I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 697 You can actually accomplish so many things while taking a vacation at home

"Well, actually I want to go, and it doesn't cost anything anyway..." The guard uncle sighed, "But my wife won't let me go, and she also said that free things are often the most expensive... Well, I think What she said seemed to make sense, but she was still hesitant until the end.”

So that’s it, you missed the opportunity while you were hesitating, and then you regretted missing it, so you remember the experience very clearly, right?

Kazuma nodded, roughly understanding the mentality of the doorman, who seemed to be quite a henpecker, but he couldn't help but feel relieved.

Although Kazuma still doesn't know what the so-called door-opening experience is all about, it is a happy thing in any case that the ordinary couple who are working hard to live in front of them are lucky enough to avoid the reef of fate.

Kazuma sighed, reaching out and patting the guard uncle's shoulder heavily.

"Uncle, remember to thank Madam properly when you go back. He saved your life."

"Huh? Huh?"


Leaving the astonished doorman behind, Kazuma left the building and returned to the GTR. While starting the engine, he also sorted out the current situation.

First of all, most of the day sleepwalkers on the streets of Tokyo had the experience of suddenly being trance-like and dreamy at a certain period two or three years ago, and the time trajectory highly overlaps with the period of the door-opening experience.

Secondly, although the specific content of the door-opening experience cannot be confirmed, according to the testimony of the doorman, there are no instances of repeated participation in the experience among the participants of the door-opening experience.

This is quite abnormal, and if it is presumed to be some type of brainwashing shield, it may be understood as the same thing as the phenomenon that day sleepwalkers have extremely vague memories of the origins of that period.

From the above logical reasoning, He Maji can basically conclude that there is an inevitable connection between the door-opening experience and daydreaming.

However, reasoning is just reasoning after all. For the reasoning to be established, it is necessary to find tangible evidence to support the inference, and this is more difficult to do. After all, there was no information left in the Daping Clinic, and all Kazuma had was this old leaflet.

At least if you can get the list of participants of the open-door experience, you can confirm a lot of things.

"Yes, isn't there a way?"

Kazuma, who was deep in thought, suddenly snapped his fingers, remembering a certain police bureaucrat who preferred desserts to taking drugs.


The fact that the investigation that had been delayed for many days finally found a breakthrough made Kazuma feel a little relieved. After leaving Ohira Clinic, I drove the GTR around Tokyo to express my frustration accumulated over the past few days of combing through information.

Kazuma had several speculations about who actually stuffed the key leaflets into his mailbox, but this was not the point that needed to be judged at the moment.

In order to avoid complicating the situation, he decided to focus on the suspicious door-opening experience for the time being.

While passing by a certain street intersection, Kazuma accidentally caught a glimpse of a familiar police motorcycle. Not far away from the motorcycle was Kurosaki, who was bending over to issue tickets to illegally parked vehicles.

Kurosaki obviously didn't notice the GTR passing behind him. The scene of him struggling to post a ticket despite the gleaming "Weapon Expert" entry felt quite ridiculous, but Kazuma couldn't bother him. After carrying out the task, after honking the horn twice in greeting, he drove back to his home dojo.

When we returned to the dojo, we just missed the lunch time, so Chiyoko scolded her a lot, but she still made a few rice balls and side dishes to fill her brother's stomach.

Kazuma, who was eating the rice ball, couldn't help but sigh that he had taken advantage of Amao, but Chiyoko got a lot of looks from him. After the meal, Kazuma was in a good mood and even exchanged two blows with Seiryu, using the practice bamboo sword of course.

The fact that the heart knot was opened and the fierce battle at Chang An Lake made Qingliu's strength significantly improved. However, without the blessing of Qingyu during the bamboo sword practice, Qingliu couldn't display the exaggeration of the residual image of the tooth. moves, but in the end he was defeated by Kazuma's sword with regret.

The victorious Kazuma put on a normal posture and encouraged Haru with a few words, but of course no one would know the fact that he was quietly relieved in private.

Tamamo came back near dinner time, and brought back the snacks from the Jinguji family that Kazuma specially asked for. However, Honami was temporarily absent from the Kiryu Dojo dinner because she had to go back to her family to have dinner with her grandfather.

After the four of them had dinner around the table, Chiyoko hurriedly took Seiryu to the dojo to see the tooth protrusion that Kazuma mentioned. Tamamo, who was not interested in the shogunate, fetched a bucket of water and brought it to the cherry blossom tree. Use a small spoon to water the Jizo statue enshrined there to bathe and purify it - according to the fox, doing so seems to accumulate merit, and if the merit accumulates, many things will slowly develop in a good direction. .

It sounds very mysterious, but for Kazuma, who is carrying the Tiandao entry, there is no need to confirm again that certain laws beyond cognition actually exist.

Anyway, Tamamo has been taking care of this since the Jizo statue was enshrined, so Kazuma felt free to leave it to her, while he carried Masamune to the living room to take care of it.

It is a matter of course for a swordsman to take care of his beloved sword. Even if Kazuma has been doing maintenance a little more frequently recently, it has nothing to do with expectations such as the Magic Sword.

At least Kazuma insists on that.

A little later after the old-fashioned clock in the living room struck eight, the doorbell of the dojo was rang. Chiyoko answered the call and went to open the door with Haru, while Kazuma put away his beloved sword in the living room and got ready to receive guests.

About two or three minutes later, the living room door quietly slid to one side, and a slightly neurotic, thin man walked in carrying a briefcase. Seeing Kazuma waiting at the desk, he came over and sat down without waiting for a greeting.

"I thought you would come earlier, Tanai-san." Kazuma said with a smile.

"Don't force things on others. I was very busy when you called me. In order to sort out the information before getting off work, I didn't even have time to have lunch." Tanjing, who sat down, answered expressionlessly.

