I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 728 To be honest, the scene on this boat looks so familiar, as if that man is about to appea


Amao, who arrived half a step behind Kazuma, grabbed the berserker's arm from behind and tried to subdue him with karate techniques.

However, the other party just roared and shook his arm violently, then threw Amao's entire body out. Amao rolled several times in the air and landed awkwardly, almost hitting Chiyoko who fell behind.

"Damn it."

Kazuma cursed at this. Amao's karate was inherited from Master Suzuki, but he couldn't even subdue them. It seemed that Fuzhi Technology had really spent a lot of money this time.

Kazuma's eyes fell on the juniors who were roaring violently, and he saw the words "Change into ghosts?" with black energy rising above their heads.

However, compared with Kosa and Heihachiro's time, there is an extra question mark at the end of their entries - according to experience, question marks often indicate that the target is in an ambiguous swing state. Under the current situation, Kazuma understands it Those violent descendants who have been injected with monster serum may still have a chance to change back.

As for the reason, it was probably Horon Aikawa who lowered the serum concentration in order to cover up the situation and board the ship?

Anyway, there is only one thing to do at this stage.

Kazuma reached out to pick up a wooden knife that fell on the ground during the commotion, weighed it in his hand, and threw the walkie-talkie to Chiyoko and Amao over there.

"I'll handle it here, and you can help suppress the riots elsewhere."

"But..." Chiyoko hesitated as she looked at several wolf-like berserkers.

"Go!" Kazuma roared, taking a sudden step forward.

That step shook the dust and crushed the atmosphere. The swordsman's momentum poured over like a tsunami, swallowing up the turbulent scene in an instant. The violent juniors with the blackened words instantly focused their attention on Kazuma. , as if fighting against the superior pressure, letting out a low roar unwilling to surrender.

The two momentums clashed fiercely in the narrow corridor. The extremely tight air stimulated Muramasa behind him to let out a sword cry that was almost joyful!

If he pulls it out, there is a high probability that Hema will be able to use his divine power to defeat the enemy instantly, but of course he cannot do this.

"Come on, I'll guide you."

Kazuma caught a glimpse of Amao dragging Chiyoko up from the corner of his eye, and then he took a deep breath to calm the anger in his heart, and pointed his wooden sword forward.

That action kicked off the conflict, and a demon transformer lunged at Kazuma first with a low roar. The muscles on his body swelled several times more than usual, and sharp claws even grew on his fingertips.

The hard claws pulled out a series of sparks and claw marks on the steel deck, and then followed the momentum and hit Kazuma's head - of course there is no need to worry if he is shot.

Kazuma just turned sideways slightly to dodge the claw attack, and struck the demon-transformer in the waist with a horizontal slash.

For Kazuma, who had already reached a high level, the possibility of losing to a few half-humans and half-demon was not even remotely possible. On the contrary, the premise of being careful not to kill them forced him to spend several times more effort.

The slashed ghost transformer let out a low roar of pain, and then raised his leg to kick Kazuma. There was not even half a beat of hesitation in the action - obviously, the serum of Fuzhi Technology gave them extraordinary powers. Strength and endurance, a blow of this level cannot stop their movements - Kazuma thought in his head, but swung the wooden sword slowly in his hand.

The wooden knife struck hard on the ankle where it was kicked, and there was a sound of cracking bones.

The second blow landed on the knee, and there was also a disgusting cracking sound.

After two slashes, the ghost-turner passed by the horse and fell to the ground with a thud.

No matter how much the Fuzhi Serum strengthens their strength and endurance, if the skeleton structure supporting the body is destroyed, it is physically impossible to stand up again.

I saw the ghost transformer with his joints shattered screaming and struggling on the ground, but he couldn't get up.

Kazuma steeled himself and ignored the roar from the other side, pointed the blade at the remaining seven people, and curved the corner of his mouth.

"Let's attack together, I can handle it."

The reason why he adopted the posture of Kendo Jigu is because only in this way can Kazuma be brave enough to wield the sword.

Almost everyone in the Dongda Kendo Club worships him as a life idol after winning the Jade Dragon Flag. These serum-injected kendo juniors all have the experience of receiving personal guidance from Kazuma.

At that time, the happy smiles of the juniors mixed with the violent howling in front of him, which caused a lot of disturbance to Kazuma.

Kazuma suppressed his wavering with an iron will, concealed his expression, and seized every opening with the wooden sword in his hand to strike hard.

In the corridor in front of the infirmary

Scalp-numbing cracking sounds resounded frequently in the cabin, then suddenly stopped after a long while.

In the corridor in front of the infirmary, Kazuma stood panting heavily.

Only half of the wooden sword was left in his hand, and the eight violent ghosts were all reduced to powerless existences that could only lie on the ground and roar.

