I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 719 Don’t worry, you will be next

"Wait a minute, I have something for you."

After saying that, Kazuma hurried back to the living room. After rummaging through the cabinets for a while, he ran back and took out a dirty-looking broken rope knot under Tamamo.

"Is this?" The fox looked over in surprise.

"It's Genji Shigehiro... This is the only thing left by the Dream-Eating Tapir." The Dream-Eating Tapir was beheaded by Masamune in Mengyuan Township, and its existence disappeared without a trace like a dream. Only this unknown weapon was left at the scene. Kazuma easily picked up the worn knot that came out of the rope.

This was also a habit he had left over from playing games for many years. After defeating the BOSS, he would always scrape off the ground and move everything around him that could be easily transported.

The aftereffects of brushing Meng Yuanxiang left him in a daze for several days. It was not until he saw the Tamamo Festival today that he remembered this matter and quickly took it out.

"That's it..." Tamamo took the knot handed over by Kazuma with an indescribable expression, and exhaled after a while, "Did you know? Kazuma, there was no writing in Japan during the Jomon period. People can only record information by weaving knots... This knot may record a very important piece of history at that time."

"You mean, this knot is the... er, origin of the dream-eating tapir's birth?" Kazuma guessed.

"At least it's something like a swaddling clothes. I'm afraid there's a very deep connection with it..." The fox raised his head slightly and looked at him with a half-smile, "I said, dear, forget about the Ksitigarbha statue last time. Today What do you want to do by bringing this back again?"

"Well, I originally planned to bury it under the cherry blossom tree... So what, will there be any bad effects?" Kazuma asked cautiously.

The Dream-Eating Tapir is cruel, but it is still a big monster that will go down in history. It would be too miserable to just disappear without a trace in Mengyuan Township.

Kazuma picked up the knot with the intention of making something similar to a tomb. This has nothing to do with each other's hostile stance. It was purely based on Kazuma's traditional Chinese humanistic feelings. From Tamamo's tone, it sounds like this is not appropriate?

"Well, there are probably two influences." Tamamo answered.

"...Which two?" Kazuma swallowed.

"One, it will make me respect and love my husband even more." The fox winked at Kazuma with a smile, "Two, in the future, the Kiryu Dojo will probably become more and more lush like this cherry tree. If this is what you expected Kazuma to be.”

"Are you serious?" Kazuma looked at Tamamo in shock.

"Of course it's true." Tamamo looked thoughtfully in the direction of Xiao Caixiang, "Dream-Eating Tapir built the Dreamland Village with Xiao Caixiang as its pillar, right? Now Xiao Caixiang is temporarily staying in our dojo, so It means that this fate has also turned around... Do you think this is a coincidence or a coincidence? The flow of destiny is indeed moving in this direction. If we don't go out, Kiryu Dojo will probably continue to increase this aspect of karma in the future. As the leader, you must be mentally prepared."

"Oh...oh." Kazuma nodded.

In fact, he somewhat understood what Tamamo said. Ever since the statue of Ksitigarbha was enshrined and the ashram was elevated to the level of eternal darkness, I felt that things around me were changing in a very obvious trend. Is this probably the "flow of destiny" that Tamamo said?

But Kazuma had nothing to worry about.

As the holder of the "Dao of Heaven" entry, as long as his actions do not violate the Dao of Heaven, the protection of the laws of the world will always be on his side.

"Well, come here and sit down." Tamamo, who was in a good mood for some reason, found a place to sit under the cherry blossom tree, then patted his knees and motioned for Kazuma to lie down here.

"Okay." It's rare for a beautiful woman to invite him, so Hema lay down on him unceremoniously.

A warm and soft touch came from the back of his head, and the sunlight penetrated the leaves and fell on his face. Kazuma opened his eyes and looked at the fox's charming face, feeling that she seemed to have something to say.

"What?" Kazuma looked at her.

"About what you asked me a while ago..." Tamamo said hesitantly.

After returning from Menggen Township a while ago, Kazuma once asked Tamamo for advice, asking him what was the reason for his unexplained high-spirited mood when he faced Genji Shigehiro?

Also, he had a similar feeling when he fought with Heihachirou the Demon before.

It might be a coincidence once, but if it is repeated again and again, it means that the situation is obviously unusual.

The only one who could ask for advice in this regard was the Great Demon Fox, but at that time Tamamo seemed to be worried about something and did not give a direct answer, but now it seems that the time has come to answer.

Kazuma looked at the fox, his ears perked up.

"Actually, the situation is not that complicated, it just involves some rules..." Tamamo stretched out her hand to lift the hair from her ears and spoke while arranging it.

“To be honest, the world on the mysterious side is quite similar to the real world.

"Just like in the modern world, different people use their wealth and power to determine the level of social status. Monsters...or, in other words, the residents of the mysterious side also have differences in dominance levels based on their strength."

"Domination, rank?" Kazuma frowned.

