I teach kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 8 Hundreds of

The time to meet the devil has passed, and it is the time when hundreds of ghosts walk at night.

Nishikiyama Heita is one of the many "evil ghosts" who act under the bright lights of Tokyo day after day, because he had a huge ghost face tattooed on his back just a few days ago.

Of course, he had to bear the name of Ghost Ping Tai first before he got the ghost face tattoo.

At this time, he was wearing his beloved floral suit, which was matched with the fiery red shirt. This outfit was unconventional, but in shape it was consistent with those of the Victory Team who graduated from prestigious schools.

The collar of the floral suit has a pattern on it. This is an honor that Nishikiyama Heita has worked hard for several years to achieve.

From the moment he puts on the group tattoo, he is the leader of the Kanto United Nishikiyama Group.

He is no longer the lost dog Heita.

The Nishikiyama-gumi office is a two-story building, with a restaurant on the first floor - a restaurant that is perfect when you need to gather people.

The second floor is the main body of the office. In front of the north wall is Nishikiyama Heita's desk. Two cheap sofas are placed in an L shape in front of the desk. On the coffee table, which is also full of cheapness, there is a statue of Nioh. and ashtray.

Behind the location of Jinshan, there is a calligraphy request from Master Kukai, the abbot of Emperor Shakten, hanging on the wall. On it is a single word "win".

Generally speaking, Ji Dao will be "Benevolent and Righteous" or "Ren Xia", but Nishikiyama Heita just wants to win, and he doesn't care about anything else.

Those who win are called humans, those who lose are just dogs.

If it fails, no matter how much benevolence, justice and morality are, it will be nothing more than a piece of paper.

This is the greatest experience that Jinshan Heita has summed up over the years.

In fact, Nishikiyama Heita originally wanted to be a "Shura", which means "even if you transform into a Shura, you must achieve what you want in your heart."

But Master Kukai stared at him for a long time, rejected his request, and wrote the word "win" to him.

"You cannot follow the path of Shura." The master asserted.

Nishikiyama Heita doesn't believe in Buddhism, so he doesn't care much about the master's judgment.

I still hang up the master’s ink calligraphy purely because the word “sheng” is written really well and it is in line with Nishikiyama Heita’s philosophy of life.

Sitting in front of the big Katsuji, Nishikiyama Heita looked at his subordinates who had just returned to report: "So, the 'young master' of that dojo gave the Tsuda group a beating?"

"Yes, it's absolutely true. I confirmed it with several witnesses!" The younger brother nodded repeatedly.

"What an eyewitness!" The bald man who had hung a chicken at the door of Kazuma's dojo that morning punched the coffee table and yelled angrily, "It's like a piece of paper!"

"Bando, shut up." Nishikiyama Heita said coldly.


As the "Wakatou" of the Jinshan Group, Bando is responsible for teaching the team members, and shouting is actually his "scope of authority."

But Nishikiyama Heita doesn't like this vicious Yakuza style.

However, this set is popular among the Yakuza mainly because it is easy to use.

Unlike the American Yakuza who made their fortunes through prohibition, the Japanese Yakuza basically made their fortunes through the wave of real estate development. What they did was coercion and inducement to drive people away and then sell the land.

Large-scale Yakuza organizations will purchase the land deeds in the areas scheduled to be developed at a low price, drive away the people, and combine them into a complete "unowned land" to be packaged and sold to developers.

Therefore, most Yakuza organizations are known as "real estate companies" on the surface.

The same is true for the Jinshan Formation.

They even pay taxes like a real corporation.

Because of this, for the Yakuza, their viciousness is their bread and butter.

It is the foundation of a Yakuza organization to have a vicious Wakatou watch over the group of people below and let them follow their example.

"But in the end, the sweets shop moved away?" Nishikiyama Heita asked the younger brother who came to report the news.

"Yes!" This time the younger brother answered loudly following Wakatou's instructions, which made Bando nod with satisfaction.

"In the end, the credit goes to the Tsuda-gumi. However, that guy Tsuda won't let it go. The brother and sister at the dojo are in trouble. I guess the Tsuda-gumi will cross the line."

Bando looked surprised: "Wasn't the division of this business's territory decided at the last Kanto joint cadre meeting?"

"That's Mad Dog Tsuda, he doesn't care about that much. We need to handle the dojo affairs immediately, and don't let the Tsuda team pick the peaches first."

Nishikiyama Heita raised his chin, glanced at the ceiling, and slowly blew out a smoke ring: "The original plan has been shortened. Let's start tomorrow. It will be difficult to let the Tsuda group become an established fact. By the way, let's also let Other unscrupulous neighbors, look at the consequences of being fined if you don’t eat the toast.”

"Tomorrow?" Bando confirmed again, "Are you really going to do it?"

"Of course. Kidnap Chiyoko Kiryu, force Kiryu and Ma to sign a contract, that's it!"

Bando Wakatashi, together with all the juniors in the firm, responded "Drink!" to Goldman Sachs, just like the generals during the Warring States Period.


At the same time, Masaaki Tsuda slapped his subordinate Sanpei Shimajima on the face.

"Don't you know how to do judo? You were knocked down by a high school student?"

Shima Sanpei, who had a bruised nose and face, argued: "They have bamboo swords..."

"Don't you have a bat too?" Tsuda Masaaki slapped him again, then waved to the person behind him, "Bring the bat over here."

Someone immediately handed the bat to Tsuda Masaaki.

He immediately swung his stick and hit Shima Sanpei on the head.

"This is how the bat is used! Do you understand?"

Shima Sanpei nodded.

"You failed to complete your task, cut off your finger to apologize." Masaaki Tsuda stood up and threw the bat to the person behind him.

Shima Sanpei was stunned: "Finger?"

"Yeah, never seen a Yakuza movie? Cut off your finger!"

Shima Sanpei almost cried: "Give me a chance, team leader..."

Tsuda Masaaki shook his head: "Have you ever seen this kind of coward? He couldn't beat a high school student, he's embarrassed our team, and now he's crying even if he cuts off his finger. You shouldn't be a Yakuza, you should go back to your family's farm to feed Cow!”

"The farm has been lost to my father, I have to be in Tokyo..."

"Who cares about you?"

Tsuda Masaaki slapped Shima Sanpei on the head again.

At this time, Naoto Wakataya of the Tsuda Group stepped forward and asked for instructions: "How about I take the brothers to that dojo tomorrow to play?"

"Are you stupid? That's the area designated at the cadre meeting. It was decided by the big bosses of the direct organization while smoking Cuban cigars. For a small organization like ours, we have to wait for the Jinshan Group to go there. You have to fail in collecting the dojo!”

Tsuda Masaaki's words were overshadowed by Shima Sanpei's scream as he cut his fingers.

This made him look impatient and roll his eyes.

Naoto Wakataya hurriedly instructed his younger brothers: "Get him out quickly and bandage him. Don't go to a regular hospital, go to a clinic!"

When the younger brothers were hurriedly moving Shima Sanpei, who was still bleeding, Naoto Tan turned around and said to Tsuda Masaaki, "Just waiting? Nishikiyama Heita is not a man who fails so easily."

"Isn't this better?" Masaaki Tsuda asked, "Now that Heita Nishikiyama has done it, doesn't it mean that the brother and sister have to move out of their current home? Then they will leave the area of ​​Nishikiyama Group." ?Hmph, when the time comes, won’t we be able to kill or scrape as we please?”

As he said that, Tsuda Masaaki smiled maliciously.

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