I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 658 Back

Kazuma: "Okay, what should we do next?"

"Come along. You happen to be very famous in the Jida, so you can stand behind me and make a background for me."

Kazuma: "You've planned to take advantage of my fame, right?"

"That's right, Dragon of Kanto, come on." Shiratori patted Kazuma on the shoulder.

Kazuma curled his lips and asked: "Then you have to tell me what you are going to do next, right?"

Shiratori raised his hand and showed his watch to Kazuma: "Look at the time, of course we are going to have lunch next. During lunch, I will tell you what our team usually does."

Kazuma: "What else can we do as a team, just beat up the Ji Dao."

"It would be great if that were the case." Shiratori smiled helplessly.


Two hours later.

Kazuma: "Is this the daily work of the team?"

"That's right." After Shiratori finished speaking, he took a step forward and shouted to a few bad guys who were splashing paint on a house, "Yamamoto-san, are you busy?"

Kazuma has traveled through time for so many years, and as soon as he heard the name Yamamoto, he subconsciously wanted to ask Hita Sennin to give him a happy word.

Ji Dao, who called Yamamoto, turned around and glanced at Shiratori. His younger brother had already stepped forward very enthusiastically: "Tie Baa (roughly equivalent to what you mean)!"

The man named Yamamoto threw the cigarette in his hand directly on the younger brother's head: "Asshole! Respect the police department that formed the team!"

The younger brother immediately turned around and bowed to Yamamoto: "I'm sorry!"

"Don't just apologize to me! Where's the apology to the police department?"

The younger brother immediately turned around and bowed to Shiratiao: "I'm sorry!"

After he finished, he said to Kazuma Ju: "I'm sorry!"

Yamamoto kicked the younger brother away who had not yet straightened up, and smiled at Shiratiao: "Police Department, isn't it a natural thing to pay back debts? And what this family owes is not money from our underground bank. Our team will start doing serious work now. The business is over, and all they owe is money to the bank."

Shiratori: "Really?"

"It's true." Yamamoto gestured to the younger brother wearing glasses beside him. The younger brother immediately took out the document from his briefcase and handed it to Shiratori, "This is the loan contract for the Hatoyama family. The loan amount is 100 million days. Yuan."

Kazuma looked up at a house that had been splashed with paint: it was a very old-looking wooden building. This kind of wooden building has almost disappeared in Tokyo. In the previous era of economic boom, most of the owners of these wooden buildings I renovated my home.

Of course, the economic boom cannot benefit everyone. In "Doraemon", the Nobi family whose father works in a big company benefited from the economic boom and renovated their house, but the fat tiger whose family ran a grocery store did not take advantage of it. Even though the economy is booming, they still live in dilapidated wooden houses.

Fujiko Fujio originally wanted to draw youth comics that reflected social reality, but was forced to draw children's comics. However, there are still many details in their works that reflect social reality.

Kazuma pointed to this shabby house that looked like Fat Tiger's house: "Can the owner of this house owe a loan of 100 million yen?"

Shiratiao glanced at this dilapidated house and was speechless: "It does look incredible."

Man with glasses: "But the contract is indeed real. If you don't believe it, you can ask the people from the Second Search Department to verify the authenticity."

Shiratori: "Forget it, I believe this contract is true. But..."

At this time, the door opened, and a child of about thirteen or fourteen years old stuck his head out and shouted: "The bad guys deceived my father and made him sign this contract! The bad guys took away the loan and asked us to pay back the money! In order to repay the My dad has already sold the company and our new home for the money! But they are still chasing us!"

As soon as the child finished speaking, the Yakuza named Yamamoto stood in front of the child. His shadow directly enveloped the child's body, as if the dark clouds hanging over the family's future had materialized.

"I don't care how your father signed the agreement. Anyway, if he signed it, he has to pay back the money. I think your land is still worth a lot. Take advantage of the high land prices in Tokyo to buy it and pay back the money. Baga. road!"

The child was silenced by the flick of the tongue. He shrank into a ball, and then turned his eyes to Kazuma for help.

Kazuma stepped forward and pushed Yamamoto away.

Yamamoto's little brother was about to have another attack, shouting "Tiebaa" and wanted to come up to argue with Kazuma, but was blocked by Shiratori: "Yamamoto-san, you should recognize who my partner is today, right? Take care of yourselves." My dear brothers."

Yamamoto slapped his younger brother on the face: "Asshole! This is the famous Dragon of Kanto. He single-handedly wiped out two groups of legends. Do you think our group will be promoted by him alone?"

