I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 651 I declare that Leziren is the strongest path

Just as Kazuma was about to answer, Hinami appeared in the restaurant rubbing her eyes. She said to Chiyoko in a daze: "Chiyoko, I'm going to be late for dinner because I got up late. Please give me some bread and let me eat it..." "

Kazuma coughed.

Hinami smiled, leaned towards Kazuma and said, "I know, good morning kiss..."

Kazuma interrupted her: "Oshiba Mieko jumped to her death yesterday."

Hinami froze immediately.

When Kazuma got the news and rushed to the scene last night, Hinami had already fallen asleep, so he didn't wake her up.

Hinami: "Death is..."

"I jumped from my balcony and was already out of breath when I landed." Kazuma looked at Hinami and said solemnly.

Hinami staggered two steps and leaned against the refrigerator: "How could it be? This Hyuga Company, hasn't it ever killed anyone? How could someone suddenly die?"

Kazuma: "Oshiba Mieko will most likely be classified as a suicide. I was at the scene yesterday and saw no clues that could prove her murder. Of course, neither I nor the local police detective who investigated the scene felt that this was true. It could be suicide, but there is no hard evidence.”

Hinami: "Can't we prosecute without hard evidence?"

"Yes, if you want to prosecute, you must at least determine who the target of the prosecution is, right? In other words, you must at least find the suspect before you can consider prosecution. But in the case of Oshiba Mieko, there is no evidence pointing to the suspect at all. "

"But it's impossible for her to commit suicide?" Hinami asked.

Kazuma nodded.

Then Kazuma saw an expression on Hinami's face that seemed like fear materialized.

"Then will I suddenly jump off the building? If the prisoner can kill Dachai like this, he can kill me! Will I..."

Tamamo didn't know when she came to Hinami, held her shoulders, and forcibly helped her stop the trembling of her body.

"It doesn't matter. Although the mystery has weakened and the effect of my amulet has weakened, the enemy's spell has also weakened, so the amulet should still be effective."

Hinami looked at Tamamo in confusion: "What amulet?"

Kazuma: "Didn't she give each of us a guardian? It must have been a few years."

Tamamo nodded: "Yes."

Hinami patted his forehead: "I don't know where he threw it!"

"It doesn't matter, I'll give you another one. You can take sick leave today. With the amulet tomorrow, you don't have to worry about being possessed by evil spirits and jumping off the building. I will find a way to investigate who is in this mysterious and declining era. Still using mysterious means to kill people."

Kazuma: "Are you going to ask someone to borrow a compass from a Feng Shui master and go to the scene to investigate?"

Tamamo smiled slightly: "Of course not. I will ask the monsters who are now hiding in Tokyo and living like humans to see if anyone has been having a hard time recently, or has suddenly become richer."

He Ma was speechless: "Let's start from this aspect..."

"By the way, I want to confirm how many of those old friends are still alive." Tamamo added.

Then it suddenly fell silent because no one knew how to respond to this sentence.

It was Amao who broke the ice: "Let's put the mysterious side of things aside for now. The investigation of the murder will be left to Master. With Master's talent in criminal investigation, he might be able to find some evidence. And you, Hinami, do you want to hire me? Sue Hyuga Company?"

Hinami was stunned for a moment: "Hire you?"

"Yes, I am already a legitimate lawyer. I read the court defense records of Hyuga Company's past cases yesterday, and I think I can defeat the sophistry of my senior brothers."

Hinami crossed his arms in front of his chest, wondering if he was suppressing his trembling.

Finally, she glanced at Kazuma, and then said: "To be honest, I... really want to turn around and run away, after all, someone has died. I am different from everyone else in this dojo. I have never experienced such a life-threatening situation before. situation……"

Chiyoko: "Neither did I - I was tied up once, but I slept the whole time. Although it was bumpy and submerged in the water, and my brother gave me artificial respiration, I personally didn't know it at all. .”

Kazuma: "Don't interrupt when people are saying serious things."

"Who do you think I learned this from?" Chiyoko rolled her eyes and closed her mouth.

And Hinami smoothly picked up the flower head that was interrupted by Chiyoko: "I have never experienced those life-threatening conditions. Although I have experienced things together, it was over before I figured out what happened.

"Let's use the current popular communication running group as an analogy. Master, your character cards are all awesome characters who have experienced various legendary events, and I am just Villager A."

