I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 716 Sir, times have changed!

"Is this the spirit of a big monster..."

Kazuma sighed with admiration from his lungs, while Seiryu and Kurosaki next to him had extremely ugly expressions.

Both of them are strong warriors who are both brave and courageous. They will not be timid against any strong opponent. However, the battle in front of them has already exceeded the level of individual martial arts.

Facing the Warring States Army that looked like the battle of Sekigahara, the three of them could not win even if Lu Bu was reincarnated and unparalleled. What's more, there was a towering castle with infinite resources behind them. The situation could be said to be almost desperate.

"The junior officers will be the forwards. Try to cover the police while you rush to the castle." Kurosaki handed the short stick to his left hand and silently pulled out the short knife from his waist. "As long as the police rush to the castle, there is still hope for a chance to fight."

"Did you hear that? Qingyue Qingyu, no matter how hard he fights, he will send Kazuma into the castle." Qingliu held his beloved sword in his hand and took a long breath.

In front of them, Shigehiro Genji's army had been deployed, forming a semi-encirclement formation from three directions.

The spear in the ashigaru's hand shone with cold light, the horse astride the samurai snorted, and the war drums stopped for a moment, but the air was extremely tight.

Seiryu and Kurosaki clenched their weapons and stared ahead, but they couldn't help but picture the raging tide filling the plain and the stones on the ground being swallowed up in an instant.


Kazuma didn't pay attention to the tense army over there, his eyes always stopped at the castle tower.

There is Genji Shigehiro in the castle tower, and that is his opponent.

The majestic castle and mighty army in front of them are just virtual images created by Yuanshi Shigehong with the help of the power of Changan Land. There is no point in entangled with them.

Kazuma took a deep breath and felt his head become incredibly clear. The sudden surge of high-spirited emotions was exactly the same as when Heihachirou, the ghost-killer, was there.

Although the situation seemed so desperate, Kazuma confirmed for no reason that he was not completely powerless to fight back.

He definitely has the power to compete with Genji Shigehiro.

Genji Shigehiro created a castle and an army by controlling the Land of Eternal Darkness. He should be able to, at least, pry a gap in his control.

Kazuma took a deep breath and turned his attention away from the castle tower.

Shigehiro Genji made this dark place a dreamland, and he could materialize anything in his dreams.

Kazuma is quite experienced in dreaming. Basically, what appears in his dreams are the things that impress him most.

Kazuma closed his eyes and began to meditate.

The sound of trumpets sounded across the plains, and Genji Shigehiro's army launched a charge amidst the sound of the trumpets.

Tens of thousands of people and horses roared towards this side, and even the ground trembled.

Kazuma heard Seiryu's panicked cry, but ignored it.

The image painted in his mind became clearer and clearer, and at a certain point, Kazuma instinctively stretched out his hand, and then felt a solid weight in his palm.


What Kazuma is holding is a Huawei mobile phone, which was also the item he used every day before traveling through time.

However, in this world line, Huawei mobile phones are far from being born, that is, they do not exist in the real world. In other words, Kazuma finally took control of Chang An Mengland.

"Hehe, hehe." It turns out it's that simple, Kazuma chuckled.

Under the surprised gaze of Seiryu next to him, Kazuma put Masamune into its sheath and snapped his fingers.

The roar of the engine sounded behind him, and the GTR, which was driving rapidly from a distance, stopped beside him with a beautiful tail flick.

Next to them, Kurosaki and Haruyu's mouths simultaneously curved into an O shape.

Hema opened the door and asked the two stunned people to get in the car.

Although both of them looked quite confused, they hurriedly got into the GTR when they saw that the cavalry holding spears and guns were almost in front of them. The moment he closed the car door and stepped on the accelerator, the GTR immediately jumped out like a rabbit.


"what is that!?"

In the castle tower on top of the castle, Genji Shigehiro, who was drinking, threw the cup out on the spot.

"Why does that happen!?"

Genji Shigehiro's face was filled with astonishment, and he could hardly believe his eyes.

