Lu Yu shot out a divine light like a round of divine sun!

"Woo Woo Woo ......"

Countless rays of light shot out in all directions.

Everywhere Lu Yu passed, such green-skinned imps turned into ashes one after another!

They can't even leave shards!

"Hmph, I'm really arrogant and conceited, I've seen a lot of humans like you, in that case, I'm going to help you make a puppet!"

The big face in the field sneered.

In the blink of an eye, his face turned into a rectangle and began to elongate infinitely.

"Bone Grave!"

A hoarse, sharp, and extremely loud voice sounded on Lu Yu's side.

The space began to shake.


From the black earth and flames, countless chaotic qi turned into crystalline white bones.

Lu Yu looked at the changes in this space.

I found myself standing on top of the skeleton of a huge white bone, which seemed to be surrounded by white bones.

The white bones are stacked on top of each other, like a pyramid towering in this regional space!


With the first scream, the white bone villains rushed out of the surrounding pile of bones.

More are making up their own bones.

There are flying monsters, running monsters, and huge blue whale bones in the sky.

They flowed, crawled, turned their white skulls, and began to frantically slaughter at the landing feathers!

In the territorial space of the White Bone Evil God.

It can be interpreted as hell.

Hell Bones!

In the blink of an eye, Lu Yu will be discharged for a while!

"Hitomi Hell Dragon King Hitomi

Dragon's Body

Fear Domain

Spider dragon spinning silk

Hell Dragon King Foil

Destroying the Light


The firepower around Lu Yu spread out layers of light and shadow.

The skills of countless people accompanied the chanting in Lu Yu's mouth, and a burst of light began to spread from this hell to the surroundings.

Countless white bones turned into ashes!

"Bone Grave!"

Another high-pitched, frantic voice rang out.

Lu Yu looked left and right, and the group of guys he found had actually come back again.

And he burned through divinity.

But in this space, it seems to be eternal!

"Hitomi Hell Dragon King Hitomi

Dragon's Body

Fear Domain

Spider dragon spinning silk

Hell Dragon King Foil

Destroying the Light


Lu Yu's fingers were raised, and he was blessed with skill brilliance.

Carefully observing the white bones rushing around him, his spirit vibrated violently in all directions.

Under Lu Yu's light, the white bones still turned into layers of black fly ash.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into this hellish space.

The old trick is repeated!

Crawl out of this boundless hell space again.

The layers of white bones never seemed to have been wiped out, and there was never any reduction in number.

only knew the infinite killing, and besieged Lu Yu again.

If ordinary people saw all this, then they would be absolutely hopeless, but Lu Yu was different.

"Hey...... If you're not stupid, you know what I'm going to do!"

The voice of the evil god sounded like thunder in this huge space!

So repeatedly, Lu Yu will definitely die, even if an evil god comes, I am afraid that there will be something left, not to mention that Lu Yu is just a new true god.

"Oh, I really don't know. "

Lu Yu sneered.

I don't know if it's okay, I raised my fingers and slapped it down to the ground!

Flame, Psychic Power, Deterrence and Conquest, Death Light......

These kinds of power are used as a circle of different light rhymes, between which the light pierces the edges.

Wipe out these bones over and over again!

"You damn thing!"

The evil god looked at Lu Yu and this guy was not tired!

He jumped to his feet in anger and said, "You have become a true god, haven't you yet opened your brain? I am grinding your spirit layer by layer with demonic nature, and when the time comes, you will inevitably die in my space, do you know?"

"Don't know?"

Lu Yu also had that arrogant look on his face.

Between his fingers, he slammed down on the white bones around him!

"Hmph, I'll see how long you can hold out......"

Before the evil god's words were finished, the Chaos Revolver suddenly appeared above Lu Yu's palm.

The white light on the gun body is very lined with this.

In the middle of the turn, the red gems on the Chaos Wheel Gun frantically sucked the ashes burned by the hell flames in all directions!

"I see, my Chaos Wheel Gun can absorb Chaos Qi, but I can't absorb any of your Hell Bones, but now it seems that after your bones are burned, they are Chaos Qi, which is nothing more than a transformation of matter. "

After Lu Yu finished, he activated the Chaos Runner in his hand and raised his arm slightly.

The muzzle of the long Chaos Wheel spun with a crimson glow, accompanied by a gunshot!


A blazing sun blasted towards the giant face in the sky!

"Damn it!"

The evil god looked at Lu Yu and scolded angrily.

When he grew up, he swallowed the power of light in one gulp, and the divine brilliance lit up in his mouth for a moment, and then it was extinguished!

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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