oh, I actually made the police chief's son nervous. It's my fault. So what's the matter?" Tanjing changed the subject and looked at Kazuma.

"I hope you will initiate a review of the suicide of the Kitamachi Police Department." Kazuma replied.

Tanjing turned around and walked to the conference room next to him, and Kazuma quickly followed.

After entering the conference room, Tanjing took out the radio signal detector from his bag and carefully inspected the table and other places where bugs could easily be placed. Then he asked Kazuma: "Have you got the key evidence?"

"No. I even began to think that he might have committed suicide, using some kind of psychological or mystical means, plus a little alcohol, to let himself fall into the water."

"How is that possible?" Tanjinghang raised his eyebrows, "Then what do you want me to review? Wait a minute, is this for the enemies to see, right? To force them to take further action?"

Kazuma nodded: "That's it."

"Understood, I will start the review process. I hope you can give me good news soon. Is there anything else?" Tanjing asked.

Kazuma shook his head.

So Tanjing left the conference room with his bag.

Asano was speechless: "This inspector is really capable. What should we do next?"

Kazuma took out a document from his bag: "Of course you have to go to the Personnel Department to submit an application for recruiting people. If you submit it today, it will take a few days for Yasufumi Yoshikawa to go to work at the mobile team station."

"You actually finished writing the document? You moved so quickly."

Kazuma smiled and did not tell Asano that he had asked Tamamo to write it yesterday.

Tamamo is really good, and she writes official documents for the police system in a decent manner. It is obvious that the police system is better than the prosecutor system.

When Kazuma complained about this, Tamamo smiled and replied: "I have learned how to write official documents for the police system in advance. After all, I can think with my toes that you will ask me for help in the future."

At this time, Asano looked at the official document in Kazuma's hand and suddenly exclaimed: "This font is so delicate, it doesn't look like the police department made up for your handwriting!"

Kazuma: "It's my handwriting. I write so delicately."

"I do not believe!"

"Okay, let's go." Kazuma strode out of the conference room.


Chief Inspector Kato pounded the table angrily: "What did you do! Police Inspector Tanai submitted a review of Kitamachi's suicide! Files and evidence are being retrieved now!"

Inspector Yashiro pushed up his glasses: "Could this be to stimulate us? If so, the best thing to do is ignore it."

"Can you guarantee that this must be an action to stimulate us?" Kato asked.

Yashiro stopped talking.

Police Mukagawa said: "The Kitamachi Police Department did commit suicide. There should be no doubt about this. I don't think the Kiryu Police Department can find any evidence to overturn this judgment in such a short period of time. It should be said that whether this kind of evidence really exists , there is always a question mark. I also tend to ignore the one who chews pills.

"We could even release rumors, such as that the pill-chewer was gay, to explain his behavior.

"That guy is usually a bit nervous, everyone will believe him."

Kato stared at Mukagawa for several seconds, and said angrily: "If you're not afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. This Kiryu Kazuma is so ungrateful, let's show him how powerful he is! He has already taken action against us, and our counterattack What? Takada, have you got his woman?"

Takata Police Department looked embarrassed: "This... I have tried it, and even used some abnormal means."

Police Xiangchuan said angrily: "Baga! Don't speak directly here, you might be eavesdropped."

The Takata Police Department said disapprovingly: "What are you afraid of? When we were conspiring before, you asked me to act. Are you not afraid of being eavesdropped?"

Xiangchuan was speechless for a moment.

Kato said angrily: "I asked you to kidnap his woman last time, why didn't you tie her up?"

"I tied her up. It should be said that I invited her to experience a surprise trip. That's how it is defined in the law. But that Kiryu Kazuma, I don't know what means he used, he found us directly and even injured me. Several subordinates.”

Takada did not hesitate to count the people from Hyuga Company as his subordinates, probably this would make him appear to have more status.

Police Inspector Muangchuan teased: "You have been beaten by Kiryu and Ma, but now you are sitting here without any incident and have not gone to jail. How is it possible?"

"Of course it's because the legal jackals have done a good job. By the way, the seniors from the Kiryu Police Department who help my subordinates provide legal cover are the seniors from the Kiryu Police Department." Takada looked proud.

Mukagawa said "Oh" with great interest: "Is there still this thing? It seems that Takata Police Department, I underestimated you before."

"You just know that?" Takata Police Department said with a smile.

Chief Inspector Kato interrupted the fight between the two: "Since you are so powerful, you must produce some results! Whether you attack Kiryu's woman or directly attack him, you must produce some results! I don't want to be promoted to police next year. Give the chance of surveillance to someone else! This Kiryu Kazuma, I don’t care if he is someone else’s pawn or a fool with an excessive sense of justice. In short, I want him to be honest!”

Takata Police Department put away his smile and replied seriously: "I know, let's take a look."

Police Inspector Mikawa also said: "I am also preparing to take action. Takata Police Department, it is best that your actions do not hinder me."

"Police Officer Xiangchuan, isn't this bad? Isn't this a waste of resources?" Police Department Takada looked at Xiangchuan with a half-smile.

"Don't worry. My target is not that little girl from the TV station." Xiangchuan said with a smile, "That little girl, I wish the Takata Police Department success. I'm just waiting for you to show off the photos and records when you succeed. That little girl, even if It’s also a top-notch masterpiece in the Takada Police Department’s erotic hunting record.”

"Then I'll lend you some good advice." Takata Police Department responded with a smile.

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