This Chang An Dreamland was a place he had spent a lot of effort to build. It was a place of chaos that was both real and illusory.

It stands to reason that everything in Chang An's dreamland is under his control. From the climate to the environment, everything is according to his wishes. Even the intruders are just puppets dancing in his palms.

However, Kiryu Kazuma just created things in it that shouldn't exist.

In Shigehiro Genji's understanding, this is impossible to happen.

Metaphorically speaking, it is like a stage play that performs history that in turn shakes history itself. This is a situation that is almost ridiculous.

At this time, on the plain below, the GTR driven by Kazuma easily shook off the oncoming ashigaru and cavalry, and galloped around the castle as if mocking Genji Shigehiro.

Looking at the army that was torn apart in the embarrassing chase, Genji Shigehiro suddenly thought of another possibility - if that were the case, it would probably explain why Kiryu Kazuma could do such a thing in Chang An's dreamland.

However, admitting this means that he must accept the fact that he has lost his absolute control over the territory.

This is impossible no matter what.

"Damn Kiryu Kazuma."

Genji Shigehiro kicked the desk away, cursed and stood up, walked to the railing, stared at the GTR below, and waved his arms vigorously.

In response to the master's actions, the drums of the castle suddenly changed, and then the castle guards launched artillery pieces from various positions and mounted them on the city wall. They aimed at the GTRs circling below and began to fire wildly.

The artillery set up in the castle is still an old-fashioned sliding-chamber cannon from the Warring States Period. The scene of hundreds of artillery firing at the same time is quite spectacular. However, the range and power of the artillery shells are far from comparable to modern artillery.

After a round of salvo fire, the GTR only left a few scratches on the body, as if Kazuma was not a GTR, but the protagonist's car in "Knight Rider".

However, those unexploded shells were scattered around the castle and became dangerous like lurking mines. As a result, the GTR was unable to move closer to the castle.

However, reloading the old smoothbore cannon took a considerable amount of time. During the interval of a salvo, Kazuma found an open space and stopped the GTR.

"Tsk, it seems we can't rush in directly."

Kazuma looked regretfully at the Chonghong Castle in front of him. The bumpy dirt road can no longer support the GTR, and the structure of the GTR itself is not suitable for use as a siege weapon.

If you want to break through such a strong castle, summoning Katyusha for a baptism of truth is a good plan, but considering that Xiao Aixiang is still in it as a human pillar, you can't be so reckless.

"At this point, I won't be surprised if anything happens again."

Seiryu in the back seat muttered and complained as if she was speechless.

Kazuma suddenly looked at the unique entry above Kurosaki's head as if something was wrong.

In this world line, entries have an extraordinary effect on personal abilities, and if the definition is broader, tanks and aircraft should also be included in the category of proficiency of "weapons experts", right?

"Kurosaki-kun, can you fly a helicopter?" Kazuma asked first to be on the safe side.

"Huh? The junior official does have a pilot's license, but the types he has flown are quite limited..." Kurosaki was stunned for a moment before answering.

"It shouldn't matter. After all, this is the dreamland of half-truths and half-falsehoods, and the judgment on actual operations is relatively loose... In fact, in order to save time, I would like to ask you to drive us up in that one." Kazuma looked towards The towering castle stands in front, pointing to the sky.

As Kazuma pointed, a deafening roar sounded in the air.

Kurosaki saw the ultimate mash-up product that was beyond his comprehension.

An attack helicopter descended from the sky with a large speaker playing Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries." I call it the ultimate mash-up because the thing that plays the background music from the famous scene in "Apocalypse Now" is not the Huey of the US Army, but something more modern.

This is the vehicle of the Soviet VDV commando team and the star of the Afghan War - the Mi-24 Hind helicopter gunship. It successfully made the Stinger missile famous in Afghanistan.

It's a pity that the Warring States Army in front of us has no anti-aircraft missiles at all.

They could only try their luck with the iron cannons in their hands.

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