
Ergintius rose from farther afield.

The attack again turned into a series of sword lights, and then killed Lu Yu.

Seems to be more confident in his invincibility.

At this moment, he leaned back with a smile.

"Interesting, it's so interesting, I didn't expect it, your methods are a little unbelievable, but now, the game between you and me, I announce the official restraint, you can't catch me, boy!"

His blue tongue was stained with bright red blood, and it was easy to touch the tip of his nose!

A red, round nose slowly swelled from the tip of his sharp nose.

He's like a real clown!

A sword was suddenly drawn from the other hand.

The two swords, waving at each other, took out a third.

Throw a long sword in his hand in a triangle-like rotation, like a clown playing a trick!

Lu Yu was not in a hurry to make a move, and a smile flowed from his eyes.

This smile is appreciation, he has washed this guy with the river of time.

However, his body doesn't seem to be in this space.

The brilliance of divinity is real, and there can be no fake!

"You're strong, but something will let you down next. "

"Oh, yes? Let me down, I'll admit it. "

"You have the ability to temporarily mobilize the long river of time, if I attack you, I will inevitably fall into the long river of time, it is not worth a tie between you and me, as long as I contain you, the person who will come to increase the number of troops will arrive. "

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth curled up with an elegant, bloodstained smile.

Suddenly he disappeared again, and no one knew where he had gone.

But he's really in the world.

He can transform into the flowers and trees, birds, beasts, fish and insects, earth, fire, and water of this world!

"Not bad. "

Lu Yu had to admire, because this made him a little guilty!

"It seems that the only way to kill you and get your kind of thing is to get your way, then I'm afraid I'll have to thank you, Alos. "

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth moved slightly.

In the midst of the darkness, Aros opened his eyes.

Looking at the layers of cobwebs, he sighed bitterly.

"This kid called me again, I don't know why when I fight, I always want to use me as a shield, the benefits of trading with him are really troublesome, a little tired, I will be thrown out by him as a scapegoat, my life is really bitter. "

With the sharp spider legs, he retracted into his round belly, and one hundred and eight eyes burst into golden light.

It pierced the void straight through.

Fall in Lu Yu's spiritual world.

"Why are you calling me? Although this kid is nowhere to be found, with your long time fighting against him, once he remains unstable in this realm, he will inevitably lose to you!"

"Do I still need you to say?"

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth hooked up slightly, he stretched out his palm, slapped it towards the front, and said, "As long as this guy flows in the space, I can see a wisp of breath in my space, you can use your ability to make this space boil, he will definitely reveal a bigger flaw, and when the time comes, catch him with your one hundred and eight eyes." "

When Lu Yu spoke, his eyes were still looking around.

found that there was no life around him, and sure enough, this guy should be looking at the evil god ability beside him.

Alos's head shook like a wave drum.

One hundred and eight eyes blinked, looking around.

"Don't be kidding, my one hundred and eight eyes are all used to see the way, like when someone will sneak attack, as for the attack ability, it only has the power of divine brilliance, and there is no other use!"

He excused himself at Lu Yu.

Even if he guards against Lu Yu and this terrifying guy, if he is an upright evil god assassinated here, then wouldn't he lose the face of the evil god.


Lu Yu's eyes were cold, he slowly shook his head, and contained that indifferent smile on his face, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"Are you stupid to me, or do you think you're superior to me?"

"When your one hundred and eight eyes look at me, I'm afraid you're looking at me, and you can't kill me in the first time. "

"I make it clear to you, if I can't solve this kid today, then I'll find a time to kill you. "

"I ......"

Alos was speechless for a while, Lu Yu, this bastard is simply a madman!

"Don't think I'm really good, it's just that it's only effective for a short period of time. "

He whispered to Lu Yu, just begging him to stop digging into the bottom of the matter.

"Hurry up, you think that hiding in the evil god space, I will have no way, but you forget, I have another slave of the evil god!"

Lu Yu spoke again, and a half-room-sized godhead lit up around him, floating in the sky, emitting a purple divine light.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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