And this evil god king is obviously partial to Yun Nierde, so several evil god kings are not satisfied with Yun Nierde. "

Alos had a wicked smile on his face.

Lu Yu nodded, he knew what Alos wanted to do, and he just wanted to take advantage of the contradiction between these guys.

"In that case, things are much easier. "

"What? You say it's much easier?"

Alos' eyes widened at once.

He was originally worried about this matter, but Lu Yu, this guy, became confident, and his leisurely face seemed to have a way.

"Forget it, I still don't tell you. "

Lu Yu waved his hand, stood up, and walked towards the outside of the cave.

"Don't, I shouldn't have pretended just now, can't I pretend if I don't pretend?"

Alos hurriedly turned into a blue light and stopped directly at the entrance of the cave.

"What are the conditions, just mention it, I have already told my brother about the benefits, there is no need to eat alone, even if I take a little less. "

He looked at Lu Yu and said urgently.

Lu Yu looked out of the cave entrance, his eyes still not retracting to look at Alos.

"I'm going to be ninety percent. "


Alos coughed hurriedly, wiped his eyes one hundred and eight, and they were about to fall out.

"You mean you want ninety percent, and I only need one. "

"Yes, you still have to look at my face. "


Alos jumped to his feet, and the mountain he hit was about to collapse.

"I only have one percent, and I have to look at your face, you obviously don't want to cooperate with me. "

Lu Yu's face was still indifferent, and he turned his head and patted Alos's head.

"Yes, you still have to look at my face, do you want to turn your face with me?"

A Chaos Revolving Gun appeared in Lu Yu's hand and landed on Alos's head.


Alos chuckled twice in amusement, slowly pushed Lu Yu's Chaos Wheel Gun away, and stepped back.

"Everyone is a companion, I listened to your nonsense, and now I believe in what a great benefit, don't play tricks on me. "

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth were slightly upturned, revealing white teeth, and a smile like a spring breeze, harmless to humans and animals.

"Your gaze is too much, let you get a lot of 10%, don't give you a penny, you have to thank me. "


Alos was furious, and even said that giving him ten percent was a lot!

It is conceivable how greedy Lu Yu is, and what kind of peak realm he has reached.

"Don't be angry. "

Lu Yu waved his hand, and before Alos could speak, he interrupted the possibility of him talking.

"If I make you the king of the evil gods, what do you think of this batch of treasures for me? And if you stick to this batch of treasures, the evil gods have nothing to do with it, think about it. "

"The Evil God King?"

A smile suddenly appeared on Alos's face, and his sharp teeth closed his mouth, and there was a trace of bright red saliva on the corner of his scarlet mouth.

"The Evil God King, if possible, is what I want, the lack of resources is a bit excessive, and it is definitely not easy to become the Evil God King, how can you guarantee it?"

He looked at Lu Yu and smiled.

Lu Yu held the time and space claw in his hand, and the divine brilliance in the middle slowly floated.

"Until now, I haven't gotten rid of you, and I'm feeling comfortable with some things I tell you to do. "

"You are useful to me, I want to support you as the king of evil gods, and at the same time, I want to take all the evil gods in the east, west, north and south as your master, and the dead creatures will be sacrificed to you, can it be done?"

"It will be done. "

Alos jumped up violently, he didn't expect Lu Yu to be willing to give him so many benefits.


He also knew that such a shrewd guy as Lu Yu would definitely not come out of nowhere.

And he must make a profit from it, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for such a person to give himself any room for interests.

"I've agreed to these things, but I'll have to make a blood pact with me. "

Lu Yu didn't have any meaning, and directly made a blood alliance with Alos.

Until Alos becomes the Evil God King, he will never kill Alos.

Alos also quarreled with Lu Yu about this matter.

However, Lu Yu just said a word to him, which must have made Alos give up the quarrel.

That sentence is, "If you become the Evil God King, you will definitely want to kill me, and then you regret it, then what should I do, I will definitely use the blood alliance to contain you, I gave way, if you succeed at that time, you must have dissolved the blood alliance." "

Lu Yu walked out of the stone cave and said, "No matter how you want to target me, it's up to you to do it yourself, cooperation is supreme, and it's up to you and me to do it!"


in the human camp.

The dark night makes it impossible to sleep safely.

There are too many things for demon beasts to attack at night.

Taking advantage of the fact that human eyes are not very convenient to see at night, they take advantage of various attacks underground, on the ground!

"Tell me about it, what's going on ahead now?"

Tu Delin sat on the stage, his eyes closed.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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