Stitch the gods!

The idea sounds scary, but it's hard to implement.

For without God is weak.

Even the unknowable mutilated bodies are able to give birth to consciousness and spread their power to a range of thousands of miles, not to mention the forbidden gods, not to mention that even time cannot bury them.

Mortals don't say to stitch up the bodies of gods, even inaccessible, invisible, and intangible.

God, don't look at it!

Moreover, Lu Yu himself has also come into contact with several gods, although he has only seen reflections or incarnations, but he also has some understanding of their understanding.

That is, if you want to carry the essence of a high personality, then you need to have great power.

If the Stitching Society wants to gain great power, it needs to constantly stitch powerful monsters in order to promote its own visualization [Stitching Thread].

However, this is indeed an endless loop, and the information of the higher personalities is not so easy to access, and if you are not careful, you will see the nature of the eroded soul.

Otherwise, with the root system of the [Stitching Society] in the Federation, although it is not possible to talk about hegemony, it is not difficult to obtain unknowable remnant body information.

There will even be quite a few forces, including the Federation itself, who will want to see the Stitching Society be able to stitch together the unknowable stumps and create some kind of special weapon.

But all this did not work out, and even without any information, even the Suture Club was in a continuous downward trend.

There must have been a multi-party game and attempt, which will lead to the final result.

The potential for stitching, after all, is too low.

Compared to Lu Yu's monster editing system, [Stitching Thread] is like a solidified lv.1 level skill in the novice village, even if it is desperately improved, it only increases proficiency.

However, the monster editor is innate lv.9999, and even has infinite possibilities for improvement.

However, being able to achieve the spirituality in the corpse with the body of a mortal is already a top-notch ability.

Even Lu Yu was a little curious about the ability of [Stitching Thread], after all, his [Thousand-Handed Demon God Visualization Map] was inclusive, and in his few attempts, he found that he could even visualize the rest of the visualization maps, so as to obtain its ability.

However, Lu Yu didn't say it, after all, the visualization map is the core of every school, if you ask for it directly, it is no less than directly saying that you want to kill your parents.

How to say that the [Stitching Society] still has the existence of the Eternal Sun level, and because of their special abilities, there may even be an Eternal Sun level stitching behemoth.

In other words, once a war with the Stitch Society starts, it is very likely to face the plural Eternal Sun, and the benefits of starting a war are not large, so it is better to slowly figure it out.

For example......

Extract some information from Adenella's mouth.

Just as Lu Yu was thinking, Adhanella found that Lu Yu's eyes had been staring at her, which made her feel cramped and uneasy in her heart, and even where to put her hands was a problem.

For the first time in her heart, there was a kind of regret in her heart, regretting why she didn't dress up cleanly, didn't wear the boy's favorite little white dress, and didn't ......

As these thoughts flickered, Adenella ripped open the thread in a panic and released it directly.


A deep voice sounded, and there was a touch of black in the eyes of the two heads of the monster that were stitched together, and there was also a more fierce feeling, staring at Lu Yu deadly, as if he was examining his qualifications.

"It's funny. "

Lu Yu chuckled, looked at each other, and the black vertical pupils of dragons appeared in his eyes, as if a demon dragon was looking down on them, and the terrifying dragon power spread out, making the air in the room a lot colder.

Adhanella felt this breath that shook her soul and couldn't help but say:

"Dragon ......"

And Shen Wuwu on the side was looking more and more curious, this feeling she had felt before, it was the demon dragon with eyes before.

The two-headed monster was subjected to terrifying pressure head-on, causing each piece of corpse it had pieced together to tremble.

But the two-headed monster felt the dragon's might, and slowly lowered its head to show its submission, and the two heads let out a whimper in unison.

"It's a cowardice. "

Lu Yu sighed in his heart, but he didn't take it to heart, but said to Adhanella:

"Your craft is good. "

A faint pink color appeared on Adenella's face, and Jean whispered:

“...... Thank you...... Compliments ......"

However, Lu Yu didn't care about Adhanella's changes, but looked at this stitching monster with a low IQ with his eyes, thinking about how to dismember it in order to extract the perfect material.

After all, this was the reason why he chose to stitch up the behemoth.

A monster close to the morning star level is enough for ordinary people to be the treasure of the town clan, but here in Lu Yu, it is not as good as a shadow servant.

He is more concerned about how to retain the power of the soul that drives the spirit contained in it, and open it with stitching materials.

"How do I start......

Lu Yu couldn't help but hesitate a little, could it be the whole extraction?

And Adenella looked at Lu Yu looking at the newly created stitching giant beast, and couldn't help but rejoice in her heart:

"Is this liking the artwork I made for him?"

It's just this scene that made Shen Wuwu on the side couldn't help but whisper:

"The man who has sinned so much has harmed an ignorant girl. "

Only women know women best, and Shen Wuwu understands that Adenella, who has just died like a corpse, would show such a girlish expression, how exaggerated this is.

This man's charm is too exaggerated, and he directly captured Adenella.

Before, Shen Wuwu was not interested in suturing and knew little, so he didn't think about it when he saw Adernella for the first time.

But just now, Adenella's miraculous performance reminded Shen Wuwu.

The pale-skinned woman in front of her was the first day of the Suture Society for a hundred years.

[Corpse Line]!

Although she is not very old, she has already mastered most of the stitching line visualizations, and she has been superbly skilled in stitching ability, ranking in the top three in the entire suture club.

That's why she was able to stitch together a monster close to Morning Star so easily and quickly.

If you can find high-quality materials, you can make a morning star stitching monster with hard work.

However, her limit should be to stitch the mid-level stitching monster of the Morning Star, and her strength cannot be improved, so it can be said that it is basically fixed, and it can only be used as a consumable.

However, with the existence of [Corpse Line], there is no need to worry about no successor when the stitching will arrive.

A few people chatted for a while, and Lu Yu also left under Adhanella's reluctant gaze.

And Shen Wuwu seemed to have something to leave for a while, and Lu Yu didn't care what she was going to do, after all, this woman wouldn't say anything.

So he went back to the manor alone with the stitching behemoth, but while he was still on the way, he received a message that made him frown.

Little spider, something happened!

PS: The third is more to seek a complete set!Ask for collections!Ask for subscriptions!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!

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