Lu Yu looked at this blue-black stone, which turned out to be like an S-shaped wired curve opening to both sides.

A white light shone on the sand, preventing the sand from falling from the bunker.

The head of one with three eyes sticks out, and a flower grows on its head, and there are green leaves on it near the eyes.

"It's strange, I just heard a few people talking, and it seems that there is a divine light wandering around, I don't know if it is or not, and now when I come out, it is gone?"

A frown furrowed, a pair of blue eyes looking around.

But the sand was still sand, and no matter how his eyes looked at it, nothing changed.

"Dougal is coming over quickly, and is about to leave, and didn't Eganipur tell us? If there is any change here, clean up the treasures here at once, and leave not a single one, and take them all back, Lord Urganibul has specially instructed us, if there is a slight mistake, then we are all dead and have no place to be buried, and the last one, come up quickly." "

"Okay, okay, I see, Barbaros, just your nonsense, go right away. "

Dougal shook his head impatiently at the flower and retracted his head.

"Click. "

There was another blue-black stone clash, and the normally closed space of the secret room was closed.

"Oh, what a pity! The last one, oh my God, there must be somewhere else. "

Alos regretted for a while, he didn't expect them to come to this place, and someone actually took a screenshot to log in first.

This made him a little regretful, if he had just killed it, then it would be possible to take it all by then!

"It's a pity, but I want to know who the adults they are talking about?"

Lu Yu turned his head to Alos and looked at Alos with a smile, when he was talking about Eganipur just now.

Alos's body trembled visibly, and he couldn't feel wrong.

The three of them looked at Alos one after another.

Now this Alos is full of pretending not to know, as if he is very pitiful and innocent, but everyone knows that this guy is an evil god!

They are full of violence, killing, deceit, disorder, arrogance......

If it weren't for this evil god with Lu Yu, I'm afraid I would have to kill them now!

"What are you looking at me for?"

Alos took a few steps back, and the men were furious.

Lu Yu and Si Yan are two gods, looking at Demon Wine and Tan Si, there are also two flames in their eyes, as if these two guys will not take long to become true

This unrealistic thought flashed through his mind.

"Who?, Mr. Allos, it is good for everyone to say this, there is no need to hide it. "

Si Yan looked at Alos and said softly, with a smile on her face, sometimes this kind of deadlock question is asked by a woman, I am afraid it will be more tactful.


Alos coughed lightly and shook his head slowly.

"I think the arranger of this matter is extremely strong, I think forget it, the treasures of this batch of old rulers ......"

"Coward. A trace of disdain came from Lu Yu's mouth.

"If you want to hide their identity, then I'll rush up and tell them that now you've made an alliance with me. "


Alos' eyes widened, and his sharp teeth chattered between them.

I didn't expect Lu Yu that you would be so bare-hearted, and you actually wanted to sell him, which was like roasting him on the fire!

"Well, Alos, you also know that we are all in a cooperative relationship, and the responsibility for this afterwards will not be piled on you. "

Si Yan looked at Alos and chuckled.

Lu Yu did hold this Alos's death hole, Alos is an evil god clan, if the blood alliance between him and Lu Yu is exposed, this Alos will not be able to run away.

"Alas. "

Alos sighed, being targeted by these guys, it was considered that he had poured blood mold for eight lifetimes.

"Well, it doesn't matter if I tell you, but you have to be careful......

"Come on, stop being verbose. Lu Yu urged, now he wants to know who that guy is, and even let Alos start to launch a tirade now.

He clearly remembered that Aros was not so afraid of Yunilde.

It can be seen that the origin of that guy is extraordinary, and it should be on Alos.

"Actually, this guy is the son of the Evil God King, although there are many sons of the Evil God King, but he has carefully cultivated each of his sons, and they are likely to have the power of the Evil God King of half a step!"

He told a shocking secret, that if the son of an evil god king could go to earth, then they would use a lot of sacrifices.

I'm afraid that the people or monsters who died in this war have already dedicated all their blood to the evil god king, so the son of the evil god king who was just replaced came.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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