I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 654: The title doesn’t even have time to think about the result. What kind of experience doe

He Ma ended the unsuccessful communication with Amao, lowered his head and continued to protect his beloved knife.

Amao looked like he wanted to say something more, but Kazuma silenced him with one sentence: "Hinami's voice came from outside, please give her the contract."

"Oh, okay." Amao picked up the documents that Kazuma had just put down. As soon as he stood up, Hinami appeared on the other side of the yard.

This guy bends over to slip on his shoes, and the force of gravity highlights his exaggerated chest muscles.

Kazuma noticed Amao looking away.

Chiyoko said on behalf of Amao: "Rina, Amao has completed the entrustment agreement. If you sign it, you will become the future barrister's memorable first client!"

Hinan put on a defensive posture: "You...you have never been intimate with me! What are you planning?"

Chiyoko walked up to him with a smile and took Hinami Rina's arm: "I have always been so affectionate to you, Rina-senpai. Come on, sign the contract. Even if you are afraid that I will plot against you, you should believe in Amao. "

Hinami Rina glanced at Amao. At this time, because she stood up straight, Amao looked directly at her face calmly: "I have drawn up the contract, and after sealing it, I will officially become your authorized lawyer and be responsible for the prosecution. Hyuga Co., Ltd. and the Takata Police Department.”

Hinami Rina hesitated: "Prosecute...but Oshiba Mieko is dead."

"Yeah, so instead of criminal, our goal is to start with a civil lawsuit and turn it into a criminal case halfway through."

"Is this... possible?" Hinami said and glanced at Kazuma.

Kazuma was wiping the fresh oil on the knife, and noticed that his eyes were all over the place and he said, "Just give it a try. Even if you fail, it will only be a loss of some time and energy."

Amao immediately said: "I will be responsible for all the specific work, so you don't have to worry. You just need to appear in court when the court is in session."

Rinan nodded, but immediately asked worriedly: "I have almost used up the money I saved from making flat molds. I'm afraid I can't pay too much for legal fees."

"It's very cheap for a novice lawyer like me who just started practicing." Amao showed a self-deprecating smile. "If a newbie like me charges too high a price, the Lawyers Association will say that I'm breaking the market rules. Of course, it can't be too low. We can treat it as my opening reward and give you a 50% discount."

Chiyoko muttered next to her: "I wish I could get 50% off on groceries all day long."

Tamamo complained in a low voice: "Didn't you get everything for nothing?"

"The only people who can get it for free are the neighbors in the shopping street, but the stores in the shopping street have fewer types of goods, and sometimes the quality is worse than those in the hypermarkets." Chiyoko thought to herself.

Amao ignored Chiyoko. He stared at Hinami intently, waiting for a reply.

Hinami hesitated.

Suddenly, she slapped her cheek fiercely and said in a brave tone: "Okay! Let's do it! Think of it as seeking justice for Da Chai! By the way, how is Da Chai's case?"

Kazuma's face darkened and he replied in a low voice: "I'm afraid it will be considered a suicide. In addition, Takada has been released, and he may want to find you again. If it doesn't work, you can quit your job..."

"I'm not afraid of him." Hinami interrupted Kazuma, "Let him do it. No matter how many times he comes to me, I can't fall in love with him. Let him just use his psychological methods or ninjutsu. .”

Kazuma looked at Hinami's face and found that her attitude was very determined.

Amao: "Don't worry, if everything goes well, he can be sent to court in a few court sessions."

At this time, Tamamo suddenly intervened and said to Amao: "The defense lawyers of Hyuga Co., Ltd., but the seniors of Tokyo University, it is better not to be so confident and be fully prepared."

Amao nodded quickly: "Yes, underestimating the enemy will lead to failure."

Hinami stretched out his hand: "Give me the documents."

Amao handed over the document.

Then everyone watched as Hinami took out the seal from his collar and stamped the document.

Kazuma frowned: "You have some explanation for the location of the seal."

"Let me explain first, it's not that I don't trust the dojo, but you see, the dojo is an old wooden building, and there is no anti-theft net on the second floor. There are not always people at home. What if my mother hired a thief to steal the seal? What to do? She took the seal and ran to sign a contract with an entertainment agency. Wouldn’t that be bad? "

Kazuma: "Are you wary of your mother?"

"Ah." Hinami nodded, "What else? It would be useless for Takada and the others to steal my seal, right?"

He Ma said casually: "Don't tell me, what if they sign a contract with a labor dispatch company and sell you to Africa?"

"It would be too wasteful to sell me to Africa. Wouldn't it be more profitable to sell me nearby to Yokohama's red light district?"

Hinami made dirty jokes about herself without caring.

Kazuma curled his lips and didn't reply.


The next day, as soon as Kazuma opened his eyes, he heard a stranger talking in the restaurant.

Kazuma stood up, doubtfully left the room, came to the outside of the restaurant, opened the corner of the door curtain and peeked inside.

