The corners of Lu Yu's mouth hooked up with a smile.

His fists clenched together, his heart beat violently, and the godhead that was directly half the size of a house suddenly bloomed with dazzling light.

In an instant, it was the thousand-armed demon god who repaired Lu Yu.


The Thousand-Handed Demon God roared angrily, and his broken arm actually pounced on Yun Nish together.

"Damn, this, this, how can this ......"

Yun Nikosh stammered as he watched the Thousand-Armed Demon God on the verge of defeat.

But it has to be stitched together, and this looks like an undefeated god of war.


He is at least an old and strong man, and he has some rejection of some unknowable things and his own unique opinions.

At this moment, he must not be wrong.

"Thunder and Lightning Domain!"

The surrounding thunder and electricity turned into a large cloud of blood!

In an instant, Lu Yu and the two of them were locked in this cage of thunder and lightning.

Lu Yu nodded, it was really crazy!

I felt that it would be nice to attack like this.

But it seemed to be a little closer in front of them.

"Just show me what else you're capable of. "

Lu Yu took out the white claw of time and space, and the divinity was transmitted, and the white electric light around him shook violently, and he couldn't get close to Lu Yu's body after all.


The fists were clenched tightly, and the thousand-handed demon god, and the thousands of arms behind him also clenched their fists one after another.


A huge explosion accompanied Yun Nixh's body, cracking countless traces.

"Ahh "

He looked at Lu Yu and roared angrily.

Lu Yu, this guy is really terrifying, he just used the color that can be transformed, and first consumed his divinity!

At the same time, during the battle, another claw of time and space was taken out!

It's just using him to train his hands, as if he was going to deal with someone, the same person as him.

Yes, it's his big brother!

It's his big brother who is incomparably evil and kills excessively!

He devoured countless cities in the Western world and stood in front of everyone's eyes in the form of a giant!

He's just a helper behind the scenes, a little pusher.

Come to think of it!

Hurry up and be fled, if you are with that big brother, then there is no problem in dealing with Lu Yu!

If this guy dares to pick the supreme majesty, then he will die without a place to be buried.


The corners of Lu Yu's mouth hooked a smile, and I saw his palm slowly released, and the white bone claws were shining brightly.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang ......"

A huge sound of water suddenly lit up from this world of true gods.

, the long river of time washed in front of Yunniksh.

"Not good!"

A cold sweat appeared on Yunknick's forehead.

He is not bound and forcibly bound by anyone, but, if time passes, it seems to be a disaster for him.

After all, the long river of time is not bound by others, and the degree of freedom is definitely higher than him, not to mention having great power.

"It's not good, it's good. "

Lu Yu shrugged his shoulders, only to see his footsteps in the air, as if walking on the ground.


It was another huge river of time, and the waves were flowing down from above.

Countless rays of light washed down in a daze, if the glass fragments were a long river of time.

Yun Nick has been violently washed by the river of time!

The power of the blood cloud between the surrounding bodies suddenly turned into countless pieces of cloud qi, which collapsed in different directions.

"I still want to run, it's too late. "

There was a sneer in Lu Yu's eyes.

His fingers were in vain, and the divine brilliance around him suddenly brightened.


The puppet dragon circled its young body, and spat out colorful rays of light into the sky.

"Woo Woo ......"


Lu Yu's system world is like a rainbow full of rainbows.

This space has formed a fantastic world!

However, the killing machine under the dream is chilling!

"Damn, if you dare to kill me, my eldest brother will definitely not let you go, you lowly human being. "

A roar came from the sky!

A black shadow originally wanted to rush out, but it rushed back quickly!

If he wants to be attacked by this rainbow, what awaits him can only be more and smaller countless scattered forces!

Lu Yu glanced in all directions, and saw no other black shadows, and the Holy Light Sanction was sent out.


A huge explosion rang out.

Countless purple thunderbolts were lifted, and black shadows gradually cracked.

Expand under the sound of "click"!

"I, I'm not going to ......"

"Boom" with an explosion.

A tiny, tiny black dot is like a grain of sand in the wind.

Weakly floated towards Lu Yu, rolling between the chaotic qi and undetectable.

"Get out!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lu Yu's mouth, wanting to let his guard down in a serial way, fooled?

His whole body shook violently, and a divine light suppressed it.


The divine brilliance that swirled in the muzzle of the Chaos Wheel Gun surfaced in the middle of the circulation.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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