I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 656 I understand

Kazuma frowned and looked at Shiratori: "You are trying to persuade me to be an outlaw..."

Shiratori interrupted him: "Let me tell you a story. In Showa 45, there was a serial rapist. Later it was discovered that he was a lawyer. His targets were all marginalized women. After these women were raped, they basically didn't want to be raped. Maybe call the police.”

Kazuma: "Wait a minute, marginal women and so on are basically escorts, right? Wouldn't it be over if we just spend money? It's impossible for lawyers to have no money."

"He should be pursuing excitement. Some people are just like this." Shiratiao spread his hands and continued, "Then one day, when we were investigating the case, we happened to pretend that this guy dragged the girl into a dark alley, and we caught him. "

Kazuma waited quietly for Shiratori to continue.

"Originally we thought this was a very common rape case, and we sent it to the local police station and ignored it. After all, we are in Section 4, and this kind of case is usually managed by the Life Safety Section. But guess what, we stayed in the same place. The next day, I caught this guy there again."

Kazuma finally couldn't help complaining: "Actually committing crimes in the same place?"

"The most incredible thing is that he rented a house near the crime scene as a base of operations. It was only then that we realized that we had caught a habitual criminal."

Kazuma: "Until now, this is still a very common police story. Now I am very curious about how it is related to the topic we just discussed."

"Don't worry, let me tell you now, won't there be no sense of twists and turns in telling a story? What's the scientific name for it? Is it the kind of technique that makes the story ups and downs?"

Kazuma: "Shake off the baggage?"

"Ah, yes, shake the baggage - what the hell, do you think I don't know that this is a rakugo term? I am someone who seriously goes to see a rakugo show every month!"

Kazuma: "Hey, that's it."

"...Where did I just say it? Damn it, you interrupted me, my train of thought was completely messed up. If you still want to hear it, just shut up and wait until I tell you like I told you about Joruri."

Kazuma: "I've never seen Joruri. What is it? It's similar to the Pili Puppet Show?"

Shiratori: "Anyway, please stop interrupting and wait until I finish. We caught this habitual criminal by accident. The colleagues from the Life Safety Department happily led him over, thinking that we would be able to deal with this thing for at least half a year. I am worried that the boss will ask about performance issues.

"At this moment, we suddenly discovered that this lawyer was the legal adviser to Congressman Chang Shanyi, and this Chang Shan, the leader of their faction, happens to be the Minister of Justice now."

Kazuma: "Oh haha."

"As you can guess, in the end, no young lady was willing to stand up and sue this guy. Another young lady smiled and told the investigating detective that originally the biggest problem with this guy was that he didn't give him any money. Now, with the money given by several good people, including It’s more than enough for her to play every day for a year.”

He Ma was speechless: "Although this statement is wrong, it is surprisingly convincing."

"Right? So this matter was left alone. In order to take care of the reputation of the Congressman, he didn't even leave a record of the case.

"Had it not been for an overly conscientious colleague of ours later who discovered that several of the victims could not be found while sorting through the files, this matter would have ended happily."

Kazuma frowned: "The victim who can't be found was murdered?"

"I don't know. It was Showa 45. Come on, even the fingerprints were the latest cutting-edge criminal investigation technology, and the missing people were all marginal women. It would be difficult to find them.

"In Japan, only those who pay the national pension are considered citizens, and among the marginalized women, those who can afford the national pension are considered the upper class. Women who live in corners that cannot be reached by the government's power cannot be found. .

"So we just went and asked the guy."

Shiratori took a deep breath and stared at Kazuma for a few seconds: "I know you have a talent for identifying criminals as soon as you see them, just like Sun Wukong in Journey to the West, with his fiery eyes that spot monsters every time. "

Kazuma smiled and was about to say something modest about himself when Shiratori continued:

"Generally, old policemen have this kind of vicious look. I don't know how you did it. After all, I don't know how I did it. As soon as I look at the criminal's expression, I can basically confirm that it's this bastard." '."

Kazuma raised his eyebrows. The experienced old policeman had poisonous eyes. He knew this before traveling through time.

Shiratori: "I just broke into that guy's law office and asked him if he had ever killed a prostitute. This kind of direct attack is sometimes more effective than many sideways attacks. The moment I asked this question, I knew that this guy would definitely killed."

Shiratori looked at Kazuma, raised his hand and made a gesture to poke his own eyes: "For a moment, something flashed in that man's eyes. Not only me, but also my partner who went with me realized, 'This is a criminal. '."

Kazuma: "Then we'll look for evidence and then..."

"If that were the case, I wouldn't tell you this story. That guy is the so-called high-intelligence criminal. He clearly knows what we need to prepare for prosecution and is familiar with our investigation process and the targets he chooses. It's all something we can't find out.

"For example, one of the missing people is named Ayumi. In order to find someone who knows her, we have dug through the ground in Tokyo. If we dig further, we may encounter the Communist Party who are transporting arms underground."

Kazuma didn't know how to face this very contemporary witticism for a while.

Shiratori continued: "Later, we finally found someone who knew Ayumi, her grandmother in the countryside of Tottori. Her grandmother had always thought that her son had died in the war, and there was still a memorial tablet of her son in the room, so she had no idea that she There is also a son. If the dead Bumi hadn’t written his hometown as his hometown on the resident card, we wouldn’t even be able to find this old man.”

