As the battle progressed, the mechanical lion god bit and devoured the half-body monster one by one.

Every time it swallows and digests a part of tissue, it can decompose and obtain a part of alien technology, which can be strengthened.

As for the half-length monster, every time a part of it is swallowed, its overall structure will be damaged and weakened.

As time goes by, Lin Han's side is already confident of victory.

"Mechanical Lion God, end the battle!"

Under Lin Han's order, the mechanical lion god output full power, caught the already mutilated half-body monster, and ate it out of control.

Finally, the half-body monster lost its activity in a burst of trembling.

After the mechanical lion god swallowed the entire half-body monster, the battle came to an end.

Looking back, the planet below is already devastated.

But Lin Han didn't care.

He only cares about one thing.

"Mechanical Lion God, try to analyze all technologies!"

The purpose of devouring the half-body monster is to obtain the opponent's technology.

Now, the goal is achieved!

Following Lin Han's order, the Mechanical Lion God quickly displayed all the plundered technologies.

In fact, when it first devoured the demigod monster, it was already analyzing the target's technology.

However, the analyzed data is not complete and relatively fragmented.

After swallowing them all, these fragments are combined to form a complete set of technical templates.

Therefore, it was displayed in front of Lin Han through the first perspective.

Lin Han watched.

Unexpectedly, I found more than a hundred technologies, large and small, displayed in front of me!

Among them, the light shield technology that he is most concerned about ranks first!

"Very good, it seems that the robbery was successful!"

He continued to look down and discovered several other important technologies.

"Adapt to teleportation technology..."

"Zero-latency monitoring technology..."

"And this is...a memory unit!"

The so-called adaptive transmission technology should be a kind of protective technology when this thing crawled out of the black cavity in the sky at the beginning.

Avoid physical damage during teleportation.

As for the zero-delay monitoring technology, just as Lin Han expected, the half-length monster was indeed here to collect combat data from the mechanical lion god!

This technology is like a monitor. I am afraid that I have watched all the battle scenes of the mechanical lion god!

However, Lin Han had already expected it, so he hid it. Even if he was monitored, it didn't matter.

As for...the last memory unit, this is not a sophisticated technology.

Instead, after the mechanical lion god swallowed the half-body monster, it read the alien memory from the monster's body!

Compared with the previous technologies, Lin Han personally believes that this thing is the most important!


Because Lin Han came here to collect enemy intelligence.

A monster with memory is the best source of intelligence!

The memory of this monster is the information that has been obtained!

"Mechanical Lion God, start the simulation scene and open the target memory unit!" Lin Han ordered immediately!

When humans recall memories, they often do so from a third perspective.

The same goes for this monster's memory.

Lin Han just wanted to see what the other party was!

He entered the first perspective of the mechanical lion god, so that he could reproduce the memory of the half-length monster through the simulation of the mechanical lion god!


The screen expands!

The first thing Lin Han saw was a magnificent city standing in the universe.

He observed that the perspective was shaking slightly, and that the magnificent city in the perspective was constantly moving, and he concluded that the target was sailing at this time, and the target location was the cosmic city!

This made Lin Han a little interested.

After a while of shaking, the target finally landed in the cosmic city.

From the outside, this cosmic city is not very big, but after landing, you will find that this city is simply beyond imagination.

The half-length monster marched for a long time without stopping.

Obviously it has not reached the specific target location.

Lin Han continued to watch patiently, and finally, the light color in front of him gradually changed.

The half-length monster also slowed down.

At this time, through the memory of the half-length monster, Lin Han saw a tall figure.

This place was like a bloody palace, and that tall figure was sitting on the throne.

"Great Alex..." The half-body monster made a humble voice.

But before it could finish speaking, it was interrupted by a terrifying force.

"Stop it or I'll take it as a declaration of war."

The scene was silent for ten seconds.

Lin Han also stayed for ten seconds.

Ten seconds later, he suddenly realized that what he just said was not what the master said to the soldiers, but...

It was the being called ‘Alex’ who said this to Lin Han!

This is Lin Han's intuition.

He felt that this sentence was meant for him.

Although it all sounds unreal, that's how he feels!

He was obviously watching the half-body monster's memory, why did such a scene happen?

Why did he see a creature from his memory, and this creature could still speak to him, the voyeur?

At this time,

That voice came again!

"No doubt, I am talking to you!"


Lin Han's guess was confirmed.

But there were still many doubts in his heart.

The memory image of the half-length monster was frozen here, and he carefully observed the target in front of him.

This creature called Alex is different from the humanoid creatures seen before.

Under the red light, his body was not very tall, just over two meters tall.

There are no sharp horns or scales that highlight the defensive power on the whole body.

The body proportions are very close to humans.

But from this relatively small body, it exudes an unrivaled momentum.

"The enemy's leader?" Lin Han murmured.

"Being able to reach this point proves that you are powerful enough. Conquerors only value power. Tell us your galaxy coordinates, and I, Alex, will vouch for you. Come and join the army of the greatest master of the universe."

"The greatest master of the universe?"

Lin Han had doubts again.

In the panel of the Creator, the word Lord is also present.

That’s it: the dominance stage!

Is this a coincidence?

As for joining the command of this alien creature, that is completely nonsense.

Which creator would join the forces of a native civilization?

"Hello? Can you hear me?" Lin Han tried to communicate.

"Of course." Alex replied.

"Oh, that's good, tell me your coordinates."

"I can forgive your recklessness, but only this time. After all, you have not been baptized by the light of evolution. You don't need to know my coordinates, because Alex is everywhere. As long as you report your galaxy coordinates, I will We can send divine warriors to receive you.”

"You may have misunderstood..."

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