Qiwa Duogu lowered the first student, he knew that if he wanted to resist again, Lu Yu's foot would probably attack immediately.

He's just dead!

"Capital offense! Capital offense! But please see my sincerity!"

He looked at Lu Yu and said respectfully, opening the space ring.


The light was as bright as a star, and in an instant, five or six hundred Chaos Stones and more than eighty evil godheads appeared together.

The fluttering brilliance is brilliant and shining.


The three evil gods in Lu Yu's space were shocked!

When they saw that Qiwa was so generous, they exclaimed one after another.

"This is really generous, I didn't expect to give such a valuable gift, if it was given to me, maybe how happy I would be!"

"This makes it clear that you can casually achieve a Genshin Impact powerhouse, and it seems that there are still a lot of people in the human camp who have great power. "


The three evil gods kept muttering, but the few who followed Lu Yu looked up straight ahead, and they didn't even squint their eyes.

Their hearts were nervous.

I don't know what Lu Yu should do next, those few attacks just now, if Qiva is forced to fight back, it is very likely that something will happen at that time.

Qiwa Duogu slowly raised her head to look at Lu Yu, as if there was no movement.

"It's just a small gift, please take it with a smile. "

He looked at Lu Yu and said with a smile.

Raising his hand and not hitting the smiling person, Lu Yu had already beaten a few times, and he had collected so many godheads and chaos stones, and handed them over to Lu Yu!

"Wow. "

Lu Yu stretched out his arms, and in a space, a group of chaotic stones the size of a mountain peak emerged, and there were as many as a hundred godheads.

"Are you taking pity on me?"

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth hooked a sneer.

This guy wants to use this little gift to send himself away, so what is the next thing to do?

He wants to enter the space and look for the ring of life, but no, this guy will retreat when he says so!

And he also has a turquoise box, which contains Genshin Impact energy, which is absolutely strong, and if he doesn't achieve the goal this time, he is likely to fail!

"This ......"

Qiwa took two steps back quickly, his face was full of embarrassment, in front of Lu Yu's mountain-like gift, he seemed to be a little cold!

"An Shao, it's not that I'm looking down on you, but now we're doing business, and when this is over, I will personally apologize to you and let you punish you!"

He looked at Lu Yu and said urgently, and fell to his knees.

Now I can't be slapped in the face by Lu Yu anymore, after all, it's too embarrassing for me.

Although kneeling has been the final bottom line of his personality, there is nothing he can do now!

"Alas, it seems that those old guys still don't want us to settle down to enter this place, but now I have to go in, and you, dispose of it!"

He looked at Qiva and said unscrupulously, the divine brilliance in the palm of his hand lit up like a divine sun.

Huge spider patterns cracked across the ground around them.

Lu Yu's divine brilliance gathered.


The white-haired old man in a golden suit walked out of the door.

When he saw the brilliance in Lu Yu's hand, a long sword also floated from behind me.

The people behind him didn't dare to speak, if they killed the Genshin of the An family, this matter would be stabbed to the sky!


Lu Yu grasped the brilliance of divinity in his palm and turned into nothingness.

He kicked Kiva Duogu to the ground and strode towards the old man in the golden suit.

"If I'm right, then you should be Osdoherich, but before you do anything, you should think about it and ask who you are aiming for?" haha......"

He looked at Osdochrich and said with a smile.

Stretched out his arm and slapped it Osdoherich's shoulder.


A handful of old bones from Osdoherich turned out to be two pieces.

One of his leather shoes had fallen into the pit, originally he was two points more noble than Lu Yu, but now he was exactly the same as Lu Yu!

"Hahaha...... I really didn't expect that after such a long time, this kind of fire still hasn't been extinguished. "

He looked at Lu Yu and slapped his outstretched palm on Lu Yu's shoulder.

"Bang bang!"

Two heavy voices, accompanied by the physical power of Genshin Impact, slapped on Lu Yu's shoulder.

Osdoherich gritted his teeth, but the smile still changed from his face.

His palms trembled slightly as he stretched out behind him, and his old bones were about to break with the two blows.

Lu Yu fought in place with a smile, he had a diamond realm, and his body was undoubtedly the Genshin Realm.

He didn't rely on divinity and divinity, but on the power of faith!

What's more, he himself is a god who is revered, plus he now has so many new believers.

He felt that more power of faith was coming, and he would definitely not be afraid of one of the palms of this Osdohrich!

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