I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 669 Why not BAN Mammoth!

Faced with a strong swordsman showing murderous intent, an experienced detective who had been running to the scene all year round would probably have had the courage to keep his nerve. However, Takada, who had a career as a bureaucrat and had risen through the ranks, collapsed on the spot.

"Wait, don't kill me! Don't kill me! Kazuma Kiryu, you are a hero and a messenger of justice, right? I... apart from playing with women, I haven't done anything harmful to nature, right? Even if I did Wrong, it's not a crime that can lead to death, right!?" Takada screamed.

"Besides Mieko Oshiba, how many other women have been ruined by you, this scumbag? Do you think I haven't investigated it!?" Kazuma's eyes were filled with anger, and he took another step forward.

"I, I can be a tainted witness!" The strong swordsman's courage overwhelmed Takada, who screamed like an ant swallowed by the flood. "I can help you testify against Kato's group! I know a lot about that group, and I can testify in court! As long as you let me go, I will cooperate with you to bring them all to justice! But, then you are The Great Hero of British Television, isn’t this great?”

"It does sound good. If it had been a few days ago, I might have been very interested..." Kazuma sighed. "But now I'm tired and don't want to accompany you to do these tricks anymore, so it's better for you to leave the show obediently."

"Damn it! Killing me won't do you any good!" Takada shouted hysterically.

"...How can you say that?" Kazuma looked at Takada in surprise. The dual effects of alcohol and fear seemed to temporarily turn the handsome police officer in front of him into an imbecile. Of course, this cannot change the crime he committed at all, but it would be too unfair to the many victims who suffered a miserable fate if he was allowed to bow on stage in such a confused way. Kazuma thought about it for a moment and found that he heard a story not long ago that could be used.

"Although I don't know if it can be used as a souvenir on the road to hell, how about I tell you a story from the past?" Kazuma calmed down his momentum slightly and recounted the past story that the Shiratori Police Department told him when he ran to the scene.

It was a minor kidnapping case involving the Shiratori Police Department and its seniors. The suspect had been identified, but the case could not be prosecuted because the key evidence could not be found. When the investigation headquarters was about to be disbanded, the senior who was about to retire planned to kill the suspect who kidnapped and killed the minors for the sake of the people, but was stopped by Shiratiao.

At that time, Shiratori thought he had done a good thing, but on the day the senior retired, his granddaughter disappeared. All clues pointed to the original suspect. After he was captured, the fact of kidnapping and killing many minors finally emerged.

The retired senior looked blankly at his granddaughter who had turned into a piece of flesh, and said to Shiratori who was currently stopping him, "If you still have a gun on you, I will definitely punch six holes in your body." - with Kazuma When telling the story, Shiratori's tone was quite calm, but the strong regret and sorrow beyond words were completely conveyed.

The reason why Shiratori said this was because he didn't want Kazuma to make the same mistake as him again. For Kazuma, this was also the last blow that completely cut off his confusion.

Kazuma stopped for a moment and glanced coldly at the fallen police department in front.

During his narration, Takada's expression changed several times, from initial confusion to later awareness to fear and trembling at this moment. It seemed that his alcohol-paralyzed brain had finally figured out the situation.

The meaning of that story is to eliminate all evil and leave no future troubles.

He is a villain, so he must die today.

"Damn! Shiratori told you this, right!? Did that old guy really betray you? That bastard Kato! You actually regard him as one of your own... Damn it! Damn it! I don't want to be an outcast who crosses the river and burns the bridge!"

The sudden surge of desire for survival made Takada kick off the sofa and rush towards the clothes rack in the corner. His coat and gun were hanging on the hanger. Even if Kazuma Kiryu was a monster that could fight alone, he would still lose out against the pistol, right?

"Go to hell! Go to hell, Kiryu Kazuma!"

Takada pulled out his pistol. To be honest, he didn't expect to defeat Kiryu Kazuma with this. As long as the gunfire spread, the entire apartment building would be alerted. It would only take two or three minutes for the nearby patrol police to arrive. By then, he might Can fight for a chance of survival...

That's what he thought, but the moment he pulled the trigger, Takada was grabbed by his right arm and swung out. His back hit the floor hard, and the force of the impact almost paralyzed his lungs. Takada was curled up on the floor coughing violently, and of course the pistol was missing.

"How? Can you see this clearly?"