At first glance, that appearance might make people think that he is holding back his anger, but Kazuma speculates that his actual mental state is far higher than what he appears to be.

"So, what are you busy with?" Kazuma asked, glancing to the side. Without his instructions, Chiyoko automatically went to prepare refreshments for the guests.

"I dug out a lot of things from the note left by Takada after falling from the building, and used this as a breakthrough point to advance the investigation to the Toyokuni Police Inspectorate... Although there is still a long way to go before making key progress, it is enough for them to be busy for a while. Yes." The corner of Tanjing's mouth curved, but it was fleeting, and then he cast a sharp look at Kazuma.

"So, when does the police department plan to return you to the Mobile Team for duty? Chief Inspector Kato seems to really hope that the police department will allow you to continue your leave, and even provides various conveniences... There won't be any transactions between you, right?"

"Ah, that guy seems to have stuffed me with a lot of allowances. He probably hopes that I won't go back to trouble him for the time being, right?" Kazuma shrugged and answered frankly, "As for when I will go back to duty, that's up to you. You should ask Asano-kun's doctor, it doesn't matter if I say it... Speaking of which, I'm not idle, right?"

"Are you talking about that one? The hero of the Sakurada Gate acted bravely during his vacation and rescued a pregnant woman who was about to be kidnapped from the Yakuza?" Tanai shook his head and laughed, as if his previous serious expression was deliberately pretending, "The police department is asking you to do it again. You can encounter incidents wherever you go, it has almost become a legend among the Sakurada clan... If the Toyokuni clan really wants to win over you, the mere allowance would be too shabby."

"Hey, hey, don't make me sound like a certain Shinigami elementary school student, okay?" Kazuma murmured subconsciously. He didn't realize it until he finished. The 1980s was long before Edogawa Conan's appearance, "Okay. , Don’t talk about whether these are available or not, you should have brought the information I asked you to find, right?” He changed the subject forcefully with Marius and turned his attention to Tanjing’s thick briefcase.

He had spoken to Tanjing on the phone after coming out of Daping Clinic earlier, and asked him to help investigate information about the "opening experience" on the phone.

Taking advantage of the impact of Takada's fall a while ago, Tanjing organized a wave of raids on Hinata Company and the related Ohira Clinic.

Although this move was only a measure to shock the enemy, it actually obtained a lot of valuable information and accounts. Kazuma then asked Tanai to search for information related to "opening the door experience" in the police station's search for Ohira Clinic's information, and the latter indeed promised to deliver it after get off work.

"The police department wants to fill you in on the list of participants of the 'Open Door Experience', right?"

Tanjing took out a few pages of information from his briefcase and handed them over.

Kazuma took the information. The information was a copy of a handwritten directory. Judging from the handwriting, it was probably written by Yasuki Ohira. There were thirty or forty names written on each page of the information. The names were followed by their gender, age, home phone number, etc. information.

Kazuma quickly scanned the name columns of several pages of information with his eyes, and his brows gradually furrowed.

At this time, there was a knock on the door. Chiyoko walked into the living room with the tea and refreshments, put them on the desk with a hostess-like gesture, bowed again and stepped back.

Chiyoko's tea-making skills came from Tamamo's training, and the refreshments that were served were of course high-end products from the Jinguji family. The bright-eyed Metropolitan Police Bureau official nodded to the hostess of Kiryu Dojo, and then picked up the chestnuts unceremoniously. He put the dumplings into his mouth, and after a while he picked up two more and sent them down with the tea.

"...Sometimes I suspect that you come to my house for dessert."

Kazuma, who put down the directory, looked helplessly at someone who was licking his fingers, but the latter ignored him.

"At that time, the police department told you that they couldn't elaborate on the phone, but what was the actual situation?" Tanjing picked up the tea cup and looked over, "The project called 'Open Door Experience' should have happened two or three years ago. I thought The evil deeds related to Hyuga Company have come to an end, are they still going on?"

"Recently, there have been many day sleepwalkers on the streets of Tokyo, causing a lot of riots. You should know about this, right?"

"Yes, of course I know. After all, the Metropolitan Police Department is currently troubled by this." Tanjing nodded doubtfully, "But I thought this was a problem that the medical system should solve, isn't it?"

"Well, if psychotherapy is included, maybe this is an unprecedented medical accident?" Kazuma picked up the red pen and, with Tanjing's attention, circled more than one name on the list, and then added the list He handed it to Tanjing and said, "The people circled above are both participants in this door-opening experience and daydreamers wandering the streets. Wouldn't it be too strange to say it was accidental?"

Tanjing nodded seriously. On the surface, the two things may seem unrelated. However, considering the huge population base of Tokyo, such a large number of overlaps between the two cannot be described as accidental: "Therefore, the police department added that the day sleepwalkers should be caused by the door-opening experience. of?"

"Yes, I am sure there is a connection between the two." Kazuma nodded to confirm.

If all the previous inferences about the door-opening experience were just logical theories, then the list brought by Tanjing became conclusive evidence that the reasoning was established.

"But specifically, will there be any major harm? I know those sleepwalkers will fall into a trance and be more likely to attract the attention of the evil villains, but is that just it?" Tanjing frowned and confirmed.

"There is still a lot that needs to be investigated on this point, which is why I asked you to confirm." Kazuma admitted honestly.

"Really..." Tanjing exhaled and muttered to himself. "Then it is indeed related..."

"Huh? You mean related?"

"Hey, sometimes I really admire the police department. I can actually do so many things during my vacation at home..." A genuine wry smile appeared on Tanjing's face, and he took out his briefcase under Kazuma's attention. A thicker stack of information is coming.

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