"Yes. Since all monsters are born from nature, the level of dominance is probably innate, and no one can escape its influence.

“For example, when a low-level little monster goes up against a high-level monster, they will instinctively feel the natural pressure from the dominant level.

"Then if there are big monsters of the same high level facing each other, unless one party surrenders or withdraws, there will definitely be a duel for dominance, just like two tigers fighting against each other."

"I see... But what does this have to do with me?" Kazuma nodded and wondered. He looked up and saw the fox's half-smiling eyes, and suddenly woke up, "Wait a minute, could you mean... …When I fought with Heihachiro, was it a suppression of dominance? Then when I fought against Genji Shigehiro, was it a duel where the superiors competed for dominance?”

"That's it." Tamamo patted his head in praise.

"But I'm a human!? Not a monster." Kazuma naturally questioned.

"Not just monsters, the rules governing rank apply to all residents of the Mysterious Side. Now, do you think you can still stay outside the Mysterious Side?"

Tamamo looked at Kazuma with a smile.

"Being able to compete with Dream Eater Tapir for the control of Meng Yuan Township on his territory is enough to prove that Kazuma your rank is equal to his, otherwise you would have been swallowed up to the point where not even the bones and dirt are left."

"You mean, I am a superior on the same level as the big monster?"

Kazuma blinked, his face full of disbelief. Even if there was no logical problem with what Tamamo said, he couldn't accept it emotionally.

"But there is a problem? You are also a superior on the mysterious side, and your rank is higher than the Dream-Eating Tapir, right? Why is there no duel for dominance between us?"

"Well..." Tamamo pursed her lips and smiled, casting a flirtatious look at Kazuma, "Of course it's because I have been surrendered by my husband both physically and mentally? Since I am convinced by my husband, how can I still fight? Can you get up?"

I'll give it a try, it can still be like this! ?

Cold sweat broke out on Kazuma's forehead, and the flirtatious look directed at him by the big demon fox caused a wave of Yang fire to shoot straight from his dantian to his forehead. If the situation had been different, he would probably have gone straight to family law. Although the fox said that he was subdued, looking at it from another perspective, maybe he was the one who was captured?


The Kuki-gumi was originally a famous martial arts faction under the Kanto Alliance. However, after becoming a pawn of Honggenji, most of the group, starting from the original leader Kuki-heihachirou, were lost in the confrontation with Kiryu Kazuma.

The Nine Ghost Group actually existed in name only, and the office that was its base was of course empty of people. There was nothing left after the collapse of Mengyuan Township.

The Nine Demons Group has always had a bad reputation. Even if its organization has disappeared, surrounding residents would not dare to approach the evil party's empty nest. But today was a bit unusual. The vacant office welcomed two guests.

One of them is a man in a suit wearing glasses, and the other is a red-haired girl wearing a high school uniform.

Kuki Office still maintains its appearance as it did when it fell. There is a musty smell in the air, and a pile of unfinished wine bottles can be seen in the room, as well as sticks and instruments placed everywhere.

There was no life in the office, and there was an air of decay from top to bottom.

After a brief inspection of the office, Shibata Hisashi, a thin man in glasses and a suit, took out his mobile phone from his briefcase, dialed a number, and reported the inspection to his employer.

"Yes, there are no traces left here. There are no castles, no soldiers, and all 'non-common sense' existence has been wiped out..." Shibauda Hisashi reported in a low voice, "It is certain that Section Chief Shigehiro was defeated. Kiryu Kazuma.”

"Really, the Dream-Eating Tapir has disappeared now..." A lonely voice came from the other end of the phone.

Shiba Ikuta, who was holding the big brother, fell silent for a long time. He knew that Genji Shigehiro was the second-in-command of Fuzhi Technology and an expert in mysterious affairs.

In the past two years, he has actually presided over and promoted many projects of Fuzhi Technology, and he also holds the key to them - such a key figure was suddenly attacked by Kiryu Kazuma, and his influence on Fuzhi Technology was like a thunderbolt from the clear sky. !

It is impossible to find someone who can replace Shigehiro Genji in the short term, which means that many projects invested by the company will have to be temporarily stranded or even abandoned.

Thinking of that astronomical amount of investment, even Hisashi Shibakuta couldn't help but tremble slightly. However, judging from the reaction on the other side of the phone, Aikawa Horutong didn't seem to particularly care about it.

"Kizuma Kiryu, speaking of it, it seems that he has taken a lot of care from him..." The faint voice of Aikawa Horataka came from the phone, "I didn't expect that the plan would be overturned after it has been advanced to this point. It’s unbelievable, is he the destined nemesis of Fuzhi Technology?”

Aikawa Horutong murmured, and after a moment he turned to ask about Murasaki Shikibu's situation.

Shiba Ikuta moved his eyes to the red-haired girl who came with him.

At this moment, Murasaki Shikibu, who looks like a high school student, is sitting on the only sofa in the office, staring into the void with a gloomy face, wondering what he is thinking.

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