Japanese household registration is called a resident's certificate. The management of this thing is not as strict as the Chinese household registration. If you have a contract to rent a house within the jurisdiction of a government department, you can apply for a resident's certificate. You can fill in the original address on it casually. The law stipulates that it only needs to be somewhere in Japan. .

Therefore, many people in Japan have their place of origin as Mount Fuji, and some have their place of origin as the Imperial Palace.

Just for fun, Kazuma filled in the name of Honganji Temple when renewing the resident card, but the guy who handled it asked back: "Don't you know that Honganji Temple was burned down by Mitsuhide Akechi? How could it survive to this day? You have to fill in the current place name. ah."

Then Kazuma filled in his place of origin in the middle of Tokyo Bay - it just needs to be within Japanese territory. Isn't Tokyo Bay within Japanese territory? Except for the decks of U.S. warships, Tokyo Bay is Japan's territorial waters.

In ten years when Chinese public intellectuals start spreading rumors, they will be able to provide evidence that Japan has sealed a large group of samurai at the bottom of Tokyo Bay and can call them out at any time to serve the country.

Kazuma: "So, you went to the mountains of Tottori based on the address on the resident card, and then found this grandma that Ayumi has never met before?"

Shiratori: "Yes, fortunately there are not many people in Tottori, and Ayumi didn't change her surname, otherwise it would be difficult to find her. If her hometown is in the prefectures near Tokyo, where would we find someone?"

Kazuma: "Then what?"

"From the old man, we obtained the unit number of Bumi's father when he joined the army and the family members he sent back. Based on these clues, we finally found the information about Bumi's father in the local war history archives department. As a result, the file said that he Killed in action in the Pacific. No marriage, no children, the clues ended.

"The remaining missing persons are all this kind of people who cannot be traced at all."

Kazuma: "This guy must have spent a lot of time contacting his victims and identifying those he could kill."

"Yes. In short, he succeeded in making it impossible for us to even open a case for investigation. After a week of investigation based on our personal enthusiasm, the superiors' patience with our workman's behavior reached its limit and prohibited us from interfering in such nosy matters. At that time, the new Kato, the newly appointed Minister of Criminal Affairs, reprimanded us severely.

"This is what he said at the time: Several prostitutes died. They didn't even pay the national pension, and they probably didn't pay much tax. Congress allocated funds to us to serve taxpayers. I don't allow you to waste your time anymore. And energy wasted on a few whores!”

Kazuma: "Being able to dig out Ayumi's grandmother in Tottori in one week is pretty impressive. Just going to Tottori and going back and forth only takes two days, right?"

"No, I set off in the early morning and came back at night." Shiratiao waved his hand, "At that time, it seemed that my energy was really inexhaustible."

Kazuma nodded: "When I was investigating the case before, I wasn't sleepy at all. I was like a Spanish beggar who didn't need to sleep."

"Spanish beggar? What did you come from?"

"A sociological science fiction novel. Don't worry about it. Now that I hear it, I still haven't figured out your purpose of telling me this story?"

"Soon you will know the purpose. We had to stop the investigation, and the barrister, who was very well-informed, actually gave us a cake. The payment card said, 'I have troubled you all this week, thank you for your hard work. '.

"That cake is super luxurious."

Shiratiao gestured with his hands: "In my life, I have held many birthday parties for my son and my wife. All the cakes I ordered together may not be as expensive as that cake.

"It was made by a famous American cake chef who was visiting Japan at that time, and there was also a certification card."

The cake also has a certification card - this business law has become popular so early.

Shiratori: "That cake was so delicious. It was made by a famous cake chef. I took a small piece back to give to my wife and my children who were in elementary school at the time. They ate it until their eyes popped out."

Kazuma: "Well, then?"

"In order to thank you for this cake, we decided to give Lawyer Sang a big gift."

Kazuma: "You asked the Yakuza to buy his hands and feet?"

"How is that possible? Don't you know the Yakuza? They would never dare to touch a congressman. But the Yakuza have really disliked this lawyer for a long time. After all, he raped people who were basically in the stable managed by the Yakuza. Then we I just did a little bit of manipulation.”

Kazuma: "What hands and feet?"

"We added the name and address of a core cadre of the student movement at that time to the roster of the Ji Dao stable, and then revealed to him that a new college student had recently arrived."

Kazuma: "Are you going too far?"

"Of course we didn't let this girl suffer. Before this guy took action, we told the students, so the angry students took advantage of it."

Shiratiao held out two fingers: "Second-degree disability, brain damage, stuttering, this barrister has never won a court argument since then."

Kazuma was speechless: "This... although he deserved it in the end, did the students who beat him also go in?"

"The students who went in missed the climax of the student movement. After they came out of prison, they had more job opportunities. If you look at those key members of the student movement back then, they basically had no way out except to join the literary and art circles. In terms of the results, it's not that bad. Okay?"

He Ma shook his head repeatedly: "No, no, in order to punish a villain, I implicate innocent people. I cannot approve of this approach."

"Don't worry about these details! I'm telling you this to tell you that here in Japan, if you want to implement justice, you have to be sorry for the law. Procedural justice is good and right, but the premise is that the procedure is justice Yes. Look at the Japanese law. Justice only exists for those who can afford a lawyer."

Kazuma: "I understand, I understand everything you said. What Japan needs is not extrajudicial sanctions, it needs "La Marseillaise"!"

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