In his blurred vision, Takada saw Kiryu Kazuma squatting in front of him, taking out a piece of paper with names and numbers on it and shaking it in front of his eyes. In a daze, Takada seemed to glimpse his name on the page.

"Could it be that guy from Kitamachi..."

"That's right. Oshiba Mihoko ended the case by committing suicide. Was it a script you had written in advance? There was also a similar plot about the Kitamachi Police Department jumping into the sea... I feel like you guys really like to make stories like this. , so I also tried to make it up." Kazuma stared at Takada, his voice filled with unusual ferocity. "Takata Police Department slipped and fell from a building. Evidence of corruption was found at the scene, and he was suspected of committing suicide out of fear of crime... How about this? Is this script okay?"

"You...you you you..." At this time Takada was speechless. At this moment, both his strength and intelligence were completely crushed, and strong emotions mixed with fear filled his head. Takada's whole body was trembling, but he couldn't help but burst into tears as soon as he spoke.

"Why? Why do you do this to me!?"

Actually asked why? Kazuma clicked his tongue hard when he heard this. When these people stood in the position of the perpetrators, they all looked majestic and powerful, but when they were exchanged with the victims, they turned out to be so incompetent and cowardly, which really opened his eyes.

"Don't you understand?" At this time, it was okay to denounce Takada's past evil deeds on behalf of the victims, but Kazuma shook his head, leaned into Takada's ear, and whispered. "You're full of evil, you idiot."

The accumulated sins are overflowing, that is, the accumulated sins exceed the limit of tolerance, and it is time to liquidate. This is an idiom from China, but Takada also understands it. Takada raised his head and looked at Kiryu Kazuma with a horrified face. He adjusted the focus of his eyes to see clearly what was on the paper, but his eyes penetrated the page and focused on a deeper place.

Black flames rose in the deep darkness, and the flames burned in the abyss, twisting like human figures screaming in pain, and there seemed to be many familiar faces among them. Takada thought of the karma fire of hell for no reason. He shuddered and looked over. The moment he faced those twisted faces, the dark karma fire burned all the way towards him along the invisible thin rope.

"Come here! Don't come here! Don't come here!"

Takada screamed and jumped up, waving his hands to get rid of the spreading Karma, and raised his head to beg Kiryu and Ma for mercy. However, in the field of vision, Kiryu Kazuma is no longer human, but has transformed into a mighty dragon with green scales, white teeth and a long beard! The giant dragon rose into the sky amidst the thunder and lightning, soaring for nine heavens, and then opened its bloody mouth and bit down on him who was full of evil.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Takada let out an inhuman scream, pushed down the surrounding obstacles like crazy, and backed away desperately. He retreated from the living room to the balcony, and then to the railing on the edge of the balcony. Takada, who was so frustrated, didn't notice it, so he knocked down the railing and fell silently from the top floor of the apartment.

There was a parking lot underneath the apartment building. When Kazuma looked over, he saw Takada making a strange shape on top of the collapsed car. The shape was very similar to Mieko's suicide. Kazuma muttered and turned around to leave.


The news of Takata's disappearance attracted many residents to look around. A moment later, the frightened security guard also hurriedly picked up the phone to call the police. But at this time, Kazuma had met up with Haruyu who was waiting in the next block.

"How? Have you killed that scumbag?" Qingliu asked as he came up.

"Well, people are doing it, and God is doing it." Kazuma muttered.

"What did you say?" Qingliu didn't respond for a moment.

"It's okay. That guy deserves it. God can't stand it anymore."

Kazuma said, looking up to the sky. There are not many stars to be seen at night in Tokyo, but at this moment the sky gives people an exceptionally clear feeling, just like the feeling that the mist that shrouded the city has finally faded slightly——

What happened today may be mysterious or mysterious, but it can also be said that it is natural. Although he was slightly regretful that he could not kill Takada, Kazuma was more inclined to regard the mysterious phenomenon of Takada going crazy and falling from the building as some kind of permission. Whether he calls for God or calls for righteousness in the world, in short, his actions are praised and encouraged.

Kazuma wondered if he had a new entry, but he was not in the mood to check it at this time. When Kazuma came back to his senses, he found that Seiryu was looking at him with a rather strange look, so he paused and handed over the photo album in his hand.

"By the way, take this and burn it."

"What is this... Bah! That guy is indeed a scumbag! He deserves to die!" Seeing that the photo album was full of all kinds of unsightly photos, Qingliu blushed and immediately understood where these came from. Yes.