Kazuma: "Villager A doesn't have such nice character illustrations."

Chiyoko: "Don't interrupt when others are talking about business."

Kazuma and Chiyoko glared at each other.

Hinan continued: "Although I am relatively good-looking, you see, good-looking people are everywhere in our place. A girl here has big breasts, a thin waist and long legs."

Qingliu opened the restaurant door as if it was stuck on purpose.

Hinami: "Well... in short, I have always been just a passerby among a group of legendary characters. To be honest, I dealt with this incident like a passerby, hiding and shrinking into myself. In the nest, I will no longer provoke terrible enemies. After all, I am afraid of death, and there are still many joys in my life that I have not experienced."

Kazuma nodded slightly, and was about to say, "If you want to run away, just run away, we won't laugh at you," when Hinami took a deep breath.

"But," Hinami looked at Kazuma, "if I choose to escape, then I will always be in two worlds with you."

Kazuma: "It's not shameful to run away. No one will laugh at you, and no one will treat you as an outsider."

"But that's not possible." Rina Hinami said firmly, "I can't keep looking at you with envy from a distance. I have to join you and become one of you."

Kazuma nodded silently, and then he noticed that Tamamo was quietly winking at him, seemingly asking "Has her soul changed?"

Kazuma checked the top of Hinami's head and there was no entry.

Nichinan may indeed have made up his mind, but this determination does not contain enough gold.

So Kazuma shook his head slightly.

Tamamo was speechless.

Nichinan continued to express his thoughts: "Master always likes to say that the hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage, so I will be brave this time.

"Although my relationship with Oshiba Mieko is not very good, she was responsible for guiding me when I first joined the company. On the first day I joined the company, she made me a cup of coffee. Just for this kindness , I should also continue to pursue it.

"There's not much I can do. After thinking about it, the only thing I can do is continue to pursue the Hinata Company! So, please let me hire you, Mr. Ikeda!"

Amao nodded: "Okay. Then I will go back and prepare the prosecution documents now."

After saying that, he wolfed down everything on the plate in front of him and stood up suddenly.

Qingliu was standing at the table drinking barley tea with her waist half-stretched. She was startled when he suddenly jumped up and spilled a few drops of barley tea.

Hinami: "Wait a minute, are you leaving right now? Don't you need to ask me about my situation at that time?"

Amao: "I will go to the police station to call your confession record. By the way, in order for me to call these documents smoothly, we have to formally sign the contract. Do you have a seal?"

Hinan nodded: "Of course I brought it with me, and put it on the second floor."

Seals are very important in Japan. The first thing everyone must do when they reach adulthood is to register their seal at a government agency such as the district office.

This seal registration will be bound to the National Pension payment record and is considered a part of the Japanese identity certificate.

In Japanese society, it is difficult to move forward without this seal, and any contract that requires a signature cannot be signed - yes, Japan does not recognize signatures, only seals and fingerprints will not work.

Amao nodded: "Okay, then I will try to get the contract out tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and bring it to you to stamp."

Rinan nodded, and then said cautiously: "Well, can the fees be exempted on the Internet? The money I saved when I was a graphic model has been almost used for college. I really don't have much money left."

Amao waved his hand and said: "This is my first case in business. It's a big reward for you to open your business. I'll help you handle it for free."

Chiyoko: "Wait a minute! How can it be free? If you let her pay on credit, it's over. It's free. What if she gets it wrong?"

Kazuma patted his younger sister's hand: "You have a certain pattern. If you jump out and behave like this at this time, you will give people a small-minded impression and your evaluation points will be lost."

Tamamo: "Yes, you will lose evaluation points. You can't do this, Chiyoko. When I have time, I will teach you a few tricks and teach you how to play the Yamato Nadeshiko that everyone loves."

Chiyoko: "I don't want to be Yamato Nadeshiko, and Amao already knows my true nature. Amao, are you right?"

Kazuma: "The others have already run away."

Chiyoko stared at the empty plate left by Amao, stamped her feet vigorously, and then came over to clear away the dishes with a look of helplessness.

Kazuma finished his glass of milk and stood up: "I'm going to set off too. Although I couldn't find any strong evidence of homicide yesterday, there is something very interesting that I want to check out."

Hinami: "Usually saying something like this means that a breakthrough will be found from here!"

"Don't make trouble," Kazuma waved his hand, "Reality is not a criminal investigation drama."

