I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 645: I’ll update it when I’m hurt by closing the world

Kazuma didn't know about the conversation between Mukagawa and Takada. For the rest of the day, he ran to several departments to get the transfer order of Yoshikawa Yasufumi at the driver's license examination center.

Theoretically speaking, as long as Hema writes the application documents and submits them, he doesn't have to worry about it and just waits for the process to go through.

But the Metropolitan Police Department, like most agencies in Japan, has a very slow administrative process. If Kazuma just handed over the documents and ignored them, it would be considered fast for Yoshikawa to be transferred to the mobile team in three months.

So Kazuma took the written document by himself and ran up and down to get all the stamps stamped.

It was possible to do it so smoothly thanks to his high reputation in the Metropolitan Police Department, and everyone was willing to give him some face.

By the time the transfer was completed, the police officers sitting in the office had begun to get off work one after another.

Asano commented: "No wonder there is a saying that more than half of the experience of Japanese police officers is spent processing various documents."

He Ma: "It's better to have a civil government like this than to kill the traitors in the country every three to five days."

"There's nothing else to do today, right? Let's go have a drink? To celebrate finally being able to send Takada in?"

Kazuma scratched his head: "I just sent in a pawn, isn't it good to drink?"

"But what else can you do without drinking? You have no cases to investigate, and no beautiful women to date... By the way, where is the kidnapped girl? She went to work again today?"

Kazuma nodded: "Yes, she said that the main culprits of the kidnapping are locked up in the police station and refused to use her paid annual leave."

"...I don't know whether I should say she is brave, or whether I should say she is crazy." Asano's expression was very complicated.

At this time Kazuma made a decision: "You are right, it is necessary to celebrate the phased results. Let's go have a drink and you treat us."

"...The main purpose is to treat me, right?" Asano smiled bitterly.

Kazuma spread his hands and said: "You are the son of the chief of the Metropolitan Police Department. I don't know where to go to suit your noble taste. You choose the restaurant yourself, and I will go with you."

"Since it's my treat today, let's go to a slightly more upscale place."

Kazuma gave a thumbs up and was about to blow a rainbow fart when he saw Tamamo get off the elevator following an uncle with a knitted brow.

Kazuma: "?"

Tamamo also saw Kazuma and immediately smiled brightly, and then she whispered a few words to the uncle.

Kazuma's hearing was naturally clear. She said, "Prosecutor Mizuki, I met my boyfriend. I'm going to say hello to him."

——Boyfriend...Is this an opportunity to declare sovereignty? No, she knew I could hear it, so she said it deliberately so that I wouldn't think too much.

I’ve seen through my little idea——Kazuma smiled like this and watched Tamamo quickly run towards him after asking the prosecutor Mizuki for instructions.

Kazuma: "How come I don't know that I have become your chosen boyfriend? I am obviously just one of many alternatives."

"Yes." Tamamo took over the words smoothly, "But other alternatives have been dead for many years, such as Prince Shotoku."

Asano heard this and interjected into the conversation in confusion: "What the hell is Prince Shotoku? Does this imply that she originally wanted to marry a ten thousand-yuan banknote?"

Last year, Prince Shotoku was still printed on the 10,000 yen note.

Kazuma: "No, she is referring to the real Prince Shotoku."

Tamamo: "I changed Prince Shotoku's diapers. He chased me all day long when he was a child and said he wanted to marry me in the future."

Kazuma: "Didn't you just come to Japan during the Tang Dynasty? Doesn't the time match?"

"Who told you that I only came during the Tang Dynasty? I came when the Shang Dynasty fell. At that time, Japan had not even established the Yamatai Kingdom. I only came during the Tang Dynasty, and that was Yang Yuhuan."

Asano: "Are you two crazy or am I crazy? Why can't I understand what you are saying?"

Tamamo smiled and said: "It's the content of the drama "The Legend of Daji" that we performed with the drama club when we were in our junior year."

Asano looked back and forth between Kazuma and Tamamo with a suspicious look on his face.

At this time, the prosecutor Mizuki came over: "Jinguji, your boyfriend is actually Kazuma Kiryu, why don't you introduce him to me."

Tamamo quickly introduced: "This is Kiryu Kazuma, the police officer. He is my kendo teacher and my life mentor."

"The instructor guided me to the bed, that's good." Mizuki said without hesitation, then grinned with a very greasy smile.

Okay, it turns out that this kind of greasy uncle leadership is not a specialty of China.

If opening your mouth means sexual harassment, that's fine.

But since he was a prosecutor, Kazuma couldn't stand it and scolded him directly. He patiently said with a straight face: "You got the order wrong. We became a couple first, and then we became apprentices. In fact, compared to kendo, she is stronger with the naginata. Stronger.”

"Oh? Naginata? I thought Jinguji family usually did tea ceremony and flower arrangement."

Tamamo smiled and said, "I'm quite special."

Changing the subject with Ma Cha: "Why did you come to the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"Today I was transferred to the Metropolitan Police Department. It seems to allow me to accumulate achievements as quickly as possible." Tamamo said while winking at Kazuma.

It seems that she used some connections to deliberately transfer herself to the Metropolitan Police Department. As for the purpose, of course it was to help Kazuma.

