I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 664: I didn’t expect it. What dropped today was an update, not a leave note.

The next day, Shiratori drove up in front of Kazuma's house early in the morning.

Kazuma couldn't help but complain: "You make me feel like I'm the heroine."

Shiratori spread his hands: "What else? If you drive your own car here, you still have to occupy a parking space - there is no parking space for you at Sakurada Gate."

Kazuma: "You can park your car in your parking space and drive my car to work."

"That's different. The radio call sign of your car is the call sign of the mobile team. The radio of the tea drinking department has not been called all day."

Shiratiao paused and then asked casually: "You didn't do anything dangerous last night, right?"

Kazuma gave a thumbs up and pointed at the entrance hall behind him: "I had three girls at home last night, so I took several pills to get enough."

Actually no, because Tamamo came in a dream, and Hinami slept to death, like a pig, and almost didn't wake up this morning.

Shiratori said "Oh", and then joked: "This is the first time I've seen someone who can arrange three girls in one night without fighting. Many people are probably willing to trade everything they have for your ability. .”

Kazuma: "It sounds like Shiratori-san is also a storyteller, right?"

"No, I'm not. Do you think I can have a lover? But I did knock the mistress's teeth out once."

Kazuma originally wanted to make a joke, but was stopped by Shiratori's sudden blow.

"Eh? Really?"

"It's true, I have been punished once on my resume, and that was that time. But to be honest, I quite understand my wife. At that time, I was a workaholic, watching criminals outside all day long, and wanted to seek justice. , I finally got home so exhausted that I often didn’t even pay for the public food and ended up falling asleep.

"Later, the old detective who took me there told me seriously, 'Women also have desires.' I was shocked at that time, you know?"

Kazuma: "That shouldn't be the case. Search Section 4 also cares about those marginal women. Can you not know this?"

"At that time, I was not the veteran who searched Section 4. Later, I forced myself to pay the public food no matter how tired I was when I went home."

Kazuma said with admiration: "You are quite fierce."

"You are joking, you have three in one night. You are still better." Shiratiao used honorifics.

Kazuma could only laugh.

Shiratori: "Let's go."

After saying that, he got in the car first, and Kazuma hurriedly detoured to the passenger side to get in the car.

Shiratori said while reversing the car: "To be honest, I thought you were going to steal that stack of contracts yesterday."

Kazuma was silent for a few seconds before replying: "For a moment, I really wanted to do this. But then I thought about it, how many such poor people are there in Tokyo? Can I save them all again? I want to do that. , I’m afraid it will go directly to the wanted list of the Metropolitan Police Department, right? Isn’t it possible that a search headquarters will be set up to investigate me specifically, and the name of the search headquarters will be the ‘Untimely Rogue Thieves’ Continuous Theft Case Investigation Headquarters’.”

Shiratori: "Stop dreaming. How can I call you a righteous thief? Doesn't that give you a bonus? Being reported can easily lead to imitators."

Kazuma: "Indeed."

Shiratiao added: "Fortunately, you were not impulsive. I was originally thinking about how to help you clean up the mess today."

Kazuma smiled.

I wonder what Shiratori would think if he knew that he was planning to recruit former student movement members to establish an organization of extrajudicial sanctioners.

And this is different from a capitalist like Batman who plays house. If a criminal is caught, he will be killed - no, he will die accidentally.

In fact, Kazuma has always felt that the world of the DC universe is a bit funny.

According to the setting of the DC universe, Superman is so kind, just, and smart, and he will definitely soon discover that the most evil people are capitalists.

And Superman is not averse to killing, he will definitely send all the capitalists to hang up street lights.

Kazuma remained silent, Shiratori glanced at him and didn't talk about yesterday's events, but moved on to today's task.

"Today we have to deal with a vendetta case. We called the police this morning. After a search, we found that the deceased died of a gunshot wound. We suspected it was a Yakuza vendetta, so he was transferred to us."

Kazuma: "So exciting?"

"After all, we are investigating the fourth section. If it's not a vendetta, it's a sudden death of a drug user, and occasionally a bit of robbery."

Kazuma: "Did you use AK this time?"

"No, it's said to be a small-caliber pistol bullet."

"Wind chimes?" Kazuma asked.

"The forensics department is still conducting tests. Anyway, let's go there first."

After a while, Shiratiao parked the car in a small parking lot on the side of the road.

Kazuma opened the door and got out of the car, scanning his surroundings.

Shiratori: "Do you feel nostalgic?"

"A bit." Kazuma smiled.

The street in front of me looked very much like the old commercial street near the school when I first crossed it.

Kazuma couldn't help but think of the days when club activities ended every day when he first traveled through time, and he and Mikako went to a sweets shop to eat together.

Shiratori: "This street is about to be renovated recently."

Kazuma: "So the land is being acquired now?"

Shiratori did not answer, but pointed to the anti-land acquisition slogan posted on the barbed wire fence at the entrance of the parking lot.

Kazuma: "That's true. So, there is also a real estate company composed of legal Yakuza here, right?"

"You guessed it right. So as soon as they found out it was a gunshot wound, they came to our side."

Kazuma: "The deceased was a resident?"

"He is a member of the Yakuza. This is also the second reason for coming to us."

Kazuma: "The Yakuza members were jumped by residents with pistols?"

"We don't know. The gun has not been found. There are no witnesses. We have no idea who fired the gun."

Shiratori said as he led Kazuma forward. As soon as he left the parking lot, Kazuma saw the blockade in the distance.

Standing next to the blockade were two men in trench coats, looking like criminal policemen from the First Investigation Section.

As soon as they arrived, two men in trench coats greeted Shiratiao: "Here we come, Shiratiao Police Department."

"How is the search going?" Shiratiao asked as he walked through the blockade.

"It's bad, we don't even know if this is the first scene."

Kazuma asked curiously: "Can't you tell by the blood stains and bullet marks?"

"Maybe he was dragged here to refill the gun." Shiratori gestured on his head, "Pay attention to the angle of incidence when shooting. You can smash the head with the scar."

The other two men in trench coats from the first class said: "Yes, for example, you beat someone to death with a baseball bat at first, but when you shoot, you blow off half of the head with the scar of the baseball bat, so there is basically no way to confirm it."

Kazuma: "Can the approximate time of the crime be judged by the degree of rigor mortis?"

"Yes, yes, but if the sentence is based on firearm death, it may not be the real murderer."

As soon as the person from the first class finished speaking, Shiratiao smiled and said: "Come on, you just called us here because you didn't intend to catch the real culprit."

"Shiratori-san, you can't say that openly." The two men in trench coats from the first class laughed.

Kazuma: "Can you explain it?"

Shiratori made a gun shape with his hand and pointed it at his head: "In Japan's determination of homicide, a very important link is the murder weapon. But as he said, the gun can blow away the original traces, so Firearms, especially firearms with special bullets such as dummy bullets, are commonly used props for scapegoating. In addition, we were called over, so there is a high probability that a Yakuza element will come out to scapegoat the next step."

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