Drops of sweat or something else flowed from Kazuma's cheek to his chin, and then dripped to the ground. The highly concentrated and intense activities in a short period of time consumed him greatly, but the mental impact he suffered was even more severe.

Even if those descendants whose limbs and joints were broken by him can regain consciousness in the future, they will probably only live a semi-disabled life.

They were originally so full of vitality and heroic appearance, but now all the beauty of youth no longer exists for them.

The mastermind behind the scheme against them was Aikawa Horutong, but the one who personally ruined their bright future was not others but themselves.

"damn it……"

Kazuma's eyes were hot, and he was gasping for air as if he had been hit hard in the chest.

A scene of Horon Aikawa bowing slightly appeared before his eyes, and at the same time, an unprecedented hatred rose from the bottom of his heart.

"Horon Aikawa! I'm going to kill you!"

Kazuma clenched his fists and growled lowly, while behind him Muramasa also let out a high-pitched chirp to hide his displeasure.


The Nanjo Consortium has a great business, and the SP organization established to protect the family property is also an elite one. In addition, Suzuki, a master of karate, is in charge.

Logically speaking, this kind of combat power is enough to suppress a medium-sized rebellion. However, due to the sudden incident, even if Honami asked Suzuki to dispatch immediately, the passengers who had returned to their cabins to rest after being injected with the "vaccination" still started riots all over the cruise ship. .

"Ah!? Don't come over!"

"What's going on? There's a mob attack!?"

"Someone is going crazy! Killing people randomly over there! Run!"

A restaurant on the mid-deck of the cruise ship fell into chaos when a diner suddenly went berserk.

The demonized diners overturned the tables, punched the wine barrels with their fists, and kicked the waiter who came to dissuade him out of the glass door.

Several diners who were closer fell into a pool of blood before they could escape. The rest of the diners who reacted screamed and fled the restaurant.

As the crowd fled, a little girl was pushed down and cried loudly next to the collapsed table and chair. She wanted to come back to pull her father, but was knocked down by a flying chair.

The restaurant fell into chaos. On the upper deck a little away from the chaotic restaurant, Fengguo Xiaoyou leaned on the railing and looked at the miserable chaos below, shaking her head unbearably.

"Is it necessary to do this?" Fengguo Xiaoyou looked at the thin man beside her.

"Of course it is necessary." Xiangchuan stared down with a cold face and answered without any hesitation.

"Kiryu and Marco are serious problems for our faction. The police inspector ordered us to get rid of them by any means... Well, that's what they say, but it's Aikawa Horoutu who actually does it." Mukagawa said so, There was a look of joy in others' misfortune on his face, "I heard that the project he worked so hard to build was destroyed by Kiryu Kazuma a while ago, so he created such a big battle this time. Even if Kiryu Kazuma can be eliminated in this way, It is bound to provoke a war with the Nanjo Consortium. If both parties lose, then it will be the most ideal outcome for us."

The rapid rise of Fuzhi Technology is indispensable to win over top political and business leaders, and the Fengguo faction gathered by corrupt police superintendents is the party that profits the most.

However, the alliance between the two parties is at best a pure exchange of interests. They may be able to reach an agreement in dealing with Kiryu and Ma Ma, but after that, don't expect any benevolence at all.

Listening to Xiangchuan Yangyang's proud analysis, Fengguo Xiaoyu stopped talking and moved his eyes to the restaurant below.

The scene there has changed.

A young man holding a wooden knife blocked the rioting demon transformers, and the crying little girl was also rescued by a girl who was traveling with him.

Toyokuni Xiaoyu recognized that they were Kiryu Kazuma's disciple and sister, and indescribable emotions welled up in her heart.

She is the daughter of a wealthy family and grew up in such an atmosphere. She always thought that the so-called "justice and evil" were just fairy tales for children, and that chaotic gray was the normal state of the adult world.

But at this moment, over there, the line between black and white is so clear.

"Hmph, the Nanjo family finally came to their senses."

Next to him, Xiangchuan sneered. Toyokuni Xiaoyou followed his line of sight and saw a team of heavily armed elite SPs rushing towards the messy restaurant.

Fengguo Xiaoyou couldn't help frowning, but Xiangchuan seemed to have misunderstood her meaning, so he comforted her.

"Please don't worry, Miss. I have contacted President Aikawa to ensure that everything is under control. If something happens, we can take refuge in the bottom cabin, where he has prepared evacuation tools in advance."

"……I see."

Feng Guo Xiaoyou nodded silently and glanced towards the restaurant. Suddenly, his whole body trembled and he looked up in fear.

Although no sound was heard in his ears, an invisible force suddenly came over him.

It felt like a lion roaring on the cliff, and the entire cruise ship seemed to be covered in its fierce power.

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