The photo album is full of women Takata has slept with in various ways. The police will definitely come to investigate the scene later. If this photo album becomes the focus of attention and is disclosed by reporters, it will definitely be unbearable for those poor women. of re-injury.

Kazuma considered this, so he decided to take it out and burn it secretly.

Not only to punish evildoers, but also to protect innocent people.

"You're so handsome, Kazuma... no, Master."

Seiryu looked at Kazuma with special respect. Kazuma shrugged, but then couldn't help but froze. Because when I saw the "dragon flying and phoenix dancing" entry on Qingliu's head, which was originally dim, it was like it was resurrected with full health, flowing with unprecedented brilliance.

Damn it, isn't this an official binding?


The news that Takata Police Department fell and died caused quite a shock in the Metropolitan Police Department the next day. After all, after the Kitamachi Police Department jumped into the sea, another member of the gold watch team died unexpectedly in a short period of time. It cannot be explained by coincidence.

Most people who are familiar with the power structure of the Metropolitan Police can't help but worry that the factional disputes have become so fierce. However, for a few people at the core of the factions, the impact they have received is far greater than the former. This can be seen from the fact that the apartment building where Takada fell and died was completely sealed off, and waves of criminal police were sent to investigate.

In the Toyokuni faction, the Mukagawa Police Department has always been the direct person in charge of Takada. Last night, when he got the news that Takada had fallen from a building, he and his lover were drunk until they were 70 or 80% drunk. When he received the call, he was so shocked that he sobered up. He rushed to the scene overnight and stayed there until dawn.

However, as he came from a bureaucracy, he was unable to participate in the actual criminal investigation. The specific criminal investigation could only be left to the Shiratori Police Department who arrived later. Although Shiratori's official title was only supplemented by the police department, in terms of performance and experience, he was the leading veteran in the Toyokuni department. After surveying the scene, he quickly called Mukagawa to report the situation.

"You said he committed suicide? How is that possible!?"

Then Xiangchuan, who was on the phone, couldn't help but roar. The last time he lost his temper like this was two years ago when he learned that his daughter was dating the Yakuza and stole money to have an abortion.

"Takada didn't have any reason to commit suicide, right? Someone obviously pushed him down. Weren't there any traces of a fight left at the scene?"

"If drunkenness counts, there are some traces of it." The white bird's voice on the other end of the phone was quite calm. "We have investigated and found that Takada and the Hyuga company went back to the apartment directly after drinking last night. We did not find any suspicious signs in the apartment surveillance. In addition, we also asked the apartment residents, and they said they did not see anything last night. stranger."

"How could this happen?" Xiang Chuan was stunned.

"You know. Since there is no sign of external intervention in the accident, we can only judge that it was an accident involving a drunken fall." Shiratori sighed.

"Stop talking nonsense! You and I both know who did it!" Xiangchuan roared, but the other end of the phone responded with silence. After taking several deep breaths, Xiangchuan managed to calm down his emotions and began to think about how to deal with the situation at hand. "That guy really didn't leave any evidence?"

"We didn't find any traces of external intervention at the scene." Shiratori quietly corrected Mukagawa's assumption of guilt. "The next few groups of colleagues who came later probably had similar opinions to mine."

"Damn it, can that guy fly into the sky and escape from the earth?" Xiangchuan groaned.

"Is it possible?" Unexpectedly, Shiratiao's unexpected approval came from the other end of the phone. "After all, the opponent is a swordsman who can even split lightning strikes, right? Not to mention those several solo battles, even Soichiro Uesugi failed to defeat him. But you have always treated such a person as an ordinary policeman. If you treat it as a member of the staff, this is the strange thing, right?"

"Swordsman? What's the use of such an old antique that has been buried in the ground for a long time? Can it block bullets no matter how good your swordsmanship is? Can it defeat tanks?" Xiangchuan subconsciously wanted to taunt him back, but he was halfway through the sentence. Suddenly it was blocked.

Because he remembered that in the information he read about Kiryu Kazuma, there was a record of using a knife to block bullets! And it is said that during the duel with Bai Fengfeng, an armed helicopter was actually chopped down from the sky! Muang Chuan always thought that it was made up by bad reporters in pursuit of brilliant reports, but they couldn't be true! ?

Yesterday, I watched LGD play in the TI10 finals.

I was so angry that I got up and updated a chapter of the old book, very quickly!

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