"The best way to avoid fighting is to fight quickly!"

Lin Han thought.

next moment.

Use authority!

Monster Civilization Billions of monsters come out in full force!

All of a sudden.

The roaring sound is like divine artillery fire, slamming into the sky!

A golden light flashed, and a galaxy of sparks immediately appeared in the sky!


It turned out that it was the combined skill of the seven brothers of Thunderstorm King and Yan Ao Emperor.

The seven brothers of the Thunderstorm King worked together to throw the Yan Ao Emperor, who was strong in spirit and flesh and blood, into a line of fire with extremely destructive power.

All the protoss warriors who were hit by Emperor Yan'ao were like kites with their strings broken.

This blow may not kill them, but it will also cause serious injuries to their bodies.

At the same time, this blow also symbolizes the attitude and consciousness of monster civilization!

Among the ten ancient god-level civilizations in the universe, no one can underestimate the Creator, especially no one can touch the monster civilization!

Lin Han, the creator of monster civilization, not only wants to stand on an equal level with them, but will even stand above their heads in the future!

In the view of former planner Lin Han, native creatures are just a group of domestic animals kept in captivity on the farm.

Even a mere domestic animal dares to challenge the status of its owner!

Following the attack led by the Thunderstorm King, the combat units of the monster civilization launched a comprehensive sweep against the invaders!

Faced with the attitude of the monster civilization to open fire without saying a word, the warriors of the Ax Protoss were made unconfident.

"Wait a minute, this life form...!"

In the channel shared by the Protoss warriors, a life imaging diagram was posted.

I saw.

That life image is like a sun!

Seen from a distance, every little point of light, large and small, represents billions of monsters.

Further down, there is a strong and huge source of life!

That is the ‘monster civilization’!

It's not like they've never seen planet-level creatures before, but this is the first time they've seen such a strong biological magnetic field.

‘Monster Civilization’ is a monster that is easily overlooked because it is the monster planet itself.

In this mysterious planet full of monsters, who would have thought that even this planet is also a monster?

It is easily overlooked, but it is not ignored because of its weakness.

on the contrary.

It's still strong.

Because it is a conceptual monster!

The strength of the conceptual monsters thirty minutes ago might only be comparable to that of the divine warriors.

You can gain a little benefit by using strategies.

But now, thirty minutes later, the conceptual monster is no longer the same!

at this time.

In the eyes of the protoss warriors, monsters on the surface are attacking them, and even the planet is about to wake up and attack them!

In the thinking of advanced civilizations, the natural way to deal with this threat that has been detected is to eliminate it in advance!

How to eliminate it?

In fact, it's not just Lin Han who holds explosive firepower in his hands!

There are also terrifying weapons in the hands of this god-level civilization.

Previously, they did not need to use this weapon, they only needed to let their soldiers clean up.

After all, if the planet is placed there, it is still a resource in itself, right?

Now the monster planet can no longer be used as a resource. Here, it must be destroyed!

"Apply for a Star Destroyer Weapon!"

"Distribute Star Destroyer Weapons!"

"Use the RX Star Destroyer Bomb, ready!"

As another black cavity opened in the sky, a devastating weapon appeared in the hands of a divine warrior.

This protoss warrior escaped a monster attack and immediately placed the bomb in the air.

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