
If countless slimy tentacles form a flower bone, it breaks through the ground and decides to bloom, so stunned, as if some software stunned to make a flowering effect.


Yes,It's such a sound.,There's a certain sound of water in it.,I don't know what the principle is.,If it's made of water.,Then Lu Yu can only say.,The book I've seen doesn't deceive me.。

It was such a flower composed of tentacles, Lu Yu thought it would be some weird and peculiar flower, but unfortunately, Lu Yu guessed wrong again, it constituted a golden flower.

Everyone has seen Jin Ying, Jin Ying's petals are very special, spread out, like tentacles, but its special shape and appearance do not make people feel disgusting, and they will feel physically and mentally happy.

In particular, Jinying tea, which is brewed in hot water, also has many benefits for people.

Then look at this "Jin Ying", Lu Yu is sure that it is the most disgusting one he has seen so far, the tentacles are tentacles, the old god tradition, and he has nothing to say.

But what is that thing that is as sharp as a giant shark's steel teeth?

Lu Yu looked at this strange building in bewilderment.

No matter what it was, at this moment, Lu Yu felt that his face was full of the word "confused", if he could, he would definitely choose not to look at this "good thing" that refreshed the three views.


This was a familiar cry, at least Lu Yu felt very familiar, it was the terrible cry of the monster that had just been killed by himself.

But this time, it seemed that it was this juicy Jin Ying who made a sound, and at the same time as it let out a terrible scream, it suddenly jumped upward, as if it was about to wrap Lu Yu in it.

At the same time, the petals full of steel teeth also closed up, and the speed was really not slow compared to the crocodile, but it was a pity that it was much slower than Lu Yu, otherwise, it would be possible to bite Lu Yu's clothes this time.

This bite force can also bite a piece of clothing, and I am afraid that it will be proud.

Lu Yu sighed: "Okay, I probably know what this thing is, it's actually a man-eating flower-type monster." "

"Is it the cannibal flower that cheated on me, or is it the rekindling of Jin Ying's love? What is it that makes such a thing appear between two plants? If you approach science, you will never understand this kind of thing. "

"Because it's really not scientific at all. "

However, Lu Yu's complaint is completely incomprehensible to this monster, unlike the previous monsters, its IQ is very low, it can't understand anything, and it ...... Very reckless.

Lu Yu couldn't figure out how such a reckless thing could survive in such a cruel living environment.

But then, Lu Yu understood that its speed and strength were getting faster and stronger over time, and if it was given a minute, I was afraid that it would be able to increase its strength and speed to a level comparable to Lu Yu.

And the source of all this will come from its roots.

As a plant, all of the monster's power comes from its rhizomes, which bring nutrients to it, and the nutrients supply it to gain greater strength until the nutrients are depleted.

The most important thing is that its action is basically on the rhizome, why would a man-eating flower run around the world?

It's because it has a flexible "neck", have you ever seen a giraffe? It's much more flexible than that, it's just a "thread" with a neck.

"So, just cut it off, and everything won't be a problem, right?"

Talking to myself, although I don't know why, I always feel that something is wrong, I just don't know what's going on.

But now is not the time to think about this, if you continue to improve the strength of this thing, I'm afraid it will take more effort, Lu Yu is not interested in the material on this monster, and he doesn't think that it can drop the last organ material he wants.

I came all the way out not just to get some material editing monsters, but for my own little Zhou Tian's consummation, which is the right thing.

If a monster thinks that he is more important than Little Zhoutian, then he has to tell him how important it is to tell him how important it is to correct the answer.

Lu Yu's figure was already so fast at this moment that he couldn't capture it with his senses, and it was at this moment that the blade formed by the wind slashed on the stem, and for a while, a burst of dark green juice gushed out.

That's poisonous water, and it's also the nutrient solution of the man-eating flower monster, and for humans, this kind of thing has a strong corrosive nature, as well as a powerful destructive power, and it's basically a dead word when contaminated.

Lu Yu didn't have much interest in "death", so he avoided its gushing and looked at the flowers, only to find that it had grown a full four legs.

ps: Ask for collections!Ask for subscriptions!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!

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