Kazuma ignored the obedient little brother and squatted down in front of the child: "Child, why don't you look at the white bird and look at me?"

"Because my father said that when he said he wanted brothers and sisters like you, he acted to make Japan a better place."

Kazuma: "When did he say that?"

The child hesitated: "I said it a long time ago."

"He may be talking about the brothers and sisters of the student movement." Kazuma paused, "But I am a policeman, not a student of the student movement."

"Shouldn't the police catch the bad guys? Can't you see who the bad guys are now?" the child said angrily, his tone rising several times.

Yamamoto smiled and said to the child: "Boy, you are wrong. Whether you are a bad person does not depend on what you look like, but whether you have broken the law. Now it is your father who has broken the law. Although we are a group of extremes, you see , but we have washed our hands in a golden basin. This time to collect your family’s debt, we just splashed paint on it, and there is nothing illegal.”

The man with glasses pushed up his glasses: "Because the paint we used this time is legally considered an easy-to-clean paint, even these two policemen can't do anything to us."

Kazuma frowned. He reached out and picked up a piece of paint that had not yet dried from the child's door: "Is this easy to clean?"

"Yes, whether it is easy to clean depends on the composition of the paint. The paint we use is classified into water-soluble paint, and it can be completely washed away with a heavy rain in the next week."

He Ma was speechless: "You are really full of fantastic ideas in taking advantage of legal loopholes."

"Excellent." The glasses guy pushed up his glasses.

Yamamoto said proudly: "Our young master is a serious college student, the Hosei University."

Kazuma's anger increased a lot at that time. Among the many universities in Tokyo, the one he disliked the most was Hosei University, because this school is almost the opposite of Tokyo University and can be called a right-wing stronghold. The key is that the address of his school is very annoying to the Chinese. : Right next to the Jingguo Sacred Toilet.

There are even legends that some right-wing students in this school go to the Yasukuni Shrine every day after school to strengthen their communist beliefs.

Of course it's just a legend.

Kazuma stood up: "Although the paint you used does not violate the regulations, I saw with my own eyes that you violently intimidated such a young child."

At this time, Shiratori intervened between Kazuma and the four-eyed boy from Hosei University: "Okay, for my sake, how about you leave first?"

Yamamoto smiled at Shiratori: "It's easy to talk, and the reputation of the Shiratori Police Department is certainly useful. By the way, our team leader has been studying all day long, and I haven't played shogi with you for a long time. Look..."

"I'll definitely go when I have time." Shiratiao said with a smile on his face, "That's it for today. Goodbye."

"Goodbye." Yamamoto snapped his fingers, and a van parked far away drove over. The Yakuza stuffed all the paint buckets and other things into the van, got in and left.

After the Yakuza left, Shiratori pointed to the car that Juechen was leaving and said to Kazuma: "Back then, they took this car to kill people, but now they are beaten by the Koreans from the Shin Boxing Association and the Chinese from the Fuqing Gang. This kind of thing is so ridiculous.”

Kazuma forced a smile: "Times have changed. The Japanese Yakuza don't even have a few guns. It's normal to be helpless in the face of that kind of heavy firepower."

"Hurry up and establish the Rangers. I estimate that it won't be long before we start cleaning up the Fuqing Gang and the True Boxing Club. The Self-Defense Forces cannot operate in the country. We have to go there. If you don't get the Rangers to GSG9 or the Special Air Service Regiment, To this extent, it is estimated that we will have to pay heavy casualties."

Kazuma: "It's probably a bit difficult to get to the level of those tough guys who raided the Argentinian airport and escaped unscathed. I'll try my best."

"Hey!" The little boy just shouted, interrupting the conversation between the two, "What should I do with my affairs? As soon as you leave, they will come again!"

Kazuma looked at Shiratori, he wanted to see how Shiratori would solve this problem that seemed to him difficult to solve.

Shiratiao knelt down and patted the boy's shoulder gently: "Where is your father? Let him come out and tell you what's going on."

The boy looked unhappy: "What's the use of seeing that loser? I have deprived that loser of his status as the head of the family. Now I am the head of the family. I will protect my mother and sister."

Shiratiao smiled: "Oh, yes, you are a man. But unfortunately, the law does not recognize you as the head of the family."

"Why! Takechiyo has gone into battle to kill the enemy at this time!"

Kazuma: "No, Tokugawa Ieyasu was still a hostage in Sunfu Castle when he was 14 years old and did not go into battle to kill the enemy. He went into battle two years later after changing his name to Matsudaira Motoyasu and returning to Okazaki. You haven't studied history well. .”