But Uncle Mizuki didn't know this at all, and said plausibly: "Miss Jinguji is the new ace of our Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office this year. It just so happens that you know Kiryu and Ma, the police department, and ask her to get you some one-stop prosecutions and verdicts." For a case with clear criminal facts, within two or three years, your level will probably be higher than mine."

Kazuma and Tamamo looked at each other, and then Tamamo said: "Prosecutor Mizuki, shall we go to dinner together later?"

"No, I won't be a light bulb for you two young people. Uncle, I am still very self-aware." This uncle seemed to really regard this self-knowledge as a capital to show off, showing a stinking expression on his face, "Long time no see I'd better go home early and give my wife a surprise."

Kazuma judged that a joke at this time could bring him closer to the uncle, so he said, "Maybe I went back early after a long absence, but I bumped into the scene of my wife's cheating."

The uncle laughed loudly: "That's great. I'll take the opportunity to kick that yellow-faced woman and find a young college student who just graduated!"

Should I say it was true? Kazuma was speechless. He had seen many uncles of this kind in his previous life.

This kind of person will never be so open-minded if he is really taken advantage of, but when he is ridiculed, it is always in this tone.

Uncle Mizuki waved his hand: "Then let's say goodbye here. I originally wanted to familiarize you with the internal structure of the Metropolitan Police Department, but this kind of work is more suitable for a boyfriend. I will leave."

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the elevator - he had just gotten off the elevator a few minutes ago.

Tamamo turned to look at Asano: "What are the inspection chief's plans?"

Asano shrugged: "I originally made an arrangement with the police department to treat him to dinner tonight, but since you guys are going together, I'll just go home."

"I'll take you to the station as usual."

"No, I will go directly to the subway station now, and I can get on the train before the crowds are crowded during the evening rush hour."

"That's it."

The three of them came to the elevator door while talking.

Prosecutor Mizuki, who had just said goodbye, was also waiting for the elevator, and the situation turned out to be a bit awkward.

Just when Kazuma was wondering whether he should say HI to Prosecutor Mizuki again, the elevator arrived.

As soon as the door opened, Kazuma saw Oshiba Mieko inside.

Tamamo hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Kazuma.

But Kazuma's expression was normal. As he got on the elevator, he greeted Dachai: "Be careful when you go home."

"I will. But those people shouldn't be able to leave the police station, right?"

Kazuma took Tamamo's hand, looked at her watch, and replied: "They can be released on bail tomorrow, so the risk is still there. But if they commit a crime while on bail, it will be really serious. .”

Oshiba Mieko looked a little unhappy: "I will be released on bail... I didn't think too much."

Asano comforted her and said, "Don't worry, the customers of Kozo and his company are still alive and well."

Oshiba Mieko nodded slightly: "That's right. I'm overthinking it."

At this time, she finally noticed the colorful Tamamo blooming next to Kazuma.

At that moment, she was a little stunned: "...where did this singer come from to be the director of the department for a day?"

Chief for a Day is a publicity project of the Japanese police. The main content is to invite popular celebrities-mainly female stars-to come to the police station to serve as chiefs for a day.

Just understand it as a one-day endorsement event only.

Tamamo silently took out her Tokyo District Prosecutor's badge and pinned it on the collar of her women's suit jacket.

Oshiba Mieko works in current affairs news, so of course she recognizes this logo.

Then she had an idea: "Ah, I know! You are Hinami's love rival!"

Tamamo said with a smile: "Hey, that's how Hinami sees me. She thinks very highly of herself."

Oshiba Mieko felt the courage emanating from Tamamo and could only laugh a few times without saying anything else.

Then the elevator reached the first floor. Oshiba Mieko wanted to leave the Metropolitan Police Department through the main entrance on the first floor and take a car home, so she got off the elevator with Asano.

As soon as they got off, Tamamo asked in a voice so low that only Kazuma could hear: "Why did she go back?"

"She has been sitting in the interrogation room for a day and a night. We don't have a rest room for suspects here. She can only sit on the chair in the interrogation room and squint for a while. Don't worry, I hired an expert to keep an eye on her. She won't Something happened."

Tamamo asked in confusion: "Expert? Did you invite the SP of the Nanjo family?"

"No, I hired Hanabusa Takashi, the ace of Weekly Fangshun. Is this reliable?"

Tamamo nodded: "Indeed, unless the killer kills Hanabusa Takashi together, it is unlikely that he can kill the fat girl without alerting Hanabusa Takashi."

Kazuma: "She's just plump and slightly chubby, so don't just call her a fat girl."

Tamamo smiled. At this time, the elevator reached the negative floor. She naturally took Kazuma's hand and walked down the elevator, interrupting Kazuma's words with the pressure on her arm.

Kazuma curled his lips and decided to enjoy the rare two-person world with Tamamo tonight.


That night, at around eleven o'clock, the phone at Kiryu Dojo rang rapidly.

Kazuma happened to come out after brushing his teeth. He was the person closest to the entrance in the family, so he answered the phone as a matter of course: "Moses Moses? This is the Kiryu Dojo."

"Kiryu, it's bad!" Hanabusa Takashi's voice came from the receiver, "The news clue you asked me to follow has been broken!"

Kazuma was shocked: "Broken? What happened?"

"Jumped off a building. Just now, he dented the roof of a taxi parked below her house."

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