I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 671 About the fact that I suddenly coded another chapter of an old book

When it comes to cooking, Qingliu, the daughter of the former Ji Dao, probably knows how to make instant noodles and the like. As for Kazuma, although his cooking skills are average, he still has the soul inheritance of the great foodie empire. As long as he has enough ingredients, he can barely cook a passable meal.

However, Kazuma was a little too lazy to move today, so he was thinking about taking Qingliu out for dinner. Although it is quite difficult to support three college students with the salary from the police department, fortunately, he can get extra income from time to time by writing songs, and he can still afford one or two meals occasionally.

Just as Kazuma was seriously considering the lunch menu, there was a knock on the door at the dojo.

Before Kazuma could react, Seiryu answered first, and then ran to open the door - because he was just doing my basic kendo exercises, Seiryu didn't wear protective gear, and only held the exercise in his hand. Wooden knife used. It wasn't polite to open the door like this, but Kiryu Dojo was not known for its gentleness and obedience, so Kazuma didn't mind.

"Kazuma...ah no, Master, we have guests."

"Who is it? Come here now."

Hearing from Seiryu's voice, Kazuma didn't seem to be looking for trouble. Kazuma leaned half of his body on the aisle and looked lazily towards the entrance. Then I saw a thin, slightly nervous man carrying a briefcase, taking off his shoes and walking up the aisle.

"Inspector Tanjing? Why are you here?" Kazuma asked in surprise.

"I went to the mobile team to look for you in the morning. They said you were on standby at home, and then they came to look for you." Tanjing walked into the living room without waiting for Hema to greet him, and sat down across from the coffee table. He looked very familiar with him. "What? The Dragon of Kanto is planning to retire and play salary thief? If the villains knew about it, they might go to Tokyo Bay and set off fireworks."

"Hey, my partner is still in the hospital. According to the regulations of the Metropolitan Police Department, he cannot act alone." Kazuma shrugged and stopped talking politely to Tanjing. "In addition, I also shoulder the important task of recruiting talents for the mobile team, so strictly speaking, I am not lazy."

"That was really hard work. Your partner's name is Asano, right? The young master of the Chief Cabinet Secretary of the Metropolitan Police Department. I heard that he was hit by a car and broke his leg. Is it nothing serious?"

"Well, yesterday I went to visit a doctor. The guy was in the special intensive care ward. He had food, drink, and his fiancée to take care of him. He was living a very comfortable life..." Thinking of the scene at that time, Kazuma's lips curled up. Keep bending. "However, his fiancée is a tall beauty with a height of 1.78 meters. It may be difficult to control her."

"But I remember he was only 1.56 meters tall..." Tanjing was stunned when he heard this, and then he couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly. "It seems that our Chief Cabinet Secretary is quite determined to improve the next generation's varieties. Is this considered to be destructive? I don't feel envious at all."

"No, no, to a certain extent, it's quite an enviable treatment, right?"

"The police department added, although I don't want to make irresponsible remarks on other people's interests, you have monopolized too many resources in this area... If you don't even let your partner's fiancee go, then even if you use nice words, it is a scumbag act. ?”

"I didn't think about it, bastard. I just wanted to silently wish my partner happiness as soon as possible."

"That's right. When he is discharged from the hospital one day, I will also have a drink with him."

While Kazuma and Tanai were having a conversation between men, the living room door slid aside, and Haruru walked in with tea and snacks that she had made. In the past, this was Chiyoko's job, and Tamamo would occasionally do it for her when she was here. However, neither of them happened to be here today, so Haruyu had to play the role of hostess.

"Master, please have tea."

Apart from anything else, at least Qingliu's movements and postures are still well learned.

"...Qingliu, it would be better to use hotter water to make tea next time."

Kazuma, who picked up the tea cup, made a pretentious comment. It may be said that Tamamo and Nanjo at home are both masters of tea ceremony, but in fact, he doesn't pay much attention to tea itself. Qingliu, who knew this, quietly stuck out his tongue out of sight, responded with a yes, and then silently retreated.

"Oh, this is the Jinguji family's chestnut cake, right? It seems to be a limited product only for Chinese families. It turns out that the rumor that the police department lives a luxurious life in the dojo is true." Tanjing also picked up the tea cup, However, he was more interested in the refreshments that Qingliu brought out, and he picked up the chestnut cake and took a bite without politeness.

