The man's offensive is too fast, too strange!

"It's over......"

Tan Si's heart was completely cold......

If all this sword is pierced on his body, I'm afraid he will die today without a place to bury!

I didn't expect this piece to be so sharp, it couldn't even reach the realm of his Eternal Sun level, and it directly pierced him!

"What are you doing?"

Lu Yu's voice sounded, and Tan Si patted Tan Si on the shoulder and carried it aside, pointing his finger towards the edge of the sword!

"The Body of the Dragon. "


A loud explosion rang out in the warehouse.

"You guys go with the divine liquid first, I'm going to have a few hands with this guy!"


Si Yanshan didn't have the slightest hesitation, they had already reached the peak of the Eternal Sun, and the speed was fast enough!

She reached out and jerked towards the surrounding shelves of divine liquid, stuffed her backpack to the brim, and hurriedly rushed out the door!

Lu Yu struck a divine brilliance and pushed it towards the backs of these people!


A wall of earth grew violently under the ground, turning into a hundred-foot high wall!

"Good ability, Ergintius admires you. "

Wearing a knight's uniform and holding a long sword in his hand, Ergintius is in the realm of true gods.

He gave a swordsman salute to Lu Yu, and an elegant smile appeared in his eyes.

"Neither an evil god nor a believer in a god, but he has such a strong divinity in his body, it is interesting, open it and study it. "

He looked at Lu Yu with a pair of eyes, indescribably curious.

didn't run away from those people, there was a slight glance away!

Lu Yu shook his head, stepped on the door of the warehouse with slamming steps, and walked towards the north.

"Sir, stop playing with your cleverness, and if you really want to fight me, come with me. "

Lu Yu said indifferently, there was no need to put himself in danger.

However, he was very curious about this method.

Maybe it's found a way to deal with that abnormal change of evil god!

The swordsmanship of this Ergintius seems to have turned into phantoms.

But when someone really attacks, it is directly stabbing the person's body!

Ergintius's eyes rolled slightly, and the corners skimmed a smile that was not polite.

"This gentleman, come to grab this thing, nothing more than divinity, if you join us......"

"Not available. "

Lu Yu waved his hand and refused.

He's not the kind of person who joins others at will and is controlled by others.


Ergintius's face shook fiercely, he was not used to being rejected by others.

"Maybe you can listen to my advice......"

"Don't listen. "

Lu Yu saw that there was no aura of a strong man left and right, and there was chaos in the forests on several sides.

Just now, Benjin Hezer was injured, and the demon beasts around him slowly retreated!

"What god do you believe in?"

"Me?" Ergintius was slightly stunned, and at this moment a funny smile came out of the corner of his mouth.

"I believe in the god of joy, but this god is more mischievous and likes to play tricks on people, and he has another title, called the god of torment.

He looked at Lu Yu and smiled politely, raised his long sword, and stabbed twice in the air.

Lu Yu felt the attack around him, and with a wave of his hand, the radiance of divinity blocked behind his head.

"Dingding. "

There were two crisp sounds, and I saw the sound of the sword blade sounding behind Lu Yu's head.

"That's right, you should have other rumors, come out, you are not a believer in the god of time and space, it is impossible for your sword to pass through and reach another time and space to attack me. "

Lu Yu looked at this Ergintius and felt that Ergintius was becoming more and more magical.

Ergintius shook his head, and then his eyes suddenly shook.

Arms grew out from under his delicate body!

A sword was taken out between each of the arms, and when I counted them, there were eighteen arms.

"How could you let you see my hole cards? But you guy is really interesting, I used assassination techniques, and I didn't kill you, according to reason, you should be dead now, it's really not good!"

The corners of his mouth suddenly split, and his red mouth turned green, like a clown!

Lu Yu shook his head at this moment, his fists clenched and gurgling.

"If I don't beat you to tears today, then I'll come in vain, Your Excellency the God of Torture, what you believe in is probably an evil god before, right?"

He sneered, becoming more and more interested in the clown.

Ergintius nodded slowly, and suddenly his eyes looked at the sky!

"Look, Meteor!"

As soon as the words fell, the stars sparkled in the sky!

"Woo Woo ......"

A large amount of light smashed towards the landing feather, like a meteor!

"Hitomi Hell Dragon King Hitomi

Dragon's Body

Fear Domain

Spider dragon spinning silk

Hell Dragon King Foil

Destroying the Light


Lu Yu doesn't plan to let this guy be naughty anymore, he wants to ask everything!


The meteor smashed into Lu Yu's body to no avail, and slammed into flames, just like a trick!

"Surrender, imp!"

Lu Yu's house-sized godhead lit up suddenly!

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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