Alos looked at Lu Yu carefully.

When Lu Yu shook his "rabbit ears" to pretend to be cute, he could see that the sharp fangs had already opened!

Smiling happily, the cooking water has been boiled!

Lu Yu looked at Alos in awe, and nodded slowly at this moment.

What he wants is this little spider to be in awe, if this guy is not afraid, I'm afraid he will have to tease ghosts behind him.

"Am I really an evil god? Only an evil god can understand the thoughts of the evil god, using their own interests, the east wind fights the west wind, the maximization of interests has not been fully implemented, and the more they get is really yearning for the heart, and greed is the prelude to their death. "

Back mountain peaks.

When the three of them saw Lu Yu walking into the cave, they greeted Lu Yu one after another.

"Those people are arranged?"

Lu Yu looked at Si Yan's face that seemed to be waiting for his compliment, walked over and patted Si Yan on the shoulder.


Si Yan's face turned red, and he nodded quickly at this moment.

"On the way, we have already checked the map, the monsters have many wave attacks, they move regularly, after the end, the other team of attackers will be rerouted in the previous batch of lessons, we took that group of people between this intersection to arrange living facilities, so that there is something to eat in that abandoned base. "

Lu Yu nodded slightly, it seems that the Si Yan family has really done a good job in this matter.

"Can any of them be the Morning Star? Even if it's a little lower, it's better to let them protect themselves, be able to even teach others. "


Si Yan nodded, with indescribable joy on her face.

"They believe in you, and when they believe, as long as they have the same thoughts, they will give back a part of the divinity in their being, you know. "

The value of divinity means that as long as this group of people has special abilities, there may be outstanding people who will stand out.

They all have the potential to become Radiant Moon, but if you teach them yourself, they will have the potential to become Eternal Sun Rank, after all, they started too late......"

Lu Yu listened to Si Yan's report and looked at the big map around him!

"Lu Yu, those guys are chasing again, as if they are looking for our traces, do you want to fight back?"

Tan Si hurriedly walked in through the door, followed by Tans

"What do you say?"

Lu Yu took a fancy to the demon wine, these two people had just come in after going out, and they knew about the situation outside.

Although he could turn around and leave at the moment, he wanted to meet the evil god for a while.

There is no way to go directly through the passage of the evil god and meet another evil god through their evil god space.

It's always a hassle!

And he didn't know if that Alos would betray himself to win forgiveness from the evil gods.

With a gasp, he walked on the table and pulled out a map made of brown paper.

"This time the War Department seems to be in earnest, I think there are indeed a lot of troops with divinity, and there are at least eight gods, but they are not real gods, they have divinity, as for the location, I don't have a chance to go in and explore, because it is easy to be discovered by divinity!"

"Hmm. "

Lu Yu nodded, it was right for him to leave immediately in the scene just now.

It's not just that group of guys who have the brilliance of divinity, but at the same time, there is definitely the existence of old monsters behind them.

If you are besieged by that group of people!

I'm afraid they are all in danger.

No wonder the evil gods have never conquered this world, it turns out that there are many true gods in the world.

"The realm of a few of you is still not enough, I feel that I want to turn a few of you into true gods, I don't know if a few of you are willing?"

He looked at the three of them and said.

It's not that Lu Yu's combat effectiveness is relatively poor, but that his efficiency after becoming a god is relatively high!

Once this batch of evil gods is defeated, the number of evil gods in the army will probably be even greater!

Because they are facing the challenges of this planet, there will be a higher level of evil gods coming.

Since the evil god is not coming, he will also go out!

If left unattended, humanity will eventually perish, and there are drawbacks to it regardless of it.

"God...... God, Lu Yu, you are not wrong, or you are not wrong, you really want us to become gods?"

Tan Si stammered, he had never imagined it!

Ever since Lu Yu promoted him to the Eternal Sun level, he had already felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life!

But Lu Yu once again said a shocking news, that is, to turn it into a god!


Demon Wine couldn't help coughing urgently, and looked at Lu Yu with a strange expression.

I can't help but feel in my heart, I really can't understand Lu Yu!

At the same time, he was also glad that he should have made the right choice and believed in Lu Yu as the true god, which led Lu Yu to want to raise all three of them to the true god.

Otherwise, Lu Yu would only promote Si Yan as a god.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world!

But we don't know how to be a true Godhead, a godhead, a divine thing that should be guarded very closely. "

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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