The boy stared at Kazuma as if he were his father's killer.

Kazuma, on the other hand, looked above his head.

There is no entry, indicating that the boy's will is not that strong.

Shiratiao said to the child: "What a pity. You, me and your father don't have any say in the law. Let me see your father."

The boy held it in for a while, and then he snorted heavily: "Come in."

After saying that, he opened the door, entered the house, and walked straight into the house.

Kazuma and Shiratori followed the boy into the house.

There was a musty smell in the house, and combined with what the boy had just said about selling the new house in order to repay the loan, Kazuma speculated that this house might have been unoccupied for some time.

The family moved back after selling the house.

The boy stood at the door of the living room, opened the door for Kazuma and the others, and shouted inside: "Dad! The police are looking for you!"

Shiratori led Kazuma all the way to the living room.

This house is built according to the height of Japanese people in the old days. Kazuma, a "new Japanese" who has been boosted by the National Nutrition Program, has to lower his head when entering the living room, just like Gandalf entering a hobbit's home.

"Is it Mr. Watanabe?" Shiratori asked the drunkard sitting behind the low table.

The drunkard raised his head and glanced at Bai Niao: "It's me."

"I am Shiratori from the Fourth Investigation Section of the Metropolitan Police Department."

Kazuma: "I am... Kiryu."

He didn't say where he belonged.

It would be too strange to announce the name of the mobile team at this time.

Mr. Watanabe sneered: "Oh, a police department and a police department came to fill in at once."

Shiratori: "It's just a normal configuration. A veteran criminal police officer like me usually brings new people from the professional team. When the professional team comes in, the police department will make up for it. I want to ask about your loan."

Watanabe: "Don't you have a file on this case? I'm a prisoner who owes a huge debt and has yet to repay it!"

Shiratori: "Generally speaking, it is not a crime if you just owe debts and have not been classified as loan fraud. Mr. Watanabe, didn't you file for bankruptcy? After bankruptcy, the debts should be auctioned after the company's real estate is auctioned. Will it be lifted later?”

Mr. Watanabe was very depressed: "It's useless, because the loan is guaranteed in my own name. Those people, those people will not let me go so easily!"

"Which group are they?" Shiratori asked seriously, "This time the matter will be transferred to our team, not to the second search department. I'm afraid you have offended the Yakuza?"

Watanabe took a long sip of wine before letting out a long sigh: "Everything started from that day four years ago. I ran a transportation company, and that day, I decided to take over the transportation union, which was originally supported by the Yakuza. "

Kazuma frowned: "Is the Yakuza organization you mentioned that originally supported the transportation union called Bai Fengfeng?"

"You are worthy of being paired with the police department. There are so many treasures." Mr. Watanabe took another sip of wine. "What happened to Bai Feng? Your police officer must know better than me. There were two kinds of rumors on the market at that time. , one said that they were wiped out by a fierce man called the Dragon of Kanto, and the other said that they offended the US military and were completely wiped out by the US military's helicopter firepower."

Kazuma remained silent and did not jump out and say, "Yes, I did it."

"There are several major industries in Baifenfeng. One is the Truck Drivers Union, which happens to have business connections with our company, so I found the union president and prepared to spend 100 million yen to take over the entire union.

"They agreed, and I happily signed. In order to deal with the Yakuza, I also hired a whole set of bodyguards from the Nanjo Consortium's security dispatch company to deal with the Yakuza's methods."

Kazuma raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that this matter had so much to do with his family.

He couldn't help but glance at Bai Niao, suspecting that Bai Niao had brought him here on purpose.

Watanabe continued: "However, I did not expect that the trap set by the Yakuza for me was in the contract signed by the Transport Union. Of course, I could not have 100 million yen in cash at the time, so I had to take a loan. They proposed An alternative plan was to guarantee a loan in my name and our company would become an official partner of the union. The conditions were too attractive, so I signed.

"Mainly at that time, I thought that the president of the trade union seemed to be a very loyal and honest uncle. There was no way he could lie to me. Who would have known these unscrupulous people!"

Kazuma said: "Then the result is that 100 million yen was taken away, and you have to pay for your guarantee."

"Yes, the union president, his lawyer, and accountant all disappeared. In order to prevent the court from judging that I deliberately defrauded the loan, I had to bite the bullet and go ahead."

Kazuma remained silent.

Loan fraud is a crime, but now it is just an economic dispute, and its nature remains the same.

Shiratori muttered: "Based on my experience in dealing with the Yakuza, the president, lawyer and accountant will probably have sunk in Tokyo Bay."

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