After saying that, he picked up the coat that had been placed on the back of the chair and went to the door: "Please pay attention to your safety recently. Haruyu will be Chiyoko's bodyguard and go to school with her. When you get to school, you can take classes at the music university. .”

Qingliu gave a thumbs up: "Understood."

The courses at Music University are not as intensive as those at ordinary full-time universities, and the six students have more time for "independent practice."

After all, many students at the Music University are also involved in theater troupes and bands. Not giving them more free time would be detrimental to students' personal development.

Of course, there are people like Haruyu who study bel canto, but their extracurricular activities are those who sing rock music.

Chiyoko sighed: "Oh, actually, I originally thought that after Amao finished the exam, I would ask Amao to protect me if I encounter this situation again. But as soon as he finished the exam, he rushed to work."

Seiryu: "Japanese men should dedicate their lives to work, right?"

Kazuma thought that he was a Japanese man from the Showa era. When Japan entered the Heisei era and Japan was deceived by the West and began to implement happy education, it would create a whole generation of Heisei waste.

Kazuma thought as he put aside the girls' chatter and went to the entrance to put on his leather shoes.

Tamamo followed him out and helped Kazuma tidy up his clothes.

"Be careful on the road."

Kazuma: "I'm leaving."


Kazuma picked up Asano at the usual place and went straight to the motor vehicle examination center.

Yoshikawa Yasufumi agreed happily: "Want to check the license plate number? It's a trivial matter, just bring it. By the way, my transfer order..."

"It was submitted yesterday and should be going through the process now."

"That's it, that's great. I'll take care of you from now on." Then Yasufumi Yoshikawa's attention turned to the note paper Kazuma handed him, and he read out the license plate number, "Shinagawa ****? In Tokyo? As for the license plate, we can check it directly on the computer here. It’s very convenient.”

Kazuma: "Computer?"

"Yeah, I don't know if it was the Ministry of Transport or the Ministry of Justice who got some money and bought machines from some international company in the United States..."

"International Business Machines Corporation? IBM?"

"Yes, that's it. Anyway, I bought a big set of equipment, and then as long as I input the license plate, the corresponding information will pop up at once. I'm very familiar with Fujii, who operates the machine, and we bought lottery tickets together. Let's go. Take you there."

Yasufumi Yoshikawa stood up excitedly and walked out of the office.

Kazuma hurried to follow.

The "Information Section" was right next to it. As soon as Kazuma entered the office, he saw the huge computer.

There are also large monitors. Because the refresh rate is not high, the screen on the monitor feels like it is constantly flickering.

He Ma was speechless.

Yoshikawa Yasufumi smiled and said: "Isn't it shocking to see high technology for the first time?"

Kazuma: "No, I was shocked by the contemporary feel of this thing."

Apart from anything else, when Kazuma traveled back in time, he hadn't seen such a big head monitor for a long time.

At this time, the young man who was busy in front of the computer raised his head: "Hey, Yoshikawa-san? Why are you here? I told you that this thing cannot predict the results of horse racing."

Kazuma and Asano turned to look at Yoshikawa: "Have you ever done this kind of thing?"

Yoshikawa Yasufumi looked embarrassed: "I don't believe in the power of science. Things like horse racing should be based on probability..."

The young man pushed up his glasses: "Texas Hold'em, bridge, etc., are based on probability. As long as mathematicians play enough games, they may be able to break even and make a little less. But things like horse racing , the influence of mathematics is very small, it mainly depends on the state and performance of the horse, and the results of the operation of the Yakuza.

"By the way, don't buy lottery tickets these days. The people from the Inspection Section of the Police Department just arrested a bunch of people."

Yasufumi Yoshikawa: "Okay, that's the end of this topic. I came to you today for business. Come and check this license plate."

The technician looked at the license plate and immediately entered it on the keyboard. While typing, he said: "Let me tell you, this system has only entered half of the entries. After all, the newly introduced system will cause the computer to fail if there are people who have not been entered. It just says there is no data."

As he spoke, he pressed enter.

The huge computer made a clicking sound, and suddenly, the picture began to change, and the lines were gradually replaced by new pictures.

It is a data interface composed of characters.

The license plate holder's information is clearly displayed on it.

Haruka Honda, Chief of Inspection Section 1 of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Kazuma and Asano looked at each other.

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