"It's so luxurious. This is a special product brought by my disciples." Kazuma rolled his eyes and didn't bother to explain. "Besides, you guys, what's the point of coming to visit with nothing? Isn't it polite to at least bring some refreshments?"

"Stop it, the police department is asking you to eat Jinguji's limited snacks every day. How can you appreciate the cheap stuff you buy from the roadside confectionery shop?" Tanjing said, picking up another chestnut cake and putting it in his mouth. After eating several chestnut cakes. The inspector took out a tissue to wipe off the debris in his hand, sat upright again, took out a piece of information from his briefcase and handed it over.

"what is this?"

Kazuma frowned and looked at the page with names and numbers on it, feeling that it looked very familiar.

"Have you read today's newspaper? This is a copy of the information left at the scene." Tanai moved his eyes to the newspaper on the side of the coffee table. After a pause, he asked Kazuma straight to the point. "I'm really not good at making insinuations, so I asked the police department directly. Is the incident of Takada falling from the building to his death related to you?"

"Hey, the report said that no trace of the intruder was found at the scene? Do you think I can escape from the sky?" Kazuma shrugged. The inspector named Tanjing in front of him is a shrewd and capable bureaucrat, and he seems to be trustworthy in terms of personality. But he is a figure within the system after all, and Kazuma has no intention of drawing him over.

"The police department added, you have not denied that you want to kill Takada?" Tanjing narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Nonsense! That guy kidnapped my dojo disciples twice! If it had been Nobunaga's time, I would have torn him into pieces!" Kazuma slapped the table angrily, showing no pretense. He erupted and frightened the inspector on the spot.

"But in this day and age, even the police department can't use force at will, so I can only stare... Doesn't it look like you don't believe it? I'm serious. In fact, on the day of the incident, Haru and I went shopping. The bookstore. She wanted to find some music books for reference, so I walked around with him. If I want evidence, I should be able to find the bookstore’s receipt for that day." Kazuma waved his hand, picked up the tea cup and drank it.

"I think the character of the police officer is not the type to watch evil people go unpunished." Tanjing also picked up the teacup and said quietly.

"Actually, after investigating recently, I found that that bastard Takada has offended a lot of people. There are at least two digits of people who want to sink him into Tokyo Bay... To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if someone takes action against him. Kazuma said, holding up two fingers.

"Like, Yasufumi Yoshikawa?" Tanjing narrowed his eyes slightly and mentioned the name of someone who was about to be transferred to the Mobile Team.

"No, if that guy takes action, Takata's face will be beaten first, and there will be so many traces left at the scene that Shiratori-san will arrest him in a long time." Kazuma shook his head and smiled bitterly, and then comforted him. Tanjing spoke. "Actually, don't think too much. Maybe it's just like what the newspaper said, that guy committed suicide out of fear of crime after receiving the report? After all, people are doing it, and God is watching."

"People are doing it, but God is watching?" This proverb from China is still relatively unfamiliar to the Japanese. Tanjing repeated it several times before he seemed to understand the meaning, and then he sighed slightly as if giving up. "It turns out that the police officer is very familiar with Chinese culture, and he can say some thought-provoking sentences from time to time."

"After all, he is a Tokyo University student." Kazuma shrugged and was about to show off, but then he remembered that the guy in front of him seemed to be a Tokyo University graduate?

"Anyway, whether the Takata Police Department committed suicide out of fear of crime or fell down, this information was left at the scene. Next, I will investigate relevant clues from here, but it will probably take a lot of time." Tan I paused and looked at Kazuma pointedly. "Hypothetically, I mean hypothetical, if incidents like this one at the Takata Police Department happen a few more times, a formal investigation into their faction should be launched."

"Then you have to work harder. I will join in after Asano recovers." Kazuma cast an encouraging look at Tanjing, and then snapped his fingers as if remembering. "Speaking of which, after Takada's death, many clues cannot be investigated, right? Or we can investigate from Hyuga Company. As far as I know, their president Kousa Masaaki and the other side's Ohira Yasuki, these two I have a very close relationship with that guy, maybe I can dig out something useful."

"...Understood." Tanjing nodded, seemingly memorizing these two names carefully, then packed up his briefcase, stood up, and prepared to leave. Kazuma noticed that when the inspector was packing his briefcase, he took the opportunity to put another chestnut cake in his mouth.