Police Officer Shiratori was sitting at the table, chatting with Chiyoko who was busy behind the stove.

Kazuma opened the door curtain and entered the room.

"Hey, morning." Shiratori Police Department waved to Kazuma.

Kazuma asked suspiciously: "What brought you here? You are such a rare visitor."

"The boy who was my partner went back to his hometown in Kagoshima for a funeral today. I haven't had a partner these days." Shiratori spread his hands.

He Ma sat opposite him, put his hands on the table, and tapped the table nervously with his left and right fingers: "Is there any connection between this? I belong to the mobile team, and you can't drag me to the fourth class to partner with you just because they are going to a funeral. "

"Why not?" Shiratori took out a cigarette. Just as he was about to light it, he remembered that he was the only one smoking in the room. Then he took off the cigarette and flipped it around in his hands. , at least there is someone who can call for reinforcements."

Kazuma: "I still have Asano here."

"About this, you don't have to worry. Chief Asano was hit by a drunk driver near Oshiba Mieko's house yesterday. He seems to have injured his foot and needs to rest for a while."

He stood up immediately after rubbing against the horse: "He was hit? This!"

"Don't be so surprised. Use your brain. In the situation yesterday, would it be good for them to hire a murderer to hit Asano?" Shiratori said, making a "sit down" gesture to Kazuma, "Sit down, sit down Right. By the way, his injury was very minor. His leg was broken and he had to be hung in a hospital bed with a bandage for a month."

Kazuma: "Which hospital is he in? I'll go see him."

"He is the son of the Chief Cabinet Secretary. Of course he is in the VIP suite of a super powerful private hospital, and his fiancée is taking care of him. You should choose a time when you want to go and inform him first."

Kazuma took a deep breath.

"So, I will run away with you during this period? Is this what it means?"

"No, how is that possible? How could they assign me a member of the mobile team as my partner? Besides, the one I brought with me was just going to the funeral and came back in seven days. After he comes back, you can only be a lone ranger."

Kazuma pursed his lips and did not express his position immediately.

Shiratiao stared at him for a few seconds, and then said: "I saw you at the Metropolitan Police Department yesterday, and you are a little worried now. I am not boasting, but I am very good at bringing up newcomers. The professional groups I have led, Now they are all members of the Sakurada clan’s establishment.”

Kazuma looked at Shiratori and was about to speak when he heard Tamamo's voice coming from outside the door: "Isn't this great?"

After taking the lead with one move, Tamamo opened the door curtain and entered the kitchen, looking at Kazuma with a smile: "When I thought of the scene after you entered the Metropolitan Police Department, you and Shiratori must be partners, and I always thought that would be like this. development, using a bit of Jinguji's influence for this purpose.

“It’s a pity that the influence of a wagashi shop is always limited.”

Shiratori was speechless: "This is too modest. Your family's emblem includes clover and chrysanthemum. It is not easy to win the favor of the general and the emperor at the same time."

Tamamo: "I got the chrysanthemum when I was in Kyoto. Later, when I moved to Edo, the connection with the imperial family was severed. I got part of the three-leaf Aoi not because I wanted to please the general, but because I got Mito." Huangmen’s favor.”

Shiratori: "Oh oh oh oh, look at this man, he actually said such words in such a self-effacing tone."

Kazuma thought to himself, this is called "Versailles brushwork".

Tamamo said seriously: "I think this is a good opportunity. Kazuma, you can learn how the old policeman handles things."

Kazuma curled his lips and looked at Shiratori: "Asano is sure..."

"As I said just now, if Asano is hit by someone at this time, the enemy is more anxious than you. They must be hurriedly contacting all the brothers to confirm that it is not his fault."

Kazuma: "Okay, it does make sense. Another question is, the Jinguji family used their negligible influence to get you to show up in my kitchen early this morning, right?"

Shiratori: "It's not influence, it's three boxes of super expensive snacks. They were delivered to me in the middle of the night yesterday. She was talking to me on the phone at that time. By the way, as soon as my wife saw those snacks, she decided to use them for her son. Pave the road and don't let me touch it at all. It's rare that I want to eat something sweet."

Tamamo smiled and said: "That snack specifically uses sugar substitutes. Sugar does not participate in the body's metabolism. As for the taste difference between sugar substitutes and real sugar, it is adjusted through the snack making techniques."

Kazuo Ma was shocked, are there any sugar-free snacks so early?

But then I thought about it, sugar substitutes have been developed a long time ago. The main reason why they are not widely used is that they don’t taste as good as sugar.

Kazuma: "Well, since this is Tamamo's kindness... Tamamo has never tricked me before."

Tamamo smiled and said nothing.

Kazuma extended his hand to Shiratori: "Please give me your advice this week."

Shiratori held Kazuma's hand with a serious expression as if he was about to commit seppuku: "Welcome to the gray world."

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