[Scourge Messenger (Weapon-type Life): Crafted from the eyes of the Prophet of the Calamity Church, it is equipped with equal scales and balance chains, and uses the horns of the Star Soul Ox as a carrier to descend into the present world in the form of a natural disaster.

It is both a sword and a scepter, and there is no conflict between the two ways of using it.

Armed with the Scourge Courier, this allows it to use the power of the Scourge at the cost of blood and soul power, and use the Calamity to entangle the enemy to the death, once the Calamity power is overused, its sword body will be covered with black and red lines, indicating the impending disaster. I

And because it's a biological weapon, it also belongs to the category of monsters, so it has absolute loyalty to the editor, and it's the best weapon. 】

[Talent: Natural Disaster Speech Spirit (Able to speak of the disaster through the way of the word, so as to manifest the natural disaster, but different natural disasters require different spiritual power and soul power, so use it with caution.)

And the more times you use it, the more you will be attracted by the power of calamity, and if you use it for a long time, you will accumulate a bad luck, and the degree of danger is unknown. )

Eye of Calamity (Uses the Scourge Courier's ability to sense the source of calamity, as well as to see other people's calamities to avoid them.) PS: Don't completely trust what you see, there's a good chance you're already in the middle of a disaster. )

Sword of the Stars (can be guided by the power of the stars, and draw the power of the stars into a sword weapon, which can be used to attack and defend)

Destiny Libra (can pay a certain price, pass on one's calamity to others, but the premise is that person must accept a treasure that he is satisfied with, then he will bear your calamity, suffer for you, and after bad luck, it will be good luck)]

[Evaluation: Three stars excellent!]

"Ding! The host can pick two abilities to solidify itself and gain one-tenth of the power of the Scourge Courier. "

"Ding, the host has successfully edited a monster such as biological weapons, expanded new branches, rewarded with one achievement point, and one bronze treasure chest. "

Lu Yu didn't care about one piece of information yet, but he didn't expect the second message from the system to come next, which made him a little confused.

Edit the creature weapon, and you can even get achievement points, and there is also a bronze treasure chest.

It's pie in the sky!

You must know that the silver box last time allowed him to obtain the five-star material [Seeds of the Twilight World].

Although this time it's only a bronze treasure chest, it's free anyway, and the difference between the chests is just the chance of opening a good thing.

And there is no limit to the star rating of the items that have been exposed, maybe you will be lucky and burst out of a seven-star material.

Although Lu Yu felt that he was thinking about fart, people must be able to dream after all, so they can be motivated.

It's a pity that the creature editor should only be able to get achievement points and treasure chest rewards for the first time, but this also gave Lu Yu a new inspiration, that is, to develop a new branch of monster editing.

This branch is not a difference in the type of monster, but similar to the biological weapon class, expanding the characteristics of monsters.

I don't know if tool monsters and transportation monsters can be made, but scientific element monsters may also be considered a special branch......

If all of these can get achievement points and treasure chests, as long as a material above six stars is opened inside, then Lu Yu feels that he may have to take off in an instant.

But it's useless to think about it now, and you can only wait until later to find a chance to try, as for the most important thing now is to choose skills first.

Scourge Courier's ability.

Originally, Lu Yu thought that only the [Natural Calamity Spirit] and the [Eye of Calamity] that could see the calamity could be selected before editing.

In fact, even if he only had these skills, he was not ready to choose [Cataclysmic Speech Spirit], and even if he did, he would not use it.

Because the reason why he edited the weapon type monster was to discard it when the power of the calamity reached a certain level, and wait until it returned to normal before taking it back to use.

If you choose this skill, won't you bring disaster to yourself?

But I didn't expect that there was one more skill, [Destiny Libra]!

This skill seems to be a bit of a problem on the surface, and it seems that it still needs to pay the price of a treasure to be able to transfer its own disaster to others, but think carefully about the loopholes in the skill description.

A treasure that satisfies the other party!

The concept of treasure is inherently different from person to person, and the value of treasure is different for each person.

For the rich, it is the treasure that prolongs the lifespan, for the poor, the food that can be eaten is a treasure, and for the ordinary people, a large amount of wealth is also a treasure......

And as long as the loophole of this rule is exploited, then Lu Yu can transfer his own disaster at the lowest cost.

Although it is not enough to persecute some ordinary people, but for some money-greedy robbers and thieves, Lu Yu will naturally send treasures to them.

And if this loophole is further exploited, when Lu Yu uses the [Natural Calamity Messenger] to cause bad luck, add it to the script and let those people take it.

Is it also a part of the treasure gift?

That is to say, in addition to the disasters brought by the natural calamity messengers, they also have to bear the disasters that Lu Yu himself has transitioned to.

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Ollie gives!

So Lu Yu quickly made a decision and said to the system:

"I choose the [Eye of Calamity] and the [Destiny Scale]!"

As the words fell, two rays of light loomed from the depths of chaos and entered Lu Yu's soul, synchronized with his real body.

A strange feeling welled up in my heart, as if I had a deeper understanding of the fate and disaster in the underworld.

A small golden celestial name appeared on one of the arms of the Thousand-Handed Demon God, and was held in his hand under the cover of the endless chaotic airflow.

Disaster and luck manifest themselves and slowly converge on them.

However, this can only be used as a reference, and if you fully believe this, the tragic case of the Calamity Prophet is still in front of you.

And Lu Yu tried to open the [Eye of Calamity], but there was still chaos in the chaotic space, and countless chaotic aircurrents emerged, as if everything was in a primitive, primordial state, and the world had not yet been born, so how could there be calamity.

"Looks like I'm going to have to go out and try this skill again......"

This thought flashed through Lu Yu's heart, and the system also divided the power of the Cataclysmic Messenger, and after pouring into his body, he was easily absorbed by the Thousand-Handed Demon God.

After all, the Scourge Messenger is just a Huiyue-level weapon, and it is powerful, and its own spiritual power is not as great as Lu Yu's.

However, after absorbing this reward, Lu Yu also set his sights on this newly arrived bronze treasure chest.

The bronze light flickered, as if it were divine and noble, slowly manifesting infinite mysteries.

Lu Yu tapped his fingers, suppressed the excitement in his heart and said:

"Let's turn it on!"

PS: The second more is to be fully determined!Collect!Subscription!Monthly passes!Flowers!Evaluate votes!

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