"You seem to like sweets?" Kazuma couldn't help but guess.

"Sweets can relieve stress, which is better than taking medicine." Tanjing admitted unceremoniously. "Also, Jinguji's desserts are truly superb."

Damn it, your persona of being such a cute and shrewd bureaucrat has collapsed, okay? Kazuma couldn't help but wonder whether he should say hello to Tamamo and prepare some desserts for the inspector who was so stressed that he took drugs as a meal.

After sending Tanjing away, the clock on the wall almost read noon. Kazuma carefully considered the shot for two or three times before tilting his head towards the dojo to greet Haruyu.

"Qingliu, do you want to go out to eat?"


The fall of Police Department Takada is like toppling a Dolomy, triggering many unpredictable chain reactions around him. As a partner of Takata, Hyuga Corporation was naturally involved in this chaos. That day, as soon as President Kosa had finished handling the inquiry from the law firm, he received news that a customer was visiting. Moreover, the visiting guest was none other than his old classmate and partner, Dahira Yasugi.

Ohira and Kosa were students at the same time at Meiji University and were close friends. Ohira originally wanted to resign and run the company together with Kosa, but Kosa persuaded him to keep the psychological clinic. Later, Ohira's psychological clinic became the best cover for Hyuga Company. It used the brainwashing technique of disguised treatment to help Kosa solve many potential troublesome problems, thus forming a brainwashing chain of Kosa in the early stage and Ohira in the later period. The two of them used this to seize the superpower. Huge benefits beyond imagination.

However, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the two still maintain separate operations on the surface, and even contact is only done privately in the name of alumni gatherings. Just like this time, it can be said that it is a very rare example for Ohira Yasugi to directly find Hyuga Company, and it is enough to prove the emergency situation faced by the latter.

"My clinic has just been raided." Kozo received Ohira Yasuki in the office, and when they met, he told them the bad news that the clinic had been raided.

"Search?" Kazuo raised his eyebrows. "Did they get a search warrant?"

"Of course, it's all the fault of that bastard Takada." Ohira said through gritted teeth, a look of anger and panic appearing on the originally gentle scholar's face.

The brainwashing business run by Hyuga companies and psychological clinics has so far been covered by a seemingly legal veil, and even if the police know that they have problems, they cannot punish them. However, Takada's sudden death caused that veil to lose its protective effect. In the name of investigating the cause of death of the Takata Police Department, a team of wolf-like police officers raided Daping's psychological clinic earlier and took away a large number of records that were not sure whether they could be used as evidence.

Seeing his clinic being turned upside down, Ohira Yasugi, who had always played the role of a calm doctor, couldn't help but be shaken, so he came to Hyuga Company in a panic to find Kosa. But to be honest, Kozo probably can't come up with any solution.

"Don't panic, dead people don't speak anyway. If you have any questions, just blame that bastard Takada." Kozo first comforted the classmate who came to the door, and then continued to confirm after he calmed down a little. "Are the other things that were taken away in danger?"

"... It's just some medical records and clinic accounts, so it shouldn't be the case. However, many of the accounts have something to do with Takata. If they were to pursue the investigation seriously, I don't know if it would constitute suspicion." Daping gasped. While looking at Kozo. "If you really get sued, I'm afraid I'll have to use the help of your group of legal wolves. Is that okay?"

"Of course it's no problem... Even though I want to say this, I actually just received this this morning." Kozo shook his head and took out an official document to show him. "This is an informal letter from the law firm. It regrets to say that due to the recent busy schedule of the firm, Hyuga Company-related matters may not be handled with the highest priority."

"Can't get the highest priority...wait, does this mean you want to cut off from Hyuga Company?" Daping was stunned for a moment before he realized.

"That's right, the letter said something very sorry at the end...bastard! Those damn Fajin leopards and wolves! They are better at changing the direction of the wind than anyone else!" Kozo cursed through gritted teeth and couldn't help it. He punched the table hard.

Ohira Yasukiguchi looked at Kosa in a daze, then picked up the official document and read it over and over again. Until he couldn't find any other meaning, he slumped down on the chair next to him. He seemed to be completely distracted. Paralyzed.

"How could it be like this... It's obviously been smooth sailing so far, but in the end, what went wrong..."

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